5 research outputs found


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    Life is a physico-chemical process by which tell-tale signals or traces are left on the environment. These signals are indicators of life and are known as biomarkers. Besides, the traces of some kinds of microorganisms can be well preserved, provided that they are rapidly mineralized and that the sediments in which they occur are rapidly cemented [1]. The search for these traces of life is one of the main objectives of Mars exploration [1] and to improve and optimize the search and detection of them forms part of MASE project targets. In MASE project (Mars Analogues for Space Exploration) we work to improve approaches and methods for biomarker detection in samples with low biomass from Mars analogue sites. A developed antibody multiarray competitive immunoassay (MACIA) for the simultaneous detection of compounds of a wide range of molecular sizes or whole spores and cells [2] [3] has revealed as suitable option to achieve this purpose

    Mars Analogues for space exploration - from anaerobic field site to culture collection

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    Astrobiology seeks to understand the limits of life and to determine the physiology of organisms in order to be able to better assess the potential habitability of other worlds and improve our ability to assay them for the presence of life. To successfully achieve this we require representative microorganisms from environments on Earth that in physical and/or chemical conditions approximate to extraterrestrial environments. The most challenging of these environments with respect to the sample collection and follow on isolation and cultivation of microorganisms are anaerobic environments. Here we describe a systematic approach to this challenge and aim to provide a guideline for future fieldwork and sampling campaigns. We selected a number of anaerobic environments based on characteristics that make them analogous to past and present locations on Mars (Icelandic lakes, sulfidic springs, deep hypersaline environments, acidic iron-rich environments, and permafrost). We implemented a culturing approach to enrich organisms from these environments under anaerobic conditions using a defined medium that would allow for all organisms to be grown under identical culturing conditions m future physiological comparisons. We then isolated anaerobic microorganisms, carried out a study of their basic physiology and deposited these organisms in the DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH) culture collection to make them available to astrobiologists and microbiologists. This project represents the first attempt to implement a coordinated effort from the selection of extraterrestrial analog sites through to the isolation and the characterisation of organisms and their deposition within a culture collection

    Defining the boarders of extreme life: The study of microbial communities and their settings gives insights into Mars analogue life within the MASE project

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    The search for life beyond Earth is challenging and requires, as a prerequisite, intensive research on microbial life in similar, extreme environments on Earth. Mars analogue sites are characterised by e.g. anoxic conditions, organic compound limitation, low temperatures, high salinity or presence of oxidising compounds, and consequently represent the chemical and physical borders of life as we know it. The analysis of microorganisms withstanding such conditions is embedded in the European Commission-funded MASE (Mars Analogues for Space Exploration; (http://mase.esf.org/) project. Combining a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary expertise, the European project members aim at a better understanding of habitability, microbial lifestyles and biomarker preservation in Mars analogues. For the first time, the selected sites (e.g. salt mine, sulfidic springs) have undergone a profound analysis of their microbial communities on various levels, including vast cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms and molecular screening. In this work, we applied propidium monoazide in order to distinguish between cells with intact membrane (considered as viable) and dead cells on molecular stage, followed by DNA extraction, and amplicon-sequencing of the archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genes. The geochemistry of the sites was comprehensively investigated (i.e. elemental analysis, amino acid chirality, minerology), to determine triggers for microbial community composition. We aim to set up a model of potential metabolism reactions based on the different setting conditions and compare it with microbiome data. Consequently, we will obtain insights into the prerequisites of possible extra-terrestrial life forms and into their lifestyles, which may enable them to thrive under most extreme conditions

    Physicochemical context synthesis for the MASE Mars analogue sites

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    MASE (Mars Analogues for Space Exploration) is a four year collaborative research project supported by an EC FP7 contract. Its aim is to understand how combined environmental stresses affect the habitability of a number of Mars analogue environments on Earth, specifically for anaerobic organisms. Crucial to assessing the habitability of any environmental system is a detailed understanding of the geological, physiochemical and biological context in which the environment is set. One of the key outcomes of MASE is a comparison and synthesis of just such a collection of context data from a varied set of Mars analogue sites


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    Introduction: The Life Detection System (LDS) is designed as a two modules system for microbial life detection under growing conditions. The microbes growth is followed by redox, pH and conductivity parameters but others parameters can be monitored as well if needed. The experiments presented in this paper follow the physicochemical parameter in a growth culture under fossilization/mineralization-induced process with the objectives of biomarkers detection. The study of biomarkers detection [1] and fossilization process is crucial from an astrobiological point of view for the search for life on Mars as it has been reported that life can survive on Mars surface conditions under protected microniches [2]. At the same time, and using LDS system, we can follow the modification of some parameters on the media that could drive the process