57 research outputs found


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    Over the years writing has been acknowledged as an essential part in the acquisition of English as a foreign language. Its key features, cohesion and coherence, can be defined as the most essential elements which use ideas logically exposed on a sentence/paragraph level to convey information using developed argumentative sentences. Therefore, recognition and detection of cohesion and coherence problems is the first step towards minimizing writing issues which helps students to successfully develop their argumentative essay writing skills. This paper demonstrates challenges of cohesion and coherence that students meet while preparing for argumentative essay writing and offers suggestions based on examples of good practice from our classrooms

    Prilog istraživanju apostolskih vizita Agostina Valiera u dalmatinskim i istarskim biskupijama

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    Ovo istraživanje zasniva se na jednom malom dosjeu od osam pisama pohranjenih u Državnom arhivu u Veroni (Archivio di stato di Verona) u arhivističkom fondu "Dionisi-Piomarta", (broj 1746). Autor je pisama Lorenzo Albertini/Laurentius Albertinus/, župnik u Pozzolengu u biskupiji Verona. Lorenzo Albertini napisao ih je 1579. godine, kad je kao član apostolske vizite Agostina Valiera sudjelovao u dalmatinskim i istarskim biskupijama. Pisma, pisana na starom talijanskom jeziku/volgare/, poprilično su dobro očuvana, osim pisma pisana na Hvaru 3. veljače 1579. godine, koje se nažalost ne može pročitati u cijelosti jer je većim dijelom uništeno


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    This article investigates the importance of developing communicative competence through language skills in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) offered as a Technical English course in tertiary education. As Technical English courses are predominantly designed to prepare students for the future professional environments in the modern world, competent communication in English is to be mastered. For this reason, the integration of language skills in a Technical English course is imperative in teaching practices with students within a range of technical fields.Ovaj rad istražuje važnost razvoja komunikacijske kompetencije kroz jezične vještine u engleskom jeziku struke koji se nudi kao kolegij tehničkog engleskog jezika u visokom obrazovanju. Budući da su kolegiji tehničkog engleskog jezika uglavnom osmišljeni za pripremu studenata za buduće radno okruženje u modernom svijetu, nužno je na njima intenzivno razvijati komunikacijsku kompetenciju na engleskom jeziku. Stoga integracija jezičnih vještina u kolegije tehničkog engleskog jezika predstavlja imperativ u podučavanju i nastavnoj praksi sa studentima iz raznih tehničkih područja

    Effects of epidural analgesia on the course and outcome of labor

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    Rađanje djeteta jedan je od najljepših, ali i najbolnijih događaja koje žena može doživjeti. Porođajna bol je složen subjektivni fenomen, u kojem se bolni podražaj doživljava na individualnoj razini u skladu s emocionalnim, socijalnim i kulturološkim čimbenicima. Bol i anksioznost mogu uzrokovati aktivaciju simpatikusa, hiperventilaciju i hipokapniju s posljedično smanjenim uteroplacentalnim protokom i nekoordiniranom aktivnosti maternice te se preporuča ublažiti bol, posebice ako se radi o rodilji s komorbiditetom. Pri izboru analgezije mora se razmišljati o učinkovitosti i sigurnosti analgezije kao i o mogućim nepovoljnim učincima na majku i dijete te učincima na tijek i ishod porođaja. Epiduralna analgezija smatra se najboljom metodom ublažavanja porođajne boli jer osigurava učinkovitu analgeziju uz minimalne štetne učinke na majku i dijete. Kontroverze o primjeni i učinku epiduralne analgezije na tijek i ishod porođaja i dalje postoje i predmet su istraživanja brojnih radova. Epiduralna analgezija može utjecati na trajanje porođaja, blago skraćujući prvo te produžujući drugo porođajno doba. Primjena epiduralne analgezije tijekom porođaja može donekle povećati rizik dovršenja porođaja instrumentalnim putem, ali ne povećava vjerojatnost dovršenja porođaja carskim rezom. Smanjenjem koncentracije lokalnog anestetika dodatkom manjih količina opioida moguće je umanjiti navedene učinke. Ukoliko ne postoje kontraindikacije, epiduralna analgezija može se primijeniti na zahtjev rodilje bez obzira u kojem se stadiju porođaja rodilja nalazi te se preporuča nastaviti s njenom primjenom sve do samog kraja porođaja.Giving birth is an incredible, but also one of the most painful experiences in a woman’s life. Birth pain is a complex phenomenon, where painful stimulation is experienced on an individual level in accordance with emotional, social and cultural factors. Pain and anxiety can lead to adrenergic hyperactivity, hyperventilation and hypocapnia with reduced uteroplacental blood flow and uncoordinated uterine activity. Therefore, pain relief is recommended, especially in cases of maternal comorbidity. When thinking about labor analgesia, consideration should be given to the efficacy and safety of analgesia as well as possible adverse effects on mother and child and the effects on the course and outcome of labor. Epidural analgesia is considered the best method of alleviating labor pain, providing effective analgesia with minimal adverse effects. Despite the increased use and known benefits of epidural analgesia, there has been significant controversy regarding the impact of epidural analgesia on labor outcomes. Epidural analgesia can affect the duration of labor, slightly shortening first and prolonging the second stage of labor. The evidence indicates that effective labor analgesia does not increase the rate of Caesarean delivery, although it might be associated with an increased rate of instrumental vaginal delivery. It is possible to improve obstetric outcomes and reduce maternal side effects by reducing the concentration of local anesthetic. In the absence of a medical contraindication, maternal request is a sufficient medical indication for epidural analgesia in labor and it is recommended to continue with its application until the end of labor

    Abortion — facts and consequences

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    The author sets forth some of the most recent demographic data, important directions of legal documents as regards abortion, tackling medical and ethical problems of abortion. Some essentials particulars are also given as to the embryonic and foetal development. The whole paper concerns the problems of legal abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. The second part of the paper relates to the consequences of abortion affecting the physical and mental health of a woman as shown by the research data and consequences affecting an unborn child. The study is concluded by some ethical aspects of abortion

    Alphabetical catalogue and pseudonyms

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    Teorijsko ishodište ovog rada je Pravilnik i priručnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga, Eve Verona koji u članu 96 Pseudonim propisuje pravila za izbor jedinstvenih odrednica i općih uputnica za pravo ime autora i pseudonim. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti na koji način katalogizatori izabiru jedinstvenu odrednicu, opću i unakrsnu uputnicu te navode li napomene o autoru kako bi korisniku knjižnice omogućio što jednostavnije pretraživanje kataloga pod imenom autora. Cilj rada je pokazati kako se u odabranim katalozima nacionalnih knjižnica rješava odnos pravog imena i pseudonima. Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom, teorijskom dijelu rada naglasak je na abecednom katalogu i zadacima abecednog kataloga, razlozima pseudonimnosti, pravom imenu autora i pseudonimu. Drugi dio rada je istraživački, polazi od člana 96 Pravilnika. Istraživano je pravo ime autora i individualni pseudonim; pravo ime autora i pseudonim kod različitih vrsta stvaralačkog rada i zajednički pseudonim dvojice autora. Pretraživani su online katalozi Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu, Francuske nacionalne knjižnice i Nacionalne knjižnice Njemačke te su odabrani primjeri za autore opisani, analizirani, uspoređeni i komentirani. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da navedene knjižnice za odabrane primjere imena autora u izboru jedinstvenih odrednica i općih uputnica uglavnom imaju istu praksu dok su uočene razlike u uporabi unakrsnih uputnica.The theoretical issue of this work is Eva Verona's Code of Rules for Alphabetical Catalogues with special emphasis upon the rule 96 Pseudonym which deals with various types of relationship between author's real name and its pseudonyms. The purpose of the paper is to research how does the cataloguer choose the uniform name access point, the cross-reference and see also reference in order to help the user to retrieve all the works written under the author's real name or his/her pseudonym. The aim of the paper is to represent the relationship between the real author's name and pseudonym in a few national library catalogues, e.g., The National and University Library in Zagreb (NSK), Bibliotetheque nationale de France (BnF) and Deutsche National Bibliothek (DNB). The work is split into two parts. In the first, theoretical part of our work the emphasis is on the alphabetical catalogues and its aims, author's individual name, the reasons of author's pseudonym, collective pseudonym of two authors and their creative work(s). The second part of the work is a research. The centre of our interest is to retrieve online catalogues: NSK, BnF and DNB where we find out several examples which we described, analysed, compared and commented. The final results of research show that libraries have same practices in some cases, such as choosing uniform name access point and see references, while in several examples of the use of cross-references we found some differences

    The slave trade on the Adriatic in the 17th century

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    Trgovina robljem dugotrajna je aktivnost koja je imala značajnog udjela u gospodarstvu dalmatinskih komuna još iz antičkog doba. Status robova i njihov promet regulirani su statutima dalmatinskih gradova. Promjene nastaju s pojavom Osmanlija u njihovom zaleđu u kasnom srednjem vijeku. Trgovina, tj. promet robova preusmjerava se prema istoku gdje se prodaju kršćanski zarobljenici. Međutim, s intenzitetom kršćanskog ratovanja protiv Osmanlija povećava se i trgovina muslimanskim robljem (robovi s teritorija Osmanskog carstva) u dalmatinskim trgovištima koja su posrednička jer se prava trgovina osmanskim podanicima odvija na Apeninskom poluotoku. Ovaj je promet robovima naročito intenziviran za vrijeme Kandijskog i Morejskog rata u drugoj polovici 17. stoljeća. U ovom članku razmatra se trgovina zarobljenim osmanskim podanicima na Jadranu, načini na koje su zarobljenici bili držani i prodavani te zakonske regulacije s gledišta Mletačke republike i Papinske države u 17. stoljeću.Since Antiquity the slave trade in the Adriatic had been a long term activity which had an important impact on the economy of the Dalmatian communes. The status of slaves and their traffic was originally regulated by the Statutes of individual Dalmatian towns. With the appearance of Ottomans in late Middle Ages into their hinterland numerous changes occurred. The traffic in slaves was redirected towards the east where the Christian captives were then sold. Nevertheless, with the new intensity of Christian warfare against the Ottomans, the Muslim slave trade from the Ottoman Empire increased particularly in Dalmatian marketplaces which were mediatory because the real trade of Ottoman subjects was across the Adriatic on the Apennine Peninsula. This traffic reached a special intensity during the Candian and Morean Wars in the second half of the 17th century. The trade of the Ottoman captives in the Adriatic, how they were kept and sold, including the legal regulations of the trade from the Venetian and Papal points of view in the 17th century, are discussed in this paper