8 research outputs found

    Cell Wall Invertase 3 Affects Cassava Productivity via Regulating Sugar Allocation From Source to Sink

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    Storage roots are the main sink for photo-assimilate accumulation and reflect cassava yield and productivity. Regulation of sugar partitioning from leaves to storage roots has not been elucidated. Cell wall invertases are involved in the hydrolysis of sugar during phloem unloading of vascular plants to control plant development and sink strength but have rarely been studied in root crops like cassava. MeCWINV3 encodes a typical cell wall invertase in cassava and is mainly expressed in vascular bundles. The gene is highly expressed in leaves, especially mature leaves, in response to diurnal rhythm. When MeCWINV3 was overexpressed in cassava, sugar export from leaves to storage roots was largely inhibited and sucrose hydrolysis in leaves was accelerated, leading to increased transient starch accumulation by blocking starch degradation and reduced overall plant growth. The progress of leaf senescence was promoted in the MeCWINV3 over-expressed cassava plants with increased expression of senescence-related genes. Storage root development was also delayed because of dramatically reduced sugar allocation from leaves. As a result, the transcriptional expression of starch biosynthetic genes such as small subunit ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, granule-bound starch synthase I, and starch branching enzyme I was reduced in accordance with insufficient sugar supply in the storage roots of the transgenic plants. These results show that MeCWINV3 regulates sugar allocation from source to sink and maintains sugar balance in cassava, thus affecting yield of cassava storage roots

    A comparative analysis of the principal component analysis and entropy weight methods to establish the indexing measurement

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    Background: As the world's largest coal producer, China was accounted for about 46% of global coal production. Among present coal mining risks, methane gas (called gas in this paper) explosion or ignition in an underground mine remains ever-present. Although many techniques have been used, gas accidents associated with the complex elements of underground gassy mines need more robust monitoring or warning systems to identify risks. This paper aimed to determine which single method between the PCA and Entropy methods better establishes a responsive weighted indexing measurement to improve coal mining safety. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative mixed research methodologies were adopted for this research, including analysis of two case studies, correlation analysis, and comparative analysis. The literature reviewed the most-used multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, including subjective methods and objective methods. The advantages and disadvantages of each MCDM method were briefly discussed. One more round literature review was conducted to search publications between 2017 and 2019 in CNKI. Followed two case studies, correlation analysis and comparative analysis were then conducted. Research ethics was approved by the Shanxi Coking Coal Group Research Committee. Results: The literature searched a total of 25,831publications and found that the PCA method was the predominant method adopted, and the Entropy method was the second most widely adopted method. Two weighting methods were compared using two case studies. For the comparative analysis of Case Study 1, the PCA method appeared to be more responsive than the Entropy. For Case Study 2, the Entropy method is more responsive than the PCA. As a result, both methods were adopted for different cases in the case study mine and finally deployed for user acceptance testing on 5 November 2020. Conclusions: The findings and suggestions were provided as further scopes for further research. This research indicated that no single method could be adopted as the better option for establishing indexing measurement in all cases. The practical implication suggests that comparative analysis should always be conducted on each case and determine the appropriate weighting method to the relevant case. This research recommended that the PCA method was a dimension reduction technique that could be handy for identifying the critical variables or factors and effectively used in hazard, risk, and emergency assessment. The PCA method might also be well-applied for developing predicting and forecasting systems as it was sensitive to outliers. The Entropy method might be suitable for all the cases requiring the MCDM. There is also a need to conduct further research to probe the causal reasons why the PCA and Entropy methods were applied to each case and not the other way round. This research found that the Entropy method provides higher accuracy than the PCA method. This research also found that the Entropy method demonstrated to assess the weights of the higher dimension dataset was higher sensitivity than the lower dimensions. Finally, the comprehensive analysis indicates a need to explore a more responsive method for establishing a weighted indexing measurement for warning applications in hazard, risk, and emergency assessments

    Engineering practice of large-scale millisecond accurate load control system of large power grid

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    Under the background of large-scale development and utilization of clean energy, there are serious security and stability risks and load balance problems in power grids with high penetration of clean energy and high portion of external power supply. Therefore, Jiangsu Electric Power Company has started the construction of the millisecond accurate load control system (MALCS). In this article, the theoretical basis of the MALCS is introduced from several aspects: the interruptible load, steady state, and transient state control technique of large-scale load. On this basis, the authors put forward the overall architecture, transmission channel structure, and control strategy of the MALCS. Subsequently, this article introduces the first-phase and the second-phase projects of MALCS construction in Jiangsu power grid, and the actual load-shedding test of Jiangsu MALCS. The results of the actual test show that the overall motion time of the Jiangsu MALCS meets the design requirements, and the MALCS can offer an effective frequency support to Jiangsu and East China Power Grid in case of severe failures. Finally, this article summarises the experience of MALCS construction, introduces the expansion plan of MALCS, and forecasts the future development direction and application of the system

    An in situ

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    Hydrocarbon Degradation and Response of Seafloor Sediment Bacterial Community in the Northern Gulf of Mexico to Light Louisiana Sweet Crude Oil

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    The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) blowout resulted in the deposition to the seafloor of up to 4.9% of 200 million gallons of oil released into the Gulf of Mexico. The petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations near the wellhead were high immediately after the spill, but returned to background levels a few years after the spill. Microbial communities in the seafloor are thought to be responsible for the degradation of hydrocarbons, however, our knowledge is primarily based upon gene diversity surveys and hydrocarbon concentration in field sediment samples. Here, we investigated the oil degradation potential and changes in bacterial community by amending seafloor sediment collected near the DWH site with crude oil and both oil and Corexit dispersant. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were rapidly degraded during the first 30 days of incubation, while alkanes were degraded more slowly. With the degradation of hydrocarbons, the relative abundances of Colwelliaceae, Alteromonadaceae, Methylococales, Alcanivorax, Bacteriovorax, and Phaeobacter increased remarkably. However, the abundances of oil-degrading bacteria changed with oil chemistry. Colwelliaceae decreased with increasing oil degradation, whereas Alcanivorax and Methylococcales increased considerably. We assembled seven genomes from the metagenome, including ones belonging to Colwellia, Alteromonadaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, the newly reported genus Woeseia, and candidate phylum NC10, all of which possess a repertoire of genes for hydrocarbon degradation. Moreover, genes related to hydrocarbon degradation were highly enriched in the oiled treatment, suggesting that the hydrocarbons were biodegraded, and that the indigenous microflora have a remarkable potential for the natural attenuation of spilled oil in the deep-sea surface sediment