130 research outputs found

    Management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH): role of molecular genetics

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a relatively common major life-threatening birth defect that results in significant mortality and morbidity depending primarily on lung hypoplasia, persistent pulmonary hypertension, and cardiac dysfunction. Despite its clinical relevance, CDH multifactorial etiology is still not completely understood. We reviewed current knowledge on normal diaphragm development and summarized genetic mutations and related pathways as well as cellular mechanisms involved in CDH. Our literature analysis showed that the discovery of harmful de novo variants in the fetus could constitute an important tool for the medical team during pregnancy, counselling, and childbirth. A better insight into the mechanisms regulating diaphragm development and genetic causes leading to CDH appeared essential to the development of new therapeutic strategies and evidence-based genetic counselling to parents. Integrated sequencing, development, and bioinformatics strategies could direct future functional studies on CDH; could be applied to cohorts and consortia for CDH and other birth defects; and could pave the way for potential therapies by providing molecular targets for drug discovery

    COVID-19 in pregnancy: placental pathological patterns and effect on perinatal outcome in five cases.

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    Introduction COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is a severe systemic thrombotic syndrome that emerged in 2019, with an ensuing pandemic. To evaluate the impact of this disease on placental tissue and perinatal outcome, histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses of placental tissue were performed for five cases of pregnant women with COVID-19. Case reports All five pregnant women in this series developed COVID-19 in late pregnancy. Two patients experienced respiratory distress, and computed tomography revealed signs of pneumonia, with bilateral involvement, multiple lobular and subsegmental areas of consolidation and ground-glass opacities. Histological studies of placental tissue revealed the presence of slight signs of maternal vascular underperfusion (MVUs) or foetal vascular underperfusion (FVUs) lesions and mild inflammatory lesions. CD15 immunoreactivity in the placental tissue was low in all cases, demonstrating that in these cases there was not severe foetal hypoxia/asphyxia risk for newborns or distal vascular immaturity. In all cases examined, ultrastructural analyses showed spherical-like coronavirus particles with an electron intermediate-density core as well as projections from the surface as spike-like structures in the syncytiotrophoblasts. At term, all of the women delivered newborns who were negative for SARS-CoV-2 by nasopharyngeal testing in their first day of life. All newborns were exclusively breastfed and were discharged on the 3rd day of life. Conclusions In conclusion, placental patterns in pregnancy due to COVID-19 in the late stage of gestation indicate no evidence of vertical trans-placental SARS-CoV-2 transmission or a significant impact on the perinatal outcome of newborns, in both mild and more severe cases

    Home Cardiorespiratory Monitoring in Infants at Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE) or Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE)

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    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the sudden death of an infant younger than one year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history. About 90% of SIDS occur before six months of age, the peak incidence is between two and four months, and the median age for death is elven weeks. The clinical, social, and economic relevance of SIDS, together with the evidence that prevention of this syndrome was possible, has significantly stimulated research into risk factors for the development of SIDS in the hope of being able to introduce new effective preventive measures. This narrative review discusses the potential relationships between apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) or brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) and SIDS development, and when a home cardiorespiratory monitor is useful for prevention of these conditions. A literature analysis showed that home cardiorespiratory monitoring has been considered a potential method to identify not only ALTE and BRUE but SIDS also. ALTE and BRUE are generally due to underlying conditions that are not detectable in SIDS infants. A true relationship between these conditions has never been demonstrated. Use of home cardiorespiratory monitor is not recommended for SIDS, whereas it could be suggested for children with previous ALTE or severe BRUE or who are at risk of the development of these conditions. However, use of home cardiorespiratory monitors assumes that family members know the advantages and limitations of these devices after adequate education and instruction in their use

    Oxidative stress and respiratory diseases in preterm newborns

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    Premature infants are exposed to an increased generation of reactive oxygen species, and on the other hand, they have a deficient antioxidant defense system. Oxidative insult is a salient part of lung injury that begins as acute inflammatory injury in respiratory distress disease and then evolves into chronic and structural scar leading to bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Oxidative stress is also involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in the newborn through the modulation of the vascular tone and the response to pulmonary vasodilators, with consequent decrease in the density of the pulmonary vessels and thickening of the pulmonary arteriolar walls. Oxidative stress has been recognized as both a trigger and an endpoint for several events, including inflammation, hypoxia, hyperoxia, drugs, transfusions and mechanical ventilation, with im-pairment of pulmonary function and prolonged lung damage. Redoxomics is the most fascinating new measure to address the lung damage due to oxidative stress. The new challenge is to use omics data to discover a set of biomarkers useful in diagnoses, prognoses and in formulating optimal and individualized neonatal care. The aim of this review was to examine the most recent evidences on the relationship between oxidative stress and lung diseases in preterm newborns. What is cur-rently known regarding oxidative stress related- lung injury pathogenesis and the available preventive and therapeutic strategies are also discusse

    The Multiple Facets of Lutein: A Call for Further Investigation in the Perinatal Period

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    Lutein may have important antioxidant actions in free-radical-mediated diseases, in addition to its well-known antioxidant and cytoprotective effects on macula and photoreceptors. The peculiar perinatal susceptibility to oxidative stress indicates that prophylactic use of antioxidants as lutein could help to prevent or at least to reduce oxidative stress related diseases in newborns. Since lutein is not synthesized by humans, the intake primarily depends on diet or supplementation. Newborns receive lutein exclusively from breast milk. Lutein supplementation in term newborns has been reported to reduce oxidative stress and increase antioxidant capacities in the first days of life. Innovative frontiers concerning lutein supplementation are orientated toward cardiometabolic health improvement and cognitive benefits. The safety of lutein as an antioxidant agent has been confirmed in experimental and clinical studies, but its routine use is not recommended in perinatal period. This review summarizes what is known about the role of lutein as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in animal model and humans

    Oral 24% sucrose associated with nonnutritive sucking for pain control in healthy term newborns receiving venipuncture beyond the first week of life

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    Objective: To test the hypothesis that oral administration of 24% sucrose associated with nonnutritive sucking in healthy newborns receiving venipuncture beyond the first week of life controls pain and pain-related variation in heart rate (HR) and noninvasive oxygen saturation (SpO2). Methods: A total of 66 term newborns were enrolled between February and September 2017 in the Neonatology Department of AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples. They were randomly assigned to receive oral 1 mL 24% sucrose (treated group [TG], n=33; gestational age 38.53±1.49 weeks; body weight 3,035±55 g; age 22.40±6.82 weeks) or oral 1 mL 10% glucose (control group [CG], n=33; gestational age 38.91±1.45 weeks; body weight 3,203±65 g; age 23.36±7.02 weeks) 1 minute before and during venipuncture. Evaluations were carried out between 8 and 9 am in all newborns. The Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) was used to assess pain in newborns. Outcome measurements (HR, SpO2) were obtained before (T0), during (T1), and 1 minute after (T2) venipuncture using a Nellcor bedside SpO2 patient-monitoring system. NIPS scores were recorded throughout the procedure. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0. Changes in HR and SpO2 were assessed by mixed ANOVA for repeated measures. NIPS scores were evaluated by Mann–Whitney U test. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in HR or SpO2 between TG and CG at T0. HR was significantly lower in TG than CG at both T1 and T2 (P<0.05), whereas SpO2 was significantly higher in TG than CG at both T1 and T2 (P<0.05). NIPS scores were significantly lower in TG (median 0) than CG (median 6) during the entire procedure (P<0.05). Conclusion: Oral administration of 24% sucrose associated with nonnutritive sucking prior to and during a painful procedure has a strong impact on pain response in term newborns, reducing NIPS scores and influencing pain-associated variations in HR and SpO2. Complete analgesia during painful procedures in term newborns might prevent pain reactivity and its behavioral and neurodevelopmental consequences. Replication of this study is needed before widespread application of findings

    New antioxidant drugs for neonatal brain injury

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    The brain injury concept covers a lot of heterogeneity in terms of aetiology involving multiple factors, genetic, hemodynamic, metabolic, nutritional, endocrinological, toxic, and infectious mechanisms, acting in antenatal or postnatal period. Increased vulnerability of the immature brain to oxidative stress is documented because of the limited capacity of antioxidant enzymes and the high free radicals (FRs) generation in rapidly growing tissue. FRs impair transmembrane enzyme Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity resulting in persistent membrane depolarization and excessive release of FR and excitatory aminoacid glutamate. Besides being neurotoxic, glutamate is also toxic to oligodendroglia, via FR effects. Neuronal cells die of oxidative stress. Excess of free iron and deficient iron/binding metabolising capacity are additional features favouring oxidative stress in newborn. Each step in the oxidative injury cascade has become a potential target for neuroprotective intervention. The administration of antioxidants for suspected or proven brain injury is still not accepted for clinical use due to uncertain beneficial effects when treatments are started after resuscitation of an asphyxiated newborn. The challenge for the future is the early identification of high-risk babies to target a safe and not toxic antioxidant therapy in combination with standard therapies to prevent brain injury and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment

    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Beyond Risk Factors

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    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is defined as "the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age which remains unexplained after thorough investigation including a complete autopsy, death scene investigation, and detailed clinical and pathological review". A significant decrease of SIDS deaths occurred in the last decades in most countries after the beginning of national campaigns, mainly as a consequence of the implementation of risk reduction action mostly concentrating on the improvement of sleep conditions. Nevertheless, infant mortality from SIDS still remains unacceptably high. There is an urgent need to get insight into previously unexplored aspects of the brain system with a special focus on high-risk groups. SIDS pathogenesis is associated with a multifactorial condition that comprehends genetic, environmental and sociocultural factors. Effective prevention of SIDS requires multiple interventions from different fields. Developing brain susceptibility, intrinsic vulnerability and early identification of infants with high risk of SIDS represents a challenge. Progress in SIDS research appears to be fundamental to the ultimate aim of eradicating SIDS deaths. A complex model that combines different risk factor data from biomarkers and omic analysis may represent a tool to identify a SIDS risk profile in newborn settings. If high risk is detected, the infant may be referred for further investigations and follow ups. This review aims to illustrate the most recent discoveries from different fields, analyzing the neuroanatomical, genetic, metabolic, proteomic, environmental and sociocultural aspects related to SIDS

    The Free Radical Diseases of Prematurity: From Cellular Mechanisms to Bedside

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    During the perinatal period, free radicals (FRs) are involved in several physiological roles such as the cellular responses to noxia, the defense against infectious agents, the regulation of cellular signaling function, and the induction of a mitogenic response. However, the overproduction of FRs and the insufficiency of an antioxidant mechanism result in oxidative stress (OS) which represents a deleterious process and an important mediator of damage to the placenta and the developing fetus. After birth, OS can be magnified by other predisposing conditions such as hypoxia, hyperoxia, ischemia, hypoxia ischemia-reperfusion, inflammation, and high levels of nonprotein-bound iron. Newborns are particularly susceptible to OS and oxidative damage due to the increased generation of FRs and the lack of adequate antioxidant protection. This impairment of the oxidative balance has been thought to be the common factor of the so-called "free radical related diseases of prematurity," including retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis, kidney damage, and oxidative hemolysis. In this review, we provide an update focused on the factors influencing these diseases refining the knowledge about the role of OS in their pathogenesis and the current evidences of such relationship. Mechanisms governing FR formation and subsequent OS may represent targets for counteracting tissue damage
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