22,986 research outputs found

    Geomorfologia glaciária e periglaciária: contributo para a inventariação do património geológico português

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    Este trabalho enquadra-se num projecto que tem em vista a avaliação do património geológico Português e a elaboração de uma proposta, dirigida às autoridades competentes, para a classificação e conservação dos geossítios mais relevantes em território nacional. Para tal, foram definidas vinte e nove categorias temáticas (contextos geológicos), representativas dos principais interesses científicos ao nível da geodiver- sidade em território nacional, visando-se igualmente abranger a totalidade do país. Nesse contexto, a “geomorfologia glaciária e periglaciária” foi seleccionada como um desses temas, em função da importância científica reconhecida aos vestígios glaciários e periglaciários em Portugal. Se- guindo uma metodologia geral que considera duas etapas principais (inventariação e quantificação) e seis sub-etapas (identificação de potenciais geossítios, avaliação qualitativa, selecção, caracterização, avaliação numérica e seriação), seleccionaram-se, após as primeiras três sub-etapas, dezasseis geossítios com relevância nacional no âmbito desta categoria temática. Dez deles estão situados na Serra da Estrela (Lagoacho-Covão do Urso; Nave Travessa; Lagoa Comprida; Salgadeiras; Covões de Loriga; Covão Cimeiro-Cântaro Magro; Pedrice; Nave de Santo António; Vale do Zêzere; Lagoa Seca), três na Serra do Gerês (Vale do Homem; Planalto do Couce; Compadre), dois na Serra da Peneda (Vale do Alto Vez; Gorbelas-Junqueira) e um na Serra da Cabreira (Toco-Soutinho).This work is part of a research project on the geological heritage assessment aiming at classification and conservation by Portuguese authorities of the most relevant geosites. For that purpose twenty-nine geological frameworks were defined, representing the main scientific interests on Portugal’s geodiversity, and aiming the total coverage of the Portuguese territory. “Glacial and periglacial morphology” was selected as one of the frameworks by a group of experts, considering the high scientific value of these issues in Portugal, which are relics of the latest glacial periods that affected the mountains of Iberian Peninsula. Following a general methodology based on two main stages (inventory and quantification) and six sub-stages (identification of potential geosites, qualitative assessment, selection, characterization, numerical assessment and ranking) sixteen “glacial and periglacial” geosites with national relevance were selected, after the first three sub-stages. Ten of the geosites are located in Estrela Mountain (Lagoacho-Covão do Urso; Nave Travessa; Lagoa Comprida; Salgadeiras; Covões de Loriga; Covão Cimeiro-Cântaro Magro; Pedrice; Nave de Santo António; Vale do Zêzere; Lagoa Seca), three in Gerês Mountain (Vale do Homem; Planalto do Couce; Compadre), two in Peneda Mountain (Vale do Alto Vez; Gorbelas-Junqueira) and one in Cabreira Mountain (Toco-Soutinho).Este trabalho é apoiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, através do financiamento plurianual do CGUP e do projecto de investigação “Identificação, caracterização e conservação do património geológico: uma estratégia de geoconservação para Portugal” (PTDC/CTEGEX/64966/2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indications méthodologiques pour l’évaluation des géomorphosites

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    One of the most important issues in geomorphological heritage research is the development of methodologies that are focused on the evaluation of different types of value present in geomorphosites. A comprehensive methodology with different stages and approaches is presented. The method includes two main stages: inventory and quantification. The inventory stage includes four sub-stages: identification of potential geomorphosites; qualitative assessment; geomorphosite selection; geomorphosite characterisation. The quantification stage includes two sub-stages: numerical assessment; analysis of results. The interpretation of results for each of the indicators (scientific, additional, use and protection values) allows a comparison between sites and is of particular use in supporting site management decisions.L’une des priorités de la recherche sur les géomorphosites est le développement de méthodologies permettant l’évaluation des diffé- rents types de valeur des géomorphosites. L’article présente une méthode globale composée de différentes étapes et procédures. La méthode comprend deux étapes principales : l’inventaire et la quantification. L’étape d’inventaire est subdivisée en quatre sous-étapes : l’identification de géomorphosites potentiels ; l’évaluation qualitative ; la sélection des géomorphosites ; leur caractérisation. L’éta- pe de quantification inclut deux sous-étapes : l’évaluation numérique et l’analyse des résultats. L’interprétation des résultats pour chacun des indicateurs (valeurs scientifique, additionnelles, d’utilisation et de protection) permet une comparaison entre les sites et peut être particulièrement utile comme outil d’aide à la décision.This work is supported by the Geology Centre of the University of Porto and was partially sponsored by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under the umbrella of the research project ‘Identification, characterisation and conservation of geological heritage: a geoconservation strategy for Portugal’ (PTDC/CTE-GEX/64966/2006). The authors also thank three referees for suggestions that have contributed decisively to the improvement of the paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Terras de cavaleiros geopark: a UNESCO global geopark

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    The Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark (TCG), a UNESCO Global Geopark, is located in Northern Portugal and is established on rare and unique geological, scenic, ecological and cultural values. The most significant geological value is related to the most complete sequence of Pre-Mesozoic allochthonous geological units in NW Iberia. The Vilariça fault is an important geomorpholog- ical feature in the TCG related to the evolution of landforms such as push-up blocks and strike-slip basins. Forty-two geosites were selected in the TCG, 16 of them being of geomorphological interest. A set of programs, including cultural heritage, biodiversity and leisure, has been prepared for scientific, educational and touristic useThis work is co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and national funds provided by Fun dação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    The geomorphological landscape of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

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    The main geomorphological features of the eastern part of the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region are presented, namely the Iberian Meseta, the residual ridges, the Serra de Montesinho, the tectonic landforms and the Douro River incision. The Iberian Meseta is represented by extensive plateaus shaped in pre-Mesozoic rocks of the Iberian Massif. Above the Meseta plateaus, Appalachian- type reliefs are built in metamorphic rocks, testifying an older planation surface. Below the plateaus, the incised river network and the canyon-type Douro River Valley in the Portugal–Spain border region reveal a recent Atlantic capture of the northern interior of Iberia. Nonetheless, it is the Vilariça NNE-SSW trending strike-slip fault system that is the main source for the push-up elevations and strike-slip tectonic basins bordered by pop-up type mountains that define the tectonic landscape of the regionThis work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145- FEDER-007690 and Portuguese national funds pro vided by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Raising awareness of geodiversity services in Terras de Cavaleiros UNESCO Global Geopark

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    Nature provides all the goods, conditions and services for the maintenance of life, societies and human wellbeing. Most of the approaches (e.g. United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) advertise these benefits as ecosystem services, mostly associated to the renewable resources on a biological basis. More recently, non-renewable and renewable geodiversity services are being framed into the MA ecosystem services categories: regulating, supporting, provisioning, and cultural services (Gray et al., 2013). In order to promote the geodiversity values, the Terras de Cavaleiros UNESCO Global Geopark (TCUGG) is now introducing the geodiversity services concept in the educational and touristic programmes. All geosites can be presented within the scope of the geodiversity cultural services taking into account that they provide data to develop our scientific knowledge. In the most important TCUGG geosites, the educational approach stress the contribution of these sites to the knowledge of the Earth history. Geodiversity cultural services also include aspects like recreation or spiritual experiences, with numerous examples in TCUGG, as well as in all other geoparks. The TCUGG promotes the understating of the sustainable use of geodiversity provisioning services and offers teachers training and educational programmes focused on geological resources. These programmes include the visit to active quarries exploiting construction materials, and mines exploiting industrial minerals like talc (active) and tungsten (inactive). Other provisioning services like freshwater and mineral water are mentioned in the geosites related with thermal springs in the geopark. This topic is also addressed in the geopark interpretative centre dedicated to the characteristics, origins and uses of ore minerals. The geodiversity supporting services refers to the geology as an essential foundation for biodiversity (services to the ecosystems) and human activities (direct supporting services). Locally, the Earth dynamics is expressed by a diversified landscape with mountains, plateaus and valleys sculpted on a variety of rocks, which results on a remarkable biodiversity. One of the TCUGG educational programmes is focused on the relief as the structuring element of the landscape and on the relationship between geodiversity and biodiversity. Soil processes, especially weathering and soil profile development, are well observed in many outcrops and geosites. The understanding of the slow soil formation, on the scale of the geological time, raises awareness for the importance of its conservation. The habitat provision is also clearly comprehensive in the Morais massif, the core of the geopark, were the endemic vegetation is clearly related to the occurrence of exotic ultramafic rocks. Direct geodiversity supporting services to human well-being are represented by the hydroelectric dam in Tuela river gorge and by the wind power on the top of Bornes Mountain. Finally, examples of geodiversity regulation services are scattered throughout the TCUGG. These services can be illustrated with the importance of rocks as essential natural filters for water quality regulation in the context of the hydrological cycle, and the importance of the rock cycle as a nature regulation service, attending to its importance for carbon sequestration, storage and climate regulation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    General characteristics and value of geomorphology in protected areas of Mainland Portugal

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    Em Portugal continental, as acções de conservação e de valorização no âmbito das áreas protegidas (AP) são essencialmente dedicadas à biodiversidade. Com a intenção de apreciar o valor que assumem a geomorfologia e as geoformas nas AP, bem como o reconhecimento que é dado a estes aspectos, são analisados alguns dados e conhecimentos disponíveis. A análise às referências a termos relacionados com a biologia, a geologia, a geomorfologia, o ambiente físico, o património e os recursos naturais, a paisagem e os aspectos culturais nos textos divulgados pelo ICN relativos à criação das diversas AP, evidencia o largo predomínio do tema biodiversidade sobre os restantes. Encontram-se, ainda assim, um número significativo de referências à natureza abiótica e à paisagem. A análise do tipo de ambiente geomorfológico dominante indica que as AP estão maioritariamente associadas a ambiente de montanha (52 %), ambiente litoral (17 %) e a ambiente fluvial (29 %). Esta análise preliminar reforça a geomorfologia como factor primordial, apesar de não intencional, na demarcação das AP. A estimativa da importância relativa dos principais conjuntos de geoformas nas AP sugere um predomínio das geoformas residuais e fluviais sobre as litorais, graníticas, glaciárias, tectónicas, e cársicas. Contudo, os resultados indicados não expressam o verdadeiro valor patrimonial dos diferentes tipos de geoformas pois não consideram factores como raridade ou acessibilidade, entre outros. Apesar das numerosas ocorrências de património geomorfológico de relevância significativa no exterior da Rede Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, observa-se uma maior concentração no seu interior, devido à relação próxima entre os mais destacados e interessantes ambientes geomorfológicos e as AP. Tal constatação reforça a convicção de que, mais do que os motivos indicados na legislação, fundamentalmente biológicos, terá sido a especificidade da geomorfologia que determinou, em primeiro lugar, o sobressair dessas áreas, pelo que deve merecer a devida atenção nas estratégias de conservação.In mainland Portugal, conservation and promotion activities inside protected areas (PA) are mainly dedicated to biodiversity issues. In order to identify the value of geomorphology and landforms in these PA, as well as its recognition, some considerations are now discussed. A numeric analysis of terms like biology, geology, geomorphology, physical environment, natural heritage and resources, landscape and cultural subjects presented in the official documents that created the PA, reveal the larger importance of biodiversity over other subjects. Nevertheless, these documents include a significant number of mentions to the abiotic nature and to the landscape. The analysis of the PA dominant geomorphological environment indicates that PA are mainly associated with mountain environments (52 %), coastal environments (17 %), and fluvial environments (29 %). This simple assessment shows the intrinsic and essential value of geomorphology in the establishment of Portuguese PA, although not intentional. Another analysis estimates the relative importance of landform assets suggesting a major presence of residual and fluvial landforms over coastal, granite, glacial, tectonic, and karstic landforms. However, these results should not express the real heritage value of different landform assets because they do not consider important factors as rarity or accessibility. Despite the occurrence of significant geomorphological heritage outside PA, a major concentration of geomorphosites is seen inside PA due to the close relation between the most interesting geomorphological environments and the conception of PA. This fact suggests that geomorphological characteristics were in fact the main reason for the PA creation, in spite of the motives expressed in the legislation, mainly of biologically nature. These indications show that more attention should be given to geomorphology within nature protection strategies.Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade Lisboa Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Geomorphological heritage assessment: a methodology proposal

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    A metodologia de avaliação de património geomorfológico que é agora proposta, foi desenvolvida e aplicada no Parque Natural de Montesinho, no âmbito de um projecto dedicado ao património geológico dos parques naturais do NE de Portugal. Pretende-se que esta metodologia de avaliação possa ser adoptada em outras áreas, independentemente das suas características e dimensão. Esta metodologia baseia-se em três tipos de “objectos” com valor geomorfológico: locais isolados, áreas e miradouros. A avaliação é realizada em duas etapas principais, a inventariação e a quantificação, suportadas pela caracterização geomorfológica da área em análise. Na etapa da inventariação, após a identificação dos locais potenciais é feita a sua avaliação qualitativa e a selecção dos locais de interesse geomorfológico, os quais são caracterizados. A quantificação consiste na pontuação dos critérios relativos ao valor geomorfológico e ao valor de gestão. Estes resultados permitem a comparação e a seriação final.During the last years, the geomorphological heritage of Montesinho Natural Park was assessed, in the scope of a research project on the geological heritage of the Natural Parks of NE Portugal. The assessment methodology proposed considers three types of geomorphosites and two main stages. Geomorphosites can be single places, areas and panoramic viewpoints. The two main stages are the inventory and the quantification. The inventory includes the identification and the qualitative assessment of potential geomorphosites and therefore the selection and characterization of geomorphosites. The quantification stage includes the numerical assessment and the final ranking. Geomorphological (scientific, ecological, cultural and aesthetic) and management (protection and use) values are numerically assessed using selected criteria.Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Geomorphosite assessment in Montesinho Natural Park (Portugal)

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    The Montesinho Natural Park (MNP), with an area of about 750 km2, is one of the largest protected areas in Portugal. Since its inauguration as a natural park in 1979, geological and geomorphological aspects have not been taken into consideration in its nature conservation policies. Over the last few years, this deficit has been compensated with an assessment of its geomorphological heritage. The assessment was made possible due to a research project on the geological heritage of the natural parks of north-eastern Portugal. The assessment method propagated herein proposes a clear definition of three types of geomorphosites: single places, geomorphological areas or panoramic viewpoints. Further, it proposes as two-staged approach to assessment with inventory compilation followed by quantification of value. Inventory compilation, for example, involves the identification and qualitative assessment of potential geomorphosites and, therefore, the selection and characterization of geomorphosites. The quantification stage includes the numerical assessment of sites and their final ranking. The values are numerically assessed using selected criteria. The implementation of this approach in the MNP led to the identification of 154 potential geomorphosites, of which only 26 were selected after the qualitative assessment or characterisation process. The numerical assessment of the sites and their ranking allowed a final selection of 13 sites for public use.(undefined

    L’approccio del patrimonio geomorfologico nelle aree protette: geoconservazione contro geoturismo nei parchi naturali portoghesi

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    Artigo bilingue, em inglês e italianoAs in many other countries, geology and geomorphology are absent from the majority of the Portuguese protected areas statutes. These areas could be places to protect landforms as a significant component of the natural heritage. However, joining the preservation effort to some ecotourism activities or other human activities could damage or even destroy geomorphological sites. During the last decade, multidisciplinary projects were developed in protected areas from Northern Portugal, with special emphasis in supporting geoconservation strategies and making available products for public advertising of geological and geomorphological features. This paper shows the results of our activities on Montesinho Natural Park (PNM) and International Douro Natural Park (PNDI). Deliverables are being made available to protected areas managers as scientific support for management plans. Other products and initiatives have been implemented in order to raise public awareness of geodiversity and geoconservation and also to improve geotouristic offer. These products are developed in dialogue with park managers who can include them in management plans. Preserving geomorphological sites and making them public at the same time can be possible in protected areas. This approach can be applied to other protected areas with positive results.Come in molti paesi, la geologia e la geomorfologia sono praticamente assenti dagli statuti delle aree protette del Portogallo. Queste aree potrebbero essere luoghi dove proteggere le forme del rilievo come componenti significative del patrimonio naturale. Tuttavia, gli sforzi per la conservazione unitamente ad alcune attività di ecoturismo o ad altre attività antropiche possono danneggiare o addirittura distruggere i beni geomorfologici. Durante l’ultimo decennio, sono stati sviluppati progetti multidisciplinari in aree protette del nord del Portogallo, ponendo particolare attenzione alle strategie di geoconservazione e sviluppando prodotti per divulgare ad un pubblico vasto le caratteristiche geologiche e geomorfologiche del paesaggio. In questo articolo vengono illustrati i risultati delle attività svolte nel Parco Naturale del Montesinho (PNM) e nel Parco naturale internazionale del (PNDI). Una documentazione appropriata è stata fornita alle aree protette come supporto scientifico ai loro piani di gestione. Sono stati inoltre sviluppati prodotti ed iniziative con lo scopo di aumentare la sensibilità del grande pubblico ai temi della geodiversità e della geoconservazione ed anche per migliorare l’offerta per un turismo geologico. Questi prodotti sono stati realizzati di concerto con i parchi e talvolta sono stati inseriti nei piani di gestione. Conservare i beni geomorfologici e renderli allo stesso tempo fruibili ai turisti è infatti possibile nelle aree protette. Questo approccio può essere applicato ad altre aree protette con risultati positivi

    Unidades geomorfológicas e “áreas homogéneas” no Parque Natural de Montesinho

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    A paisagem no Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM) é caracterizada por diversos elementos naturais e culturais, mas são sobretudo os de natureza geomorfológica que mais individualizam sectorialmente o parque. A litologia e a tectónica são as condicionantes principais da morfologia actual na área do PNM. Com os trabalhos de caracterização definiram-se como unidades geomorfológicas fundamentais do PNM: as serras; as superfícies de aplanamento; a depressão tectónica a norte de Bragança; os vales fluviais. Relacionados com estas unidades identificaram-se os principais elementos morfológicos da paisagem: aplanamentos a várias altitudes; relevos residuais; modelado granítico de pormenor; depressão tectónica a norte de Bragança; cristas e vertentes assimétricas em xistos; vales profundos; elementos geoculturais. Com base nesses factores, identificaram-se como “áreas homogéneas” no PNM: i) Quintanilha-Maçãs; ii) Alta Lombada; iii) Baixa Lombada; iv) Onor; v) Montesinho, vi) Escusanha-Soutelo; vii) Espinhosela-Mofreita; viii) Moimenta; ix) Coroa-Vinhais; x) Rabaçal-Assureira; xi) Pinheiros-Igrejinha; xii) Lomba; xiii) MenteMontesinho Natural Park (PNM) is characterised by a high diversity on natural and cultural elements although geomorphological features are the most impressive in the landscape. Lithology and tectonics are the main factors for landforms genesis in the PNM. The geomorphological characterisation supported the definition of the geomorphological units in PNM: mountains; erosion surfaces; tectonic basin at the north of Bragança; fluvial valleys. Related with these, the more representative geomorphological aspects on the landscape were identified: erosion surfaces; quartzitic ridges; granite landforms; tectonic basin; schist crests and asymmetric slopes; canyon valleys; cultural landforms. According o these elements, the following “homogenous areas” are proposed: i) Quintanilha-Maçãs; ii) Alta Lombada; iii) Baixa Lombada; iv) Onor; v) Montesinho, vi) Escusanha-Soutelo; vii) Espinhosela-Mofreita; viii) Moimenta; ix) Coroa-Vinhais; x) Rabaçal-Assureira; xi) Pinheiros-Igrejinha; xii) Lomba; xiii) Mente