24 research outputs found

    Per adolcir cotante pene amare: Una coincidència de Rois de Corella amb uns sonets italians de la fi del segle XV

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    Il risultato di una ricerca effettuata a Roma nel novembre del 1990, nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, imbatte l'autore, nell 'Inventarium Manuscriptum Latinum Bibliotecae Apostolica Vaticana, dove nel codice Vaticanus Latinus 6247, VII, f. 307, trova riferimento ad alcuni "Sonetti d'incerto autore" il primo verso dei quali inizia cosl: "Per adolcir co= [f] 36[r-46v)". Questo indizio aveva fatto covare la speranza di trovare tracce di catalanita. Inizialmente fu una delusione! controllando meglio il codice potevo appurare che i venti testi poetici erano scritti in lingua italiana. Tuttavia, questi sonetti di anonimo ed inediti, di chiara influenza petrarchesca, contengono diverse ragioni d'interesse in relazione alla letteratura catalana della fine del seCo XV, come il saggio appunto vuol dirnostrare

    From Real Class to a Global Network Education In High Academic Achievement International Doctoral Groups [HAAIDG]

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    Research, develop and implement strategies and methodologies aimed at the establishment of HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL GROUPS [HAAIDG, in Spanish acronym: GARAID]. In current Doctorate studies, collaboration, coordination and cooperation for research and innovation in official studies leading to the PhD degree developed at the University of Alicante and, in general, at the University of Alicante are still more necessary than before. Other universities, taking into account the frame of reference of the European Higher Education Area. The HAAIDG have been applied first in the "Doctoral Program in Intercultural and Historical Relations in Medieval Mediterranean Europe" -in ISIC-IVITRA and Prometeo de Excelencia PrometeoII/2014/018, University of Alicante-. Many of the needs and challenges to which an attempt is made to respond through HAAIDG are transversal and common to doctoral studies in general: distance learning, teaching by often remote tutorials, internationalization, stays abroad, highly specialized lines and research teams, need to generate knowledge with theses, need for transfer (publications, participation in scientific meetings, both previously and subsequently to the thesis and derived from it)

    D?àngels i dimonis. Anàlisi d?una seqüència del programa iconogràfic de la moralització enciclopèdica de la fin?amors en el Breviari d?Amor de Matfré Ermangaud

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    Resum: En el present treball parem esment a 3 il·luminacions del Breviari d?Amor de Matfré Ermengaut, a més de ser eloqüents ?valga la sinestèsia: imatges que són eloqüents? justament d?aqueixa vocació d?Ermengaud en pro de la cristianització de la fin?amors. Estableixen una mena de seqüència en el concert de diàleg entre història natural, història sagrada i atenció a l?amor, als amadors a fi i efecte que estableix qui és el receptor concret de l?obra, qui el model a seguir (els àngels) i qui a defugir (el dimoni), i quin és l?àmbit d?actuació del «maligne»: la societat cortés, ecosistema de la fin?amor.   Paraules clau: Breviari d?amor, enciclopedisme medieval, text i imatge, fin?amor, càtars, moralitazió   This paper analyzes three illuminations of Matfré Ermengaud´s Breviari d'Amor which represent the author´s attempt to Christianize the concept of fin'amors. In particular, they establish a connection among natural history, sacred history and love and lovers and allow us to study who is the recipient of Ermengaud's work. In addition, they serve us to study the author´s injunctions on the model to be followed (angels), the model to reject (demons), and the sphere of action of «the evil»: courtly society and the ecosystem of fin´amors. Keywords: Breviari d´Amor, Medieval encyclopedic knowledge, text and image, fin´amor, Cathars, moralizatio

    Materials per a l'anàlisi multilingüe i contrastiva de locucions, col.locacions i fraseologia. Un escandall quant a Ausiàs March i "Tirant lo Blanch"

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    This essay offers a sampling of a multilingual contrastive analysis of poems by Ausiàs March and the ones in «Tirant lo Blanch» (original versions and their respective translations) as regards locutions, collocations and phraseology. These elements are fully characteristic of the literary language of any author and, at the same time, they indicate his degree of command of his vehicular language or of the language for literary creation. In addition, they turn out to be important –and often problematic– questions as far as their translation is concerned, precisely because the text has to be ‘naturalised’ in the receiving language and its cultural tradition. And this is so because, while translating, the words and their nets of syntantic and semantic interdependence have to be taken into account. As a consequence, the necessary elements to be able to calibrate in detail the clauses of morphosyntactic and semantic commitment at syntagmatic reach will be available. Therefore, it will be feasible to carry out case analysis regarding ‘environments’ or essential attributes for the characterization –and the understanding– of the literary language of our reference authors