4 research outputs found

    Nutrition knowledge in relation to dietary habits and body mass index in croatian adolescents

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    Prekomjerna tjelesna masa i pretilost epidemije su s kojom se svijet bori već desetljećima, a značajno su povezane i s rizikom za razvoj kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti čija prevalencija i dalje raste. Dva od četiri najistaknutija rizična čimbenika u pojavi prekomjerne tjelesne mase i pretilosti, pa tako i pojavi kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti su neprimjerena prehrana i nedovoljna razina tjelesne aktivnosti. To su ujedno i dva čimbenika na koja možemo najviÅ”e utjecati. Prehrambene navike kompleksno su i joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno istraženo područje na koje utječe čitav niz čimbenika od kojih je znanje jedan od najspominjanijih. Adolescencija je razdoblje u životu kojeg karakteriziraju velike promjene, a iznimno je važno jer se upravo u tom životnom razdoblju oblikuju, razvijaju i dodatno učvrŔćuju navike koje se protežu kroz cijeli život. Ispitivanje prehrambenih navika i tjelesne aktivnosti prvi je korak u poduzimanju učinkovitih mjera stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati stupanj uhranjenosti adolescenata, njihove prehrambene navike, znanje o prehrani, razinu tjelesne aktivnosti i stil života, razinu samoefikasnosti i postojanje prepreka u eventualnom poboljÅ”anju prehrambenih navika, znanje o sigurnosti hrane i higijenu prehrane te ispitati postoje li razlike prema spolu i uhranjenosti. Cilj je bio i ispitati povezanost znanja o prehrani s prehrambenim navikama, ali i s uhranjenosti i tjelesnom aktivnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na 1520 učenika (od čega 646 djevojaka i 874 mladića) drugih razreda sedamnaest srednjih Å”kola na području Grada Zagreba prosječne dobi 16,75 (0,47). Primijenjen je upitnik koji je koriÅ”ten i validiran na adolescentima slične starosti u Italiji (Turconi i sur., 2003 i 2008). Upitnik se sastoji od devet segmenata. Prikupljeni podaci su obrađeni statističkim programskim paketom Statistica ā€“ verzija 13.3 i Microsoft Excel 2016. Nakon osnovne deskriptivne statistike upotrijebljen je Studentov t-test za utvrđivanje razlika između spola i univarijatna analiza (ANOVA) za utvrđivanje razlika između ispitanika različitih kategorija uhranjenosti, Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije za utvrđivanje povezanosti varijabli te regresijska analiza za utvrđivanje doprinosa pojedinih varijabli prehrambenim navikama. Razina statističke značajnosti postavljena je na p0,05. Mladići imaju veći indeks tjelesne mase od djevojaka, a u prosjeku je 7% pothranjenih, 76% normalno uhranjenih, 14% prekomjerne tjelesne mase i 3% pretilih sa većom pojavnoŔću pothranjenosti kod djevojaka, a prekomjerne tjelesne mase i pretilosti kod mladića. Zadovoljavajuće prehrambene navike pokazalo je manje od polovice ispitanih s nepostojanjem razlika po spolu i kategoriji uhranjenosti. Unutar segmenta navika razlike su utvrđene u određenim česticama upitnika. Djevojke statistički značajno rjeđe doručkuju i konzumiraju sva tri obroka u danu, dok im je istovremeno doručak koji konzumiraju zdraviji. Također konzumiraju manje alkoholnih pića i zaslađenih sokova, prehrana im sadrži manje masti, ali unose i značajno manje mliječnih proizvoda. Razlike unutar segmenta prehrane prema kategoriji uhranjenosti pronađene su kod konzumacije deserata nakon obroka, alkoholnih pića, sadržaja međuobroka, pića između obroka, mliječnih proizvoda i vode. Unos voća i povrća kod svih skupina je iznimno malen. Å to se tiče tjelesne aktivnosti, manje od polovice živi zadovoljavajuće aktivno. ViÅ”e od 43% ih provodi viÅ”e od 3 sata dnevno ispred ekrana; mladići i normalno uhranjeni su statistički ipak značajno aktivniji. Većina je pokazala odlično i zadovoljavajuće poznavanje tj. razumijevanje osnovnih pojmova vezanih uz hranu i prehranu dok je razina detaljnijeg poznavanja hrane nezadovoljavajuća kod čak 42% ispitanih. Usprkos nižim razinama znanja o sigurnosti hrane higijenska praksa vezana uz sigurnost hrane je kod većine zadovoljavajuća. Statistički značajno viÅ”u razinu pokazale su djevojke u svim segmentima znanja, a razlike prema kategoriji uhranjenosti nisu pronađene. Visoku razinu samoefikasnosti pokazalo je viÅ”e od osamdeset posto adolescenata. Djevojke statistički značajno viÅ”u. Kod gotovo sedamdeset posto ispitanih utvrđeno je postojanje vrlo malog broja prepreka vezanih uz ponaÅ”anja uz prehranu dok razlike po spolu i kategorijama uhranjenosti nisu utvrđene. Statistički mala, ali značajna povezanost znanja o prehrani i prehrambenih navika je utvrđena, a povezanost znanja i tjelesne aktivnosti i uhranjenosti nije. Znanje o prehrani, samoefikasnost, prepreke promjenama i higijena hrane pokazali su se značajnim prediktorom prehrambenih navika. Zaključak je da postoji potreba povećanja razina tjelesne aktivnosti, ali i znanja s obzirom da visoka razina znanja prevenira nezdrave navike. Zaključak je i da ispitani segmenti mogu značajno doprinijeti poboljÅ”anju navika, no s obzirom da objaÅ”njavaju tek mali dio tog kompleksnog ponaÅ”anja dodatna istraživanja su potrebna radi otkrivanja preostalih čimbenika i količine njihovog utjecaja na prehrambene navike.Overweight and obesity is an epidemic that the world has been battling for decades. They are also significantly associated with the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases whose incidence and prevalence in the world is still growing. Two of the four most prominent risk factors in the occurrence of overweight and obesity and in the occurrence of chronic non-communicable diseases are inadequate diet and insufficient level of physical activity. These two factors are also the two factors we can influence the most. Eating habits are a complex and still insufficiently researched area that is influenced by a number of factors, of which knowledge stands out as one of the most significant. Adolescence is a period in life characterized by great changes. It is extremely important because in this period of life different habits that last a lifetime are formed, developed and further strengthened. Examination of eating habits and physical activity is the first step in taking effective measures so the aim of this study was to examine the level of nutrition of adolescents, their eating habits, dietary knowledge, level of physical activity and lifestyle, level of self-efficacy and barriers to change in possible improvement of eating habits. The aim was also to examine food safety knowledge and hygiene practices and to examine whether there are differences according to gender and nutritional status. The aim was also to examine the connection between nutrition knowledge and eating habits, but also the connection between knowledge and nutrition and physical activity. The research was conducted on 1520 students (of which 646 female and 874 male students) of the second grade of seventeen high schools in the City of Zagreb an average age of 16.75 (0,47). A questionnaire was used and validated on adolescents of similar age in Italy (Turconi et al., 2003 and 2008). The questionnaire consists of nine segments. The collected data was processed by the statistical software package Statistica - version 13.3 and Microsoft Excel 2016. After the basic descriptive statistics, the Student's t-test for gender differences and univariate analysis (ANOVA) were used to determine differences between subjects of different nutrition categories, Pearson's correlation coefficient for determining the correlation of variables and regression analysis to determine the contribution of individual variables to eating habits. The level of statistical significance was set at p0,05. Male students have a significantly higher body mass index than female students. On average there is 7% thin, 76% normal weight, 14% overweight and 3% obese students in total. There is a higher incidence of thinness in girls, and overweight and obesity in boys. Satisfactory eating habits were shown by less than half of the respondents with no differences by gender or nutrition category. Within the segment, differences were found in certain questionnaire items. Girls are statistically significantly less likely to eat breakfast and consume all three meals a day, while at the same time the breakfast they consume is healthier. They also consume less alcoholic beverages and sweetened juices, their diet contains less fat, but they also consume significantly less dairy products. Differences within this segment by nutritional status were found in the consumption of desserts after meals, alcoholic beverages, snack content, beverages between meals, dairy products and intake of water. The intake of fruits and vegetables in all groups is extremely small. In terms of physical activity less than half of adolescents live a satisfactorily active life. More than 43% of them spend more than 3 hours a day in front of a screen; young men and normal weight are significantly more active. Excellent and satisfactory knowledge i.e. understanding of basic terms related to food and nutrition was shown by the largest number of adolescents, while the level of more detailed knowledge of food is unsatisfactory in 42% of students. Despite lower levels of knowledge on food safety, the hygienic practices of a large number of adolescents related to food safety are satisfactory. Significantly higher level of knowledge was shown by girls in all knowledge segments. No differences according to the nutrition status were found. A high level of self-efficacy was shown by more than 80% of adolescents. Nearly 70% of adolescents were found to have a very small number of barriers to change related to eating behaviors. Differences by gender and nutrition status were not found. A statistically small but significant association of dietary knowledge and eating habits was found. The association between knowledge and physical activity and knowledge and nutrition were not found. Dietary knowledge, self-efficacy, barriers to change, and food hygiene have been shown to be significant predictors of eating habits. The general conclusion is that there is a need to increase levels of physical activity and knowledge given that a high level of knowledge prevents unhealthy eating habits. The conclusion is also that the examined segments can significantly contribute to the improvement of habits, but since they explain only a small part of this complex behavior (10% variance), additional research is needed to identify the remaining factors and their impact on eating habits

    Mogućnosti teniskog kluba "Franjo Punčec" za poboljÅ”anje turističke ponude Međimurske županije

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati mogućnosti kojima Teniski klub Franjo Punčec može pridonijeti razvoju međimurskog turizma. Te mogućnosti biti će prikazane iz tri perspektive. Prikazat ćemo povijest kluba zbog koje je isti zanimljiv, natjecanja koja privlače velik broj natjecatelja i gledatelja, te sportsko-rekreacijske sadržaje kojima se može unaprijediti turistička ponuda

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators ā€“ Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this yearā€™s conference is the ā€œIntegrative Power of Kinesiologyā€œ. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name ā€œkinesiologyā€ in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This yearā€™s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators ā€“ Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this yearā€™s conference is the ā€œIntegrative Power of Kinesiologyā€œ. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name ā€œkinesiologyā€ in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This yearā€™s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014