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9 research outputs found
Effect of maleic hydrazide on respiratory parameters of stored onion bulbs (Allium cepa L.)
Abdallah AA
Appleton MD
+23 more
Benkeblia N
Benkeblia N
Benkeblia N
Benkeblia N
Isenberg FMR
Kato T
Komossa D
Kubo Y
Labuza TP
Maude RB
Miedema P
Nawaz A
Noureddine Benkeblia
Peppelenbos HW
Rutherford PP
Salama AM
Schwartz HF
Sinha P
Snowdon AL
Tucker WG
Van der Berg L
Ward CM
Weichmann J
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Respiratory Rate and Quality Changes in Fresh-Cut Pears as Affected by Superatmospheric Oxygen
Andrich G
Day B
+16 more
Day B
Del Nobile MA
Fonseca SC
Fridovitch I
Lee DS
Neter J
Odriozola-Serrano I
Oms-Oliu G
Peppelenbos HW
Poubol J
Rocculi P
Rojas-Grau MA
Ross T
Sapers GM
Soliva-Fortuny RC
Tudela JA
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Respiratory dynamics of fresh baby corn (Zea mays L.) under modified atmospheres based on enzyme kinetics
A Bar-Zur
AR Hallauer
+17 more
CL Moretti
DR Rai
DS Lee
F Charles
HW Peppelenbos
JP Emond
L Jacxsens
MAD Nobile
ML Salvador
MLATM Hertog
N Benkeblia
PC Talasila
RA Copeland
S Fishman
SC Fonseca
SC Fonseca
Y Ishikawa
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Respiration rate and shelf-life study of Crotalaria longirostrata (chipilín)
AA Kader
AR Sousa
+18 more
C Agudelo
C Cardelli
C Fagundes
CKR Barbosa
DD Lange
DS Lee
HW Peppelenbos
JA Bartz
K Schmidt
NM Keklik
PE Hagger
SC Fonseca
SD Bhande
TP Labuza
VS Álvares
WS Duyvesteyn
WS Duyvesteyn
Y Song
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Hypoxic Storage of Fruit
A Conesa
A Martínez-Sánchez
+71 more
A Schenk
AA Kader
AA Saquet
AA Saquet
AC Cameron
AG Mathew
AH Millar
AK Thompson
AM Mayer
AR East
BM Nicolaï
C Amarante
C Franck
C Franck
C Franck
CY Wang
D Ke
DS Lee
E Castro de
E Felicetti
EA Veraverbeke
EM Yahia
F Mendoza
HJ James
HW Peppelenbos
HW Peppelenbos
I Angós
J Lammertyn
J Lammertyn
J Lammertyn
J Lammertyn
J Lee
J Nicolas
JD Mannapperuma
JP Fernández-Trujillo
JP Mattheis
K Arzani
K Luengwilai
KG Lapsley
LC Argenta
M Helena Gomes
MJ Amiot
MLATM Hertog
N Hernández-Sánchez
O Blokhina
OJ Caleb
P Verboven
PMA Toivonen
Q Cheng
R Pedreschi
R Pedreschi
R Pedreschi
R Wills
RA Dixon
RH Veltman
RH Veltman
RH Veltman
SG Gwanpua
SJ Kays
SP Singh
T Iqbal
VA McGlone
W Schotsmans
Y Gong
Y Kubo
YM Park
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Respiratory properties of fresh black carrot (Dacus Carota L.) based upon non-linear enzyme kinetics approach
A Kaur
A Kirca
+34 more
AB Jerry
BD Ancos
CC Chang
DA Castellanos
E Torrieri
HS Dhillon
HW Peppelenbos
KP Kirandeep
L Galiana-Belaguer
LDN Barbosa
M Singh
M Tigist
MJ Pereira
MM Lokke
N Benkeblia
N Guliyev
P Kaur
P Rocculia
RA Copeland
RM Beaudry
S Ersan
S Geysen
S Kamiloglu
S Mangaraj
SC Fonseca
T Ghosh
T Iqbal
T Iqbal
T Tonutare
TJ Rennie
VE Rubatzky
Y Ishikawa
Z Ayhan
ZA Belay
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Effects of different packaging materials and methods on the physical, biochemical and sensory qualities of lettuce
A Banerjee
A Ferrante
+36 more
A Ferrante
A Ferrante
A Kolton
A Lers
AC Cameron
AD Richardson
AP Leon
BM Mampholo
D Chandra
DI Arnon
FJ Peryea
HW Peppelenbos
I Cretescu
JG Kim
JH Lee
JP Singh
JS Lee
JS Lee
K Chitravathi
K Shimokawa
L Jiang
M Jeong
M Soltani
N Yamauchi
O Esturk
P Jaime
PMA Toivonen
Q Wang
R Llorach
S Ben-Yohoshua
SI Roura
T Chubachi
UL Opara
V Rizzo
X Liu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Development and validation of a comprehensive model for map of fruits based on enzyme kinetics theory and arrhenius relation
A Exama
AA Kader
+35 more
C Costa
D Shivakumar
DR Rai
E Torrieri
GBY Christie
H Das
HS Lee
HW Peppelenbos
I Tariq
J Gonzalez-Buesa
JD Geeson
KL Yam
L Jacxsens
ME Nobile Del
N Piskunov
N Techavises
P Rocculi
PV Mahajan
PV Mahajan
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
SP Singh
Y Song
YK Makino
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Design and development of modified atmosphere packaging system for guava (cv. Baruipur)
A Exama
A Osman
+82 more
AA Kader
AA Kader
AA Kader
AC Cameron
AE Ahmed
AI Khuri
AP Jacomino
BK Simpson
BP Kumar
C Brett
C Costa
CY Wang
D Sivakumar
DR Paul
DR Rai
DS Lee
DS Lee
E Bassetto
E Torrieri
H Auda
H Das
HM Couey
HW Peppelenbos
IU Bron
J Gonzalez-Buesa
JC Combrink
JD Geeson
JD Mannapperuma
JF Morton
JW Gaspar
KL Yam
KP Palaniswamy
KV Chau
L Jacxsens
LM Pereira
M Karel
ME Nobile Del
MIF Chitarra
MN Das
MU Reyes
P Renault
P Rocculi
PA Jacomin
PC Talasila
PJ White
PV Mahajan
PV Mahajan
R Lakakul
R Rodriguez
RHH Wills
RI Besford
RK Paul
RM Beaudry
RN Adsule
RR Menon
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mangaraj
S Mohamed
S Ranganna
SC Fonseca
SJ Kays
SK Lee
SK Mukherjee
SM Smith
SP Singh
SS Kadam
SS Teotia
T Iqbal
TK Goswami
V Singhal
WC Wilson
YK Makino
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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