137 research outputs found

    Genre Prediction to Inform the Recommendation Process

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    In this paper we present a time-based genre prediction strategy that can inform the book recommendation process. To explicitly consider time in predicting genres of interest, we rely on a popular time series forecasting model as well as reading patterns of each individual reader or group of readers (in case of libraries or publishing companies). Based on a conducted initial assessment using the Amazon dataset, we demonstrate our strategy outperforms its baseline counter-part

    What Snippets Feel: Depression, Search, and Snippets

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    Mental health disorders (MHD) is a rising, yet stigmatized, topic in the United States. Individuals suffering from MHD are slowing starting to overcome this stigma by discussing how technology affects them. Researchers have explored behavioral nuances that emerge from interactions of individuals affected by MHD with persuasive technologies, mainly social media. Yet, there is a gap in the analysis pertaining to search engines, another persuasive technology, which is part of their everyday lives. In this paper, we report the results of an initial exploratory analysis conducted to understand the sentiment/emotion profiles of search engines handling the information needs of searchers with MHD


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    Anything Fun Going On?: A Simple Wizard to Avoid the Cold-Start Problem for Event Recommenders

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    In this demo, we showcase a set up wizard designed to bypass the cold start problem that often affects recommendation systems in the event domain. We have developed a mobile application for tourists, RelEVENT, which allows them to quickly and non-intrusively set up preferences and/or interests related to events. This will directly affect the degree to which they can receive personalized recommendations on-the-fly and become aware of events happening around town that might be appealing to them