4 research outputs found

    2-Hydroxyethyl Metahcrylate/Gelatin based Superporous Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration

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    In this study, superporous hydrogels were synthesized by free radical polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate without and in the presence of gelatin. Highly porous hydrogel structures were obtained by two different techniques: using a gas blowing agent, sodium bicarbonate, and a cryogenic treatment followed by freeze-drying. After the gel synthesis, gelatin molecules were covalently immobilised onto PHEMA via glytaraldehyde activation. All samples were characterized for morphological, mechanical, swelling and antibacterial properties. The results obtained show that samples with gelatin show better properties in comparison with PHEMA samples, which make these materials highly attractive for developing hydrogel scaffolds for tissue regeneration

    Design of novel multifunctional Oxaprozin delivery system based on dual-sensitive poly(2-hydroxypropyl acrylate/itaconic acid) hydrogels

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    Series of novel dual-sensitive poly(2-hydroxypropyl acrylate/itaconic acid) hydrogels were designed as multifunctional drug delivery system which can provide several advantages including drug protection, self-regulated oscillatory release and targeted delivery to a single entity. The hydrogels were synthesized by the free-radical crosslinking copolymerization and evaluated as carriers for hydrophobic drug, Oxaprozin, with specific controlled release properties. Structural, morphological, thermal, surface charge, swelling and antimicrobial properties of the hydrogels were investigated for unloaded and Oxaprozin-loaded samples. Swelling studies demonstrated pH- and temperature-sensitivity of drug-free and drug-loaded P(HPA/IA) hydrogels. The results of swelling and oscillatory swelling, and swelling behavior of drug-free, and drug-loaded hydrogels in simulated gastrointestinal conditions, and in vitro Oxaprozin release studies confirmed these hydrogels as a highly effective colon-specific drug delivery system with excellent performance of long-term controlled release. These unique properties make the P(HPA/IA) hydrogels highly attractive materials for developing multifunctional drug delivery systems

    Antimikrobni hidrogelovi na bazi 2-hidroksietil metakrilata i itakonske kiseline koji sadrže srebro(I) jon

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    The objective of our study was to develop new antimicrobial hydrogels silver/poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/ itaconic acid) (Ag/P(HEMA/IA)). The P(HEMA/IA) samples, with different HEMA/IA ratio, were prepared by free radical crosslinking copolymerization. Ag ion were introduced in hydrogels by immersing dried P(HEMA/IA) disks in silver(I) salt solution, which was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The in vitro controlled release of silver(I) ion from (Ag/P(HEMA/IA)) gels, and antimicrobial activity during the release period were also studied. The release profiles have shown a two-phase exponential profile, with fast initial phase, followed by a much slower release rate. Kinetic parameters determined, have indicated Fickian transport of Ag(I) ion in the initial phase. It is perceived that the antimicrobial activity of the Ag/P(HEMA/IA) depends on IA content. Excellent antimicrobial potential was maintained during the entire release time.Cilj našeg istraživanja je bio da se razviju novi antimikrobni hidrogelovi. Srebro/poli(2-hidroksietil metakrilat/itakonska kiselina) (Ag/P(HEMA/IK)) hidrogelovi su sintetisani, i proučavano je kontrolisano otpuštanje srebro(I) jona iz Ag/P(HEMA/IK) hidrogelova, kao i njihov antimikrobni potencijal. P(HEMA/IK) uzorci, sa različitim odnosima monomera HEMA/IK, dobijeni su radikalnom kopolimerizacijom/ umrežavanjem. Ag/P(HEMA/IK) hidrogelovi su formirani potapanjem suvih diskova gelova u srebro(I) so, što je i potvrđeno FTIR spektroskopijom. Ispitani su kontrolisano otpuštanje srebro(I) jona iz Ag/P(HEMA/IA) gelova in vitro, kao i antimikrobna aktivnost tokom perioda otpuštanja. Profili otpuštanja su pokazali dve faze (eksponencijalni rast), sa brzom početnom fazom, a zatim sporijom brzinom otpuštanja. Antimikrobna aktivnost u toku otpuštanja u maloj meri zavisi od sadržaja IA i vremena otpuštanja. Odličan antimikrobni potencijal se održava tokom celog vremena otpuštanja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata proizilazi da se Ag/P(HEMA/IK) hidrogelovi mogu koristiti u širokom spektru biomedicinskih primena