57 research outputs found

    Quantized Distillation: Optimizing Driver Activity Recognition Models for Resource-Constrained Environments

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    Deep learning-based models are at the forefront of most driver observation benchmarks due to their remarkable accuracies but are also associated with high computational costs. This is challenging, as resources are often limited in real-world driving scenarios. This paper introduces a lightweight framework for resource-efficient driver activity recognition. The framework enhances 3D MobileNet, a neural architecture optimized for speed in video classification, by incorporating knowledge distillation and model quantization to balance model accuracy and computational efficiency. Knowledge distillation helps maintain accuracy while reducing the model size by leveraging soft labels from a larger teacher model (I3D), instead of relying solely on original ground truth data. Model quantization significantly lowers memory and computation demands by using lower precision integers for model weights and activations. Extensive testing on a public dataset for in-vehicle monitoring during autonomous driving demonstrates that this new framework achieves a threefold reduction in model size and a 1.4-fold improvement in inference time, compared to an already optimized architecture. The code for this study is available at https://github.com/calvintanama/qd-driver-activity-reco.Comment: Accepted at IROS 202

    OAFuser: Towards Omni-Aperture Fusion for Light Field Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes

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    Light field cameras can provide rich angular and spatial information to enhance image semantic segmentation for scene understanding in the field of autonomous driving. However, the extensive angular information of light field cameras contains a large amount of redundant data, which is overwhelming for the limited hardware resource of intelligent vehicles. Besides, inappropriate compression leads to information corruption and data loss. To excavate representative information, we propose an Omni-Aperture Fusion model (OAFuser), which leverages dense context from the central view and discovers the angular information from sub-aperture images to generate a semantically-consistent result. To avoid feature loss during network propagation and simultaneously streamline the redundant information from the light field camera, we present a simple yet very effective Sub-Aperture Fusion Module (SAFM) to embed sub-aperture images into angular features without any additional memory cost. Furthermore, to address the mismatched spatial information across viewpoints, we present Center Angular Rectification Module (CARM) realized feature resorting and prevent feature occlusion caused by asymmetric information. Our proposed OAFuser achieves state-of-the-art performance on the UrbanLF-Real and -Syn datasets and sets a new record of 84.93% in mIoU on the UrbanLF-Real Extended dataset, with a gain of +4.53%. The source code of OAFuser will be made publicly available at https://github.com/FeiBryantkit/OAFuser.Comment: The source code of OAFuser will be made publicly available at https://github.com/FeiBryantkit/OAFuse

    TransKD: Transformer Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

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    Large pre-trained transformers are on top of contemporary semantic segmentation benchmarks, but come with high computational cost and a lengthy training. To lift this constraint, we look at efficient semantic segmentation from a perspective of comprehensive knowledge distillation and consider to bridge the gap between multi-source knowledge extractions and transformer-specific patch embeddings. We put forward the Transformer-based Knowledge Distillation (TransKD) framework which learns compact student transformers by distilling both feature maps and patch embeddings of large teacher transformers, bypassing the long pre-training process and reducing the FLOPs by >85.0%. Specifically, we propose two fundamental and two optimization modules: (1) Cross Selective Fusion (CSF) enables knowledge transfer between cross-stage features via channel attention and feature map distillation within hierarchical transformers; (2) Patch Embedding Alignment (PEA) performs dimensional transformation within the patchifying process to facilitate the patch embedding distillation; (3) Global-Local Context Mixer (GL-Mixer) extracts both global and local information of a representative embedding; (4) Embedding Assistant (EA) acts as an embedding method to seamlessly bridge teacher and student models with the teacher's number of channels. Experiments on Cityscapes, ACDC, and NYUv2 datasets show that TransKD outperforms state-of-the-art distillation frameworks and rivals the time-consuming pre-training method. Code is available at https://github.com/RuipingL/TransKD.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/RuipingL/TransK

    360BEV: Panoramic Semantic Mapping for Indoor Bird's-Eye View

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    Seeing only a tiny part of the whole is not knowing the full circumstance. Bird's-eye-view (BEV) perception, a process of obtaining allocentric maps from egocentric views, is restricted when using a narrow Field of View (FoV) alone. In this work, mapping from 360{\deg} panoramas to BEV semantics, the 360BEV task, is established for the first time to achieve holistic representations of indoor scenes in a top-down view. Instead of relying on narrow-FoV image sequences, a panoramic image with depth information is sufficient to generate a holistic BEV semantic map. To benchmark 360BEV, we present two indoor datasets, 360BEV-Matterport and 360BEV-Stanford, both of which include egocentric panoramic images and semantic segmentation labels, as well as allocentric semantic maps. Besides delving deep into different mapping paradigms, we propose a dedicated solution for panoramic semantic mapping, namely 360Mapper. Through extensive experiments, our methods achieve 44.32% and 45.78% in mIoU on both datasets respectively, surpassing previous counterparts with gains of +7.60% and +9.70% in mIoU. Code and datasets are available at the project page: https://jamycheung.github.io/360BEV.html.Comment: Code and datasets are available at the project page: https://jamycheung.github.io/360BEV.html. Accepted to WACV 202