51 research outputs found

    Combining Density Functional Theory and Density Matrix Functional Theory

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    We combine density-functional theory with density-matrix functional theory to get the best of both worlds. This is achieved by range separation of the electronic interaction which permits to rigorously combine a short-range density functional with a long-range density-matrix functional. The short-range density functional is approximated by the short-range version of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional (srPBE). The long-range density-matrix functional is approximated by the long-range version of the Buijse-Baerends functional (lrBB). The obtained srPBE+lrBB method accurately describes both static and dynamic electron correlation at a computational cost similar to that of standard density-functional approximations. This is shown for the dissociation curves of the H2_{2}, LiH, BH and HF molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Ensemble density variational methods with selfand ghost-interaction-corrected functionals

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    Ensemble density functional theory (DFT) offers a way of predicting excited-states energies of atomic and molecular systems without referring to a density response function. Despite a significant theoretical work, practical applications of the proposed approximations have been scarce and they do not allow for a fair judgement of the potential usefulness of ensemble DFT with available functionals. In the paper, we investigate two forms of ensemble density functionals formulated within ensemble DFT framework: the Gross, Oliveira, and Kohn (GOK) functional proposed by Gross et al. [Phys. Rev. A37, 2809 (1988)] alongside the orbital-dependent eDFT form of the functional introduced by Nagy [J. Phys. B34, 2363 (2001)] (the acronym eDFT proposed in analogy to eHF – ensemble Hartree-Fock method). Local and semi-local ground-state density functionals are employed in both approaches. Approximate ensemble density functionals contain not only spurious self-interaction but also the so-called ghost-interaction which has no counterpart in the ground-state DFT. We propose how to correct the GOK functional for both kinds of interactions in approximations that go beyond the exact-exchange functional. Numerical applications lead to a conclusion that functionals free of the ghost-interaction by construction, i.e., eDFT, yield much more reliable results than approximate self- and ghost-interaction-corrected GOK functional. Additionally, local density functional corrected for self-interaction employed in the eDFT framework yields excitations energies of the accuracy comparable to that of the uncorrected semi-local eDFT functional

    W centrum doskonałości

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 154, grudzień 2020Politechnika Łódzka jest jednym z partnerów Centrum Doskonałości TREX, finansowanego w ramach programu Horyzont 2020. Projekt potrwa 36 miesięcy. Jego całkowity budżet wynosi 5 mln euro

    Toward more accurate adiabatic connection approach for multireference wave functions

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    A multiconfigurational adiabatic connection (AC) formalism is an attractive approach to computing dynamic correlation within CASSCF and DMRG models. Practical realizations of AC have been based on two approximations: i) fixing one- and two-electron reduced density matrices (1- and 2-RDMs) at the zero-coupling constant limit and ii) extended random phase approximation (ERPA). This work investigates the the effect of removing the "fixed-RDM" approximation in AC. The analysis is carried out for two electronic Hamiltonian partitionings: the group product function- and the Dyall-Hamiltonians. Exact reference AC integrands are generated from the DMRG FCI solver. Two AC models are investigated, employing either exact 1- and 2-RDMs or their second-order expansions in the coupling constant in the ERPA equations. Calculations for model molecules indicate that lifting the fixed-RDM approximation is a viable way toward improving accuracy of the existing AC approximations

    Variational quantum eigensolver boosted by adiabatic connection

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    In this work we integrate the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) with the adiabatic connection (AC) method for efficient simulations of chemical problems on near-term quantum computers. Orbital optimized VQE methods are employed to capture the strong correlation within an active space and classical AC corrections recover the dynamical correlation effects comprising electrons outside of the active space. On two challenging strongly correlated problems, namely the dissociation of N2_2 and the electronic structure of the tetramethyleneethane biradical, we show that the combined VQE-AC approach enhances the performance of VQE dramatically. Moreover, since the AC corrections do not bring any additional requirements on quantum resources or measurements, they can literally boost the VQE algorithms. Our work paves the way towards quantum simulations of real-life problems on near-term quantum computers

    How accurate is the strongly orthogonal geminal theory in predicting excitation energies? Comparison of the extended random phase approximation and the linear response theory approaches

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    Performance of the antisymmetrized product of strongly orthogonal geminal (APSG) ansatz in describing ground states of molecules has been extensively explored in the recent years. Not much is known, however, about possibilities of obtaining excitation energies from methods that would rely on the APSG ansatz. In the paper we investigate the recently proposed extended random phase approximations, ERPA and ERPA2, that employ APSG reduced density matrices. We also propose a time-dependent linear response APSG method (TD-APSG). Its relation to the recently proposed phase including natural orbital theory is elucidated. The methods are applied to Li2, BH, H2O, and CH2O molecules at equilibrium geometries and in the dissociating limits. It is shown that ERPA2 and TD-APSG perform better in describing double excitations than ERPA due to inclusion of the so-called diagonal double elements. Analysis of the potential energy curves of Li2, BH, and H2O reveals that ERPA2 and TD-APSG describe correctly excitation energies of dissociating molecules if orbitals involved in breaking bonds are involved. For single excitations of molecules at equilibrium geometries the accuracy of the APSG-based methods approaches that of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock method with the increase of the system size. A possibility of improving the accuracy of the TD-APSG method for single excitations by splitting the electron-electron interaction operator into the long- and short-range terms and employing density functionals to treat the latter is presented

    The role of spin polarization and dynamic correlation in singlet-triplet gap inversion of heptazine derivatives

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    The new generation of proposed light-emitting molecules for OLEDs has raised a considerable research interest due to its exceptional feature-a negative singlet-triplet (ST) gap violating the Hund's multiplicity rule in the excited S1 and T1 states. We investigate the role of spin polarization in the mechanism of ST gap inversion. Spin polarization is associated with doubly excited determinants of certain types, whose presence in the wavefunction expansion favors the energy of the singlet state more than that of the triplet. Using a perturbation theory-based model for spin polarization, we propose a simple descriptor for prescreening of candidate molecules with negative ST gaps and prove its usefulness for heptazine-type molecules. Numerical results show that the quantitative effect of spin polarization is approximately inverse-proportional to the HOMO-LUMO exchange integral. Comparison of single- and multireference coupled- cluster predictions of ST gaps shows that the former methods provide good accuracy by correctly balancing the effects of doubly excited determinants and dynamic correlation. We also show that accurate ST gaps may be obtained using a complete active space model supplemented with dynamic correlation from multireference adiabatic connection theory