11 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of gastrointestinal parasites in soil from municipal schools and public areas in the city of Bom Jesus/Piauí. Soil samples were collected from the recreation areas of four municipal schools, and four public places in the city and processed using the centrifugal-flotation technique with the 33% zinc sulfate solution. All 49 soil samples analyzed were. An average contamination of 73.45% for Toxocara spp., and 26.54% for Ancylostoma spp., was observed in the soils of recreation areas of the schools, and in public areas of the city an average frequency of 32.65% for Toxocara spp., 31.81% for Ancylostoma spp., 33.13%, for Trichuris spp. and one place with 9.25% for Dipylidium spp. The results showed that people are exposed to helminth eggs with zoonotic potential in recreation areas in municipal schools and public areas in Bom Jesus/Piauí, Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi pesquisar a presença de ovos de parasitas gastrointestinais de animais em solos de escolas municipais e de áreas públicas da cidade de Bom Jesus/Piauí. Foram coletadas amostras de solo de quatro escolas municipais, nas áreas de recreação, e de quatro locais públicos da cidade e processadas mediante a técnica de centrífugo-flutuação, utilizando a solução de sulfato de zinco a 33%. Das 49 amostras de solos analisadas, todas apresentaram-se positivas. Foi observada nos solos das áreas de recreação das escolas uma contaminação média de 73,45% para Toxocara spp. e 26,54% para Ancylostoma spp., já nas áreas públicas da cidade foi observada uma frequência média de 32,65% para Toxocara spp., 31,81% para Ancylostoma spp., 33,13% para Trichuris spp. e um único local com 9,25% para Dipylidium spp. Os resultados demonstraram que existe a exposição de pessoas a ovos de helmintos com potencial zoonótico em áreas de recreação nas escolas municipais e em áreas públicas de Bom Jesus/PI, Brasil

    Bovine Mastitis Caused by Multidrug-Resistant Nocardia farcinica

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    Background: Mastitis caused by Nocardia is characterized by pyogranulomatous inflammation related to inadequate hygiene conditions and is difficult to treat. Prompted by the absence of documentation of Nocardia farcinica associated to bovine mastitis in the Northeast region of Brazil, this is the first report to describe bovine mastitis caused by multidrug-resistant N. farcinica. Case: Four milk samples (one from each teat) obtained from a 3-year-old Jersey cow raised on a property located in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, were submitted to the Laboratory of Infectious-Contagious Diseases of the Veterinary Hospital at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. At the laboratory, samples were cultured in base agar enriched with 7% sheep blood (blood agar) in a microbiological incubator at 37°C under aerobic conditions for 72 h. After only 48 h, however, pure bacterial colony growth was observed in all samples. Macroscopic analysis revealed small colonies, with an irregular shape, dry aspect, and greyish in color. Gram-positive rods forming filaments and/or ramifications were observed using a Gram staining method. Nocardia spp. were identified according to morphotinctorial characteristics. Susceptibility testing using the disc-diffusion method in agar (antibiogram) was performed using the following antibiotics: penicillin (10 IU), tetracycline (30 µg), amoxicillin (10 µg), gentamicin (10 µg), cephalexin (30 µg), erythromycin (15 µg), cephalothin (30 µg) and ampicillin (30 µg). However, the organism exhibited resistance to all drugs; as such, a new milk sample was obtained at the same location the initial samples were collected. Samples (approximately 5 mL) were collected aseptically and separately from all four teats in sterile bottles, during which the presence of granular material was noted. Bacterial culture was performed as previously described and, after 48 h, colony growth with the same characteristics as the first isolation were observed, and with same morphotinctorial characteristics in the Gram stain. A resistance profile was observed for 14 of the antimicrobial drugs tested; sensitivity was verified only for ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. One bacterial colony was selected and sent to the Center of Strategic Technology of Northeast (CETENE-PE) for species identification using a matrix-associated laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF/MS) technique, which confirmed the species to be N. farcinica. Molecular characterization of 16s ribosomal DNA was performed using polymerase chain reaction with universal prokaryotic primers 516F-13R. Subsequently, the amplified product was subjected to sequencing, and the result was analyzed for quality using Phred base calling software; bases with a Phred value > 20 were kept. The sequence was evaluated using GenBank, in which the isolate exhibited 99% similarity to N. farcinica. Discussion: Clinical findings and animal history associated with microbiological culture and bacterial identification using the MALDI-TOF technique, as well as DNA sequencing, confirmed the case of clinical mastitis to be caused by N. farcinica. These bacteria are considered saprophytes, and their occurrence is associated with deficiencies in hygienic-sanitary management, such as not using pre- and post-dipping, which may favor mammary gland infection. Treatment of N. farcinica mastitis is effective only when properly performed, with agent identification and antibiotic sensitivity tests in vitro associated with the adoption of hygienic-sanitary measures. This is the first description of bovine mastitis caused by N. farcinica in the northeast of Brazil. Multidrug resistance should raise awareness of producers searching for laboratory aids in agent identification as well as antibiotic sensitivity tests, and to develop a proper therapeutic protocol based on results obtained in laboratory examinations

    Occurrence of natural infection by Giardia sp. in goats and sheep reared in extensive system in cerrado of Piauí, Brazil / Ocorrência da infecção natural por Giardia sp. em caprinos e ovinos criados em sistema extensivo no cerrado do Piauí, Brasil

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    The present study aimed to identify natural infection by Giardia sp. in fecal samples collected from goats and sheep raised in an extensive system in the Cerrado biome of Piauí, Brazil. Two hundred fecal samples from goats and sheep (100 for each species) were collected from 6 properties located in the municipality of Bom Jesus, Piauí, Brazil. In addition, data regarding properties and animals, including species, age, sex, and identification number, were collected. The samples were processed using the centrifugal-flotation technique in zinc sulfate and analyzed using optical microscopy (magnification 40×). Of the 200 samples analyzed, 70 (35%) were positive for Giardia sp., with goats exhibiting an absolute and relative frequency of 37/100 (37%) and adult females being more affected (25/62 [40.32%]), while 33/100 (33%) sheep were positive, with greater positivity also observed in adult females (17/55 [30.90%]). Results of this study demonstrate for what is to our knowledge the first time that goats and sheep raised extensively are exposed to infection by Giardia sp. in Bom Jesus, Piauí. This is also presumably the first report to describe giardiasis in goats and sheep in the state of Piauí, Brazil

    Systemic Cryptococcosis in a Miniature Schnauzer Dog

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    Background: Cryptococcosis is an important zoonotic disease that occurs worldwide. The disease is caused by a soilborne opportunistic fungus of the genus Cryptococcus, which can also be found in the feces of birds, especially pigeons. In Brazil, the geographical distribution of the agent is fairly defined, with the species C. gattii predominantly found in thenorth-eastern states. Diagnosis is based on the clinical history, physical examination findings, and results of complementary testing, such as cytopathological and histopathological examinations. This report aims to describe the clinical and anatomopathological findings in a case of systemic cryptococcosis in a dog.Case: A 4-year-old female Miniature Schnauzer was referred for necropsy. For 3 months prior to death, the dog had displayed generalized alopecia, pruritus, and severe weight loss, Initially, a private veterinarian had suspected leishmaniasis. Gross examination was performed and samples for cytopathology, histopathology, and fungal culture were obtained. Themacroscopic examination revealed generalized alopecia, congested mucosa, cachexia, hyperemia of the brain, and multiple white nodules measuring 0.5 cm to 4 cm in the lungs and the kidneys. None of the other organs showed significant lesions. Cytopathological examination of the nodules revealed a highly cellular sample, with a severe chronic inflammatory response, characterized by multinucleated giant cells and round-to-elliptical, yeast-shaped structures (5-10 μm), suggestive ofCryptococcus organisms. Histopathological examination of the lungs, kidneys, and brain revealed a severe diffuse chronic inflammatory process, with lymphocytic infiltration and multinucleated giant cells; countless yeast-shaped, round-to-ovoid structures (similar in appearance to “soap bubbles”) that were negative in hematoxylin-eosin stain were also present.Grocott’s methenamine silver stain was then applied, which positively stained the organism capsules black, confirming Cryptococcus. For mycological diagnosis, samples from the lungs nodules were cultured on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol 0.4% and incubated for 7 days at 25-30ºC. Abundant small, smooth, irregular-sized,cream-colored colonies were obtained, and a mycological smear, stained by India ink, was performed.Discussion: Considered an uncommon disease, canine cryptococcosis can be misdiagnosed. Clinical findings, such as alopecia, lymphadenopathy, and cutaneous nodules that may be ulcerated, are commonly seen in these patients due to the hematogenous spread of the organism. In the case described, the dog’s owner was contacted and asked to provide epidemiological information. The owner reported that the dog had lived in an apartment, with little access to the street; however, pigeons were frequently observed on the balcony, along with pigeon feces in the dog feeder. The presence of pigeon feces is a risk factor for the development and spread of the fungus, which may be problematic to public health. Cytopathological examination is a simple, quick diagnostic tool with good sensitivity for some infectious agents. Mycological culture can provide results due to the characteristic of the Cryptococcus sp., since the encapsulated yeast produces a mucous-like colony. Cryptococcosis has a relevant role in public health, so a precise diagnosis is imperative. Its diagnosis is based upon culture, cytology and serological tools. When the animal does not survive to the ilness, the association between necropsyfindings and histopathological examinations is essencial.Keywords: canine, diagnostic, yeast, anatomopathology

    Septicemia em bezerro por Mannheimia haemolytica no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Mannheimia haemolytica é uma bactéria comensal do trato respiratório de bovinos e associada à infecção do trato respiratório desses animais, podendo causar pneumonia, pleurite e septicemia. É considerado o principal agente causador de doenças respiratórias em bovinos. Relata-se um caso de septicemia em um bezerro causado por M. haemolytica. No exame clínico detectou-se taquicardia, taquipneia, respiração abdominal, hipertermia e desidratação. As mucosas oral, nasal e conjuntivais (bilateral) apresentavam-se hiperêmicas, além de um quadro de poliartrite e broncopneumonia. Após cultivo bacteriano do material das articulações e dos pulmões foi possível isolar M. haemolytica. No hemograma foi observado acentuada hiperfibrinogenemia e leucocitose com neutrofilia. No exame necroscópico foram observados poliartrite purulenta. O pulmão apresentou broncopneumonia difusa, além de intensa congestão dos vasos sanguíneos das leptomeninges. Os achados clínicos associados ao exame microbiológico e necroscópico confirmaram o diagnóstico de mannheimiose, sendo este o primeiro relato do envolvimento de M. haemolytica em septicemia em bezerro no Brasil

    Canine Cystitis Caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica

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    Background: Urinary tract infection in dogs is usually associated with the presence of bacteria, with a higher prevalence of Gram-negative bacteria, represented mainly by enteric bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Proteus spp., followed by Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. There are scant reports of Salmonella spp. as the causative agent of urinary tract infection in dogs.  Indeed, the literature describes only a few cases, most of which involve the isolation of these bacteria in feces. This paper reports a case of canine cystitis caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in the northeast region of Brazil.Case: A female dog of the Fila Brasileiro breed, about 9 year-old, wormed but unvaccinated, was evaluated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFRPE.  The dog showed clinical signs of apathy, cachexia, polyphagia, polyuria and opacity of the crystalline lens. The dog’s owner stated that the animal was fed with commercial dog food. In the clinical exam, the patient presented pale mucosa, cachexia, absence of ectoparasites, and her rectal temperature was 39.5°C. Moreover, cardiorespiratory auscultation of the patient revealed tachycardia (190 bpm) and tachypnea (36 bpm). The owner’s main complaint was the clinical condition of frequent urination (polyuria). A urinalysis and urine culture with antibiogram were requested as complementary exams, after collecting the urine by cystocentesis. The volume obtained in the physical examination of urinalysis was 7 mL of yellow urine with a putrid smell, cloudy appearance and density of 1.024. The chemical examination revealed pH 6.5, protein (+++), bilirubin (+), normal urobilinogen and negative reactions for glycoses, ketone, nitrite and urine occult blood. Bacteriuria and pyuria were detected in a urine sediment test. Urine was cultured on blood agar and Levine agar in a bacteriological incubator at 37°C under aerobiosis, for 24 h. This culture produced an exuberant and pure growth of glossy grey bacterial colonies on blood agar and glossy colonies on Levine agar. The Gram test revealed gram-negative bacilli. The sample was subjected to biochemical tests to identify Gram-negative enterobacteria, whose results provided a presumptive identification of Salmonella species. The microbial species was identified using a VITEK 2 Compact®, and was followed by a serology test for the identification of the serogroup using a polyvalent serum, which enabled the identification of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. The antibiogram showed sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and penicillin, and resistance to amoxicillin and ampicillin.Discussion: Clinical signs of cachexia and polyuria may be related to canine urinary tract infection caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, since these symptoms had already been recorded previously in a case of a bacterial infection by the same serogroup. Isolation of Salmonella spp. in a non-selective medium was determinant in identifying these bacteria. Since these are not commensal bacteria of the canine urinary tract, their isolation in this tract indicates that they are responsible for the infection or disease, although such cases are rare. Another aspect that should be highlighted is the risk of human infection, because of the zoonotic potential of Salmonella spp., which may be transmitted by contact with dog urine. This is the first report of the isolation of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in a case of canine cystitis on the northeast region of Brazil, and underscores the importance of complementary diagnostic exams such as urine culture

    Avaliação “in vitro” do efeito acaricida do extrato etanólico das folhas de Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit (Lamiaceae) sobre fêmeas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latraille, 1806) (Acari:Ixodidae)

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar “in vitro” o efeito acaricida do extrato etanólico das folhas de Hyptis suaveolens sobre fêmeas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Foram coletadas manualmente, 150 fêmeas ingurgitadas de carrapatos, de cães naturalmente infestados, da microrregião de Bom Jesus-PI, Brasil. Para realização do teste de imersão sobre fêmeas ingurgitadas, foram testadas 3 diluições do extrato etanólico nas concentrações de 0.1, 1.0 e 10.0%, obtidas a partir do teste de toxicidade frente a Artemia salina. Foram utilizadas 10 fêmeas ingurgitadas para cada tratamento. Os testes foram realizados em triplicata. Para o controle negativo, foi utilizado água destilada e, para o controle positivo, Cypermetrina. Foi observado, nas concentrações testadas, eficácia de 29,93%, 32,71%, e 30,63% respectivamente. Os dados obtidos nesse estudo revelaram que o extrato etanólico das folhas de H. suaveolens, nas concentrações testadas, não apresenta atividade acaricida para fêmeas de Rhipicephalus sanguineus, segundo padrões do Ministério da Agricultura

    Eficácia in vitro do óleo da semente de Carapa guianensis aulb. (meliaceae) sobre Damalinia caprae (Gurlt, 1843) (MallophagaTrichodectidae)

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    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia in vitro do óleo da semente de Carapa guianensis (andiroba) sobre Damalinia caprae. Foram utilizados 900 espécimes de D. caprae adultos que foram distribuídos em nove grupos experimentais. Para cada grupo foram utilizadas quatro repetições compostas por 25 espécimes. Os grupos assim preparados foram submetidos a sete concentrações do óleo da semente da C. guianensis (100%, 50%, 30%, 20%,10%, 5% e 2,5%), formando-se, ainda, dois grupos controles, sendo um controle negativo, com água destilada e outro um controle positivo para o qual se empregou o Monossulfiram. Os grupos foram imersos nas soluções a serem testadas e realizadas observações após 1, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas do início do teste. As observações foram realizadas até a verificação da mortalidade de todos os piolhos dos grupos tratados. Os tratamentos com o óleo da semente da C. guianensis nas concentrações de 100%, 50%, 30% e CP demonstraram 100% de mortalidade uma hora após o tratamento. Nos demais tratamentos a mortalidade dos espécimes de D. Caprae ocorreu até seis horas após o início do tratamento

    Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle in the dairy farming region of the state of Piauí, Brazil

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    Abstract This study focused on the detection of anti-Neospora caninum IgG antibodies in cows in the dairy farming region of the state of Piauí, Brazil. To this end, serum samples were collected from 255 dairy cows on 17 farms located in the dairy farming region of the municipality of Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil. The indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) was employed to detect anti-N. caninum IgG antibodies, using anti-bovine IgG (Sigma®) conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and a cutoff point of 1:200. Of the 255 samples analyzed, 69 (27.06%) were positive for anti- N. caninum IgG antibodies, the relative frequency found by property was: 1 (20.00%), 2 (53.33%), 3 (46.66%), 4 (53.33%), 5 (26.66%), 6 (6.66%), 7 (6.66%), 8 (20.00%), 9 (26.66%), 10 (26.66%), 11 (20.00%), 12 (20.00%), 13 (46.66%), 14 (26.66%), 15 (26.66%), 16 (20.00%) and 17 (13.33%). with titers of 200 (15.94%), 400 (20.30%), 800 (24.63%), 1600 (23.18%) and 3200 (15.94%), being the highest frequency for the titer of 800. This study demonstrates for the first time that cows from dairy herds of Parnaíba municipality, state of Piauí, are exposed to N. caninum

    Avaliação do efeito farmacológico de Hyptis suaveolens(L) Poit (Lamiaceae) sobre o terceiro estádio larval (L3) de Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica

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    Fly infestations if not properly controlled can drastically reduce the productivity of animals and harm human health. The emergence of resistant insects leads to novel pharmacological bases research on medicinal plants with high insecticidal activity. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal effect of the ethanolic extract of Hyptis suaveolens (L) Poit (Lamiaceae) leaves on the third larval stage (L3) of Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica. According to the results, the ethanolic extract of H. suaveolens in the concentrations of 1.0%, 10%, 100%, and 1000% did not present effective biological activity on third-stage larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica.As infestações por moscas quando não controladas adequadamente podem reduzir drasticamente a produtividade dos animais e causar danos à saúde de humanos. Com o aparecimento de insetos resistentes, tem-se buscado novas bases farmacológicas a partir de plantas medicinais com alta atividade inseticida. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar efeito larvicida do extrato etanólico das folhas de Hyptis suaveolens (L) Poit (Lamiaceae) sobre o terceiro estádio larval (L3) de Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica. De acordo com os resultados, o extrato etanólico de H. suaveolens nas concentrações utilizadas de 1,0%, 10%, 100% e 1000% não apresentou atividade biológica eficaz sobre as larvas de terceiro estádio de Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica