26 research outputs found
Smjer razvoja vinogradarsko-vinarske proizvodnje na području Primorske Hrvatske je proizvodnja visokokvalitetnih eko vina. U ovim nastojanjima vrlo važnu ulogu ima primjena mineralnih gnojiva. Racionalnom primjenom mineralnih gnojiva približavamo se programu zdrave prehrane. Stoga smo postavili gnojidbene pokuse na introduciranim sortama Emerald rizling i Rkaciteli s ciljem racionalne primjene mineralnih gnojiva bez ekološki negativnih posljedica.
Primjena različitih doza mineralnih gnojiva nije utjecala na prirod i
kvalitetu grožđa. Na temelju istraživanja može se zaključiti da za postizanje visokih priroda grožđa ili kvalitete grožđa nije potrebno upotrebljavati veće doze mineralnih gnojiva.The development of vine growing and wine production in the area of
Coastal Croatia is directed to the production of high quality ecologic wines. In these efforts the use of mineral fertilizers is very important. By rational use of mineral fertilizers we come closer to the programme of health food. Therefore we made fertilization experiments on the introduced cultivars of Emerald rizling and Rkaciteli with the aim of rational use of mineral fertilizers without
negative ecologic consequences. The usage of various quantities of mineral fertilizers, even very big quantities had no influence on the growth and quality of grapes, so it can be concluded that it is not necessary to use big quantities of mineral fertilizers to achieve high yield or high quality of grapes, so fertilization with mineral fertilizers should be reduced to the smallest possible quantity
IJzgoj plavca malog u europskim vinogradarskim zemljama, osim područja Bari - Italija, nije poznat. U Dalmaciji se plavac mali uzgaja na uskom obalnom području i na otocima. Prema istraživanjima P. Maleš, plavac mali je autohtona dalmatinska sorta. Genocentar plavca malog nije velik, ali se odlikuje specifičnim ekološkim čimbenicima (klima, tlo i dr.), što je važno obilježje izvornog područja male površine. Rezultati ranijih istraživanja pokazali su detaljan uvid
u osnovna agrobiološka i tehnološka svojstva sorte plavac mali. Ovim
istraživanjima potvrđena su ranija biološka i tehnološka svojstva sorte te se može kazati da je sorta plavac mali visokokvalitetna sorta, prilagođena uzgoju u dalmatinskom podneblju za proizvodnju vrhunskih vina.The growing of plavac mali (Vitis Vinifera L.) in European vineyard
countries, except in the area of Bari - Italy is not known. In Dalmatia plavac mali is grown on the narrow coastal area and on the islands. According to the investigations of P. Male5 plavac mali is the native sort of Dalmatia. The genocenter of plavac mali is not big, but it is characterized by specific ecologic factors (climate, soil etc.), what is an important characteristic of the native small area. The results of earlier investigations have shown the detailed insight in the main agrobiological and technologic properties of plavac mali. These investigations confirm the earlier biological and technological properties of this sort, so that it can be said that plavac mali is a high quality sort, adapted to growing on Dalmatian area for the production of top-quality wine
Complex Hydrological System Inflow Prediction using Artificial Neural Network
Artificial neural networks have been successfully used to model and predict water flows for a few decades. Different network types have proven to work better in different cases and additional tools and algorithms have been implemented to improve those neural models. However, some problems still occur in certain cases. This paper deals with the limitation of complex hydrological system inflow prediction using artificial neural network and inflow time series. This limitation is called the prediction lag and it disables the model from giving accurate predictions. To eliminate the prediction lag and to extend prediction horizon an alternative input variable named forecasted precipitation frequency is proposed in addition to antecedent inflow time-series. Simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed solution that enables time series neural network model for 7th-day inflow prediction. This represents important information in operational planning of the hydrological system, used for short-term optimization of the system, e.g. optimization of the hydroelectric power plant operation