12 research outputs found

    Proposition of Review in EEMUA 201 & ISO Standard 11064 Based on Cultural Aspects in Labor Team, LNG Case

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    AbstractThe Accident pyramid must be investigated at its bottom part to find causal relations in latent area of failure. Nowadays, we need to work with new methods to analyse the deviation within organizational environment. The omission and commission are human errors that must be investigated as social phenomena. The Objective of this research is insert social aspects, considered dynamic, in a LNG control room project based on ISO 11064, EEMUA201. After identification of risks in the technology, a discussion is begun about social and cognitive risks where we can find the causes to cognition failure. The quality of social and cognitive functions are identified and adjusted to result in desired group profile. After understanding how work the operation, what are the requirements to work, job organization at site, what are the safety culture and organization aspects, the critical activities, the rules, and the risk sceneries at project, we need to understand the regional legislation, stereotypes, and local archetypes with respective rules of behaviour. Some aspects of project can be adjusted with social-cognitive demands as alarm management, layout of control room, and information management. Some ergonomic aspects need to be discussed in crossing with social and cognitive characteristics. Screen information and respective density, alarm organization, layout, number of screens, feedback, clarity, standardization, automation, and complexity are aspects maybe actuate in different way, depending on social aspects cognitive and their impacts. Using social-human techniques we can find these relations and after a test can suggest approaches in criteria from EMUA and ISO. The social aspects that are discussed and that impact on cognitive functions are: excess flexibility, paternalism, centralism, regionalism, cooperation level, and multiculturalism at work