2,719 research outputs found

    On the Translation of Chinese Webcomics: A Case Study of My Dear Highness

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    This paper discusses how to translate Chinese webcomic strips using My Dear Highness as an example. In our translation practice, such methods as variation translation, omission, and shift were adopted to deal with address forms or lengthy sentences, while free translation was used to deal with four-character structures and culture-loaded words or phrases in the original text to the effect that the intended meaning of the source text can be accurately conveyed to target readers under a multimodal context. We believe that whatever methods are used, the ultimate purpose of translation remains the same, and that is, the reading experience provided by the original text can be restored to the greatest possible extent


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    Personalization that uses information technology to tailor content and products/services to the preferences and tastes of individual customers has become a useful function for online marketing. Many techniques have been developed, and research on personalized services has increased substantially in recent years. Several theories have been proposed to explain the effect of positive consumer attitude toward personalized services such as reducing information overload and the Elaboration Likelihood Model. These theories are grounded on a rational perspective. As personalization can be treated as an empathic response to the service receivers, we cannot ignore the role of emotion in a relationship building process. In this paper, we propose the relationship building (or Guanxi in Chinese) perspective in investigating the effectiveness of personalization, which treats intimate experience resulting from personalized response as an important factor to affect the receivers’ attitude towards the personalized recommendation. We conducted a controlled laboratory experiment on personalized recommendation to examine the role of intimacy in affecting consumer attitudes. Our findings indicated that intimate experience does mediate the effect of personalized response on consumer attitudes toward the recommendation. The results and findings provide valuable information to practitioners and researchers

    An Event-Ontology-Based Approach to Constructing Episodic Knowledge from Unstructured Text Documents

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    Document summarization is an important function for knowledge management when a digital library of text documents grows. It allows documents to be presented in a concise manner for easy reading and understanding. Traditionally, document summarization adopts sentence-based mechanisms that identify and extract key sentences from long documents and assemble them together. Although that approach is useful in providing an abstract of documents, it cannot extract the relationship or sequence of a set of related events (also called episodes). This paper proposes an event-oriented ontology approach to constructing episodic knowledge to facilitate the understanding of documents. We also empirically evaluated the proposed approach by using instruments developed based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The result reveals that the approach based on proposed event-oriented ontology outperformed the traditional text summarization approach in capturing conceptual and procedural knowledge, but the latter was still better in delivering factual knowledge

    Giant-cavity-based quantum sensors with enhanced performance

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    Recent progresses have revealed that quantum systems with multiple position-dependent couplings, e.g., giant atoms, can exhibit some unconventional phenomena, such as non-exponential decay etc. However, their potential applications are still open questions. In this paper, we propose a giant-cavity-based quantum sensor for the first time, whose performance can be greatly enhanced compared to traditional cavity-based sensors. In our proposal, two cavities couple to a dissipative reservoir at multiple points while they couple to a gain reservoir in a single-point way. To detecting a unknown parameter using this sensor, a waveguide is coupled to one of the cavities where detecting fields can pass through for homodyne detection. We find that multiple position-dependent couplings can induce an inherent non-reciprocal coupling between the cavities, which can enhance the performance of sensors. Output noise in our scheme can be reduced to the shot noise level, which is about one order magnitude lower than the results in Ref. [Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4320.]. Besides, the signal-to-noise ratio per photon is also enhanced by about one order of magnitude. These results show that the multiple-point-coupling structure is beneficial to nowadays quantum devices.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Frontiers in Physics ( Research Topic on Quantum Optics with Giant Atoms: Theory, Experiment and Application

    Exploring Consumers’ Coping Behaviors in Online Double Deviation Scenarios: From Power Perspective

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    Service recovery is a critical moment of truth in retaining customers and reinforcing customer relationships, and has been considered as an “Achilles\u27 heel” in online marketplaces. Poor service recoveries exacerbate the negative effects of the failure, producing a “double deviation” effect. The double deviation effect may arise from the seller’s power misuse and then dissolve the buyer-seller relationship (e.g., violate consumer psychological contract), elicit consumer negative emotions which lead to customer coping behaviors. This study links the theories of psychological contract violation (PCV), emotion, and coping from the power perspective to investigate the double deviation scenario in online auction marketplaces. Two moderators (perceived power and perceived consumer empowerment) are considered in our proposed model. Data collected from 181 consumers of one auction website provide support for the proposed model. The results shed light on what constitutes the determinants of consumer judgments while facing double deviation scenario and how consumers react to and cope with it in online marketplaces. Implications and limitations are discussed

    Disorder-free sputtering method on graphene

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    Deposition of various materials onto graphene without causing any disorder is highly desirable for graphene applications. Especially, sputtering is a versatile technique to deposit various metals and insulators for spintronics, and indium tin oxide to make transparent devices. However, the sputtering process causes damage to graphene because of high energy sputtered atoms. By flipping the substrate and using a high Ar pressure, we demonstrate that the level of damage to graphene can be reduced or eliminated in dc, rf, and reactive sputtering processes

    NYCU-TWO at Memotion 3: Good Foundation, Good Teacher, then you have Good Meme Analysis

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    This paper presents a robust solution to the Memotion 3.0 Shared Task. The goal of this task is to classify the emotion and the corresponding intensity expressed by memes, which are usually in the form of images with short captions on social media. Understanding the multi-modal features of the given memes will be the key to solving the task. In this work, we use CLIP to extract aligned image-text features and propose a novel meme sentiment analysis framework, consisting of a Cooperative Teaching Model (CTM) for Task A and a Cascaded Emotion Classifier (CEC) for Tasks B&C. CTM is based on the idea of knowledge distillation, and can better predict the sentiment of a given meme in Task A; CEC can leverage the emotion intensity suggestion from the prediction of Task C to classify the emotion more precisely in Task B. Experiments show that we achieved the 2nd place ranking for both Task A and Task B and the 4th place ranking for Task C, with weighted F1-scores of 0.342, 0.784, and 0.535 respectively. The results show the robustness and effectiveness of our framework. Our code is released at github.Comment: De-Factify 2: Second Workshop on Multimodal Fact Checking and Hate Speech Detection, co-located with AAAI 202

    Escalation of Commiement in Software Projects: An Examination of Two Theories

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    Escalation of commitment is common in many software projects. It stands for the situation where managers decide to continue investing in or supporting a prior decision despite new evidence suggesting the original outcome expectation will be missed. Escalation of commitment is generally considered to be irrational. Past literature has proposed several theories to explain the behaviour. Two commonly used interpretations are self-justification and the framing effect. While both theories have been found effective in causing the escalation of commitment, their relative effect is less studied. The purpose of this study is to further investigate the primary factor that causes the escalation of commitment in software project related decisions. An experiment was designed to examine whether the escalation of commitment exists in different decision contingencies and which theories play a more important role in the escalation. One hundred and sixty two subjects participated in the experiment. The results indicate that both self-justification and problem framing have effects on commitment escalation in software projects but the effect of self-justification is stronger. Significant interaction effect is also found. A commitment is more likely to escalate if the problem is framed positively

    Effects of Quality of Financial Statements and CEO Turnover

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of CEO turnover and CFO turnover on earnings management. In addition, Taiwan’s authorities will require listed companies to complete the establishment of audit committee replacing supervisors in 2022. Corporate governance is not an overnight phenomenon. It has been existing from a long time. It is only that the beginning of 21st century when colossal enterprises started to fall, government across globe started giving it due credit. The present paper is an attempt to trace the history of corporate governance. It starts with discussing various theories which led to the development of such an important concept and then dwells on various models in which economies employ corporate governance in their structure and finally the evolution of corporate governance across globe. The paper sheds light on important committees and reforms which have been the genesis of corporate governance across globe. It undertakes an extensive literature review on different aspects of corporate governance. Corporate governance is a concept which still debatable among experts in describing it. The purpose of this study is to explore how the implementation and principal problems of good corporate governance in the management of current limited liability company