112 research outputs found

    Supplemental lysine sulfate does not negatively affect the performance of broiler chicks fed dietary sulfur from multiple dietary and water sources

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    Commercial broiler producers and nutritionists have questioned the performance consequences of sulfur (S) from various dietary and water sources combined in current commercial production. The combination of high-S feed ingredients, including dried distillers grains with solubles, and dietary additives that contain S, such as lysine sulfate or copper sulfate, has the potential to create high S exposure, especially when combined with high-S drinking water. The tolerance of growing broiler chicks to S was determined by supplementation of a corn-soybean-5% dried distillers grains with solubles diet with up to 1% lysine sulfate or an equal amount of S from sodium sulfide. An additional diet containing copper and zinc sulfate served as a positive control for the source of S and high-S inclusion. These diets were fed to chicks provided with normal (0.008% or 80 ppm) or high water S (0.113% or 1130 ppm). We hypothesized that the addition of S sources to a commercial diet would not reduce the performance of growing chicks given access to normal or high-S water. Data showed dietary S requirements were met and excess S was easily excreted, hence, under the experimental feeding conditions, supplementation with up to 1% additional lysine sulfate (or a similar product) did not reduce performance in comparison with chicks fed a lower S diet with access to normal or high-S water. The high-S diet from copper and zinc sulfate resulted in reduced water and feed consumption, although there were no effects on chick weight gain

    Improving sustainable mobility in university campuses. The case study of Sapienza University

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    The pursue of sustainable mobility is one of the greatest environmental challenges nowadays. It requires a people mind shift, where the use of private vehicles give way to different modes of public transport like buses, bicycles, car sharing, electric cars, and walking lanes. This new call to make mobility sustainable has already been undertaken by policymakers and public managers in many urban contexts around the world, as well as, more recently, by the managers of university systems. The paper shows the work developed in 2018 for the Sapienza Sustainable University Mobility Plan (SUMP). The study stems from the need to understand and improve, in the sustainability direction, modes of travel for the students and staff of one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in Europe (112,142 students enrolled and 23,101 between academic staff and no academic staff), with its premises located in a complex and challenging urban context such as the city of Rome. The SUMP has been developed in two phases. The first one investigated travel patterns and the reasons for the modal shift and highlighted the main issues. The second phase defined strategies and interventions to be implemented in the short, medium, and long term to make students and staff's mobility more environmentally sustainable. The methodology used in the fact-finding stage was the online survey that was carried out through the use of a diversified questionnaire for staff and students of the University. The sample of students who participated in the survey amounted to 14,719 units, while the sample of faculty and staff was 9,403. The main questionnaire outcomes showed that the attitudes recorded were largely different between faculty and staff and students. While for the first ones the choice of private vehicles is the first option (36%), for students public transport is the prevailing preference (78%). According to the critical aspects found in this first stage, the SUMP objectives were defined, leading to the identification of macro-areas of intervention and specific actions. At a policy and strategic level, the attention was focused on the guidelines issued by the United Nations, the European Commission, and the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development, of which Sapienza University is a member. For this reason, the identification of strategies and interventions results from the combination of the first phase analysis, the Sapienza Governance objectives, and the national and international context in which the SUMP was drafted. Five macro-areas of intervention have been identified: Smart Strategies, Pedestrian Mobility, Cycling, Local Public Transport, Private Transport, and for each one specific intervention to be implemented in different time frames have been defined

    Single nucleotide variant discovery of highly inbred Leghorn and Fayoumi chicken breeds using pooled whole genome resequencing data reveals insights into phenotype differences

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    Background Analyses of sequence variants of two distinct and highly inbred chicken lines allowed characterization of genomic variation that may be associated with phenotypic differences between breeds. These lines were the Leghorn, the major contributing breed to commercial white-egg production lines, and the Fayoumi, representative of an outbred indigenous and robust breed. Unique within- and between-line genetic diversity was used to define the genetic differences of the two breeds through the use of variant discovery and functional annotation. Results Downstream fixation test (F ST ) analysis and subsequent gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis elucidated major differences between the two lines. The genes with high F STvalues for both breeds were used to identify enriched gene ontology terms. Over-enriched GO annotations were uncovered for functions indicative of breed-related traits of pathogen resistance and reproductive ability for Fayoumi and Leghorn, respectively. Conclusions Variant analysis elucidated GO functions indicative of breed-predominant phenotypes related to genomic variation in the lines, showing a possible link between the genetic variants and breed traits

    Genomic analysis of Ugandan and Rwandan chicken ecotypes using a 600 k genotyping array

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    Background Indigenous populations of animals have developed unique adaptations to their local environments, which may include factors such as response to thermal stress, drought, pathogens and suboptimal nutrition. The survival and subsequent evolution within these local environments can be the result of both natural and artificial selection driving the acquisition of favorable traits, which over time leave genomic signatures in a population. This study’s goals are to characterize genomic diversity and identify selection signatures in chickens from equatorial Africa to identify genomic regions that may confer adaptive advantages of these ecotypes to their environments. Results Indigenous chickens from Uganda (n = 72) and Rwanda (n = 100), plus Kuroilers (n = 24, an Indian breed imported to Africa), were genotyped using the Axiom® 600 k Chicken Genotyping Array. Indigenous ecotypes were defined based upon location of sampling within Africa. The results revealed the presence of admixture among the Ugandan, Rwandan, and Kuroiler populations. Genes within runs of homozygosity consensus regions are linked to gene ontology (GO) terms related to lipid metabolism, immune functions and stress-mediated responses (FDR \u3c 0.15). The genes within regions of signatures of selection are enriched for GO terms related to health and oxidative stress processes. Key genes in these regions had anti-oxidant, apoptosis, and inflammation functions. Conclusions The study suggests that these populations have alleles under selective pressure from their environment, which may aid in adaptation to harsh environments. The correspondence in gene ontology terms connected to stress-mediated processes across the populations could be related to the similarity of environments or an artifact of the detected admixture

    Improving road safety knowledge in Africa through crowdsourcing. The African Road Safety Observatory

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    Africa is the worst performing continent in road safety: the fatality rate, 26.6 per 100.000 inhabitants, is almost three times that of Europe's and fatalities per capita are projected to double from 2015 to 2030 (WHO, 2015). This is mainly due to the fact that Emerging Economies are experiencing increases in traffic, for which their traffic systems are not sufficiently prepared. On one hand, there is a significant demand for data and knowledge to be used for road safety-related decision making. On the other hand, there is a substantial lack of a reliable and detailed knowledge on road casualties in terms of the number of road accidents and fatalities occurring and, on the factors, leading to road accidents or affecting their consequences. When official data are poor or missing these could be integrated with other sources. The objective of this paper is to describe the African Road Safety Observatory (African RSO), a participative web portal developed in the field of the "SaferAfrica-Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa" project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program. The African RSO combines traditional functions of analyzing and sharing road safety performance data and provide knowledge and information, with the more innovative ones: a Dialogue Platform and the crowdsourcing tool. The Dialogue Platform is dedicated to experts and stakeholders and aims at encouraging and facilitating a constructive engagement and dialogue on road safety in Africa, producing knowledge to inspire road safety funding, policies and interventions in Africa and providing recommendations to update the African Road Safety Action Plan and the African Road Safety Charter. The crowdsourcing tool allows African citizens to report and highlight road safety needs, to share opinions as well as to discuss solutions in their own Countries

    An integrative investigation of sensory organ development and orientation behavior throughout the larval phase of a coral reef fish

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    The dispersal of marine larvae determines the level of connectivity among populations, influences population dynamics, and affects evolutionary processes. Patterns of dispersal are influenced by both ocean currents and larval behavior, yet the role of behavior remains poorly understood. Here we report the first integrated study of the ontogeny of multiple sensory systems and orientation behavior throughout the larval phase of a coral reef fish—the neon goby, Elacatinus lori. We document the developmental morphology of all major sensory organs (lateral line, visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory) together with the development of larval swimming and orientation behaviors observed in a circular arena set adrift at sea. We show that all sensory organs are present at hatch and increase in size (or number) and complexity throughout the larval phase. Further, we demonstrate that most larvae can orient as early as 2 days post-hatch, and they swim faster and straighter as they develop. We conclude that sensory organs and swimming abilities are sufficiently developed to allow E. lori larvae to orient soon after hatch, suggesting that early orientation behavior may be common among coral reef fishes. Finally, we provide a framework for testing alternative hypotheses for the orientation strategies used by fish larvae, laying a foundation for a deeper understanding of the role of behavior in shaping dispersal patterns in the sea
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