324 research outputs found

    Curvature estimates for immersed hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds

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    We establish mean curvature estimate for immersed hypersurface with nonnegative extrinsic scalar curvature in Riemannian manifold (Nn+1,gˉ)(N^{n+1}, \bar g) through regularity study of a degenerate fully nonlinear curvature equation in general Riemannian manifold. The estimate has a direct consequence for the Weyl isometric embedding problem of (S2,g)(\mathbb S^2, g) in 33-dimensional warped product space (N3,gˉ)(N^3, \bar g). We also discuss isometric embedding problem in spaces with horizon in general relativity, like the Anti-de Sitter-Schwarzschild manifolds and the Reissner-Nordstr\"om manifolds

    Entropy and a convergence theorem for Gauss curvature flow in high dimension

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    In this paper we prove uniform regularity estimates for the normalized Gauss curvature flow in higher dimensions. The convergence of solutions in C∞C^\infty-topology to a smooth strictly convex soliton as tt approaches to infinity is obtained as a consequence of these estimates together with an earlier result of Andrews. The estimates are established via the study of a new entropy functional for the flow

    LpL^p Christoffel-Minkowski problem: the case 1<p<k+11< p<k+1

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    We consider a fully nonlinear partial differential equation associated to the intermediate LpL^p Christoffel-Minkowski problem in the case 1<p<k+11<p<k+1. We establish the existence of convex body with prescribed kk-th even pp-area measure on Sn\mathbb S^n, under an appropriate assumption on the prescribed function. We construct examples to indicate certain geometric condition on the prescribed function is needed for the existence of smooth strictly convex body. We also obtain C1,1C^{1,1} regularity estimates for admissible solutions of the equation when pβ‰₯k+12 p\ge \frac{k+1}2.Comment: 23 page

    Regularity of the geodesic equation in the space of Sasakian metrics

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    This paper is devoted to the regularity analysis of a geodesic equation in the space of Sasakian metrics. Firstly, we reduce the geodesic equation in the space of Sasakian metrics to a Dirichlet problem of degenerate complex Monge-Amp\'ere type eqution on the K\"ahler cone; secondly, we obtain a priori etimates for the above equation. These a priori estimates guarantee the existence and uniqueness of Cw2C^{2}_{w} geodesic for any two points in the space of Sasakian metrics. We also give some geometric applications of the above estimates in the end of this paper

    Interior C2 regularity of convex solutions to prescribing scalar curvature equations

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    We establish interior C2C^2 estimates for convex solutions of scalar curvature equation and Οƒ2\sigma_2-Hessian equation. We also prove interior curvature estimate for isometrically immersed hypersurfaces (Mn,g)βŠ‚Rn+1(M^n,g)\subset \mathbb R^{n+1} with positive scalar curvature. These estimates are consequences of an interior estimate for these equations obtained under a weakened condition.Comment: 16 page

    Geometric inequalities on locally conformally flat manifolds

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    Through the study of some elliptic and parabolic fully nonlinear PDEs, we establish conformal versions of quermassintegral inequality, the Sobolev inequality and the Moser-Trudinger inequality for the geometric quantities associated to the Schouten tensor on locally conformally flat manifolds.Comment: 30 pages. Final version, accepted by Duke Math.

    Convexity estimates for level sets of quasiconcave solutions to fully nonlinear elliptic equations

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    We establish a geometric lower bound for the principal curvature of the level surfaces of solutions to F(D2u,Du,u,x)=0F(D^2u, Du, u, x)=0 in convex ring domains, under a refined structural condition introduced by Bianchini-Longinetti-Salani in \cite{BLS}. We also prove a constant rank theorem for the second fundamental form of the convex level surfaces of these solutions

    A mean curvature type flow in space forms

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    In this article, we introduce a new type of mean curvature flow for bounded star-shaped domains in space forms and prove its longtime existence, exponential convergence without any curvature assumption. Along this flow, the enclosed volume is a constant and the surface area evolves monotonically. Moreover, for a bounded convex domain in R n+1, the quermassintegrals evolve monotonically along the flow which allows us to prove a class of Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities of quermassintegrals

    A Rigidity Theorem for Hypersurfaces in Higher Dimensional Space Forms

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    The classical Cohn-Vossen theorem states that two isometric compact convex surfaces in R3\mathbb{R}^{3} are congruent. In this short note, we generalize the classical Cohn-Vossen Theorem to higher dimensional surfaces in space form Nn+1(K)N^{n+1}(K) for nβ‰₯2n\ge 2.Comment: 5 page

    Partial Legendre transforms of non-linear equations

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    The partial Legendre transform of a non-linear elliptic differential equation is shown to be another non-linear elliptic differential equation. In particular, the partial Legendre transform of the Monge-Amp\`ere equation is another equation of Monge-Amp\`ere type. In 1+1 dimensions, this can be applied to obtain uniform estimates to all orders for the degenerate Monge-Amp\`ere equation with boundary data satisfying a strict convexity condition.Comment: 12 pages, no figur
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