6 research outputs found

    Peran Guru BK dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Belajar dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    Learning skills and learning motivation must be in students to be successful and successful in learning, in this case, students need help and guidance to succeed in learning. One of those who play an important role in helping students is the school counselor. This type of research is qualitative research. The informants in this study were the principal, school counselor, subject teachers, homeroom teachers, and students. Data collection techniques in this study using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Techniques for Guaranteeing Data Validity The research was carried out by means of a Credibility Test, Transferability Test, Dependability Test, and Confirmability Test. Data analysis techniques are carried out through the process of data reduction (data reduction), data display (data display), and conclusion (verification). The findings obtained in this study indicate that the role of school counseling in increasing student learning motivation is carried out well through the provision of information services. Meanwhile, the role of school counseling in improving student learning skills still needs to be improved by providing more intensive services with a combination of content mastery services, this is because there are still students who do not have good learning skills, and there is still a lack of service provision regarding learning skills that are felt by them. students, so that student learning outcomes are less than optimal. This study also reveals that "Good motivation to learn without the support of adequate learning skills has an impact on not optimal learning outcomes. On the other hand, adequate learning skills without the support of good learning motivation also have an impact on learning outcomes that are not optimal


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pola interaksi daring pada perkuliahan yang terjadi di STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. Interaksi tersebut dianalisa dengan menggunakan tiga teori, yaitu pertama teori Analisis dilakukan dengan tahapan: pembuatan transkrip prose belajar mengajar, pengkodean, pengklasifikasian pola interaksi kelas berdasarkan teori El-Hanafi (2013), karakteristik interaksi model FIAC (Flander Interaction Analysis Code) dan Model BIAS (Brown Interaction Analysis System). Objek penelitian ini adalah enam kelas pada enam program studi yang tersedia di STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh yang diambil secara acak. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, pola interaksi dengan menggunakan teori El-Hanafi (2013) ditemukan pola interaksi dua arah (48%), dimana mayoritas dosen lebih sering berbicara dan direspon mahasiswa pada topik tunggal, dan interaksi yang mereka lakukan berhenti untuk topik itu, lalu beralih ke topik yang lain. Kedua, pada model FIAC, karakteristik interaksi daring yang dominan ditemukan adalah lintas materi (44%), dimana karakteristik interaksi tersebut ditandai dengan dominasi dosen dengan memberikan materi berupa penjelasan, memberikan contoh, bertanya, dan sebagainya, sehingga peran mahasiswa tidak begitu menonjol dalam interaksi yang terjadi tersebut. Ketiga, pada model BIAS, yaitu menemukan respon mahasiswa (37%)Ā  mendominasi interaksi perkuliahan daring yang merupakan dampak dari ceramah dosen (18%) dan pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh dosen (27%). Kesimpulan dari ketiga teori tersebut adalah interaksi kelas daring di STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh didominasi oleh dosen.Abstract: This study aims to see how the pattern of online interaction in lectures that occurs at STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. The interaction was analyzed using three theories, namely first the theory The analysis is carried out with stages: making transcripts of teaching and learning procedures, coding, classifying class interaction patterns based on El-Hanafi theory (2013), interaction characteristics of the FIAC model (Flander Interaction Analysis Code) and THE BIAS Model (Brown Interaction Analysis System). The object of this study was six classes in six study programs available at STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh which were taken randomly. The findings in this study are as follows: First, interaction patterns using El-Hanafi theory (2013) found a two-way interaction pattern (48%), where the majority of lecturers talked more often and responded to students on a single topic, and the interaction they made to stop that topic, then moved on to another topic. Second, in the FIAC model, the dominant characteristics of online interaction found are cross-material (44%), where the interaction characteristics are characterized by the dominance of lecturers by providing material in the form of explanations, giving examples, asking questions, and so on so that the role of students is not so prominent in the interaction that occurs. Third, in the BIAS model, which is to find student responses (37%) dominate the interaction of online lectures which are the impact of lecturers' lectures (18%) and questions asked by lecturers (27%). These three theories conclude that the interaction of online classes at STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh is dominated by lecturers

    Motif, Perilaku, dan Persepsi Pelecehan Seksual

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    Tujuan Penelitian: Peneliti bertujuan untuk meneliti dan memahami bagaimana motif, perilaku, dan persepsi pelaku pelecehan seksual dari kasus yang sudah ada sebagai upaya preventif dengan melakukan penelitian langsung terhadap pelaku dan korban. penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana motif, perilaku dan persepsi pelaku pelecehan seksual yang terungkap dari keterangan dan pengamatan terhadap pelaku dan korban.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku dan korban pelecehan seksual. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Observasi, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Teknik Penjamin Keabsahan Data Penelitian dilakukan dengan Uji Kepercayaan, Uji Keteralihan, Uji Kebergantungan, dan Uji Kepastian. Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil Penelitian: motif utama pelaku melakukan pelecehan terhadap korban adalah karena korban merespon sikap yang ditampikan oleh pelaku atau adanya feed back yang ditunjukkan oleh korban. Perilaku yang ditunjukkan pelaku terlihat agresif, dengan upaya berusaha mendekati korban secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, serta terungkap pelaku memiliki mekanisme pertahanan diri yang kuat dalam melindungi pelecehan yang dilakukannya. Pelaku berpersepsi bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan merupakan akibat timbal balik yang muncul dari respon yang ditimbulkan korban, bukan semata karena keinginan maupun niat yang direncanakan.Implikasi:Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa, ā€œtindak pelecehan seksual dipengaruhi oleh persepsi pelaku terhadap korban, yang timbul melalui respon yang ditampilkan korban terhadap pelakuā€.

    Sikap Toleransi Mahasiswa Dalam Kehidupan Kampus Multi Kultural

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    Interaksi mahasiswa diĀ  kampus yang terdiri dari berbagai latar budaya yang berbeda menjadi fenomena unik tersendiri mewarnai aktivitas mahasiswa dikampus tersebut. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana sikap toleransi mahasiswa dalam kehidupan multikultural kampus STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Observasi, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Teknik Penjamin Keabsahan Data Penelitian dilakukan dengan Uji Kepercayaan (Credibility), Uji Keteralihan (Transferability), Uji Kebergantungan (Dependability), dan Uji Kepastian (Confirmability). Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui proses reduksi data (data reduction), display data (data display), dan penarikan kesimpulan (verification).Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa sikap toleransi mahasiswa dalam kehidupan multikultural kampus STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh terlihat baik. Sikap toleransi ini terlihat dalam interaksi antar mahasiswa yang suka membuka diri dengan tidak menonjolkan perbedaan satu sama lain seperti asal daerah, budaya, adat, dan suku dalam bergaul. Dalam berorganisasi sikap toleransi mahasiswa terlihat dalam tindakan-tindakan demokratis dan azas kekeluargaan yang terus dijaga mulai dari organisasi itu dibentuk.

    Hubungan Bimbingan Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa dan Implikasinya dalam BK di SMP Negeri 33 Kerinci

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    This research is motivated by many students who get scores below the Minimum Completeness Criteria, this is based on the results of even semester scores of SMP Negeri 33 Kerinci students in grades VIII and IX, namely many students who get unfinished criteria. Some students cannot understand the material provided by the teacher. In learning and teaching activities there are students who skip classes during class hours, make noise that makes other students less concentrated and students who disturb friends and leave during teaching and learning activities. The purpose of this study is to describe learning guidance, describe learning achievement and describe the relationship between learning guidance and student learning achievement and its implications in BK at SMP Negeri 33 Kerinci. This research is quantitative research and this type of research is descriptive correlational research consisting of two variables, namely the variable of study guidance and learning achievement variables, where the population in this study were all students of SMP Negeri 33 Kerinci totalling 104 people. The sample in this study were VIII and IX grade students totalling 61 students. Data collection was taken from distributing questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The validity test in this study is using Product Moment Corelation and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach. Data analysis techniques in this study used normality test, linearity test and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the correlation coefficient is 0.419> 0.279 with a significance price = 0.002 (sig <0.01). From the analysis of the coefficient of determination, the results obtained are 17.56% so that emotional intelligence has an effect of 17.56% on improving learning achievement in students of SMK Negeri 2 Kerinci. It can be concluded that, there is a relationship of tutoring with student learning achievement and its implications in BK at SMP Negeri 33 Kerinci

    Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) 4 Kerinci

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    SMAN 4 Kerinci (Senior High School) is one of favorite schools which has potential to conduct guidance and counseling service optimally. This is supported by its conducive condition and the sufficient number of the teachers. All of the teachers have qualification in Guidance of Counseling education. In addition, this school has adequate facilities. Unfortunately, the phenomena in the field indicated that the guidance and counseling service was not effectively conducted. This research was intended to describe the implementation of Guidance and Counseling service in that school. This was a qualitative research which applied phenomology approach. The informants of the research were the school fellows including headmaster, vice headmaster, guidance and counseling teachers, subject teachers and classroom teachers. The data where collected through observation, interview and documentation study. To check the trustwortiness of the data, there were four conducted (1) credibility, (2) transferability, (3) depedability, and (4) conformability. The data gathered where analyzed by (1) data reduction, (2) displaying the data and, (3) drawing conclusion/verifying. The research findings showed that the Guidance and Counseling service was not yet conducted optimally at SMAN 4 Kerinci. The cooperation between Guidance and Counseling Teachers with other school fellows was not yet established. This research concluded that the conducive atmosphere, the availability of sufficient qualified teachers, the adequate number of school fellows and the availability of sufficient facilities unless they were supported by good cooperation among related parties, the Guidance and Counseling service would not be optimally accomplished. Based on these conclusions, it was suggested: (1) the Guidance and Counseling teachers to be professional in carrying out their duties and responsibility and to be albe to cooperate with other school fellows. and (2) the school fellows to understand their roles in implementing Guidance and Counseling activities at school and be albe to get involved actively in