40 research outputs found

    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

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    Infekcija virusom mačje imunodeficijencije proÅ”irena je u populaciji mačaka diljem svijeta. Bolest obilježava perzistentna infekcija nastala zbog transkripcije virusne ribonukleinske kiseline u genom domaćina. Zaražene mačke izvor su infekcije, a virus se najčeŔće prenosi ugrizom, zbog visoke koncentracije u slini i krvi. Zbog afiniteta virusa prema stanicama imunosnog sustava infekcija dovodi do imunodeficijencije zaražene životinje. Klinička slika očituje se nespecifičnim simptomima, a najčeŔći je proliferativni gingivostomatitis. U svrhu postavljanja objektivne dijagnoze bolesti u kliničkoj praksi najčeŔće se rade brzi imunoenzimni testovi. U pojedinim slučajevima retrovirusni status mačke potrebno je ustanoviti molekularnom dijagnostičkom metodom. U liječenju zaraženih mačaka primjenjuju se antivirusni lijekovi, imunomodulatori te potporna terapija u slučaju oportunističkih infekcija. Holističke metode liječenja daju ohrabrujuće rezultate, no njihovu kliničku primjenu treba dodatno istražiti. Izolacija zaraženih jedinki i mjere opće profilakse joÅ” uvijek su najučinkovitiji način sprečavanja Å”irenja bolesti.Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection is spread in the cat population worldwide. The disease is characterized by a persistent infection resulting from the transcription of viral ribonucleic acid into the host genome. Infected cats are the source of infection, and the virus is most often transmitted through bites due to the high concentration of the virus in saliva and blood. The target spots of FIV replication are immune cells, therefore infection leads to immunodeficiency. Clinical signs associated with FIV are mainly non-specific, but gingivostomatitis is most commonly observed. Rapid immunoassay tests are commonly used in clinical practice to establish a diagnosis. In some cases, the retroviral status of the cat needs to be determined by a molecular diagnostic method. Antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, and supportive therapy in the case of opportunistic infections are used to treat infected cats. Holistic treatment methods give encouraging results, but their clinical application needs to be further investigated. Isolation of infected cats and general prophylaxis measures are still the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease

    Feline infectious peritonitis

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    Zarazni peritonitis mačaka virusna je zarazna bolest uzrokovana mutiranim sojem mačjeg koronavirusa. Bolest se obično razvija u mačaka u uzgajivačnicama, skloniÅ”tima, privremenim utočiÅ”tima i guŔće naseljenim slobodnim skupinama mačaka. Učestalost je znatno veća među mačićima i mladim mačkama. Smrtnost je vrlo visoka jednom kad se pojave klinički znakovi bolesti. Virulencija i infekcijska doza ovisit će o tipu i soju virusa. Izvori infekcije jesu bolesne i zaražene životinje, doživotni kliconoÅ”e i kontaminirani predmeti. Virus se najčeŔće Å”iri neizravnim dodirom. Izmet sadržava mačji koronavirus (eng. Feline coronavirus ā€“ FCoV) u visokim koncentracijama pa je tako fekalno-oralni prijenos najčeŔći. Klinička slika bolesti može se pojaviti od 2 ā€“ 3 tjedna do nekoliko mjeseci nakon infekcije, a katkad čak i nakon nekoliko godina, ovisno o imunosnom statusu životinje. Pregledom životinje razlikujemo dva klinička oblika bolesti: mokri i suhi. Kod mokrog oblika dolazi do nakupljanja tekućine u tjelesnim Å”upljinama, a kod suhog do stvaranja granuloma po parenhimskim organima i crijevima. Patoanatomske i histoloÅ”ke promjene pokazuju da je najčeŔće riječ o kombinaciji mokrog i suhog oblika bolesti. Postavljanje konačne dijagnoze moguće je tek post mortem patohistoloÅ”kim nalazom koji se smatra zlatnim standardom u dijagnostici ove bolesti. Nema dokazano učinkovitog etioloÅ”kog liječenja, već je ono isključivo simptomatsko. Mjere opće profilakse teÅ”ko je učinkovito provesti, a imunoprofilaksa se rutinski ne provodi.Feline infectious peritonitis is a viral disease caused by a mutated strain of the the feline coronavirus (FCoV). The disease usually develops in cats in kennels, shelters, temporary shelters and more densely populated free groups of cats. The frequency is significantly higher among kittens and young cats. Mortality is extremely high once clinical signs appear. The virulence and infectious dose depend on the virus type and strain. Sick and infected animals, persistent carriers, contaminated litter trays, bowls and combs may be the source of infection. The virus is transmitted by indirect contact. Faeces contain FCoV at high concentrations, and the faeco-oral route of transmission is the most important. The incubation period is from 2 to 3 weeks to up to a few months, and sometimes years, depending on the immunological status of the animal. Two different forms of the disease have been distinguished: effusive (wet form) and non-effusive (dry form). The wet form is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities, and the dry form by granulomatous infiltration of the parenchymal organs and intestines. Pathoanatomical and histological changes show that a combination of wet and dry forms of the disease is the most often. A reliable diagnosis is possible only by the post mortem pathohistological examination, which is considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of this disease. Treatment of feline infectious peritonitis involves only symptomatic therapy of the disease, as opposed to treating the cause. Feline coronavirus is widespread in a multi-cat environment, making it difficult to minimize the risk of spread of the infection. Vaccination is not routinely used in practice

    Istraživanje retrovirusnih infekcija u ugroženoj populaciji euroazijskog risa (Lynx lynx) u hrvatskoj

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    The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) may cause persistent, lifelong and lethal infections in domestic and wild felids worldwide. FIV has been confirmed in most Felidae species, while FeLV infection is rare among non-domestic cats. The view that retroviruses are pathogenic in domestic cats but not in other free-ranging felid species was disproved by recent findings of retroviral pathology in several wild felids. The epidemiology of retroviral infections in felids in Croatia was only investigated in urban domestic cats, while there are no data for wild cat species. As the reintroduced Dinaric lynx (Lynx lynx) population suffers from low genetic diversity, which reduces their ability to adapt to new viral outbreaks, the health status of this lynx population is of particular concern. Two different commercial immunochromatographic assays were used for qualitative detection of FIV antibodies and FeLV antigens, while PCR was used for amplification of proviral gag and env genes in Eurasian lynx blood samples. All the 17 Eurasian lynx samples collected between 2001 and 2019 tested negative in both immunochromatographic and molecular tests. Even though our sample size was rather small, considering the fact that the population size of lynx in Croatia is estimated at 40 - 60 animals, our results can be considered representative for the populationā€™s health status. Also, data about retroviral prevalence in Eurasian lynxes are scarce, so any new findings are very valuable.Virus mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV) i virus mačje leukemije (FeLV) mogu uzrokovati trajne, cjeloživotne i smrtne infekcije u domaćih i divljih felida Å”irom svijeta. FIV je potvrđen u većine felida, dok je infekcija FeLV-om u domaćih mačaka rijetka. MiÅ”ljenje da su retrovirusi patogeni u domaćih mačaka, ali ne i u slobodnoživućih felida, opovrgnuto je najnovijim istraživanjima retrovirusne patologije u nekoliko divljih felida. Epidemiologija retrovirusnih infekcija u felida u Hrvatskoj istraživana je u gradskih domaćih mačaka, dok podaci za divlje mačke ne postoje. Kako populaciju reintroduciranog dinarskog risa (Lynx lynx) obilježava niska genetska raznolikost, Å”to smanjuje mogućnost prilagodbe na nove virusne zaraze, postoji osobita zabrinutost za zdravstveno stanje ove populacije risa. U radu su upotrijebljene dvije različite komercijalne imunokromatografske pretrage za kvalitativnu detekciju protutijela na FIV i FeLV antigene, dok je PCR upotrijebljen za umnažanje provirusnih gena gag i env u uzorcima krvi euroazijskog risa. Svih 17 uzoraka euroazijskog risa, prikupljenih od 2001. do 2019., bilo je negativno i u imunokromatografskom i molekularnom testu. Iako se radi o maloj veličini uzorka, s obzirom na to da je veličina populacije risa u Hrvatskoj procijenjena na 40 ā€“ 60 jedinki, naÅ”i se uzorci mogu smatrati reprezentativnima za zdravstveni status navedene populacije. Također, malo je podataka o retrovirusnoj prevalenciji u euroazijskog risa, Å”to novim podacima dobivenim ovim istraživanjem daje dodatnu vrijednost

    EpizootioloŔke značajke retrovirusnih infekcija mačaka na području grada Zagreba

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    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) are among the most common infectious diseases of cats and have a global impact on the health of domestic cats. Both viruses belong to the Retroviridae family and like other members of this family they are associated with lifelong infection after integration of the proviral DNA into the host cell genome. Prevalence data are necessary to define the risk factors, and prophylactic, management, diagnostic and therapeutic measures for stray and owned sick cats. In this study 324 domestic cats were tested with commercially available assays. The tested cats were divided into two groups, stray and owned sick cats. The overall percentage of seropositives for FIV infection was 18.51% and the prevalence for FeLV infection was 14.50%. FIV prevalence ranged from 13.13% in stray cats up to 20.88% within the sick owned cat group. The prevalence for FeLV infection was 6.06% in stray cats and 18.22% among sick owned cats. Regarding FIV infection, our study confirmed a significantly higher percentage of seropositives for male cats, as well as for sexually intact ones within the sick owned group. Males were significantly more likely to have positive results for both retroviral infections. The study confirmed the high rate of retroviral infections in cats from the Zagreb urban area. Males, sexually intact ones, and territorial aggression are predisposing factors for FIV infection, but not for FeLV. Preventive measures should include identification and segregation of infected cats, castration of outdoor male cats, and vaccination.nfekcije virusom mačje imunodeficijencije i virusom mačje leukemije pripadaju među najčeŔće zarazne bolesti mačaka i znatno utječu na njihovo zdravlje. Oba virusa pripadaju porodici Retroviridae. Kao i ostali virusi iz iste porodice, uzrokuju perzistentnu infekciju ugradnjom provirusne DNK u genom domaćina. Podaci o proÅ”irenosti obiju infekcija nužni su za utvrđivanje čimbenika rizika zaraze, mjera prevencije te dijagnostičkih metoda i postupaka sa zaraženom životinjom. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja pretražena su ukupno 324 uzorka pune krvi mačaka komercijalno dostupnim dijagnostičkim testovima. Pretraživane mačke podijeljene su u dvije skupine, slobodnoživuće mačke i bolesne mačke koje imaju vlasnika. Od ukupnog broja pretraženih mačaka infekciju mačjim virusom imunodeficijencije dokazali smo u 18.51 % mačaka, dok je infekcija virusom mačje leukemije dokazana u 14,50 % pretraženih životinja. ProÅ”irenost infekcije mačjim virusom imunodeficijencije potvrđena je u 13,13 % mačaka unutar skupine slobodnoživućih mačaka, dok je 20,88 % bolesnih mačaka koje imaju vlasnika bilo pozitivno na istu zaraznu bolest. S druge strane, 6,06 % slobodnoživućih mačaka te 18,22 % bolesnih mačaka koje imaju vlasnike bilo je zaraženo virusom mačje leukemije. Istraživanje potvrđuje statistički značajnu proÅ”irenost virusa mačje imunodeficijencije u muÅ”kih jedinki posebno onih nekastriranih. MuÅ”ke jedinke također imaju statistički veću mogućnost zaraze obama retrovirusima. Provedeno istraživanje dokazuje visoku proÅ”irenost retrovirusnih infeckcija među mačkama na području grada Zagreba. Utvrđeni čimbenici rizika zaraze virusom imunodeficijencije uključuju muÅ”ki spol, nekastrirane muÅ”ke jedinke te slododno držanje mačaka. Ti čimbenici rizika nisu dokazani za infekciju mačjim virusom leukemije. Mjere sprečavanja Å”irenja obiju retrovirusnih bolesti uključuju testiranje mačaka, izdvajanje i izolaciju zaraženih, kastraciju muÅ”kih mačaka te imunoprofilaksu izloženih jedinki

    Prognostički čimbenici i njihova povezanost s preživljavanjem u pasa s leptospirozom

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    The objectives of this study were to describe the epizootiological and clinical features of canine patients with leptospirosis, and to determine the association between the health parameters observed and patient survival. The study population consisted of sixty patients admitted to the Department of Microbiology and Infectious diseases with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia from 2009 to 2017. The majority of the infections were caused by serogroup Pomona (50%), while serogroups Icterohaemorhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Australis and Sejroe were identified in 30%, 8.3%, 5% and 1.7% of the patients, respectively. At initial presentation, the most frequently detected organ dysfunction was renal failure (85%), followed by pulmonary (60%) and hepatic injury (58.3%). When the frequency of animals with involvement of organ systems was calculated, 31.7% had three systems involved, 46.7% had two systems involved, 13.3% had one, and 5% did not have any system involved. The mortality risk in the group that had 0, 1, 2 and 3 systems involved was 0%, 62.5%, 46.4%, and 89.5%, respectively. In the univariable analysis, several factors were univariably associated with the risk of a lethal outcome including: day of admission (P<0.01), sex (P = 0.09), Leptospira vaccination status (P = 0.11), the presence of moderate to severe acute kidney injury (P<0.01), pulmonary involvement (P = 0.11), and several other parameters. In the multivariable Coxā€™s model, the presence of moderate and severe kidney injury was identified as a statistically significant factor associated with lower survival. The frequency of severe clinical cases of canine leptospirosis caused by the serogroup Pomona found in this study supports the need to consider inclusion of strains of this serogroup in vaccines available on the European market.Ciljevi ovoga istraživanja bili su opisati epizootioloÅ”ke i kliničke značajke pasa oboljelih od leptospiroze te utvrditi povezanost promatranih parametara i stupnja preživljavanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 60 pasa zaprimljenih na Zavod za mikrobiologiju i zarazne bolesti s klinikom Veterinarskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od 2009. do 2017. godine. Većina utvrđenih infekcija u pasa bila je uzrokovana seroloÅ”kom skupinom Pomona (50 %), dok su seroloÅ”ke skupine Icterohaemorhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Australis i Sejroe uzrokovale bolest u 30 %, 8,3 %, 5 % i 1,7 % pacijenata. NajčeŔća su klinička očitovanja bila akutna bubrežna (85 %) i jetrena lezija (58,3 %) te disfunkcija respiratornog sustava (60 %). Od ukupnog broja zaprimljenih pacijenata, u njih 31,7 % utvrđeno je oÅ”tećenje svih triju organskih sustava, u 46,7 % oÅ”tećenje dvaju organskih sustava, u 13,3 % pacijenata oÅ”tećenje jednoga organskog sustava, dok u 5 % pasa nije utvrđeno oÅ”tećenje organa. Smrtnost u skupinama u kojima je utvrđeno oÅ”tećenje 0, 1, 2 i 3 organska sustava bila je 0 %, 62,5 %, 46,4 % i 89,5 %. Univarijabilnom analizom utvrđeno je nekoliko čimbenika povezanih s povećanim rizikom od smrti: trajanje bolesti pri prijemu na kliniku (P < 0,01), spol (P = 0,09), cijepni status (P = 0,11), umjereno do teÅ”ko akutno oÅ”tećenje bubrega (P < 0,01), respiratorna disfunkcija (P = 0,11). Multivarijabilnim Coxovim modelom prisutnost umjerenog do teÅ”kog oÅ”tećenja bubrega identificirana je kao statistički znakovit čimbenik povezan s nižim preživljavanjem. Povećana incidencija teÅ”kih kliničkih oblika uzrokovanih seroloÅ”kom skupinom Pomona, koja je utvrđena u ovom istraživanju, naglaÅ”ava potrebu uključivanja ovih sojeva u cjepiva koja su dostupna na europskom tržiÅ”tu

    Dermatophytosis in dogs and cats

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    Dermatofitoze su zarazne bolesti kože i kožnih tvorevina. Uzrokuju ih različite vrste dermatofita, plijesni koje uzrokuju infekcije keratiniziranih tkiva mnogih vrsta životinja i ljudi. Zoonoze su i najčeŔće se klinički očituju alopecijama. Dijagnostika se provodi dokazom prisutnosti dermatofita u keratiniziranim tkivima. Liječe se topikalnom i sistemskom primjenom antimikotika. Osim liječenja, u sprečavanju Å”irenja na druge životinje i ljude pomaže dekontaminacija okoliÅ”a. Dermatofitoze pasa i mačaka proÅ”irene su u većem dijelu svijeta, a osnovna znanja o njima potrebna su zbog sve intenzivnijeg kontakta ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca.Dermatophytoses are infectious diseases of the skin and skin structures. They are caused by various species of dermatophytes, molds that cause infections of the keratinized tissues of many animal species and humans. The disease mostly clinically manifests as alopecia. Diagnosis is made by detecting dermatophytes in keratinized tissues. Treatment includes topical and systemic application of antifungal agents. In addition to treatment, prevention of transmission to other animals and humans is enhanced by environment decontamination. Dermatophytoses in dogs and cats are widespread in most parts of the world, and due to the increasingly intense contact between humans and pets, a basic knowledge of these diseases is necessary


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    Leptospiroza je akutna septikemijska zarazna bolest različitih vrsta domaćih i divljih životinja i čovjeka, koja se većinom pojavljuje enzootski, a iznimno i u obliku zatvorenih epizootija. Ona je zooantroponoza prirodno-žariÅ”noga tipa, pojavljuje se diljem svijeta i vrlo je važna za humano i veterinarsko javno zdravstvo. Leptospire i leptospiroza u Hrvatskoj sustavno se istražuju već viÅ”e od Å”ezdeset godina, a zbog svoje važnosti uvrÅ”tena je u skupinu zaraznih bolesti koje se suzbijaju po zakonu. Laboratorij za leptospire Veterinarskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu od 2007. godine ovlaÅ”ten je za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku leptospiroze konja. Kopitari su važan izvor ā€“ rezervoar leptospira u enzootskim područjima leptospiroze te je cilj ovoga rada podsjetiti veterinarsku javnost na specifi čnosti epizootiologije, dijagnostike te mjera kontrole i suzbijanja leptospiroze konja.Leptospirosis is an acute, septicemic, infectious disease of domestic and wild animals and humans. It is a world spread anthropozoonosis which persists in natural foci and is very important public health problem. In Croatia, leptospirosis has been investigated for more than 60 years. Due to importance of leptospirosis in veterinary and public health, control of disease is regulated by the law. Laboratory for leptospires, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb, is referent laboratory for diagnostics of leptospirosis since 2007. Since equides are important reservoir and source of leptospirosis in enzootic areas, the aim of this article is to point out specifi cities of epizootiology, diagnostics and control measures of this disease in equides