12 research outputs found

    Central Asia: Background Paper on Climate Change

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    human development, climate change

    Climate Change. Russia Country Paper

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    human development, climate change

    "Grüne Wirtschaft" in Russland - Probleme und Perspektiven

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    Auch in Russland ist man sich der Notwendigkeit für radikale Veränderungen im weltweiten und russischen Entwicklungsmodell bewusst. Der Begriff "grüne Wirtschaft" ist für Russland neu, und er wird praktisch nicht verwendet. Dennoch korrespondieren die für die nächsten zehn bis zwanzig Jahre gesteckten Ziele des Landes in vielem mit denen eines Wechsels zu "grüner" Wirtschaft. Für die Durchsetzung nachhaltiger Entwicklungsziele müssen allerdings beträchtliche Anstrengungen unternommen werden. Diese wären mit radikalen Veränderungen in den umweltintensiven Rohstofftrends der Wirtschaft verbunden. Es wird immer deutlicher, dass sich das auf Rohstoffexporte basierende Modell, wie es sich in Russland herausgebildet hat, erschöpft hat. Eine neue Wirtschaft sollte den Akzent auf eine qualitative und nicht auf eine quantitative Entwicklung setzen. Das Land sollte nicht danach streben, die Menge der gewonnenen und genutzten natürlichen Ressourcen zu steigern und dadurch zusätzlich die Umwelt zu beeinträchtigen. Russland sollte vielmehr die Nutzung der sich bereits im Wirtschaftskreislauf befindenden Rohstoffen und Materialien effizienter gestaltet und deren Verluste vermeiden

    Pure Profit for Russia: Benefits of Responsible Finance

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    The purpose of this report is to serve as a post financial crisis handbook that will help both financiers and environmentalists in Russia to cooperate in establishing a ‘greener’ and less risky financial system in a similar manner to which this process is underway in other emerging markets such as China, Brazil and South Africa. The report provides an overview of the evolution of international mechanisms of environmental and social responsibility in the global financial sector, quantifies the scope of exposure of foreign and Russian financial institutions to environment-intensive sectors of the Russian economy, and concludes with recommendations regarding actions that might be implemented by both the Russian government and domestic financial institutions. The report has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Integration of Environmental and Social Safeguards, Standards and Processes and the Climate Change Agenda in the Russian Finance Sector’ implemented by WWF-Russia and WWF-Germany with the financial assistance of the Federal Agency for the Environment (Umweltbundesamt/UBA) under the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and with the support of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in collaboration with the Equator Principles Outreach Group for Russia

    Pure Profit for Russia: Benefits of Responsible Finance

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    The purpose of this report is to serve as a post financial crisis handbook that will help both financiers and environmentalists in Russia to cooperate in establishing a ‘greener’ and less risky financial system in a similar manner to which this process is underway in other emerging markets such as China, Brazil and South Africa. The report provides an overview of the evolution of international mechanisms of environmental and social responsibility in the global financial sector, quantifies the scope of exposure of foreign and Russian financial institutions to environment-intensive sectors of the Russian economy, and concludes with recommendations regarding actions that might be implemented by both the Russian government and domestic financial institutions. The report has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Integration of Environmental and Social Safeguards, Standards and Processes and the Climate Change Agenda in the Russian Finance Sector’ implemented by WWF-Russia and WWF-Germany with the financial assistance of the Federal Agency for the Environment (Umweltbundesamt/UBA) under the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and with the support of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in collaboration with the Equator Principles Outreach Group for Russia

    Interlinkages: Governance for Sustainability Chapter 8

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    The Earth functions as a system: atmosphere, land, water, biodiversity and human society are all linked in a complex web of interactions and feedbacks. Environment and development challenges are interlinked across thematic, institutional and geographic boundaries through social and environmental processes. The state of knowledge on these interlinkages and implications for human well-being are highlighted in the following messages: Environmental change and development challenges are caused by the same sets of drivers. They include population change, economic processes, scientific and technological innovations, distribution patterns, and cultural, social, political and institutional processes

    GEO-6 assessment for the pan-European region

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    Through this assessment, the authors and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) secretariat are providing an objective evaluation and analysis of the pan-European environment designed to support environmental decision-making at multiple scales. In this assessment, the judgement of experts is applied to existing knowledge to provide scientifically credible answers to policy-relevant questions. These questions include, but are not limited to the following:• What is happening to the environment in the pan-European region and why?• What are the consequences for the environment and the human population in the pan-European region?• What is being done and how effective is it?• What are the prospects for the environment in the future?• What actions could be taken to achieve a more sustainable future?<br/