33 research outputs found


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    In 1998 the presence of the horse chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka-Dimic was reported in Cluj- Napoca. During 2000 – 2003 research concerning the extent, biology, ecology at this micro-lepidopteron, a new pest in our country, was performed. Signaled for the fi rst time in Western area of our country (1998), then in Central (1998), Southern (1999), and Eastern (2003) part of the country, the spread year by year conquering new territories. In the clime conditions of our country, the insect had 4 generations in 2000, and 3 during 2001 – 2003, remaining in hiemal diapauses during pupae stage, inside of the silk cocoons from the galleries of larvae feeding. The fl ight of the butterfl ies from the IIIrd generation (hiemal) is recorded in the beginning of May. The Ist generation has a developmental stage during 15 May – 30 June, the IInd during 1 July – 15 August, and the IIIrd during 15 August – 15 May


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    In 1998 the presence of the horse chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka-Dimic was reported in Cluj- Napoca. During 2000 – 2003 research concerning the extent, biology, ecology at this micro-lepidopteron, a new pest in our country, was performed. Signaled for the fi rst time in Western area of our country (1998), then in Central (1998), Southern (1999), and Eastern (2003) part of the country, the spread year by year conquering new territories. In the clime conditions of our country, the insect had 4 generations in 2000, and 3 during 2001 – 2003, remaining in hiemal diapauses during pupae stage, inside of the silk cocoons from the galleries of larvae feeding. The fl ight of the butterfl ies from the IIIrd generation (hiemal) is recorded in the beginning of May. The Ist generation has a developmental stage during 15 May – 30 June, the IInd during 1 July – 15 August, and the IIIrd during 15 August – 15 May

    Research on the monitoring the attack of Coccomyces hiemalis sin. Blumeria jaapi in some cultivars of cherry

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    Research on the monitoring of the pathogen Coccomyces hiemalis sin. Blumeria jaapi took place on the territory of the Research Station for Fruit Growing Iasi, within the research polygon. The observations were made on 5 cultivars approved at RSFG Iasi and belong to the category of early ripening cultivars. 'Cetățuia', 'Cătălina', 'Andreias', 'Cociuvas' and 'Mihailis' cultivars were studied, their monitoring began in May, analysing 3 trees of each cultivar, 300 leaves from each tree in three repetitions, observing the frequency and intensity of the pathogen's attack. During the growing season of 2022, 4 treatments with fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers were used for phytosanitary maintenance. Following the observations made, the analysed cultivars recorded a minimum attack degree of 0.825% on the 'Cetățuia' cultivar and the highest of 1.63% for the ‘Mihailis’ cultivar. The low degree of attack was due to the earliness of the cultivars studied

    Noi strategii de prevenire şi combatere a bolilor şi dăunătorilor la specia cireş

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    The research was carried out within the SCDP Iasi, in order to test ecological alternatives regarding the control of diseases and pests in the cherry species. The observations were made in 2019 having as research material 2 varieties of cherry (CĂTĂLINA, MARIA), grafted on mahaleb, the planting distance of 5X4 being in year VII from planting, the experience was placed on 4 experimental variants.The climatic conditions of this period were particularly favorable both for the evolution of the attack of the diseases (anthracnose and monilosis) and for pests. In the fight against diseases (moniliasis and anthracnose) the best results were obtained in the case of the chemical variant with Signum products 0.03%, Folicur Solo 0.075%, Mospilan 20 SG 0.03% and in the ecological variantthe best results were obtainedwith the products Deffort 0.3%, Copfort 0.3%, Mimox 0.2%, Laser 240 SC 0.06%

    Ciclul biologic al viermelui merelor -cydia pomonellal., la soiuri de nuc în condiţiile ecositemului pomicol Iaşi

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    The purpose of this paper is to follow Cydiapomonella's biological cycle with the help of pheromone traps in order to warn the treatments and to know the evolution of the pest in the NE area of Romania in the case walnut tree growing. Another objective pursued is to effectively combat this pest with plant protection substances. The observations were made in 2017, having as research material 14 walnut genotypes, in the 7thyear since planting, being grafted on Juglansregia as rootstock. In case of variant 1 phytosanitary treatments with fungicides and insecticides were carried out and in the second variant (V2) no phytosanitary treatments were carried out, pest control being carried out by biotechnical means, using AtraPom synthetic sex pheromones traps. During this period the climatic factors, which influence the occurrence of the pest, were analyzed. Based on the observations made, the flight curve of the species was drawn in the studied area. Following the monitoring of the C. pomonella, we can warn the treatments according to the number of adults captured, as follows: for the first generation in the period 16-20.05.2017 and for the second generation in the period between June 25thto July 1st

    Host-plants for seminiphagous insects IV (Brassicaceae, Campanulaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Resedaceae and Scrophulariaceae)

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    During the period 1970-1984 inflorescences with fruits and seeds have been collected, from 14 host-plants of several botanical families and the species of insects feeding on their flowers, fruits and seeds have been identified. The species of seminiphagous have been for the first time obtained in our country by the method of pure cultures in laboratory conditions. The following species of seminiphagous have been identified in the fruits and seeds of these cultivated or spontaneous species of host-plants: Gymnetron campanullae L., Sibinia pellucens Scop., Ceuthorrynchus assimilis Payk., Gymnetron anthyrrhinii Payk., G. netum L., Systole euphorbiae Zer. Among the identified seminiphagous species, Gymnetron campanullae L., Systole euphorbiae Zer. (Eurytomidae) are new in the fauna of our country

    Host plants for seminiferous insects (III). The Umbeliferae family (Apiaceae)

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    Comprising data registered in the interval 1976-1983, the report introduces 9 species of seminiferous insects on 21 host plants of the Umbeliferae family. From the seeds of these plants , 5 lepidoptera and 4 hymenoptera species were obtained. The species S. tuonella and S. conspicua were not recorded before in the indigenous literature

    Entomofauna of the Linaria vulgaris Mill.

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    From the plants were collected a lot of insects: Chrysopa carnea (Neuroptera), Exolygus rugulipennis, Holcosthetus vernalis (Heteroptera), Cymnetron antirrhini, G. tetrum, Pseudathous rufipes, Vadonia livida (Coleoptera). From flowers were collected the following species: Taenyothrips linariae (Thysanoptera) and Meligethes aeneus (Coleoptera). From capsels were reared the species: Cymnetron antirrhini, G. tetrum (Coleoptera), Cochylis posterana, C. hybridella, Eupoecilia angustana, Balseuncaria ciliella and Eupithecia linariata (Lepidoptera). From galv, developed on the roots of the plant, was reared the wecvil Cymnetron collinum (Coleoptera). There was made also some biological and ecological considerations about the Cymnetron species, heese being more important factors to reduce the multiplication capacity of Linaria spp