86 research outputs found

    On the Gauge Fixing of the k Symmetry on AdS and Flat Background: the Lightcone Action for the Type IIb String on AdS_{5} X S_{5}

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    We explore all the possible ways of fixing the kappa symmetry for both branes and strings by means of a constant projector. We find that they can be classified according to their behaviour under Dirac conjugation and conjugation. This latter controls the maximum power of the fermionic variables in which the (super)vielbein can be expanded while the former determines which states cannot be described in the gauge. In particular there exists an interesting class of projectors for which vielbein are at most quadratic in the fermionic variables. As an example we compute the action for the type IIb on a AdS_{5} X S_{5} background with a lightcone-like projector; this action reduces to the usual lightcone GS string action in the flat limit.Comment: 12+1 pages, latex, no figure

    Polymers and Topological Field Theory: A 2 Loop Computation

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    Within the Quantum Action Principle framework we show the perturbative renormalizability of previously proposed topological lagrangian \`a la Witten-Fujikawa describing polymers, then we perform a 2 loop computation. The theory turns out to have the same predictive power of De Gennes theory, even though its running coupling constants exhibit a very peculiar behaviour. Moreover we argue that the theory presents two phases , a topological and a non topological one.Comment: 17 pages with 5 figures (included), DFTT 29/9

    Exact Results for the Supersymmetric G2G_2 Gauge Theories

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    We study the N=1N=1 supersymmetric G2G_2 gauge theories with NfN_f flavors of quarks in the fundamental vector representation. We find dynamically generated superpotentials, smooth quantum moduli space, quantum moduli space with additional mesons, non trivial IR fixed points.Comment: LaTex, 15 page

    The Gross-Neveu model on the light cone

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    We consider the (massive) Gross-Neveu model using the light cone quantization where we solve the constraints explicitly. We show that the vacuum is trivial and that the quantization fails when m=0m=0. We discuss how the running coupling constant emerges as a pure normal ordering effect in this context and the bound state equation.Comment: LaTex, 13+1 pages (1 eps Z-compressed figure included

    Vector Induced Lattice Gauge Theories

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    We consider vector induced lattice gauge theories, in particular we consider the QED induced and we show that at negative temperature corresponds to the dimer problem while at positive temperature it describes a gas of branched polymers with loops. We argue that these models are critical at Dcr=6D_{cr}=6 for NN\ne\infty and they are {\sl not} critical for N=N=\infty.Comment: 9 Pages, plain Latex, NBI-HE-93-0

    The generalized Gross-Neveu model on the light cone

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    We investigate the generalized Gross-Neveu model using the discretized light cone quantization and we find that the vacuum of the bare theory is {\sl non} trivial in presence of vectorial current coupling when the simplest and most natural form of quantum constraints is used. Nevertheless the vacuum of the renormalized theory is trivial. In the thermodynamic the Bethe-Salpiter equations which are obtained contain all the terms needed to make them finite.Comment: LaTex, 13 page

    Towards a fully stringy computation of Yukawa couplings on non factorized tori and non abelian twist correlators (I): the classical solution and action

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    We consider the simplest possible setting of non abelian twist fields which corresponds to SU(2)SU(2) monodromies. We first review the theory of hypergeometric function and of the solutions of the most general Fuchsian second order equation with three singularities. Then we solve the problem of writing the general solution with prescribed U(2)U(2) monodromies. We use this result to compute the classical string solution corresponding to three D2D2 branes in R4R^4. Despite the fact the configuration is supersymmetric the classical string solution is not holomorphic. Using the equation of motion and not the KLT approach we give a very simple expression for the classical action of the string. We find that the classical action is not proportional to the area of the triangle determined by the branes intersection points since the solution is not holomorphic. Phenomenologically this means that the Yukawa couplings for these supersymmetric configurations on non factorized tori are suppressed with respect to the factorized case.Comment: 51 pages, 16 figure

    Light cone quantization and interactions of a new closed bosonic string inspired to D1 string

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    We quantize the bosonic part of the D1 string with closed boundary conditions on the light cone and we consider the U(1) worldsheet gauge field a dynamical variable. We compute also 3-Reggeon vertex by the overlapping technique. We find that the Fock space is the sum of sectors characterized by the momentum of the U(1) Wilson line and that these sectors do not interact among them. Each sector has exactly the same spectrum of the usual bosonic string when expressed in properly sector dependent rescaled variables. Rescaling is forced by factorization of the string amplitudes. We are also able to determine the relative string coupling constant of the different sectors. It follows a somewhat unexpected picture in which the effective action is always the same independently on the sector but string amplitudes are only the same when expressed in sector dependent rescaled variables.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Correlators of arbitrary untwisted operators and excited twist operators for N branes at angles

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    We compute the generic correlator with L untwisted operators and N (excited) twist fields for branes at angles on T^2 and show that it is given by a generalization of the Wick theorem. We give also the recipe to compute efficiently the generic OPE between an untwisted operator and an excited twisted state.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figure