1,267 research outputs found

    A dynamic trading rule based on filtered flag pattern recognition for stock market price forecasting

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    [EN] In this paper we propose and validate a trading rule based on flag pattern recognition, incorporating im- portant innovations with respect to the previous research. Firstly, we propose a dynamic window scheme that allows the stop loss and take profit to be updated on a quarterly basis. In addition, since the flag pat- tern is a trend-following pattern, we have added the EMA indicator to filter trades. This technical analysis indicator is calculated both for 15-min and 1-day timeframes, which enables short and medium terms to be considered simultaneously. We also filter the flags according to the price range on which they are de- veloped and have limited the maximum loss of each trade to 100 points. The proposed methodology was applied to 91,309 intraday observations of the DJIA index, considerably improving the results obtained in the previous proposals and those obtained by the buy & hold strategy, both for profitability and risk, and also after taking into account the transaction costs. These results seem to challenge market efficiency in line with other similar studies, in the specific analysis carried out on the DJIA index and is also limited to the setup considered.The fourth author of this work was partially supported by MINECO, Project MTM2016-75963-P.Arévalo, R.; García, J.; Guijarro, F.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2017). A dynamic trading rule based on filtered flag pattern recognition for stock market price forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications. 81:177-192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.03.0281771928

    Developing a smartphone app based on the unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a qualitative analysis of users and professionals' perspectives

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    Emotional Disorders have become the most prevalent mental disorders in the world. In relation to their high prevalence, mental health care from public health services faces major challenges. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective evidence-based treatments has become a main goal of today's clinical psychology. Smartphone apps for mental health have emerged as a potential tool to deal with it. However, despite their effectiveness and advantages, several studies suggest the need to involve patients and professionals in the design of these apps from the first stage of the development process. Thus, this study aimed to identify, from both a group of users and professionals, the needs, opinions, expectations and design aspects of a future smartphone app based in the Unified Protocol (UP), that will allow to develop the subsequent technical work of the app engineers. Two focus groups were conducted, one with 7 professionals and the other with 9 users, both groups familiar with the UP. A thematic content analysis based in grounded theory was performed in order to define emergent categories of analysis derived from the interview data. The results revealed 8 common topics in both focus groups and 5 specific key topics were identified in the professionals' focus group. Of the total proposals, 93 % of the professionals' and 78 % of the users' are implemented in the preliminary version of the app

    Assessment itineraries and its relation with academic achievement

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    [EN] In recent years the university educational reality shows signs of change. Among other innovations, it has meant the introduction of new ways of assessment, arousing the scientific interest it deserves. Concretely, the formative and shared assessment is developed in assessment routes that try to adapt to the needs of the students. However, the continuous, mixed and final assessment methods are related to different academic performance, which is worth considering. This article tries to deepen in the relation that these itineraries have with the obtained marks and analyses descriptively teacher assessment trends and students’ system assessment preferences of choice. The results show, on the one hand, how the majority of the students choose a continuous and formative assessment, and on the other hand, that this itinerary is related to higher academic marks. The worst academic results are obtained by the students who opt for final evaluation. This study confirms not only the students’ preference for the assessment itineraries that contemplate formative and shared assessment, but also the influence that these elements have on performance, that is, on the marks. This helps to better understand the needs and choices of our students and, consequently, to optimally adjust our teaching.[ES] En los últimos años la realidad educativa universitaria muestra atisbos de cambio. Entre otras innovaciones, ha supuesto la introducción de nuevas formas de evaluación, despertando así el interés científico que merece. Concretamente, la evaluación formativa y compartida se desarrolla en itinerarios de evaluación que tratan de adaptarse a las necesidades del alumnado. Las vías de evaluación continua, mixta y final, no obstante, se relacionan con diferentes rendimientos académicos, lo que merece la pena valorar con detenimiento. Este artículo trata de profundizar en la relación que dichos itinerarios tienen con las calificaciones obtenidas y se analiza de manera descriptiva las tendencias de evaluación del profesorado así como las preferencias de elección de sistema de evaluación por parte de sus estudiantes. Los resultados muestran, por una parte, como la mayor parte del alumnado opta por una evaluación continua y formativa, y por la otra, que dicho itinerario se relaciona con altas calificaciones académicas. Los peores resultados académicos los obtiene el alumnado que accede a la evaluación final. Este estudio constata no solo la preferencia del alumnado por los itinerarios de evaluación que contemplan la evaluación formativa y compartida, sino la influencia que tienen estos elementos en el rendimiento, es decir, en las notas. Ello contribuye a entender mejor las necesidades y elecciones de nuestro alumnado y, por consiguiente, a ajustar de forma óptima nuestra docencia.Lizandra, J.; Valencia-Peris, A.; Atienza Gago, R.; Martos-García, D. (2017). Itinerarios de evaluación y su relación con el rendimiento académico. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 15(2):315-328. doi:10.4995/redu.2017.7862SWORD31532815

    Implementation, efficacy and cost effectiveness of the unified protocol in a blended format for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a study protocol for a multicentre, randomised, superiority controlled trial in the Spanish National Health System

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    INTRODUCTION Emotional disorders (EDs) have become the most prevalent psychological disorders in the general population, which has boosted the economic burden associated with their management. Approximately half of the individuals do not receive adequate treatment. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective treatments for EDs has become a key goal of today’s clinical psychology. Blended treatments, a combination of face-to-face and online interventions, have emerged as a potential solution to the previous. The Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of EDs (UP) might serve this purpose, as it can be applied to a variety of disorders simultaneously and its manualised format makes it suitable for blended interventions. METHODS AND ANALYSIS The study is a multicentre, randomised, superiority, clinical trial. Participants will be 310 individuals with a diagnosis of an ED. They will be randomised to a treatment as usual (individual cognitive behavioural therapy) or a UP condition in a blended format (face-to-face individual UP +online, app-based UP). Primary outcomes will be ED diagnostic criteria and depression and anxiety symptoms. Cost efficiency of the intervention, app usability, as well as opinion and confidence in the treatment will also be evaluated. Assessment points will include baseline and 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after UP treatment. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The study has received approvals by the Ethics Research Committee of Navarra, Castellón, Euskadi, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Lleida and Aragón. The study is currently under an approval process by the Ethics Research Committees of all the remaining collaborating centres. Outcomes will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conference meetings.Funding for the study was provided by the PI20/00697 project integrated in Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2017–2020 and co-funded by the 'ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la investigación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Otra manera de hacer Europa'. Co-funding for this study was also provided by Gobierno de Aragón and FEDER 2014–2020 'Construyendo Europa desde Aragón' (research team: S31_20D). These funding sources had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data or decision to submit results

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of truncated α-tubulin-binding pironetin analogues lacking alkyl pendants in the side chain or the dihydropyrone ring

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    The preparation of several new truncated analogues of the natural dihydropyrone pironetin is described. They differ from the natural product mainly in the suppression of some of the alkyl pendants in either the side chain or the dihydropyrone ring. Their cytotoxic activity and their interactions with tubulin have been investigated. It has been found that all analogues are cytotoxic towards two either sensitive or resistant tumoral cell lines with similar IC50 values in each case, thus strongly suggesting that, like natural pironetin, they also display a covalent mechanism of action. Their cytotoxicity is, however, lower than that of the parent compound. This indicates that all alkyl pendants are necessary for the full biological activity, with the ethyl group at C-4 seemingly being particularly relevant. Most likely, the alkyl groups cause a restriction in the conformational mobility of the molecule and reduce the number of available conformations. This makes it more probable that the molecule preferentially adopts a shape which fits better into the binding point in α-tubulin

    Enzyme replacement therapy for the treatment of Hunter disease: A systematic review with narrative synthesis and meta-analysis

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    Background: In the last 10 years enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has become an alternative for the treatment of patients with Hunter disease (HD). Nevertheless, the information regarding efficacy and safety is scarce and mainly based on the pivotal trials. This scarcity is especially evident for adults and severe forms of HD. Methods: A systematic review of publications in the electronic databases PUBMED, EMBASE and Cochrane Central was undertaken. Clinical trials and observational studies were included. The data about efficacy and security were retrieved and analysed with Review Manager version 5.3. Results: 677 records were found, 559 remaining after the removal of duplicates. By title and abstract review, 427 were excluded. Full reading of the rest was made (122 publications) and 42 were finally included. It was not possible to perform meta-analysis of all the endpoints due to high heterogeneity in the reporting and measuring of variables in each publication. Eight clinical trials were included, 6 with high risk of bias. The quality of the other studies was low in 12%, average in 68% and good in 21%. Main findings were: a reduction in the elimination of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in urine in all the studies (26/26), decrease in liver and spleen size (18/18), increase of 52.59 m (95% CI, 36, 42-68.76, p < .001) in the 6-min walk test (TM6M), increase in forced vital capacity (FVC) of 9.59% (95% CI 4.77-14.51, p < .001), reduction of the left ventricular mass index of 3.57% (95% CI 1.2-5.93) and reduction in mortality (OR) of 0.44 (0.27-0.71). Discussion: The data suggests a clear and consistent effect of ERT in HD reducing the accumulation of GAGs in the body, demonstrated by the reduction of its urinary excretion, as well as by the reduction of its deposits (spleen, liver and heart). Likewise, there is an improvement in physical and respiratory function. In addition, a reduction in mortality has been observed. Lack of studies, small size of the samples, and methodological deficiencies are the main limitations to establish definite conclusions. Conclusions: The data suggests that ERT is effective and safe in the treatment of HD. There is a need to evaluate patient-centred outcomes and the impact on quality of life

    Harassment patterns and risk profile in Spanish trans person

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    This article describes the harassment patterns and the risk profile in trans people living in Spain. A sample of 212 trans persons,aged 10-62, participated in this cross-sectional study. Results showed a high percentage of harassment (59.9%) and frequency of daily harassment (12.6%), especially verbal attacks (59%) that occurred in public spaces (49.1%) and within educational contexts (46.2%). Harassment is more prevalent in trans women than men. Those who disclose their gender identities at a younger age experience higher percentages and frequency of harassment than those who disclose at an older age. They also suffer more harassment of different types. The risk profile of harassment indicates that older trans women are more likely to suffer harassment than younger ones, and the risk decreases each year they delay their gender identity disclosure. The elimination of transphobic attitudes and the promotion of gender justice should be priority strategies in Spain

    Aprendizaje cooperativo. Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria

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    El Libro “Aprendizaje cooperativo Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria”, se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Innovación docente Finestra Oberta UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671, bajo la dirección de la Profesora María Elena Cobas Cobiella, del Departamento de Derecho Civil, de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Valencia. Este libro contiene 19 artículos inéditos de un grupo importante de profesores y especialistas en la temática nacionales e internacionales, así como con la intervención como colaboradores de estudiantes de Grado en Derecho, de la doble titulación Derecho- ADE de la Universidad de Valencia, y de Universidades internacionales. También han intervenido en el mismo estudiantes del Master de Mediación y Arbitraje y solución de conflictos en Derecho Privado 2015/2016 y del Proyecto Unisocietat L’Eliana Curso 2015 – 2016. Constituye una obra que eleva la práctica del aula a la teoría. Altamente recomendable para aquellos que incursionen en el camino de la docencia.The Book "Cooperative learning: an indispensable resource in university education" is part of the Project for teaching innovation "Finestra Oberta,UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671", under the direction of Professor Maria Elena Cobas Cobiella, from Civil Law department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia. This book contains 19 new articles of a large group of professors and specialists in national and international topics, as well as with the intervention as collaborators of Law degree students from the double degree Law-Business Administration from the University of Valencia, and also from international universities. They have also intervened in the book some students from the Master of Mediation, Arbitration and resolution of conflicts in Private Law 2015/2016 and from the Unisocietat L'Eliana project 2015/2016. It is a work that elevates the classroom practice towards the theory. Highly recommended for those who want to progress in the way of teaching.Los siguientes estudiantes han colaborado en la Parte Especial del Libro, con los resúmenes de sus trabajos de mapas conceptuales y los prezi:Ylenia Martínez, María Gómez Escrivá,Julieta Campora Espí, Blanca Giner Zarranz, Mario Zúñiga Martínez, Alicia Martínez Ruiz, Sandra Gimeno Bascuñana, Héctor Martínez Soler, Amparo García Navarro,Joan De la Haba Herrera,Alberto José Fourrat Calatayud, Juan Ortega Talamantes, Vicente Vila Subiela, Cristina Blázquez Sánchez, Sara Monsalve Alemany, Paula Navarro Román, Carlos Reyes Hernández,Jesús Sanz Carnero,José Guillermo Gil, Aroa Gimeno, José Manuel Aznar, Teresa Pérez, Antonio Fernández, Cristina Martin, Rodrigo Climent, José Ángel Molina Sánchez, Daniel Cabanes Ferrando, David Escobar Haro, Diego Martínez Amor, Mari Carmen Arnau Gil, Raquel Jiménez Gago, Daniel March Quevedo, Laura Alapont Vidal, Gema Canós Ferrandis, Mónica Costa Isabel, Jesús Sanmartín Viturro, Eduardo José Tobio García, Pau Viñuelas LLoria, María del Mar Figueroa Hernández, Minerva Llagunes Picazo, Lucía Olmos, José Olmedo, Brynn De Houwer, Enrique Pla Marcos, Héctor Tabernero Más, Laura Payá González, Blanca Martínez Pons,Alejandro Grima Margarit, Belén Català, Mariam Pérez, David Sánchez, Jorge Seguí ,Sara Tamarit,Fernando Aparisi Escriba, Analía Carballo Quispe,José Luis Moreno Miguel,Candy Priscilla Rojas Campoverde, Ademar Lledó Monfort, Irene Belles Rubio, Clara Calomarde Esteban, Marta Marín de la Dueña, Sergio Pinel Castillo,Maria Simo Martin, Daniel Rocher Camps, Sandra Nicolás Mascarell, Teresa Bartret García, Maria Amparo Monasort Pérez,Joan Vicente Torres Moreno, Belén Cuñat Salavert, Carmen Rodríguez Bertos, Aníbal Sánchez Gómez, Sofía Morant Muñoz, Pedro Ballester Martínez,Akbar Khawar, David Ortíz Soler, Jonathan Pérez Gutiérrez.Jorge Amat Andrés, M.ª Antonia García Juncos, Jenny Maritza González Vergara,Juan José Tocón Torres,Pau Zurita Varela, Manuel Calvo Pereiro, Carolina Luis Tamarit,Beatriz Muñoz Moncholí,Marta Conejero Sarrió, Guillermo Juarez Ginestar, Carolina Más Trullás,Ramón Fernández Pares, Carlos Hervás García,Carolina Tamarit García, Jose Belloch Ortí,Danilo Terán Taborga,Manuel Castillo Martínez, Isabel Martínez Salas, Carlos Javier Castello Domenech, Silvia Juste Frechina, Cristina Barrado Franco, Noemi De Miguel Domingo, Elena Masegosa Laurí, Maryana Seniv, Paula Sanz Perez, Liney Paola Peiró Soriano, José Manuel Zahonero Ferrer,Paula Pons Guillem,Andrea Oviedo Millán,Arnaud Wustefeld, Alba Ruiz-Santa Quiteria Lara,Lydia García Céspedes,Antonio Gomar López,Eva Piqueras García, Claudia Salvador Pérez, Joel David Alvarez Remy, Sheila Jorge Muñoz,Virginia Mendoza Leal,David Benavides Arenas, Mario Perera Sánchez, Vladimir Sarmiento Paizán,Javier Mustelier Armiñán,Diamela Salina Ocaña, Edel Morales Salazar,Fortunato Dong Oñaña,María del Carmen Carvajal Balagué,María del Carmen Daries Coll, Catalina Olmo Brazales,Mª Teresa Sánchez, Julia Serra Figuerola,Mª Nieves Valdearcos Quintín,Carmen Moraga Martín,María José Moragues, Salvador Lluch,Maribel Moreno,José Luis Coello,José Cebriá,Matilde Argente,Consuelo Martínez,Rosi Hernández,Susi García,Graciela Garibotti,Susana Bianchi,Judith Steffan,Susan Humphreys,Jesús Castellano,Ana Preus,Mª José Figueroa,Mª Teresa Carbonell,Lola Lombrera,Luisa Martínez Gordillo,Roberto Soler,Pilar Bezares Martínez, Ramón González Ferrer,Raquel González Sainz,Sacra Martínez Alarcón, Emetério Mirálles Ribot, Ramón Pubill Rocaort,Conchin Ruiz Leal, Isabel Sucarrat Bermejo,Pepa San Román Moñino,InmaTarín Arfella, Maise Tarín Arfella, Pedro Montalban,Carmen Kroebel, Lydia González, Carlos Gómez, Amparo Cuellar,Pilar Navarro,Luisa Vallejo, Encarna Monzó,Carmen Conca,Pilar Alegría, Sonia Almonacil, Inma Fernández, María José García Marcelo,Clara Olivert Pavia, Ana Herrero Martínez, Rosana Crespo Martínez, Carmen Vidal Casañ,José Ramón Villagrasa Tort,Juan Carlos López Cubero,Paco Velayos Sánchez,María de la O Pérez,Carles Montagut Alvarez, José Leopoldo Rodríguez Pla, Amanda Bernat Tinoco,Marta García Montañana, Ioana Roxana Moraru, Jenifer Perujo Plumed,María Ribera Cebolla,Amparo Esteve Cervera, Iris Pla Sempere,Juan Rafael Aranda Perozo,Jesús Collado Mas, Cristina Grimalt Molina,Isabel Rojo Lora, María Teresa Peirats Casanova,Rosana Marin Rausell, Ricardo Mejía Hidalgo,Pablo Pastor Aguilera,Daniel Trujillo Villalba,Yolanda Fuster Llidó, Lucas Lamarca Pedemonte, Gabriel Rosa Felipe

    Ethnicity and Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 in Spain: Results from the Multicenter SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Background: This work aims to analyze clinical outcomes according to ethnic groups in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in Spain. (2) Methods: This nationwide, retrospective, multicenter, observational study analyzed hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 in 150 Spanish hospitals (SEMI-COVID-19 Registry) from 1 March 2020 to 31 December 2021. Clinical outcomes were assessed according to ethnicity (Latin Americans, Sub-Saharan Africans, Asians, North Africans, Europeans). The outcomes were in-hospital mortality (IHM), intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and the use of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Associations between ethnic groups and clinical outcomes adjusted for patient characteristics and baseline Charlson Comorbidity Index values and wave were evaluated using logistic regression. (3) Results: Of 23,953 patients (median age 69.5 years, 42.9% women), 7.0% were Latin American, 1.2% were North African, 0.5% were Asian, 0.5% were Sub-Saharan African, and 89.7% were European. Ethnic minority patients were significantly younger than European patients (median (IQR) age 49.1 (40.5-58.9) to 57.1 (44.1-67.1) vs. 71.5 (59.5-81.4) years, p < 0.001). The unadjusted IHM was higher in European (21.6%) versus North African (11.4%), Asian (10.9%), Latin American (7.1%), and Sub-Saharan African (3.2%) patients. After further adjustment, the IHM was lower in Sub-Saharan African (OR 0.28 (0.10-0.79), p = 0.017) versus European patients, while ICU admission rates were higher in Latin American and North African versus European patients (OR (95%CI) 1.37 (1.17-1.60), p < 0.001) and (OR (95%CI) 1.74 (1.26-2.41), p < 0.001). Moreover, Latin American patients were 39% more likely than European patients to use IMV (OR (95%CI) 1.43 (1.21-1.71), p < 0.001). (4) Conclusion: The adjusted IHM was similar in all groups except for Sub-Saharan Africans, who had lower IHM. Latin American patients were admitted to the ICU and required IMV more often

    Fire and brief human occupations in Iberia during MIS 4: Evidence from Abric del Pastor (Alcoy, Spain)

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    There is a relatively low amount of Middle Paleolithic sites in Europe dating to MIS 4. Of the few that exist, several of them lack evidence for anthropogenic fire, raising the question of how this period of global cooling may have affected the Neanderthal population. The Iberian Peninsula is a key area to explore this issue, as it has been considered as a glacial refugium during critical periods of the Neanderthal timeline and might therefore yield archaeological contexts in which we can explore possible changes in the behaviour and settlement patterns of Neanderthal groups during MIS 4. Here we report recent data from Abric del Pastor, a small rock shelter in Alcoy (Alicante, Spain) with a stratified deposit containing Middle Palaeolithic remains. We present absolute dates that frame the sequence within MIS 4 and multi-proxy geoarchaeological evidence of in situ anthropogenic fire, including microscopic evidence of in situ combustion residues and thermally altered sediment. We also present archaeostratigraphic evidence of recurrent, functionally diverse, brief human occupation of the rock shelter. Our results suggest that Neanderthals occupied the Central Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula during MIS 4, that these Neanderthals were not undergoing climatic stress and they were habitual fire users.This research was funded by a Leakey Foundation General Grant, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Projects HAR2008-06117/HIST and HAR2015-68321-P, Junta de Castilla y León-FEDER Project BU235P18, the LabEx Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux (LaScArBx ANR-10-LABX-52) and ERC Consolidator Grant ERC-CoG-2014. Archaeological excavations at Abric del Pastor are supported by the Archaeological Museum of Alcoy and the Government of Valencia Cultural Heritage Department