10,419 research outputs found

    The Ramsey number of generalized loose paths in uniform Hypergrpahs

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    Let H=(V,E)H=(V,E) be an rr-uniform hypergraph. For each 1≀s≀rβˆ’11 \leq s \leq r-1, an ss-path Pnr,s{\mathcal P}^{r,s}_n of length nn in HH is a sequence of distinct vertices v1,v2,…,vs+n(rβˆ’s)v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_{s+n(r-s)} such that {v1+i(rβˆ’s),…,vs+(i+1)(rβˆ’s)}∈E(H)\{v_{1+i(r-s)},\ldots, v_{s+(i+1)(r-s)}\}\in E(H) for each 0≀i≀nβˆ’10 \leq i \leq n-1.Recently, the Ramsey number of 11-paths in uniform hypergraphs has received a lot of attention. In this paper, we consider the Ramsey number of r/2βˆ’r/2-paths for even rr. Namely, we prove the following exact result: R(Pnr,r/2,P3r,r/2)=R(Pnr,r/2,P4r,r/2)=(n+1)r2+1.R({\mathcal P}^{r,r/2}_n,{\mathcal P}^{r,r/2}_3)=R({\mathcal P}^{r,r/2}_n,{\mathcal P}^{r,r/2}_4)=\tfrac{(n+1)r}{2}+1.Comment: Journal Ref: Discrete Mat

    On the decomposition of random hypergraphs

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    For an rr-uniform hypergraph HH, let f(H)f(H) be the minimum number of complete rr-partite rr-uniform subhypergraphs of HH whose edge sets partition the edge set of HH. For a graph GG, f(G)f(G) is the bipartition number of GG which was introduced by Graham and Pollak in 1971. In 1988, Erd\H{o}s conjectured that if G∈G(n,1/2)G \in G(n,1/2), then with high probability f(G)=nβˆ’Ξ±(G)f(G)=n-\alpha(G), where Ξ±(G)\alpha(G) is the independence number of GG. This conjecture and related problems have received a lot of attention recently. In this paper, we study the value of f(H)f(H) for a typical rr-uniform hypergraph HH. More precisely, we prove that if (log⁑n)2.001/n≀p≀1/2(\log n)^{2.001}/n \leq p \leq 1/2 and H∈H(r)(n,p)H \in H^{(r)}(n,p), then with high probability f(H)=(1βˆ’Ο€(Kr(rβˆ’1))+o(1))(nrβˆ’1)f(H)=(1-\pi(K^{(r-1)}_r)+o(1))\binom{n}{r-1}, where Ο€(Kr(rβˆ’1))\pi(K^{(r-1)}_r) is the Tur\'an density of Kr(rβˆ’1)K^{(r-1)}_r.Comment: corrected few typos. updated the referenc

    Monochromatic 4-term arithmetic progressions in 2-colorings of Zn\mathbb Z_n

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    This paper is motivated by a recent result of Wolf \cite{wolf} on the minimum number of monochromatic 4-term arithmetic progressions(4-APs, for short) in Zp\Z_p, where pp is a prime number. Wolf proved that there is a 2-coloring of Zp\Z_p with 0.000386% fewer monochromatic 4-APs than random 2-colorings; the proof is probabilistic and non-constructive. In this paper, we present an explicit and simple construction of a 2-coloring with 9.3% fewer monochromatic 4-APs than random 2-colorings. This problem leads us to consider the minimum number of monochromatic 4-APs in Zn\Z_n for general nn. We obtain both lower bound and upper bound on the minimum number of monochromatic 4-APs in all 2-colorings of Zn\Z_n. Wolf proved that any 2-coloring of Zp\Z_p has at least (1/16+o(1))p2(1/16+o(1))p^2 monochromatic 4-APs. We improve this lower bound into (7/96+o(1))p2(7/96+o(1))p^2. Our results on Zn\Z_n naturally apply to the similar problem on [n][n] (i.e., {1,2,...,n}\{1,2,..., n\}). In 2008, Parillo, Robertson, and Saracino \cite{prs} constructed a 2-coloring of [n][n] with 14.6% fewer monochromatic 3-APs than random 2-colorings. In 2010, Butler, Costello, and Graham \cite{BCG} extended their methods and used an extensive computer search to construct a 2-coloring of [n][n] with 17.35% fewer monochromatic 4-APs (and 26.8% fewer monochromatic 5-APs) than random 2-colorings. Our construction gives a 2-coloring of [n][n] with 33.33% fewer monochromatic 4-APs (and 57.89% fewer monochromatic 5-APs) than random 2-colorings.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Infinite Tur\'an problems for bipartite graphs

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    We consider an infinite version of the bipartite Tur\'{a}n problem. Let GG be an infinite graph with V(G)=NV(G) = \mathbb{N} and let GnG_n be the nn-vertex subgraph of GG induced by the vertices {1,2,…,n}\{1,2, \dots, n \}. We show that if GG is K2,t+1K_{2,t+1}-free then for infinitely many nn, e(Gn)≀0.471tn3/2e(G_n) \leq 0.471 \sqrt{t} n^{3/2}. Using the K2,t+1K_{2,t+1}-free graphs constructed by F\"{u}redi, we construct an infinite K2,t+1K_{2,t+1}-free graph with e(Gn)β‰₯0.23tn3/2e(G_n) \geq 0.23 \sqrt{t}n^{3/2} for all nβ‰₯n0n \geq n_0.Comment: 10 page

    Spectra of edge-independent random graphs

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    Let GG be a random graph on the vertex set {1,2,...,n}\{1,2,..., n\} such that edges in GG are determined by independent random indicator variables, while the probability pijp_{ij} for {i,j}\{i,j\} being an edge in GG is not assumed to be equal. Spectra of the adjacency matrix and the normalized Laplacian matrix of GG are recently studied by Oliveira and Chung-Radcliffe. Let AA be the adjacency matrix of GG, \bar A=\E(A), and Ξ”\Delta be the maximum expected degree of GG. Oliveira first proved that almost surely βˆ₯Aβˆ’AΛ‰βˆ₯=O(Ξ”ln⁑n)\|A-\bar A\|=O(\sqrt{\Delta \ln n}) provided Ξ”β‰₯Cln⁑n\Delta\geq C \ln n for some constant CC. Chung-Radcliffe improved the hidden constant in the error term using a new Chernoff-type inequality for random matrices. Here we prove that almost surely βˆ₯Aβˆ’AΛ‰βˆ₯≀(2+o(1))Ξ”\|A-\bar A\|\leq (2+o(1))\sqrt{\Delta} with a slightly stronger condition Δ≫ln⁑4n\Delta\gg \ln^4 n. For the Laplacian LL of GG, Oliveira and Chung-Radcliffe proved similar results βˆ₯Lβˆ’LΛ‰βˆ£=O(ln⁑n/Ξ΄)\|L-\bar L|=O(\sqrt{\ln n}/\sqrt{\delta}) provided the minimum expected degree δ≫ln⁑n\delta\gg \ln n; we also improve their results by removing the ln⁑n\sqrt{\ln n} multiplicative factor from the error term under some mild conditions. Our results naturally apply to the classic Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs, random graphs with given expected degree sequences, and bond percolation of general graphs.Comment: 16 page

    A path Turan problem for infinite graphs

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    Let GG be an infinite graph whose vertex set is the set of positive integers, and let GnG_n be the subgraph of GG induced by the vertices {1,2,…,n}\{1,2, \dots , n \}. An increasing path of length kk in GG, denoted IkI_k, is a sequence of k+1k+1 vertices 1≀i1<i2<β‹―<ik+11 \leq i_1 < i_2 < \dots < i_{k+1} such that i1,i2,…,ik+1i_1, i_2, \ldots, i_{k+1} is a path in GG. For kβ‰₯2k \geq 2, let p(k)p(k) be the supremum of lim inf⁑nβ†’βˆže(Gn)n2\liminf_{ n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{ e(G_n) }{n^2} over all IkI_k-free graphs GG. In 1962, Czipszer, Erd\H{o}s, and Hajnal proved that p(k)=14(1βˆ’1k)p(k) = \frac{1}{4} (1 - \frac{1}{k}) for k∈{2,3}k \in \{2,3 \}. Erd\H{o}s conjectured that this holds for all kβ‰₯4 k \geq 4. This was disproved for certain values of kk by Dudek and R\"{o}dl who showed that p(16)>14(1βˆ’116)p(16) > \frac{1}{4} (1 - \frac{1}{16}) and p(k)>14+1200p(k) > \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{200} for all kβ‰₯162k \geq 162. Given that the conjecture of Erd\H{o}s is true for k∈{2,3}k \in \{2,3 \} but false for large kk, it is natural to ask for the smallest value of kk for which p(k)>14(1βˆ’1k)p(k) > \frac{1}{4} ( 1 - \frac{1}{k} ). In particular, the question of whether or not p(4)=14(1βˆ’14)p(4) = \frac{1}{4} ( 1 - \frac{1}{4} ) was mentioned by Dudek and R\"{o}dl as an open problem. We solve this problem by proving that p(4)β‰₯14(1βˆ’14)+1584064p(4) \geq \frac{1}{4} (1 - \frac{1}{4} ) + \frac{1}{584064} and p(k)>14(1βˆ’1k)p(k) > \frac{1}{4} (1 - \frac{1}{k}) for 4≀k≀154 \leq k \leq 15. We also show that p(4)≀14p(4) \leq \frac{1}{4} which improves upon the previously best known upper bound on p(4)p(4). Therefore, p(4)p(4) must lie somewhere between 316+1584064\frac{3}{16} + \frac{1}{584064} and 14\frac{1}{4}Comment: 16 pages; Comments are welcom

    Extensions of Erd\H{o}s-Gallai Theorem and Luo's Theorem with Applications

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    The famous Erd\H{o}s-Gallai Theorem on the Tur\'an number of paths states that every graph with nn vertices and mm edges contains a path with at least 2mn\frac{2m}{n} edges. In this note, we first establish a simple but novel extension of the Erd\H{o}s-Gallai Theorem by proving that every graph GG contains a path with at least (s+1)Ns+1(G)Ns(G)+sβˆ’1\frac{(s+1)N_{s+1}(G)}{N_{s}(G)}+s-1 edges, where Nj(G)N_j(G) denotes the number of jj-cliques in GG for 1≀j≀ω(G)1\leq j\leq\omega(G). We also construct a family of graphs which shows our extension improves the estimate given by Erd\H{o}s-Gallai Theorem. Among applications, we show, for example, that the main results of \cite{L17}, which are on the maximum possible number of ss-cliques in an nn-vertex graph without a path with ll vertices (and without cycles of length at least cc), can be easily deduced from this extension. Indeed, to prove these results, Luo \cite{L17} generalized a classical theorem of Kopylov and established a tight upper bound on the number of ss-cliques in an nn-vertex 2-connected graph with circumference less than cc. We prove a similar result for an nn-vertex 2-connected graph with circumference less than cc and large minimum degree. We conclude this paper with an application of our results to a problem from spectral extremal graph theory on consecutive lengths of cycles in graphs.Comment: 6 page

    High-order Phase Transition in Random Hypergrpahs

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    In this paper, we study the high-order phase transition in random rr-uniform hypergraphs. For a positive integer nn and a real p∈[0,1]p\in [0,1], let H:=Hr(n,p)H:=H^r(n,p) be the random rr-uniform hypergraph with vertex set [n][n], where each rr-set is selected as an edge with probability pp independently randomly. For 1≀s≀rβˆ’11\leq s \leq r-1 and two ss-sets SS and Sβ€²S', we say SS is connected to Sβ€²S' if there is a sequence of alternating ss-sets and edges S0,F1,S1,F2,…,Fk,SkS_0,F_1,S_1,F_2, \ldots, F_k, S_k such that S0,S1,…,SkS_0,S_1,\ldots, S_k are ss-sets, S0=SS_0=S, Sk=Sβ€²S_k=S', F1,F2,…,FkF_1,F_2,\ldots, F_k are edges of HH, and Siβˆ’1βˆͺSiβŠ†FiS_{i-1}\cup S_i\subseteq F_i for each 1≀i≀k1\leq i\leq k. This is an equivalence relation over the family of all ss-sets ([n]s){[n]\choose s} and results in a partition: (Vs)=βˆͺiCi{V\choose s}=\cup_i C_i. Each CiC_i is called an { ss-th-order} connected component and a component CiC_i is {\em giant} if ∣Ci∣=Θ(ns)|C_i|=\Theta(n^s). We prove that the sharp threshold of the existence of the ss-th-order giant connected components in Hr(n,p)H^r(n,p) is 1((rs)βˆ’1)(nrβˆ’s)\frac{1}{\big({r\choose s}-1\big){n\choose r-s}}. Let c=(nrβˆ’s)pc={n\choose r-s}p. If cc is a constant and c<1(rs)βˆ’1c<\tfrac{1}{\binom{r}{s}-1}, then with high probability, all ss-th-order connected components have size O(ln⁑n)O(\ln n). If cc is a constant and c>1(rs)βˆ’1c > \tfrac{1}{\binom{r}{s}-1}, then with high probability, Hr(n,p)H^r(n,p) has a unique giant connected ss-th-order component and its size is (z+o(1))(ns)(z+o(1)){n\choose s}, where z=1βˆ’βˆ‘j=0∞((rs)jβˆ’j+1)jβˆ’1j!cjeβˆ’c((rs)jβˆ’j+1).z=1-\sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{\left({r\choose s}j -j+1 \right)^{j-1}}{j!}c^je^{-c\left({r\choose s}j -j+1\right)}.Comment: We revised the paper substantially based on the referees' reports and rewrote Section

    Bounds for generalized Sidon sets

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    Let Ξ“\Gamma be an abelian group and gβ‰₯hβ‰₯2g \geq h \geq 2 be integers. A set AβŠ‚Ξ“A \subset \Gamma is a Ch[g]C_h[g]-set if given any set XβŠ‚Ξ“X \subset \Gamma with ∣X∣=k|X| = k, and any set {k1,…,kg}βŠ‚Ξ“\{ k_1 , \dots , k_g \} \subset \Gamma, at least one of the translates X+kiX+ k_i is not contained in AA. For any gβ‰₯hβ‰₯2g \geq h \geq 2, we prove that if AβŠ‚{1,2,…,n}A \subset \{1,2, \dots ,n \} is a Ch[g]C_h[g]-set in Z\mathbb{Z}, then ∣Aβˆ£β‰€(gβˆ’1)1/hn1βˆ’1/h+O(n1/2βˆ’1/2h)|A| \leq (g-1)^{1/h} n^{1 - 1/h} + O(n^{1/2 - 1/2h}). We show that for any integer nβ‰₯1n \geq 1, there is a C3[3]C_3 [3]-set AβŠ‚{1,2,…,n}A \subset \{1,2, \dots , n \} with ∣A∣β‰₯(4βˆ’2/3+o(1))n2/3|A| \geq (4^{-2/3} + o(1)) n^{2/3}. We also show that for any odd prime pp, there is a C3[3]C_3[3]-set AβŠ‚Fp3A \subset \mathbb{F}_p^3 with ∣A∣β‰₯p2βˆ’p|A| \geq p^2 - p, which is asymptotically best possible. Using the projective norm graphs from extremal graph theory, we show that for each integer hβ‰₯3h \geq 3, there is a Ch[h!+1]C_h[h! +1]-set AβŠ‚{1,2,…,n}A \subset \{1,2, \dots , n \} with ∣A∣β‰₯(ch+o(1))n1βˆ’1/h|A| \geq ( c_h +o(1))n^{1-1/h}. A set AA is a \emph{weak Ch[g]C_h[g]-set} if we add the condition that the translates X+k1,…,X+kgX +k_1, \dots , X + k_g are all pairwise disjoint. We use the probabilistic method to construct weak Ch[g]C_h[g]-sets in {1,2,…,n}\{1,2, \dots , n \} for any gβ‰₯hβ‰₯2g \geq h \geq 2. Lastly we obtain upper bounds on infinite Ch[g]C_h[g]-sequences. We prove that for any infinite Ch[gC_h[g]-sequence AβŠ‚NA \subset \mathbb{N}, we have A(n)=O(n1βˆ’1/h(log⁑n)βˆ’1/h)A(n) = O ( n^{1 - 1/h} ( \log n )^{ - 1/h} ) for infinitely many nn, where A(n)=∣A∩{1,2,…,n}∣A(n) = | A \cap \{1,2, \dots , n \}|.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.604

    Mass-size scaling M~ r^1.67 of massive star-forming clumps -- evidences of turbulence-regulated gravitational collapse

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    We study the fragmentation of eight massive clumps using data from ATLASGAL 870 ΞΌ\mum, SCUBA 850 and 450 ΞΌ\mum, PdBI 1.3 and 3.5 mm, and probe the fragmentation from 1 pc to 0.01 pc scale. We find that the masses and the sizes of our objects follow M∼r1.68Β±0.05M \sim r^{1.68\pm0.05}. The results are in agreements with the predictions of Li (2017) where M∼r5/3M \sim r^{5/3}. Inside each object, the densest structures seem to be centrally condensed, with ρ(r)∼rβˆ’2\rho(r)\sim r^{-2}. Our observational results support a scenario where molecular gas in the Milky Way is supported by a turbulence characterized by a constant energy dissipation rate, and gas fragments like clumps and cores are structures which are massive enough to be dynamically detached from the ambient medium.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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