251 research outputs found

    Three-particle states and brightening of intervalley excitons in a doped MoS2_2 monolayer

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    Optical spectra of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) are influenced by complex multi-particle excitonic states. Their theoretical analysis requires solving the many-body problem, which in most cases, is prohibitively complicated. In this work, we calculate the optical spectra by exact diagonalization of the three-particle Hamiltonian within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation where the doping effects are accounted for via the Pauli blocking mechanism, modelled by a discretized mesh in the momentum space. The single-particle basis is extracted from the {\it ab initio} calculations. Obtained three-particle eigenstates and the corresponding transition dipole matrix elements are used to calculate the linear absorption spectra as a function of the doping level. Results for negatively doped MoS2_2 monolayer (ML) are in an excellent quantitative agreement with the available experimental data, validating our approach. The results predict additional spectral features due to the intervalley exciton that is optically dark in an undoped ML but is brightened by the doping. Our approach can be applied to a plethora of other atomically thin semiconductors, where the doping induced brightening of the many-particle states is also anticipated

    Polaronic Signatures in Mid-Infrared Spectra: Prediction for LaMnO3 and CaMnO3

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    Hole-doped LaMnO3 and electron-doped CaMnO3 form self-trapped electronic states. The spectra of these states have been calculated using a two orbital (Mn eg Jahn-Teller) model, from which the non-adiabatic optical conductivity spectra are obtained. In both cases the optical spectrum contains weight in the gap region, whose observation will indicate the self-trapped nature of the carrier states. The predicted spectra are proportional to the concentration of the doped carriers in the dilute regime, with coefficients calculated with no further model parameters.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures imbedde

    Intersubband decay of 1-D exciton resonances in carbon nanotubes

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    We have studied intersubband decay of E22 excitons in semiconducting carbon nanotubes experimentally and theoretically. Photoluminescence excitation line widths of semiconducting nanotubes with chiral indicess (n, m) can be mapped onto a connectivity grid with curves of constant (n-m) and (2n+m). Moreover, the global behavior of E22 linewidths is best characterized by a strong increase with energy irrespective of their (n-m) mod(3)= \pm 1 family affiliation. Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equations shows that the E22 linewidths are dominated by phonon assisted coupling to higher momentum states of the E11 and E12 exciton bands. The calculations also suggest that the branching ratio for decay into exciton bands vs free carrier bands, respectively is about 10:1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    How does the substrate affect the Raman and excited state spectra of a carbon nanotube?

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    We study the optical properties of a single, semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) that is partially suspended across a trench and partially supported by a SiO2-substrate. By tuning the laser excitation energy across the E33 excitonic resonance of the suspended CNT segment, the scattering intensities of the principal Raman transitions, the radial breathing mode (RBM), the G-mode and the D-mode show strong resonance enhancement of up to three orders of magnitude. In the supported part of the CNT, despite a loss of Raman scattering intensity of up to two orders of magnitude, we recover the E33 excitonic resonance suffering a substrate-induced red shift of 50 meV. The peak intensity ratio between G-band and D-band is highly sensitive to the presence of the substrate and varies by one order of magnitude, demonstrating the much higher defect density in the supported CNT segments. By comparing the E33 resonance spectra measured by Raman excitation spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) excitation spectroscopy in the suspended CNT segment, we observe that the peak energy in the PL excitation spectrum is red-shifted by 40 meV. This shift is associated with the energy difference between the localized exciton dominating the PL excitation spectrum and the free exciton giving rise to the Raman excitation spectrum. High-resolution Raman spectra reveal substrate-induced symmetry breaking, as evidenced by the appearance of additional peaks in the strongly broadened Raman G band. Laser-induced line shifts of RBM and G band measured on the suspended CNT segment are both linear as a function of the laser excitation power. Stokes/anti-Stokes measurements, however, reveal an increase of the G phonon population while the RBM phonon population is rather independent of the laser excitation power.Comment: Revised manuscript, 20 pages, 8 figure

    Self-trapped Exciton and Franck-Condon Spectra Predicted in LaMnO3_3

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    Because the ground state has cooperative Jahn-Teller order, electronic excitations in LaMnO3_3 are predicted to self-trap by local rearrangement of the lattice. The optical spectrum should show a Franck-Condon series, that is, a Gaussian envelope of vibrational sidebands. Existing data are reinterpreted in this way. The Raman spectrum is predicted to have strong multiphonon features.Comment: 5 pages with two embedded postscript figure

    Nonlinear spectroscopy of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Second-harmonic generation (SHG) is a well-known nonlinear spectroscopy method to probe electronic structure, specifically, in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers. This work investigates the nonlinear dynamics of a strongly excited TMDC monolayer by solving the time evolution equations for the density matrix. It is shown that the presence of excitons qualitatively changes the nonlinear dynamics leading, in particular, to a huge enhancement of the nonlinear signal as a function of the dielectric environment. It is also shown that the SHG polarization angular diagram and its dependence on the driving strength are very sensitive to the type of exciton state. This sensitivity suggests that SHG spectroscopy is a convenient tool for analyzing the fine structure of excitonic states.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Brightening of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence through Symmetry Breaking

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    Often a modification of microscopic symmetry in a system can result in a dramatic change in its macroscopic properties. Here we report that symmetry breaking by a tube-threading magnetic field can drastically increase the photoluminescence quantum yield of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes, by as much as a factor of six, at low temperatures. To explain this striking connection between seemingly unrelated properties, we have developed a comprehensive theoretical model based on magnetic-field-dependent one-dimensional exciton band structure and the interplay of strong Coulomb interactions and the Aharonov-Bohm effect. This conclusively explains our data as the first experimental observation of dark excitons 5-10 meV below the bright excitons in single-walled carbon nanotubes. We predict that this quantum yield increase can be made much larger in disorder-free samples

    Can impact excitation explain efficient carrier multiplication in carbon nanotube photodiodes?

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    We address recent experiments (Science 325, 1367 (2009)) reporting on highly efficient multiplication of electron-hole pairs in carbon nanotube photodiodes at photon energies near the carrier multiplication threshold (twice the quasi-particle band gap). This result is surprising in light of recent experimental and theoretical work on multiexciton generation in other confined materials, such as semiconducting nanocrystals. We propose a detailed mechanism based on carrier dynamics and impact excitation resulting in highly efficient multiplication of electron-hole pairs. We discuss the important time and energy scales of the problem and provide analysis of the role of temperature and the length of the diode