55 research outputs found

    A note on the sign-changing solutions to elliptic problems with critical Sobolev and Hardy terms

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    AbstractLet Ω⊂RN be a bounded domain such that 0∈Ω,N⩾7,2∗=2NN−2. We obtain existence of sign-changing solutions for the Dirichlet problem −Δu=μu|x|2+|u|2∗−2u+λu on Ω,u=0 on ∂Ω for suitable positive numbers μ and λ

    Sign-changing solutions to the slightly supercritical Lane-Emden system with Neumann boundary conditions

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    We consider the following slightly supercritical problem for the Lane-Emden system with Neumann boundary conditions: \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} -\Delta u_1=|u_2|^{p_\epsilon-1}u_2,\ &in\ \Omega,\\ -\Delta u_2=|u_1|^{q_\epsilon-1}u_1, \ &in\ \Omega,\\ \partial_\nu u_1=\partial_\nu u_2=0,\ &on\ \partial\Omega \end{cases} \end{equation*} where Ω=B1(0)\Omega=B_1(0) is the unit ball in Rn\mathbb{R}^n (n≥4n\geq4) centered at the origin, pϵ=p+αϵ,qϵ=q+βϵp_\epsilon=p+\alpha\epsilon, q_\epsilon=q+\beta\epsilon with α,β>0\alpha,\beta>0 and 1p+1+1q+1=n−2n\frac1{p+1}+\frac1{q+1}=\frac{n-2}n. We show the existence and multiplicity of concentrated solutions based on the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction argument incorporating the zero-average condition by certain symmetries. It is worth noting that we simultaneously consider two cases: p>nn−2p>\frac n{n-2} and p<nn−2p<\frac n{n-2}. The coupling mechanisms of the system are completely different in these different cases, leading to significant changes in the behavior of the solutions. The research challenges also vary. Currently, there are very few papers that take both ranges into account when considering solution construction. Therefore, this is also the main feature and new ingredient of our work
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