43 research outputs found
Organized financial cybercrime:Criminal cooperation, logistic bottlenecks, and money flows
- Author
- A Edwards
- A Hutchings
- A Hutchings
- AJ Reiss
- AJ Reiss
- B Dupont
- C Herley
- CR Shaw
- D DĂ©cary-HĂ©tu
- D DĂ©cary-HĂ©tu
- D DĂ©cary-HĂ©tu
- D Ron
- EH Sutherland
- EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction)
- EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) & Europol
- ER Kleemans
- ER Leukfeldt
- ER Leukfeldt
- ER Leukfeldt
- ER Leukfeldt
- ER Leukfeldt
- EW Kruisbergen
- EW Kruisbergen
- EW Kruisbergen
- EW Kruisbergen
- FAJ Ianni
- G Odinot
- J Lusthaus
- JJ Oerlemans
- JT Holt
- K Kruithof
- KK Peretti
- M Bouchard
- M Felson
- M Felson
- M Yip
- M Yip
- MA Andresen
- MRJ Soudijn
- MRJ Soudijn
- MRJ Soudijn
- N Christin
- P Grabosky
- R Broadhurst
- S Meiklejohn
- T Holz
- T Moore
- TJ Holt
- TJ Holt
- TJ Holt
- TJ Holt
- TJ Holt
- TJ Holt
- Y Lu
- Y Werner
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2020
- Field of study
Transoral Laser Microsurgery in Early Glottic Lesions
- Author
- A Ferlito
- A Mizrachi
- A Qureishi
- A Watanabe
- AH Hakeem
- AH Mendelsohn
- AH Mendelsohn
- AN Crespo
- AT Hillel
- B Lallemant
- C Hoffmann
- C Piazza
- C Piazza
- C Piazza
- CD Gogh van
- CE Lindholm
- CM Chiesa Estomba
- CP McMullen
- CT Chone
- DG Grant
- DM Hartl
- DM Hartl
- DS Fink
- E Allegra
- E Breda
- E Comert
- E Sigston
- EN Myers
- EV Sjogren
- EV Sjogren
- EV Sjogren
- G Bertino
- G Bertino
- G Mortuaire
- G Motta
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- G Peretti
- GP Ledda
- HE Eckel
- HE Eckel
- HH Rudert
- HO Nasef
- HS Lee
- HS Lee
- I Vilaseca
- I Vilaseca
- I Vilaseca
- J Huang
- J Michel
- J Milovanovic
- J O'Hara
- J Yoo
- JA Kirchner
- JC Smith
- JH Brandenburg
- JL Blanch
- JL Roh
- K Brondbo
- KM Goor
- KM Higgins
- LM Aaltonen
- LW DeSanto
- M Ansarin
- M Bernal-Sprekelsen
- M Canis
- M Canis
- M Kraft
- M Lucioni
- M Manola
- M Remacle
- M Remacle
- M Remacle
- M Remacle
- M Valls-Mateus
- M Wolfensberger
- M Zabrodsky
- MD Wilkie
- ML Schrijvers
- MS Strong
- P Diaz-de-Cerio
- PY Chu
- R Maroldi
- R Simo
- RM Rodel
- RM Roedel
- S Garofolo
- SA Pradhan
- SM Shapshay
- SM Zeitels
- SM Zeitels
- SP Cragle
- T Mau
- TJ Fang
- TJ Phillips
- V Mahler
- W Steiner
- W Steiner
- WF Thumfart
- WM Mendenhall
- Y Abdurehim
- Y Feng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Introduction: Whither the Supreme Court?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Access to inpatient palliative care among cancer patients in France: an analysis based on the national cancer cohort
- Author
- A Baumann
- A Broom
- A Janah
- AM Schreier
- AR Maddison
- C Poulalhon
- C Zimmermann
- D Hui
- D Hui
- DT Colibaseanu
- E Hutt
- EI Benchimol
- FD Ferris
- FI Burge
- G Rey
- INCa
- INCa
- JS Temel
- K Tanco
- L Granek
- M Legenne
- MA Bakitas
- MHJ van den Beuken-van Everdingen
- Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé
- N Fadul
- N Fadul
- N Kayastha
- P Hawley
- P Peretti-Watel
- P Peretti-Watel
- P Peretti-Watel
- P Reis-Pina
- P Tuppin
- P Vinant
- PJ Bousquet
- S Kaasa
- SJ Merchant
- SM Watanabe
- SY Tan
- TC de Oliveira Valentino
- TJ Smith
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dynamic properties of calcium-activated chloride currents in Xenopus laevis oocytes
- Author
- A Eke
- A Wawrzkiewicz
- AS Verkman
- AZ Larsen
- B Barbour
- B Mandelbrot
- B Nilius
- B O’Rourke
- C Duran
- C Gonzalez-Silva
- C Hartzell
- CK Peng
- CR Bader
- CY Tang
- D Endeman
- DC Caccia
- DD Duan
- EK Hoffmann
- F Huang
- G Tigyi
- G Voglis
- H Hurst
- HE Stanley
- HT Bandeira
- IM De la Fuente
- IM De la Fuente
- J Berg
- J Mao
- J Ponce-Coria
- JB Bassingthwaighte
- JJ Hopfield
- K Prank
- LS Liebovitch
- M Li
- M Peretti
- M Suzuki
- MA Aon
- MJ Cannon
- MJ Kim
- N Dascal
- NL Cross
- R Hardstone
- R Miledi
- R Planells-Cases
- RA Frizzell
- S Pifferi
- T Kuner
- T Stauber
- TJ Jentsch
- TJ Jentsch
- TJ Jentsch
- TJ Jentsch
- V Kane-Dickson
- VK Ramanujan
- VN Kazachenko
- WA Varanda
- WB Ludington
- WC Huang
- Y Isomura
- Y Okada
- ZK Gao
- ZK Gao
- ZK Gao
- ZK Gao
- ZK Gao
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diversity and seasonal composition of the scorpion fauna from a mountainous system on pampean grasslands in central Argentina
- Author
- Acosta LE
- Acosta LE
- Acosta LE
- Costa FG
- Dalla Salda L
- Gabriel Pompozzi
- Hammer O
- Jiménez ML
- Koch LE
- Koch LE
- Kristensen MJ
- Kristensen MJ
- Leonela Schwerdt
- Lizzi JM
- Maury EA
- Maury EA
- Maury EA
- Mello-LeitĂŁo CF
- Mello-LeitĂŁo CF.
- Moreno CE
- Nelson Ferretti
- Ojanguren Affilastro AA
- Pande S
- Peretti AV
- Pizarro-Araya J
- Polis GA
- Polis GA
- Porto TJ
- Schwerdt L
- SellĂ©z-MartĂnez J
- SofĂa Copperi
- Toscano-Gadea CA
- Toscano-Gadea CA
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Banking malware and the laundering of its profits
- Author
- Bart HM Custers
- Bauer JM
- Bernaards F
- Charney S
- Choi KS
- Council of Europe
- CSBN (Cybersecuritybeeld Nederland)
- Custers BHM
- European Commission
- Europol
- Europol
- Europol
- Falliere N
- FATF (Financial Action Task Force)
- Gelemerova L
- Harrell E
- Hogben G
- Kleemans ER
- Koops EJ
- Kruisbergen EW
- Lastdrager EEH
- Leukfeldt ER
- Ngo FT
- Oerlemans JJ
- Oerlemans JJ
- Parker DB
- Peretti KK
- Remon Cornelisse
- Ronald LD Pool
- Savona E
- Schaap C
- Soudijn MRJ
- Soudijn MRJ
- Tajalizadehkoob S
- Unger B
- Van Koningsveld TJ
- Wall DS
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Congenital Vitamin E Deficiency
- Author
- A Azzi
- A Azzi
- A Benomar
- A Dutta
- A Kamal-Eldin
- A Tasinato
- AE Harding
- B Jones
- B Sure
- BS Wilfond
- C Fusco
- C Mariotti
- D Boscoboinik
- D Papaioannou
- D Wu
- DA Butterfield
- E Eggermont
- EB Rimm
- F Hakim
- G Euch-Fayache El
- G Rimbach
- G Schonfeld
- G Wolf
- H Abdala-Valencia
- HJ Kayden
- HM Evans
- HM Evans
- Institute of Medicine
- J Frank
- J Himmelfarb
- J Lee
- J Wang
- JL Bradley
- JL Evans
- JM Zingg
- JP Kane
- JR Burnett
- L Cavalier
- M Anheim
- M Birringer
- M Birringer
- M Hacquebard
- M Rossato
- M Sinaasappel
- MG Traber
- N Berriot-Varoqueaux
- N Doerflinger
- N Marzouki
- N Peretti
- N Peretti
- NK Ă–zer
- O Cachia
- P Borel
- P Dolara
- P Tarugi
- Q Jiang
- Q Jiang
- R Boldrini
- R Brigelius-Flohé
- R Zamel
- RL Gibson
- RL Koscik
- RP Copp
- S Gabsi
- SJ London
- SK Myung
- SY Moya-Camarena
- T Yokota
- T Yokota
- T Yokota
- TJ Sontag
- U Burck
- WJ Wechter
- Y Yoshida
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
Knockdown of CLIC4 enhances ATP-induced HN4 cell apoptosis through mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum pathways
- Author
- B Shen
- BD Humphreys
- DA Grimes
- DL Zheng
- DR Fels
- E Fernandez-Salas
- H Yoshida
- HY Jiang
- HY Tang
- J Chen
- J Zhong
- JD Ly
- JP Machiels
- KS Suh
- KS Suh
- KS Suh
- L Contreras
- L Scorrano
- M Behera
- M Michaud
- M Mutoh
- M Peretti
- N Selzner
- P Bernardi
- P Gogol
- P Pancari
- S Oyadomari
- S Perveen
- SA Oakes
- SY Kim
- TJ Jentsch
- V Lehen’kyi
- V Srinivasan
- V Walia
- W Zhu
- WA Wang
- World Medical Association
- WW Wong
- Y Ma
- Y Xu
- Y Yang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study