9,287 research outputs found

    Crack propagation in thin shells by explicit dynamics solid-shell models

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    A computational technique for the simulation of crack propagation due to cutting in thin structures is proposed. The implementation of elastoplastic solid-shell elements in an explicit framework is discussed. Finally, in the case of crack propagation, the issue of the selection of a propagation criterion is briefly discussed. Crack propagation is modelled making use of a so called “directional” cohesive approach

    Moduli spaces of bundles over non-projective K3 surfaces

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    We study moduli spaces of sheaves over non-projective K3 surfaces. More precisely, if v=(r,ξ,a)v=(r,\xi,a) is a Mukai vector on a K3 surface SS with rr prime to ξ\xi and ω\omega is a "generic" K\"ahler class on SS, we show that the moduli space MM of μω\mu_{\omega}-stable sheaves on SS with associated Mukai vector vv is an irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifold which is deformation equivalent to a Hilbert scheme of points on a K3 surface. If MM parametrizes only locally free sheaves, it is moreover hyperk\"ahler. Finally, we show that there is an isometry between vv^{\perp} and H2(M,Z)H^{2}(M,\mathbb{Z}) and that MM is projective if and only if SS is projective.Comment: 42 pages; major revisions; to appear in Kyoto J. Mat

    The moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces are irreducible symplectic varieties

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    We show that the moduli spaces of sheaves on a projective K3 surface are irreducible symplectic varieties, and that the same holds for the fibers of the Albanese map of moduli spaces of sheaves on an Abelian surface.Comment: 59 page

    Deformation of the O'Grady moduli spaces

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    In this paper we study moduli spaces of sheaves on an abelian or projective K3 surface. If SS is a K3, v=2wv=2w is a Mukai vector on SS, where ww is primitive and w2=2w^{2}=2, and HH is a vv-generic polarization on SS, then the moduli space MvM_{v} of HH-semistable sheaves on SS whose Mukai vector is vv admits a symplectic resolution M~v\widetilde{M}_{v}. A particular case is the 1010-dimensional O'Grady example M~10\widetilde{M}_{10} of irreducible symplectic manifold. We show that M~v\widetilde{M}_{v} is an irreducible symplectic manifold which is deformation equivalent to M~10\widetilde{M}_{10} and that H2(Mv,Z)H^{2}(M_{v},\mathbb{Z}) is Hodge isometric to the sublattice vv^{\perp} of the Mukai lattice of SS. Similar results are shown when SS is an abelian surface.Comment: 29 page

    A thermodynamically consistent cohesive damage model for the simulation of mixed-mode delamination

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    This work is devoted to the formulation of a new cohesive model for mixed-mode delamination. The model is based on a thermodynamically consistent isotropic damage formulation, with consideration of an internal friction mechanism that governs the interaction between normal and shear opening modes