3 research outputs found

    End-to-end language diarization for bilingual code-switching speech

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    We propose two end-to-end neural configurations for language diarization on bilingual code-switching speech. The first, a BLSTM-E2E architecture, includes a set of stacked bidirectional LSTMs to compute embeddings and incorporates the deep clustering loss to enforce grouping of languages belonging to the same class. The second, an XSA-E2E architecture, is based on an x-vector model followed by a self-attention encoder. The former encodes frame-level features into segmentlevel embeddings while the latter considers all those embeddings to generate a sequence of segment-level language labels. We evaluated the proposed methods on the dataset obtained from the shared task B in WSTCSMC 2020 and our handcrafted simulated data from the SEAME dataset. Experimental results show that our proposed XSA-E2E architecture achieved a relative improvement of 12.1% in equal error rate and a 7.4% relative improvement on accuracy compared with the baseline algorithm in the WSTCSMC 2020 dataset. Our proposed XSA-E2E architecture achieved an accuracy of 89.84% with a baseline of 85.60% on the simulated data derived from the SEAME dataset. Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Circuits and System

    Investigating model performance in language identification: beyond simple error statistics

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    Language development experts need tools that can automatically identify languages from fluent, conversational speech and provide reliable estimates of usage rates at the level of an individual recording. However, LID systems are typically evaluated on metrics such as equal error rate and balanced accuracy, applied at the level of an entire speech corpus. These overview metrics do not provide information about model performance at the level of individual speakers, recordings, or units of speech with different linguistic characteristics. Overview statistics may mask systematic errors in model performance for some subsets of the data, and consequently, have worse performance on data derived from some subsets of human speakers, creating a kind of algorithmic bias. Here, we investigate how well a number of LID systems perform on individual recordings and speech units with different linguistic properties in the MERLIon CCS Challenge featuring accented code-switched child-directed speech.Signal Processing System

    MERLIon CCS Challenge: A English-Mandarin code-switching child-directed speech corpus for language identification and diarization

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    To enhance the reliability and robustness of language identification (LID) and language diarization (LD) systems for heterogeneous populations and scenarios, there is a need for speech processing models to be trained on datasets that feature diverse language registers and speech patterns. We present the MERLIon CCS challenge, featuring a first-of-its-kind Zoom video call dataset of parent-child shared book reading, of over 30 hours with over 300 recordings, annotated by multilingual transcribers using a high-fidelity linguistic transcription protocol. The audio corpus features spontaneous and in-the-wild English-Mandarin code-switching, child-directed speech in non-standard accents with diverse language-mixing patterns recorded in a variety of home environments. This report describes the corpus, as well as LID and LD results for our baseline and several systems submitted to the MERLIon CCS challenge using the corpus.Biomaterials & Tissue BiomechanicsSignal Processing System