813 research outputs found

    Taquería de los vientos: Domènec

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    A Pragmatic Analysis of Humor Mechanisms in Yes, Prime Minister

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    The TV series Yes, Prime Minister is a well known British sitcom that has been present on British television as well as TV stations abroad for decades, and is familiar to the Croatian audience as well. Although the show deals with politics, it is still very relatable to audiences worldwide. Its particular and recognizable humor and memorable characters make it easier for the audience to connect with the show. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the humor mechanisms in the show - and there is indeed a great number of ways in which it amuses the audience, whether through puns, riddles, sarcasm, doublespeak or any other way of playing with language. The analysis of the dialogues will serve to showcase how the three main characters play with the language in a clever and often confusing manner. Grice’s Cooperative Principle with the accompanying maxims, as well as conversational implicatures will be introduced in order to conduct a pragmatic analysis that will show how, although demonstrating frequent violations of these maxims, these violations do not take away from the humorous effect of the lines in the show. The humorous effect is achieved mainly by using various humor mechanisms which only serve to emphasize the quality of the dialogues and the fundamental principle of cooperation among participants in spoken exchange (Cooperative Principle)

    Dynamic Forces between the Rails and the Wheels of Railway Vehicle

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    The process of acquisition of the measured dynamic values of forces between the rails and the wheels on the real measurement train and the train tracks. The conversion of the measured values into the matrices and vectors enables numerous exact qualitative and quantitative studies of the dynamic phenomena behaviour. The paper shows the possibilities of using MATLAB computer tool. All the commands in the software are given and explained. Calculating of the empirical, normal and cumulative distribution on an example of the lateral force is given in detail. The new software is exactly verified mathematically and qualified for any further use. The developed software is the tool for the development of other two phases: software for the exact automatic evaluation of the maximum values of the dynamic values and software for the automatic approval of vehicles and railway due to the driving safety, loading tracks and driving comfort compared to the limited values regarding UI C CODE 518

    Noucentisme i Cézanne. Història d'un dissortat magisteri

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    La enorme influencia de la obra de Cézanne a partir de 1906 coincide en Cataluña con el inicio del Noucentisme. Eso permite que el nuevo programa estético, presto a superar las secuelas impresionistas, presente al pintor como un punto de referencia fundamental. La obra de Cézanne es ejemplar a la vista del nuevo clasicismo; sin embargo, cabe precisar unos límites precisos frente al modelo. Efectivamente, Cézanne es perfectamente útil como ejemplo de objetividad esencial, pero debe añadirse a su lección una última fase: la reconstrucción ideal de la realidad fundada en su previo conocimiento. Desde la literatura artística del período se explica reiteradamente esta lección parcial de Cezanne; la práctica real de la pintura se convierte sin embargo, a partir de 1911, en fiel seguidora del modelo sin atender a las consignas teóricas. Así pues, a partir de la relación entre cezanismo i Noucentisme, no sólo es posible aclarar los términos de una propuesta estética determinada, sino que también permite detectar una evidente discordia entre sus protagonistas.The huge influence of Cézanne's works since 1906 coincides in Catalonia with the first signs of the Noucentisme movement. This situation allows the new aesthetic program to present the painter as a fundamental reference point. Cézanne's work is the best example for the new classicism; however, it is necessary to specify the limits of the model. Thus Cézanne is extremely useful as a example of essential objectivity; but modern art has to add another point to this lesson: the ideal reconstruction of reality is based upon its previous knowledge. The artistic literature of the period repeatedly explains this partial lesson of the model; however, real painting, especially since 1911, has become a simple follower of Cézannian forms. This is the relation between Cezannism and Noucentisme which explains many aspects of a certain aesthetic proposal, but also permits us to see a discordance between its protagonists

    Effect of Perception of Quality, Price, Its Reputation and Customer Satisfaction on Purchase Decision Aviation Services (Case Study: Customer Services Flights PT. Lion Air)

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of perceived quality, price, the company\u27s reputation and customer satisfaction partially and simultaneously to the purchase decision-making aviation services. Benefits Research, provide empirical evidence about the influence of the variables that can influence the purchasing decision of customers, and provide a solution in the form of advice to the management of these variables. For the community. providing knowledge to the community, especially for those who want to engage in the world of business and relating to the maintenance of the brand as well as maintaining the presence of the customer. For education, contributing to the academic community about the importance of managing the variables that can influence the purchasing decision of the consumer through the perception of quality, price, the company\u27s reputation and customer satisfaction. Total sample of 96 respondents, the method of collecting data through questioner and documentation, methods of data analysis by regression. The results of the regression equation: PKP = 10.034 + .018 + PK 0,873H 0,17RP + .705KP. meaning that the variable perception of quality, price, the company\u27s reputation and customer satisfaction has a positive influence on the purchase decision aviation services. Of the four variables that have more influence on the purchase decision is the variable price of aviation services. The correlation coefficient variable perception of quality, price, the company\u27s reputation and customer satisfaction to the purchase decision aviation services have a very strong relationship with the value of r = .743. The coefficient of determination of r2 = .552049, meaning that the variable perception of quality, price, reputation and customer satisfaction Company was able to explain 55.2% of the purchase decision-making airline, while 44.8% are influenced by other factors. Based on t test, t value (Price and Customer Satisfaction)> t table means in partial, price and customer satisfaction has a significant influence on the purchase decision-making aviation services. While the t (perception of the quality and reputation of the company) ≤ t partial table does not have a significant influence on the purchase decision-making aviation services. By F test, F count (variable perception of quality, price, the company\u27s reputation and customer satisfaction)> F table, meaning that simultaneous variables has a significant influence on the purchase decision aviation services. Based on the results of the study should the company need to increase the perception of quality through improved service quality and reputation of the company through increased attributes offered through its products. Customer satisfaction and price becomes the center of attention of the customer, then the management should still be able to maintain it so that it has a very high competitivenes

    Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas dan Kepuasan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan pada Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union) Mandiri Cabang Medan (Studi Kasus : Pelanggan Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union) Mandiri Cabang Medan)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh persepsi kualitas dan kepuasan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union) Mandiri Cabang Medan. Manfaat penelitian, memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi kualitas dan loyalitas pelanggan. Jumlah sampel 96 nasabah, metode pengumpulan data melalui koesioner dan dokumentasi, metode analisis data digunakan regresi linier dan berganda dan untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan uji t dan uji F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel harga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi kualitas, variabel reputasi Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi kualitas, variabel persepsi kualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas pelanggan. variabel kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas pelanggan, variabel harga dan reputasi Perusahaan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap persepsi kualitas dan variabel persepsi kualitas dan kepuasan Pelanggan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebaiknya pihak Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union) Mandiri Cabang Medan memperhatikan variabel harga yang terkait dengan konsumen sasaran maupun pesaing, variabel reputasi Perusahaan yang terkait dengan pengalaman Perusahaan, kompetensi Perusahaan dan keunggulan Perusahaan, variabel persepsi kualitas yang terkait dengan keandalan (Reliability), ketanggapan (Responsiveness), keyakinan (Assurance), empati (Empathy) dan Tangibles. variabel kepuasan pelanggan supaya tetap dipertahankan yang terkait dengan kesesuaian harapan , persepsi kinerja dan penilaian pelanggan dan mempertahankan variabel loyalitas pelanggan yang terkait dengan Repeat Purchase, Retention dan Referalls

    ¿Influye el apoyo publicitario en el tiempo de aceptación del producto por parte del cliente?

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    During the worldwide pandemic many businesses started or significantly increased their online presence on major e-commerce platforms either as vendors or as sellers. These small and medium businesses need to understand what level of advertising support they need, if any, and how it can impact their performance objectives. This paper investigates how advertising influences the timing of online customer reviews after a product introduction at a major retailer with both physical stores and online e-commerce presence open to both business sellers and vendors of various sizes. The faster time to reach customer reviews is a proxy of customer product acceptance and should inform online businesses on their advertising needs when they introduce their products on e-commerce platforms. This paper demonstrates that without advertising support the time needed to reach ten customer reviews increases by 46%

    Cellular distribution and immobilisation of GABA(_A) receptors

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    Synaptic inhibition in the vertebrate central nervous system is largely mediated by type A GABA receptors (GABA(_A)R). The clustering of (GABA(_A)R) at discrete and functionally significant domains on the nerve cell surface is an important determinant in the integration of synaptic inputs. To discern the role that specific GABA(_A)R subunits play in determining the receptor's cell surface topography and mobility, recombinant GABA(_A)Rs, comprising different GABA(_A)R subunit combinations, were transiently expressed in COS7, HEK293 and PC12 cells. In addition, a series of domain swapping experiments were performed in order to elucidate which regions of the protein are important in mobility/anchoring of receptors. The cellular localization and lateral mobility of the recombinantly expressed GABA(_A)Rs were determined by immunocytochemistry and Fluorescence Photobleach Recovery (FPR), respectively. The results presented in this thesis show that GABA(_A)R al subunits are recruited by the β3 subunits from an internally sequestered pool and assembled into a population of GABA(_A)Rs that are spatially segregated into clusters and also immobilised on the cell surface. FPR experiments on recombinant GABA(_A)R containing al-a6 subunits expressed in COS? cells showed restricted mobilities consistent with mobility constants determined for native GABA(_A)Rs expressed on cerebellar granule cells. Furthermore, the intracellular loop domain M3/M4 of the a1 subunits was found to be required for anchoring recombinantly expressed GABA(_A)Rs in C0S7 and cerebellar granule cells in culture, but not for GABA(_A)R clustering at the cell surface

    Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas dan Kepuasan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah (Studi Kasus : Nasabah Koperasi Kredit (Credit

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    Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh persepsi kualitas dan kepuasan terhadap loyalitas nasabah Koperasi Kredit (Credit Union) Mandiri ( Kopdit CU Mandiri). Manfaat penelitian, memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi kualitas dan loyalitas nasabah. Jumlah sampel 96 nasabah, metode pengumpulan data dengan koesioner dan dokumentasi, metode analisis data digunakan regresi linier dan berganda dan untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan uji t dan uji F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel harga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi kualitas, variabel reputasi Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi kualitas, variabel persepsi kualitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas nasabah, variabel kepuasan nasabah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas nasabah, variabel harga dan reputasi Perusahaan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap persepsi kualitas dan variabel persepsi kualitas dan kepuasan nasabah mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap loyalitas nasabah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebaiknya pihak Kopdit CU Mandiri memperhatikan variabel harga yang terkait dengan konsumen sasaran maupun pesaing, variabel reputasi Perusahaan yang terkait dengan pengalaman, kompetensi dan keunggulan Kopdit CU Mandiri, variabel persepsi kualitas yang terkait dengan keandalan (Reliability), ketanggapan (Responsiveness), keyakinan (Assurance), empati (Empathy) dan Tangibles. variabel kepuasan nasabah supaya tetap dipertahankan yang terkait dengan kesesuaian harapan , persepsi kinerja dan penilaian nasabah dan mempertahankan variabel loyalitas nasabah yang terkait dengan Repeat Purchase, Retention dan Referalls