5,387 research outputs found

    Spatial features of reverberant speech: estimation and application to recognition and diarization

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    Distant talking scenarios, such as hands-free calling or teleconference meetings, are essential for natural and comfortable human-machine interaction and they are being increasingly used in multiple contexts. The acquired speech signal in such scenarios is reverberant and affected by additive noise. This signal distortion degrades the performance of speech recognition and diarization systems creating troublesome human-machine interactions.This thesis proposes a method to non-intrusively estimate room acoustic parameters, paying special attention to a room acoustic parameter highly correlated with speech recognition degradation: clarity index. In addition, a method to provide information regarding the estimation accuracy is proposed. An analysis of the phoneme recognition performance for multiple reverberant environments is presented, from which a confusability metric for each phoneme is derived. This confusability metric is then employed to improve reverberant speech recognition performance. Additionally, room acoustic parameters can as well be used in speech recognition to provide robustness against reverberation. A method to exploit clarity index estimates in order to perform reverberant speech recognition is introduced. Finally, room acoustic parameters can also be used to diarize reverberant speech. A room acoustic parameter is proposed to be used as an additional source of information for single-channel diarization purposes in reverberant environments. In multi-channel environments, the time delay of arrival is a feature commonly used to diarize the input speech, however the computation of this feature is affected by reverberation. A method is presented to model the time delay of arrival in a robust manner so that speaker diarization is more accurately performed.Open Acces

    Threatened gastropods under the evolutionary genetic species concept: Redescription and new species of the genus Aylacostoma (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) from High Paraná River (Argentina-Paraguay)

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    The genus Aylacostoma Spix, 1827, is mainly endemic to South America, and comprises about 30 nominal species, most of which were described based solely on conchological features following the typological approaches of most of the 19th and the mid-20th century authors. Here, we redescribe Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton Scott, 1954, and describe Aylacostoma brunneum sp. nov. from the High Paraná River (Argentina-Paraguay) by means of morphological and molecular characters. Both are threatened species currently included into an ongoing ex situ conservation programme, as their habitats have disappeared because of damming and the filling up of the Yacyretá Reservoir in the early 1990s. We used DNA sequences from cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes to estimate their genetic distances, and the COI sequences were also used to assess their specific status under the evolutionary genetic species concept by means of the K/θ method. Our results clearly demonstrate that both must be recognized as evolutionary genetic species, despite only minor differences in morphological characters other than in the shells.Fil: Vogler, Roberto Eugenio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Beltramino, Ariel Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica; ArgentinaFil: Peso, Juana Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Rumi Macchi Z., Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Decision Making Models applied to IT Project Selection

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIT project investments: how can we identify the best project to invest? To invest means to spend resources with the intention of future benefits. Can this evaluation be made in a sustained way that minimizes the failure of a wrong pick and therefore someway to be assure of those benefits? The aim of the study is to build a decision-making tool, based on existing multipurpose ones and to perfect it to the IT Project Portfolio reality, with an in-depth project analysis, valuing its tangible and intangibles characteristics to facilitate the organization board or decision makers. Following an inductive based thinking, real decision-making matrixes are to be dissected to establish a future generalization in form of a new tool to apply to a specific scenario. A mixed strategy (quantitative strategy to the establishment of cause-effect relations and qualitative to understand intangible factors associated to the IT projects) will be adopted

    Los restos óseos humanos procedentes de la Cueva de Pedro Fernández (Estremera, Madrid, III y II milenio a.C.)

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    Trabajo fin de máster en Antropología Física: Evolución y Biodiversidad HumanasEl presente trabajo surge a raíz de la carencia absoluta de estudios sobre los restos óseos humanos encontrados en la cueva de Pedro Fernández de Estremera (Madrid). Se trata de un análisis descriptivo e inédito, en el cual se busca conocer de la manera más completa posible el perfil biológico de los individuos que allí se han hallado. Esta cueva se encuentra en el extremo suroriental de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la cronología del yacimiento data en su mayoría de la Edad de Bronce, si bien es verdad que también hay materiales anteriores que podrían corresponder al IV milenio (Neolítico) y III milenio (Calcolítico). Además, por sus características, que a lo largo del estudio se analizarán, creemos que se trata de un yacimiento de mucha importancia para el estudio de la Edad de Bronce en la Meseta. Pese a que la principal limitación del estudio es el bajo número de restos óseos humanos presentes en la colección (la mayor parte de lo que se encontró en la cueva quedó en ella), creemos que este proyecto es de vital importancia para el conocimiento de las poblaciones del pasado que hicieron uso del lugar. Se ha de destacar que junto a estos restos aparecen continuamente en la cueva restos de fauna y de industria lítica, ósea y cerámic

    A yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian hypoxia inducible factor regulatory machinery

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    Background: Several human pathologies, including neoplasia and ischemic cardiovascular diseases, course with an unbalance between oxygen supply and demand ( hypoxia). Cells within hypoxic regions respond with the induction of a specific genetic program, under the control of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF), that mediates their adaptation to the lack of oxygen. The activity of HIF is mainly regulated by the EGL-nine homolog (EGLN) enzymes that hydroxylate the alpha subunit of this transcription factor in an oxygen-dependent reaction. Hydroxylated HIF is then recognized and ubiquitinilated by the product of the tumor suppressor gene, pVHL, leading to its proteosomal degradation. Under hypoxia, the hydroxylation of HIF by the EGLNs is compromised due to the lack of oxygen, which is a reaction cosubstrate. Thus, HIF escapes degradation and drives the transcription of its target genes. Since the progression of the aforementioned pathologies might be influenced by activation of HIF-target genes, development of small molecules with the ability to interfere with the HIF-regulatory machinery is of great interest.Results: Herein we describe a yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian HIF regulation by the EGLNs and VHL. In this system, yeast growth, under specific nutrient restrictions, is driven by the interaction between the beta domain of VHL and a hydroxyproline-containing HIF alpha peptide. In turn, this interaction is strictly dependent on EGLN activity that hydroxylates the HIFa peptide. Importantly, this system accurately preserves the specificity of the hydroxylation reaction toward specific substrates. We propose that this system, in combination with a matched control, can be used as a simple and inexpensive assay to identify molecules that specifically modulate EGLN activity. As a proof of principle we show that two known EGLN inhibitors, dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG) and 6-chlor-3-hydroxychinolin-2-carbonic acid-N-carboxymethylamide (S956711), have a profound and specific effect on the yeast HIF/EGLN/VHL system.Conclusion: The system described in this work accurately reconstitutes HIF regulation while preserving EGLN substrate specificity. Thus, it is a valuable tool to study HIF regulation, and particularly EGLN biochemistry, in a cellular context. In addition, we demonstrate that this system can be used to identify specific inhibitors of the EGLN enzymes

    Equity research - Tesco PLC

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    Mestrado Bolonha em FinançasEste projeto consiste em estimar o preço alvo da ação da Tesco para o final do ano de 2022 e formular uma recomendação de investimento. A metodologia utilizada é baseada no instituto CFA. Tesco PLC (“Tesco”) é uma empresa de retalho alimentar com sede em Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (UK). É um dos maiores retalhistas do UK e do mundo. A empresa gere uma rede de hipermercados, supermercados e lojas de conveniência. A Tesco está presente na Europa e esteve, até 2020, na Ásia. De forma a avaliar a empresa, é utilizado o método Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF). O preço alvo no final de 2022 é de 592.98GBp/ação, face ao preço de fecho de 265GBp a 1 de agosto de 2022. Além disso, foram usados o método Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE), Adjusted Present Value (APV), Dividend Discount Model (DDM) e a avaliação relativa com a utilização de múltiplos. A recomendação para a Tesco é Comprar com médio risco, tendo em consideração um preço alvo de 592.98GBp com um potencial de 55.31%. Foi considerado um investimento de médio risco tendo em conta a elevada competição nesta indústria e também pela incerteza das condições macroeconómicas, tais como a inflação e a volatilidade dos preços das matérias primasThis project consists of estimating the target price of Tesco for the end of 2022 and giving an investment recommendation. The employed methodology is based on CFA guidance. Tesco PLC (“Tesco”) is a food and grocery retailer with headquarters in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (UK). It is one of the major retailers in the UK and in the world. The company operates a network of hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores. It has business presence across Europe and had, until 2020, in Asia. To perform the valuation of Tesco, is used the Discounted Cash Flow method (DCF) with Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF). The target price for 2022YE is 592.98GBp/share, against the closing price of 265GBp at August 1st 2022. To support the valuation, is also used the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE), Adjusted Present Value (APV), Dividend Discount Model (DDM) and Relative Valuation with multiples. The recommendation for Tesco is STRONG BUY with medium risk, taking into consideration a price target of 592.98GBp with an upside of 55.31%. It is considered a medium-risk investment given the high competition in this industry and also the uncertain macroeconomic conditions, such as inflation and the volatility of commodities prices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ben & Jerry’s: case study on children’s social awareness and its impact on corporate strategy

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economic

    The housing supply and demand mismatch and its relationship with house prices

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    Rationale Analysis of recent housing supply and demand trends, and of the factors contributing to them, is extremely useful to detect the emergence or existence of imbalances in the housing market, which is characterised by long lead times for house building. Takeaways •After the initial impact of the pandemic, the recovery in demand for owner-occupied housing nationwide has outpaced the recovery in supply, which is less flexible in the short term. This has led to a certain mismatch between supply and demand and to upward pressures on house prices. •In recent years, there has also been a widespread supply shortage at the regional level. The prices of owner-occupied housing have risen more in regions where housing has been in relatively shorter supply. •Although the cost of credit has risen, house prices will foreseeably continue to show greater downward stickiness, in nominal terms, than residential housing market variables such as house sales or building permits, owing to the dearth of new construction work, the high costs of building materials and the favourable financial situation of the different housing market agents