3 research outputs found

    Slučaj humane monocitne erlihioze u Srbiji

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    Introduction Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial zoonosis transmitted by hematophagous arthropods - ticks. In humans, it occurs as monocytic, granulocytic, and ewingii ehrlichiosis. Pathological process is based on parasitic presence of Ehrlichia organisms within peripheral blood cells - monocytes and granulocytes. Case Outline Fifty-two year old patient was admitted to hospital due to high fever of over 40Ā°C that lasted two days, accompanied with chills, muscle aches, malaise, loss of appetite, headache, confusion, breathing difficulties, and mild dry cough. The history suggested tick bite that occurred seven days before the onset of disease. Doxycycline was introduced and administered for 14 days, causing the disease to subside. Indirect immunofluorescence assay was used to analyze three serum samples obtained from this patient for Ehrlichia chaffeensis antibodies, and peripheral blood smear was evaluated for the presence of Ehrlichia and Ehrlichia aggregation into morulae. Conclusion Ehrlichiosis should be considered in each case where there is a history of tick bite together with the clinical picture (high fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, generalized weakness and malaise, and possible maculopapular rash). The presence of Ehrlichia chaffeensis antibodies was confirmed in a patient with the history of tick bite, appropriate clinical picture and indirect immunofluorescence assay. This confirmed the presence of human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis, a disease that is uncommonly identified in our country.Uvod Erlihioza je bakterijska zoonoza koja se prenosi hematofagnim artropodama - krpeljima. Kod ljudi se javlja kao monocitna, granulocitna i ewingii erlihioza. PatoloÅ”ki proces je posledica unutar ćelijskog parazitiranja erlihije u monocitima i granulocitima periferne krvi. Prikaz bolesnika Bolesnik star 52 godine primljen je na odeljenje zbog visoke dvodnevne febrilnosti (preko 40Ā°C) koja je praćena drhtavicom, bolovima u miÅ”ićima, malaksaloŔću, gubitkom apetita, glavoboljom, konfuznoŔću, otežanim disanjem i oskudnim suvim kaÅ”ljem. U anamnezi je dobijen podatak o ujedu krpelja sedam dana pre prijema. Laboratorijski nalazi su ukazali na trombocitopeniju, leukopeniju, anemiju i povećanje aktivnosti transaminaza u serumu. Bolesnik je lečen doksiciklinom 14 dana, nakon čega su se tegobe povukle. Metodom indirektne imunofluorescencije analizirana su tri uzorka seruma ovog bolesnika na prisustvo antitela na bakteriju Ehrlichia chaffeensis i pregledan je uzorak razmaza periferne krvi na prisustvo erlihija i konglomerata erlihije u morule, koje predstavljaju citoplazmatske vakuole. Zaključak Kod bolesnika s podatkom o ubodu krpelja, odgovarajućom kliničkom slikom i seroloÅ”kim testom indirektne imunofluorescencije dokazana su antitela za bakteriju Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Å”to ukazuje na humanu monocitotropnu erlihiozu, bolest koja se kod nas retko dokazuje. Na erlihiozu treba misliti kada uz kliničku sliku (visoka febrilnost, groznica, bolovi u miÅ”ićima, glavobolja, opÅ”ta slabost i malaksalost, eventualno makulopapulozna ospa) postoji podatak o ubodu krpelja

    Heparin induced thrombocytopenia type ii and myocardial infarction: Two case reports

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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) type II is an acquired thrombophylic state and life-threatening immune complication of a heparin treatment mainly clinically manifested by marked thrombocytopenia, frequently by arterial and venous thrombosis, and sometimes by skin changes. Functional assay as heparin aggregation test and 14C-serotonin release assays are used in diagnostics as well as antigen assays of which detection tests for heparin-platelet factor 4 antibodies are most frequently used. Considering the fact that there is no single reliable assays for HIT II detection available, sometimes it is necessary to combine both of the above-mentioned types of assays. We present the case of a 57-year-old patient with an acute anterior myocardial infarction with cardiac insufficiency of III and IV degree according to Killip, recurrent ventricular fibrillation and diabetes mellitus type II developing thrombocytopenia to 37x10 9/l accompanied with typical skin changes. The diagnosis was confirmed by the heparin aggregation test. The second patient aged 70 undergoing the treatment for anteroseptal myocardial infarction and reinfarction of the inferior wall complicated by a cardiogenic shock and acute right bundle branch block developed thrombocytopenia 59x10 9/I on the third day of the heparin therapy, with the remark that he had received a heparin therapy during the first infarction as well. Antibodies against heparin-platelet factor 4 were detected by particle gel ID-HPF4 immunoassay. In both patients, the disease had a lethal outcome despite all then available therapeutic measures applied. Further on we discuss advantages of certain types of tests, a therapy doctrine, need for urgent therapeutic measures, inclusive of the administration of anitithrombins, avoidance of harmful procedures like low-molecular-weight heparins administration and prophylactic platelet transfusion as well as preventive measures