42,152 research outputs found

    Orbital elements of barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario

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    Taking the total angular momentum conservation in place of the tangential momentum conservation, and considering the square and higher power terms of orbital eccentricity e, the changes of orbital elements of binaries are calculated for wind accretion scenario. These new equations are used to quantitatively explain the observed (e,logP) properties of normal G, K giants and barium stars. Our results reflect the evolution from G, K giant binaries to barium binaries, moreover, the barium stars with longer orbital periods P>1600 days may be formed by accreting part of the ejecta from the intrinsic AGB stars through wind accretion scenario.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, 4 PS figures and 1 table included, accepted for publication in A &

    A Massive Protostar Embedded in the Scuba Core JCMT 18354-0649S

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    We report the discovery of an extremely red object embedded in the massive SCUBA core JCMT 18354-0649S. This object is not associated with any known radio or far-IR source, though it appears in Spitzer IRAC data obtained as part of the GLIMPSE survey. At shorter wavelengths, this embedded source exhibits an extreme color, K – L' = 6.7. At an assumed distance of 5.7 kpc, this source has a near-IR luminosity of ~1000 L_☉. Its spectral energy distribution (SED) rises sharply from 2.1 μm to 8 μm, similar to that of a Class 0 young stellar object. Theoretical modeling of the SED indicates that the central star has a mass of 6-12 M_☉, with an optical extinction of more than 30. As both inflow and outflow motions are present in JCMT 18354-0649S, we suggest that this deeply embedded source is (1) a massive protostar in the early stages of accretion, and (2) the driving source of a massive molecular outflow evident in HCN J = 3-2 profiles observed toward this region

    Unequal Intra-layer Coupling in a Bilayer Driven Lattice Gas

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    The system under study is a twin-layered square lattice gas at half-filling, being driven to non-equilibrium steady states by a large, finite `electric' field. By making intra-layer couplings unequal we were able to extend the phase diagram obtained by Hill, Zia and Schmittmann (1996) and found that the tri-critical point, which separates the phase regions of the stripped (S) phase (stable at positive interlayer interactions J_3), the filled-empty (FE) phase (stable at negative J_3) and disorder (D), is shifted even further into the negative J_3 region as the coupling traverse to the driving field increases. Many transient phases to the S phase at the S-FE boundary were found to be long-lived. We also attempted to test whether the universality class of D-FE transitions under a drive is still Ising. Simulation results suggest a value of 1.75 for the exponent gamma but a value close to 2.0 for the ratio gamma/nu. We speculate that the D-FE second order transition is different from Ising near criticality, where observed first-order-like transitions between FE and its "local minimum" cousin occur during each simulation run.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figure

    Correlation between incoherent phase fluctuations and disorder in Y1x_{1-x}Prx_xBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} epitaxial films from Nernst effect measurements

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    Measurements of Nernst effect, resistivity and Hall angle on epitaxial films of Y1x_{1-x}Prx_xBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}(Pr-YBCO, 0x\leq x\leq0.4) are reported over a broad range of temperature and magnetic field. While the Hall and resistivity data suggest a broad pseudogap regime in accordance with earlier results, these first measurements of the Nernst effect on Pr-YBCO show a large signal above the superconducting transition temperature(Tc_c). This effect is attributed to vortex-like excitations in the phase incoherent condensate existing above Tc_c. A correlation between disorder and the width of the phase fluctuation regime has been established for the YBCO family of cuprates, which suggests a Tc_c\approx110K for disorder-free YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta}.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure