25 research outputs found

    Nutritional Status of Children Age 4-6 Years Old in Local Village

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    Malnutrition is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in children. The term of malnutrition includes a state of undernutrition and overnutrition, that is caused by consumption of food that is lacking, poor absorption, or excessive loss of nutrients. To assess the nutritional status of children age 4-6 years old in local village, Bali. This research was a cross-sectional descriptive study with 60 subject which were kindergarten students in Bali and with 60 respondents which were the mother of the subjects. The data collecting technique of this research was purposive sampling, with using questionnaire for respondents and direct measurement for the subjects. Most of the respondents were in normal category based on anthropometry index. We also found the prevalence of over nutrition were higher than undernutrition. Undernutrition status was found more in children with less nutrient intake, normal nutrition status was found more in children with good nutrition intake, while over nutrition status was more dominant in children with high nutrition intake. Most of research subjects which are children age 4-6 years old in local village Bali are on normal category of nutritional status. This result are expected to be a basis in anticipation of further research and for making public health program


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    This an comparative experimental study that compares the quality of pindang cob packed with vacuum and non-vacuum at the shelf life of 0, 2, 7, 14, and 28 days at room temperature (30-33oC). The processing of fishery products plays an important role in post-harvest activities considering fishery products are perishable goods. Vacuum packaging technique is currently a packaging technique that is currently popular among the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vacuum packaging techniques on the quality and shelf life of pindang cobs (Auxis tharzad, Lac). The parameters evaluated included chemical parameters, namely moisture content, salt content, histamine levels, total volatile bases levels, and trimethylamine levels; microbiological parameters such as the number of bacteria, the number of coliforms, and the number of Escherichia coli; and organoleptic parameters including appearance, smell and texture. Based on the results of the research, the quality of the storage capacity of frigate mackerel which is vacuum packed at room temperature storage of 30-33oC, can only be stored < 7 days and there is a significant difference in quality and shelf life between vacuum packed and non-vacuum packed frigate mackerel


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    This an comparative experimental study that compares the quality of pindang cob packed with vacuum and non-vacuum at the shelf life of 0, 2, 7, 14, and 28 days at room temperature (30-33oC). The processing of fishery products plays an important role in post-harvest activities considering fishery products are perishable goods. Vacuum packaging technique is currently a packaging technique that is currently popular among the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vacuum packaging techniques on the quality and shelf life of pindang cobs (Auxis tharzad, Lac). The parameters evaluated included chemical parameters, namely moisture content, salt content, histamine levels, total volatile bases levels, and trimethylamine levels; microbiological parameters such as the number of bacteria, the number of coliforms, and the number of Escherichia coli; and organoleptic parameters including appearance, smell and texture. Based on the results of the research, the quality of the storage capacity of frigate mackerel which is vacuum packed at room temperature storage of 30-33oC, can only be stored < 7 days and there is a significant difference in quality and shelf life between vacuum packed and non-vacuum packed frigate mackerel

    Characteristic of Orange Peel Waste-Based on Eco Enzyme at Different Fermentation Duration

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    One effort to overcome the waste problem is by recycling waste into something useful, such as by making eco enzymes that can be used in various fields through fermentation process. The duration of eco enzyme fermentation is determined by the purpose of its production, but most studies require a fermentation duration of 3 months to produce ideal eco enzyme. The raw material used in making eco enzyme in this study is the peel of the Kintamani orange (Citrus nobilis) that widely cultivated in Bali. This study was aimed to examine the differences in the characteristics of eco enzyme based on orange peel waste with different fermentation durations.  The research method used is experimental. Fermentation was carried out on orange peel waste, brown sugar, and water with a ratio of 3:1:10. Fermentation was carried out at a duration of 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Each eco enzyme with a different fermentation duration was chemically analyzed for PH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD. The results showed that as the fermentation duration lengthened, there was a decrease in the TSS, TDS, BOD, and COD parameters in orange peel-based eco enzyme, but there was no change in PH. Teen days of fermentation was able to produce eco enzymes with an ideal PH, fresh sour aroma, and high organic content, however, the fermentation did not produce a dark brown color. This research helps in providing reference for the best fermentation duration that need to make eco enzyme

    Type and Duration of Use of Hormonal Contraceptives as a Trigger for Maternal Weight Increase in Family Planning Acceptors in Bali: A Cohort Study

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    Introduction: Hormonal contraceptives are widely chosen by mothers to regulate the number of children and the spacing of births. However, the use of hormonal contraceptives provokes the side effects of weight gain. Purpose: This study evaluated the relationship between the type and duration of hormonal contraceptive use with weight gain in family planning acceptance in the Community Public Health Ubud I sub-district of Bali Province, Indonesia. Methods: The cohort study is a retrospective research design. A total of 92 acceptors, namely mothers who use contraception for at least 6 months as samples. Data are secondary sourced from medical records at Community Health Centers that meet the research criteria. Questionnaire as a measuring tool to obtain data on the type and duration of contraceptive use and body weight before and after hormonal contraceptive use. Analysis of bivariate data using the chi-square test and Wilcoxon test. Results: The number of 92 study subjects after conducting uji Wilcoxon found an association between hormonal contraceptive use and weight gain (p = 0.001) and the chi-square test showed a relationship between the length of contraceptive use and weight gain (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Weight gain in mothers is influenced by the length of hormonal contraceptive use. The duration of use of hormonal-type contraceptives needs to be considered as the basis for the realization of a program to prevent weight gain in family planning acceptors. Latar Belakang: Kontrasepsi hormonal banyak dipilih ibu-ibu untuk mengatur jumlah anak dan jarak kelahiran anak. Namun, penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal memicu efek samping peningkatan berat badan. Tujuan: untuk mengevaluasi efek antara jenis dan lama penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan peningkatan berat badan pada akseptor keluarga berencana di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat kecamatan Ubud I Provinsi Bali, Indonesia. Metode: Studi cohort merupakan desain penelitian bersifat retrospektif. Sebanyak 92 aksepor, yaitu ibu-ibu pengguna kontrasepsi minimal 6 bulan sebagai sampel. Data bersifat sekunder bersumber rekam medis di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Kuesioner sebagai alat ukur untuk memperoleh data jenis dan lama penggunaan alat kontrasepsi dan berat badan sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan uji chi square dan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil: Subjek penelitian berjumlah 92 setelah dilakukan uji wilcoxon menemukan ada hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan peningkatan berat badan (p=0,001) dan uji chi square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara lama penggunaan kontrasepsi dengan peningkatan berat badan (p=0,001). Simpulan: Peningkatan berat badan pada ibu-ibu dipengaruhi oleh lama penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal. Lama penggunaan kontrasepsi jenis hormonal perlu diperhatikan sebagai dasar perwujudan program pencegahan peningkatan berat badan pada akseptor keluarga berencana

    Gerakan Keluarga Sadar Obat pada Kelompok Darma Wanita dengan Pendekatan Belajar Aktif

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    Untuk mengatasi maraknya praktik swamedikasi atau melakukan pengobatan sendiri yang tidak benar di masyarakat diperlukan upaya peningkatan pemahaman penggunaan obat-obatan yang rasional di masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menyasar ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang tergabung dalam kelompok Darma Wanita Kota Denpasar dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka dalam praktik swamedikasi pada keluarga. Metode belajar aktif digunakan sebagai strategi dalam penyampaian materi kepada peserta. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan melalui observasi selama kegiatan serta penilaian pre-test dan post-test. Peserta mengikuti seluruh kegiatan dengan aktif. Dari dua puluh pertanyaan yang dibagi dalam empat topik swamedikasi diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre-test 6,65; 6,85; 7,11; dan 6,11 serta nilai rata-rata post-test 8,57; 8,85; 8,42; dan 8,5. Dengan demikian, terdapat peningkatan nilai post-test dibandingkan pre-test (nilai p < 0,05). Pemberian materi dengan metode belajar aktif mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok Darma Wanita Kota Denpasar dalam mewujudkan swamedikasi yang rasional. Para peserta diharapkan dapat menjadi pelopor gerakan keluarga sadar obat bagi keluarganya

    Relationship between physical activity and hypertension in adults in the working area of Puskesmas Tampaksiring I

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    Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is characterized by systolic blood pressure of at least 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure of at least 90 mmHg. Lack of regular physical activity is one of the risk factors for hypertension. This study aims to analyze the relationship between physical activity and the incidence of hypertension in adulthood. This study employs a cross-sectional design and analytical observational research methodology. The number of subjects in the study were 62 hypertension subjects and 62 non-hypertension subjects. Data was collected with the IPAQ-SF questionnaire to determine the level of physical activity. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-square statistical test. The results of the univariate analysis showed that the majority of research subjects were aged 41-60 years (53.2%), female (66.9%), and 91.5% of subjects with hypertension were classified as having low physical activity. There was a strong correlation between physical activity and the incidence of hypertension, as shown by the bivariate analysis, which yielded a value of p = 0,00 (p 0,05). The conclusion of this study was that there is a relationship between physical activity and the incidence of hypertension in adulthood in the working area of Tampaksiring I public health center

    Penyuluhan dan Pendampingan Pemilihan Metode Kontrasepsi pada Kelompok Arisan Dewi Sartika Denpasar Timur

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    Mitra pada pengabdian ini merupakan ibu-ibu yang tergabung dalam kelompok arisan Dewi Sartika yang berasal dari lingkungan Banjar Yang Batu Kangin, Denpasar Timur. Selama ini mitra pernah mendapatkan penyuluhan dari puskesmas setempat, namun belum bisa memahami penjelasan yang disampaikan pihak puskesmas. Mayoritas kelompok anggota mitra kesulitan memahami penjelasan tersebut karena terlalu bersifat ilmiah dan menggunakan bahasa medis yang sulit dimengerti. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dilakukanlah program berupa pemberdayaan mitra tentang kesehatan reproduksi khususnya pemilihan metode kontrasepsi. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan berupa pelaksanaan pretest dan posttest, penyampaian materi oleh narasumber, diskusi interaktif, pemutaran video edukatif, simulasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan ini antara lain: mitra telah berperan  aktif  dalam  setiap  kegiatan  dengan  persentase kehadiran dan partisipasi aktif sebesar 100%. Hasil rerata nilai  pretest  dan  posttest  mitra  mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2 kali lipat dari 36,8 menjadi 58,4 point. Akan tetapi, hasil ini lebih rendah dari target yang diharapkan yaitu ≥85%, sehingga perlu dilakukan pendampingan berkelanjutan. Secara umum program sudah terlaksana dengan baik dinilai dari pelaksanaan kegiatan tepat waktu, keterlibatan dan kerjasama yang baik dari mitra, narasumber, ketersediaan alat dan bahan kegiatan yang memadai selama kegiatan, serta pelaksanaan kegiatan simulasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan yang juga berlangsung baik. Saran yang dapat penulis berikan dalam kegiatan ini antara lain agar mitra dapat menjadi ujung tombak perekrutan mitra lainnya sebagai sehingga pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang didapat dapat ditransfer kepada mitra lainnya


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    Intensitas hujan yang tinggi selama penghujung tahun 2022 pada hampir seluruh kawasan di Bali, terutama di Bali Barat, menyebabkan munculnya bencana banjir bandang di sejumlah desa di Kabupatan Jembrana, salah satunya adalah Desa Penyaringan. Desa Penyaringan Kecamatan Mendoyo Kabupaten Jembrana merupakan daerah dengan tingkat kerusakan paling parah akibat bencana banjir bandang di bulan Oktober 2022 tersebut karena berada di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai Biluk Poh. Pemulihan infrastructure yang rusak akibat bencana banjir bandang di Desa Penyaringan sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah. Sehingga solusi yang ditawarkan kepada mitra meliputi edukasi mitigasi bencana, sesi psychohealing, reboisasi hulu sungai biluk poh, pembuatan lubang biopori, edukasi vector borne disease, serta pemanfatan lahan pekarangan untuk budidaya tanaman pengendalian vektor penyakit. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini telah memenuhi 3 indikator dalam evaluasi, yaitu evaluasi input berupa terselenggaranya kegiatan sesuai waktu yang dijadwalkan dengan jumlah peserta sesuai yang diharapkan. Indikator outcome dinilai melalui antusiasme peserta juga sangat tinggi ditunjukkan dengan interaksi yang baik selama mengikuti kegiatan. Indikator output yaitu pengetahuan juga mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dan penurunan kecemasan setelah mengikuti sesi psychohealing, dan tersalurkannya bantuan kepada mitra. Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu mengurangi dampak banjir bandang yang dialami mitra dan membantu mitra untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap bencana banjir yang sering terjadi di daerah tersebut

    Pengembangan Produk Pindang Desa Kusamba Melalui Aplikasi Teknologi Tepat Guna dan Pengemasan Vakum

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    Fish shelters in Kusamba are traditional fish shelters and still to use very conventional tools, the workers are also not trained and an educated personnal in food production, so that the boiled fish produced by Kusamba village does not have good quality, packaging tends to be haphazard and its safety is questionable. To improve the quality of processed fish products in Kusamba Village, the community service aims to conduct training and simulations that can help Kusamba Village workers and elevate the Kusamba boiled fish to become an international-class product. The service methods employed include counseling on the importance of food processing hygiene, hand washing exercises, demonstration of screening, vacuum packaging training, and marketing simulations through social media. Evaluation and monitoring will be carried out through observation during the activities and the pretest and posttest questionnaires. The results of these community service activities have succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of workers in applying appropriate technology applications from processing to packaging of boiled fish. &nbsp;Tempat pemindangan ikan di Kusamba merupakan tempat pemindangan ikan yang bersifat tradisional dan masih menggunakan alat-alat yang sangat konvensional, para pemindang juga bukan merupakan tenaga yang terlatih dan terdidik dalam hal produksi makanan, sehingga pindang produksi desa Kusamba tidak memiliki kualitas yang baik, pengemasannya pun cenderung asal, serta keamanannya pun patut dipertanyakan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk olahan ikan Desa Kusamba, maka pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengadakan pelatihan dan simulasi yang dapat membantu para pemindang Desa Kusamba dan mengangkat derajat pindang Kusamba untuk menjadi produk berkelas internasional. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah meliputi penyuluhan mengenai pentingnya higienitas pengolahan makanan, senam cuci tangan, demonstrasi pemindangan, pelatihan pengemasan dengan metode vakum, serta simulasi pemasaran melalui media sosial. Evaluasi dan monitoring akan dilakukan melalui observasi selama kegiatan dan kuisioner pretest dan posttest. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok pemindang dalam menerapkan aplikasi teknologi tepat guna dari pengolahan hingga pengemasan pindang. &nbsp