15 research outputs found

    Garnys : an underwater riverine site with delayed Neolithisation in the southeastern Baltic

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    This paper presents the first results of both dryland and underwater investigations at the multi-period Garnys riverine site situated on the Žeimena River in eastern Lithuania. There, during 2017–2020 a professional diver and amateur archaeologist collected hundreds of Mesolithic-Neolithic archaeological finds made of wood, bone, antler, stone, and ceramic from the riverbed and on its bank. Moreover, in eroded places of the riverbed, the wooden remains of several fish weirs were observed. In 2021 professional archaeologists continued the research, including field investigations followed by various laboratory analyses. These included AMS 14C dating of 16 various ecofacts, artefacts and wooden constructions, wood and animal taxa determinations, and the results of traceological analysis of the flint and osseous artefacts. Our research demonstrates that the site was intensively used for hunting, gathering and fishing during the Mesolithic and subsequent Subneolithic and Neolithic. Intriguingly, there was no evidence for agriculture, while the numerous Neolithic ceramics largely follow the Subneolithic traditions. The Garnys site is therefore unique and a clear example for delayed Neolithisation in a forested and lacustrine area in the eastern Baltic region. During the Metal Ages, the site had been used exclusively for stationary fishing

    Archaeological investigations of Šventoji Stone Age site at Monciškės

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    2021 m. VšĮ „Akiračiai“ atliko plačius žvalgomuosius tyrimus Šventosios akmens amžiaus gyvenvietėje (1813) Monciškėse (1 pav.). Penkiolikoje sklypų (Debesų g. 5; 20; Latgalos g. 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 2; Mėnulio g. 1; Monciškės g. 14, Patrimpo g. 92, 94; Sergiškių g. 93) ir vienoje suprojektuotoje gatvėje (Kutninkų) iškasti 189 1–9 m2 dydžio šurfai (344 m2), atlikti 9 georadaro (GPR) profiliai (2550 m), vizualiai žvalgytas specialiai tyrimų reikmėms suartų plotų paviršius (64,8 a). Archeologiniai tyrimai Šventosios akmens amžiaus gyvenvietėje Monciškėse vykdomi nuo 1966 m. [...]In 2021 large scale archaeological investigations were carried out in Šventoji, NW Lithuania. 189 1 – 9 m2 size test pits were excavated at different land properties with total area of 310,46 a. 88 1x1 m size test pits were excavated on the shore of the former lagoonal lake. Rest of the test pits mostly sized 2x1 or 2x2 m were excavated at the lakebed. In addition, 15 boreholes were drilled and 9 gPR profiles (2550 m) were made in order to collect more data on the paleorelief of prehistoric lake. During these excavations 9 archaeological finds were found, all associated with fishing and can be dated to 3500–2000 Bc. Among these finds were two stones likely used as net sinkers, part of pine lath, float made from bark, leister prong, two stakes that may have belonged to some underwater fishing construction and one unidentified worked artefact that was also probably a part of some fishing tool

    Vilniaus st. 8

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    2019 m. liepą–rugsėjį Kernavėje (Širvintų r., Kernavės sen.), sklype Vilniaus g. 8 vykdant vandentiekio įvado ir buitinių nuotekų klojimo darbus, atlikti žvalgomieji tyrimai ir žvalgymai (25 m2, sluoksnio nerasta). Netolimoje sklypo aplinkoje 2016 m. A. Kuzmicko ir E. Pranckėnaitės vykdytų tyrimų metu tirtas šurfas (103), kuriame po supiltiniu sluoksniu 1,3 m gylyje fiksuotas 60 cm storio juodos žemės kultūrinis sluoksnis su XVI a. radiniais (buitine keramika ir monetomis), o įžemis pasiektas 2,5 m gylyje (LIIR, f. 1, b. 7727). [...]In 2019, 25 m2 of utility trenches dug manually and mechanically were monitored (no cultural layer discovered) and three 1 m2 test pits were excavated at Vilniaus St. 8, Kernavė (Širvintos District). A cultural layer with partly thrown ceramics (a total of 13 finds) that have mineral temper and are characteristic of the 14th–19th centuries (not datable more precisely) was discovered from a depth 1.75 m in two test pits in the E part of the plot. Based on finds discovered in close proximity to this plot during previous investigations the layer can be dated to the 16th century

    Seaside field evaluations

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    2017 m., įgyvendinant Lietuvos mokslo tarybos finansuojamą projektą "Pirmieji indoeuropiečiai Lietuvoje. Virvelinės keramikos kultūra 2900–2400 m. pr. Kr." (LIP–011/2016), vykdyti žvalgomieji tyrimai pajūryje: tarp Klaipėdos ir Palangos, prie Kalotės ežero, Būtingėje, prie Šventosios, Darbos, Tenžės upių. Ieškota naujų akmens ir bronzos amžiaus gyvenviečių. Be to, ištirtos neolitinio kapo liekanos Benaičių senovės gyvenvietėje (UK 30196), pastebėtos neteisėtai iškastos žvyrduobės sienelėje. Paviršiaus vizualiniai žvalgymai vyko balandžio mėnesį. Žvalgyti arimai Šventosios, Tenžės upių slėnių pakrantėse, prie buvusios Būtingės lagūnos, buvusių ir esamų ežerėlių tarp Klaipėdos ir Palangos. Perspektyvesnės atkarpos vizualiniam paviršiaus žvalgymui pasirinktos pagal ortofoto nuotraukas bei LiDAR duomenis, įvertinus reljefą ir identifikavus tikėtinas senųjų ežerų krantų vietas. Žvalgymai vykdyti sistemingai, 4-5 žvalgytojams einant lygiagrečiai ir stengiantis išlaikyti apie 10 m atstumą vienas nuo kito. Kiekvieno žvalgytojo trasa, skirtingo matomumo ruožai ir visi surasti archeologiniai radiniai fiksuoti rankiniais GPS imtuvais su 1–3 m paklaida. Žvalgant paviršių aptikti 62 radiniai: 38 titnago, daugiausia nuoskalos, 3 ne silicitinių uolienų dirbiniai, 18 keramikos šukių ir 1 gintaro radinys.In 2017, in executing the "First Indo-Europeans in Lithuania. Corded Ware Culture, 2900-2400 cal bc" (LIP–011/2016) project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania, evaluations were conducted between Klaipėda and Palanga, near Lake Kalotė, in Būtingė, and near the rivers Šventoji, Darba, and Tenžė in order to search for new stone and bronze age settlements. Roughly 61 ha of arable land was systematically fieldwalked, 21 boreholes were drilled to a depth of 1 m, 223 roughly 50 x 50 cm shovel test pits were dug, and 22 test pits (23 m2 ) were excavated. 146 flint finds, 12 artefacts and flakes of other stone, 56 sherds of hand built and partly thrown pottery, and some iron, amber, copper alloy, and lead artefacts were discovered. Seven unknown Mesolithic Medieval settlements were found, mostly in Kalgraužiai village near the river Šventoji. Flint artefacts and flakes characteristic of the Mesolithic were discovered at them and the remains of 17th-19th century graves: a bronze cross and a human (?) bone fragment were found at Kalgraužiai find spot 4. A burial disturbed by a gravel pit was observed at Benaičiai Ancient Settlement and its remains were excavated in a 3.7 m2 test pit. It contained an adolescent of indeterminate sex and a flint knife. The burial was radiocarbon dated to 2889-2600 cal bc and ascribed to the Corded ware culture

    Šventoji 5 Find Spot

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    2021 m. atlikti žvalgomieji ir detalieji tyrimai planuojamoje statyti Molo gatvėje (Palanga), Šventosios akmens amžiaus gyvenvietės (UK 1813) teritorijoje. Tyrimų vieta yra po Litorinos jūros transgresijos susiformavusios lagūnos, vėliau tapusios gėlu ežeru, duburyje, o R Molo gatvę Š–P kryptimi kerta maždaug IV tūkst. pr. Kr. viduryje atsiradęs erozinis duburys, gerai matomas ir šiuolaikinėse aerofotografijose (1 pav.). Šis erozinis duburys pasižymi archeologijos paminklų gausa, beveik ištisiniu, per visą duburio ilgį besitęsiančiu archeologiniu sluoksniu. Archeologiniai tyrimai šalia Molo gatvės besidriekiančiame eroziniame duburyje vyksta jau kelias dešimtis metų nuo XX a. 8 dešimtmečio. Ekstensyvių R. Rimantienės archeologinių tyrinėjimų metu erozinio duburio aplinkoje kasinėtos Šventosios 2–4, 5 ir 6 radimvietės (Rimantienė R., Akmens amžiaus žvejai prie pajūrio lagūnos. Vilnius, 2005, p. 267-328, 346-404).In 2021, a field evaluation and excavation were conducted within the framework of contract archaeology on the grounds of the Šventoji Stone Age Settlement (Molo Street, Palanga). Test pits were excavated throughout the entire plot on Molo Street in a search for new archaeological objects and structures in the former lake basin. The E part of Molo Street is intersected by a relic of the 4th-millennium relief, an erosional basin, in which the noted Šventoji 2–4 and 6 find spots run, while the Šventoji 5 find spot is beside the street. One 75 m2 wide long trench was excavated beside the Šventoji 5 find spot. Test pits around the erosional basin yielded fishing-related archaeological finds in lacustrine sediment, the trench in W part of the basin a layer of greenish brown sapropel containing a Late Stone Age archaeological layer with organic finds: wood, animal bones, and Hunter-gatherer Porous Ware with charred food residue as well as a decorated paddle carved from maple. The archaeological layer of the Šventoji 5 Find Spot was AMS 14c dated to c. 3500–2700 cal bc

    Vilniaus st. 24

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    Vykdant gyvenamojo namo su ūkiniais statiniais statybos darbus KKRD buferinės apsaugos zonos teritorijoje Vilniaus g. 24 (Širvintų r., Kernavės sen.), apie 777 m2 dydžio teritorijoje mechanizuotai nukasus paviršinį žemės sluoksnį, KKRD archeologai pastebėjo ir fiksavo galbūt archeologinius objektus (tamsaus grunto dėmes šviesiame smėlyje) su aplink aptinkamais geležies šlako ir keramikos fragmentais. 2019 m. birželio–liepos mėnesiais iškasti 4 šurfai po 1 m2, detaliai ištirtas 217 m2 plotas ir išgręžti 43 gręžiniai. Tyrimų metu surinkta 961 keramikos šukė, 10 kg molio tinko, 5,4 kg geležies šlako, taip pat atlikta gyvūnų kaulų ir medienos anglių rūšinė analizė. Žvalgomųjų ir detaliųjų tyrimų plotuose fiksuotas išlikęs kultūrinis sluoksnis ir 20 įgilintų archeologinių struktūrų. [...]In 2019, a 217 m2 area and four 1x1 m test pits were excavated and 43 boreholes, 1–1.3 m deep, were drilled at Vilniaus St. 24, Kernavė (Širvintos District). Previous investigations had yielded no information about any activities in this area during the Middle Ages or later. The excavation area and test pit 1 revealed a cultural layer with 15th–17th century finds. Part of the cultural layer (in test pit 1 and the N part of the excavation area) had distinguishable light and dark horizons. The rest of the cultural layer, which was in the SE part of the excavation area, was a homogenous dark grey and black humous. Under the cultural layer and elsewhere in the excavation area, 20 rubbish pits were found, all attributed to the same period as the cultural layer on the basis of the discovered pottery types. One pit (no. 5) differed from the rest. The 4.38 m long, 2.04 m wide, and 45 cm deep pit contained a stone and wood construction. The pit’s profile showed some stratification, probably a consequence of multiple filling events. The investigations in this area near Kernavė have shown that little activity occurred there in the Middle Ages, mostly the dumping of waste in pits or on the surface, where it accumulated in depressions in the relief. The other activities are hard to interpret, but pit 5 shows that some special activity or an activity requiring more space occurred and included the building of a stone and wood construction and burning

    Mijaugonys settlement

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    2020 m. LII archeologai, įgyvendinant LLDJ projektą, žvalgė Elektrėnų ir Kaišiadorių rajonus kertančią 23 km ilgio atkarpą tarp Dauginavos ir Zelvės kaimų. Mechanizuotai nukasant paviršinį dirvožemio sluoksnį Mijaugonių kaimo teritorijoje (Elektrėnų sav., Kietaviškių sen.), pastebėtas senovės gyvenvietės archeologinis sluoksnis. Apie 30 m ilgio ir 8 m pločio ruože gelsvo smėlio įžemio fone išryškėjo tamsaus degėsingo smėlio dėmė, kurios paviršiuje aptikta keliolika lipdytinės keramikos brūkšniuotu paviršiumi šukių, nuo karščio skilusių akmenų, degėsių. Detaliai ištirtas statybvietės darbų zonoje esantis archeologinis sluoksnis. [...]In the course of the GIPL project in 2020, an archaeological layer was discovered during the mechanized removal of topsoil within the boundaries of the Mijaugonys village (in the Elektrėnai municipality), indicating the presence of an ancient settlement. The settlement was located on a sandy plain, far from large water bodies. An area of 256 m2 was excavated. The uppermost ploughed layer was mechanically removed prior to comprehensive excavation, and the entire excavated archaeological deposit was passed through a 5 mm sieve. The archaeological deposit consisted of a 20 cm layer of fine, dark-grey sand with evidence of burning. A total of 343 archaeological finds were collected: 331 pottery sherds; 9 pieces of flint; and 2 pieces of glass. A distinguishing type of pottery decoration was identified – parallel raised bands, triangular in profile. A flattened round bead made of transparent blue glass discovered at the site was typologically dated to the Late Bronze Age. Structure 1 was dated to the same period: 8th–4th century BC. The cuts of three features of unknown function were identified, with no evidence of buildings. The site could have been used for a specific activity some distance away from the main settlement

    Archaeological investigation in Nida Neolithic settlement

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    2020 m. liepos 10–13 d. vykdyti nedidelės apimties archeologiniai tyrimai Nidos senovės gyvenvietėje (UK 26019) (Neringa). Tyrimų tikslas buvo dvejopas: atidengti anksčiau (2012, 2016 m.) tirtų perkasų pjūvius ir surinkti mėginius mikromorfologinei grunto analizei, radioaktyviosios anglies datavimui (14C AMS), angliukų rūšinei analizei, kaulų rūšinei analizei, pritaikyti tyrimus tuo pačiu metu vykusio festivalio „Archeologijos dienos Nidoje. Pajūrio akmens amžius“ lankytojams ir pristatyti vykdomus kasinėjimus. Archeologinių radinių Nidoje aptinkama nuo XIX a. [...]In 2020 small scale excavations was carried out in Nida settlement. Two plots of 1 and 0.25 m2 was excavated with the aim of collecting samples for radiocarbon dating, soil micro morphological analysis, charcoal wood taxa determination and bone fragment analysis. Plot 1 was excavated in western part of the settlement in palaeodepression with humic Neolithic layers. Neolithic pottery was discovered with mineral and grog admixtures in clay mass attributed to Rzucewo (Pamarių) and Corded Ware cultural traditions respectively. Charcoal samples was collected and analyzed for wood taxa, also short–lived tree species was radiocarbon dated. The depression with humic layers was dated to 2600–2500 cal BC. Plot 2 was investigated in the eastern part of the settlement. There a 2.2 m long profile was uncovered and almost 1 m long soil sample collected for micro morphological analysis. In addition 3 soil samples (20 l each) were sieved and floatation method used to collect any finds and small macro remains. Pottery attributed to Rzucewo (Pamarių) tradition was found and a lot of charcoals. In total 647 fragments of charcoal was analyzed and their wood taxa determined. Also a considerable amount of freshwater fish bones was retrieved from flotation samples

    Kakliniškės settlements

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    2020 m. LLDJ tiesimo darbai vykdyti Kakliniškių ir Sabališkių kaimų (Elektrėnų sav., Elektrėnų sen.) teritorijose, kur 2015 ir 2020 m. LII archeologai R. Vengalis ir G. Piličiauskas paviršinių žvalgymų metu aptiko keletą senovės gyvenviečių, pavadintų Kakliniškėmis 1, 2, 3 ir 4. Suprojektuotas dujotiekis šias gyvenvietes kirto ir būtų stipriai pažeidęs, todėl jose atlikti detalieji tyrimai. Kasinėjimų metu ištirtas visas archeologinis sluoksnis, atsidengęs mechanizuotai šalinant paviršinį dirvožemio sluoksnį dujotiekio statybvietėje, taip pat pavienės tarp gyvenviečių buvusios įgilintos struktūros. Tirtos 10–13 m ilgio, 4 m pločio perkasos, jungtos viena prie kitos ilgosiomis kraštinėmis. Armens sluoksnis pašalintas mechanizuotai. Nesuartas archeologinis sluoksnis tirtas 10–20 cm storio mechaniniais lygiais, sijotas per 5 mm akies sietus (išskyrus molingą), radiniai rinkti atskirai iš 1x1 m dydžio kvadratų. Iš įgilintų archeologinių struktūrų su degėsingais užpildais paimta, flotuota ir ištirta 18 grunto mėginių (355 l). [...]In 2020, during the execution of the GIPL project archaeologists from the LII conducted excavations at Kakliniškės 1–4 Old Settlements (Elektrėnai Municipality), which were founded on the S shore of a former lake. A 16x13 m area (211 m2) was excavated at Kakliniškės 1 Old Settlement, a 20–25 cm thick archaeological layer discovered, and 477 (1627 g) of archaeological finds collected: 45 potsherds (188 g), 427 pieces (406 g) of flint, 1 stone (990 g), and 4 metal artefacts (44 g.). Kakliniškės 1 Old Settlement was dated on the basis of typology to the Neolithic. A 24x12 m area (288 m2) was excavated at Kakliniškės 2 Old Settlement, an archaeological layer up to 5–25 cm thick was discovered, and 27 (748 g) archaeological finds were collected: 17 potsherds (43 g), 8 pieces (9 g) of flint, and 2 pieces (691 g) of other stone. Kakliniškės 2 Old Settlement was dated to the 1st millennium bc. A 160 m2 area was excavated at Kakliniškės 3 Old Settlement, a 50–70 cm thick archaeological layer was discovered, and 398 archaeological finds were collected: 353 potsherds (1777 g), 26 pieces of flint, 18 pieces (51 g) of clay daub, and 1 piece (34 g) of iron slag. Kakliniškės 3 Old Settlement was dated to the Bronze and Iron Ages as well as the Middle Ages. A 96x10 m (955 m2) area was excavated at Kakliniškės 4 Old Settlement and a 5–85 cm thick archaeological layer discovered. In the W part a 2–20 cm thick lower and a 15–80 cm thick upper horizon were distinguished. 26949 archaeological finds were collected: 22150 potsherds (84.2 kg), 632 pieces of flint, 1948 pieces (6.455 kg) of clay daub, 2128 pieces of (38.7 kg) iron slag, 11 animal bones and 80 other finds (metal, stone, spindle whorls, crucibles, etc.). The remains of many burnt cultivated plants were identified during macrobotanical testing (Hordeum vulgare, Panicum miliaceum, Pisum sativum, Secale cereale, Triticum aestivum / durum, and Tr. Spelta). Kakliniškės 4 Old Settlement was dated to 1000 bc – 15th century. In all, 1614 m2 were excavated and 27851 archaeological finds collected at the 4 Kakliniškės Old Settlements

    Investigation in the river Žeimena near Garnys Village

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    2021 m. nenuilstantis nardytojas ir senienų ieškotojas Aldas Matiukas pranešė archeologams, kad Žeimenos upėje ir jos krantuose Garnio kaimo ribose (Švenčionių r., Švenčionėlių sen.) randa archeologinių radinių – kaulo, rago, titnago ir keramikos. Nutarta nedelsiant įvertinti šios naujos radimvietės mokslinį potencialą – atlikti paviršinius žvalgymus ir žvalgomuosius tyrimus. Lauko darbai vyko tiek sausumoje, tiek vandenyje. Taikyti įvairūs tyrimų metodai – aerofotografija, gręžiniai, šurfavimas, paviršiaus vizualus žvalgymas. Vizualiai žvalgyta apie 100 m ilgio upės dugno atkarpa, nors anksčiau A. Matiukas nardė kur kas didesniame plote. Jis yra praplaukęs po vandeniu visą Žeimeną, o ties Garniu archeologinius radinius su pertrūkiais rinko maždaug 360 m atkarpoje. 2021 m. pastebėtos 4 medinių kuolų sankaupos (V3–1, V3–2, V2–3, V2–4) ir 2 pavieniai kuolai (iš viso 95 kuolai), taip pat surinkta ant dugno gulinčių srovės išplautų archeologinių radinių. [...]In 2021, the first professional archaeological investigation at Garnys site, (Švenčionys District, E Lithuania), which was discovered by scuba diver and amateur archaeologist Aldas Matiukas. One test pit was excavated on the Žeimena riverbed and another six on its banks, a total of 12 m2. 23 boreholes were drilled to a depth of 1–3 m on the banks and in the bed. A visual survey was conducted along a roughly 100 m section (about 1000 m2) of the riverbed. Test pit 1 on the river’s right bank yielded a dry, unstratified, 70 cm thick archaeological layer with abundant Mesolithic – Neolithic finds, but no finds could be discovered in the waterlogged alluvial layers on either bank. Test Pit 5 in the middle of the river revealed a 14–22 cm thick archaeological layer dating to the Neolithic (2900–1800 bc) at a depth of 1.8–2 m from the water’s surface. The underwater survey of the riverbed yielded ceramic, flint, bone, antler, wood, and stone finds dating from the Early Mesolithic to the Middle Iron Age. In addition, 4 concentrations of wooden stakes, the remains of fishing fences dating to the Subneolithic, Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, and Middle Iron Age were identified on the riverbed. A total of 614 (2.792 kg) potsherds, 564 (1.706 kg) flint artefacts and pieces of debitage, 3 stone artefacts, 3 wooden artefacts, 734 (8.515 kg) animal bone fragments, and 6 human bone fragments were collected in the Garnys. This is one of very few Lithuanian archaeological sites with an archaeological layer of alluvial origin that has survived in a riverbed