11 research outputs found

    Crop Updates - 2009 Katanning

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    This session covers seventeen papers from different authors GM canola – How will it affect the way I farm? Murray Scholz, 2008 Nuffield scholar, Southern NSW Eight years of IWM smashes tyegrass seed banks by 98% over 31 focus paddocks, Peter Newman, Glenn Adam & Trevor Bell, Department of Agriculture and Food The global economic climate and impacts on agriculture, profile on Michael Whitehead Rabobank New York Lessons from five years of cropping systems research, W.K. Anderson, Department of Agriculture and Food Case study of a 17year old agricultural lime trial, C. Gazey, Department of Agriculture and Food, J. Andrew, Precision SoilTech and R. Pearce, ConsultAg Fertilising in a changing price environment, Bill Bowden, Wayne Pluske and Jeremy Lemon, Department of Agriculture and Food Fact or Fiction: Who is telling the truth and how to tell the difference? D.C. Edmeades, agKnowledge Ltd, Hamilton Forecast disease resistance profile for the Western Australian barley crop over the next three years, JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Malting barley varieties differ in their flowering date and their response to change in sowing date, BH Paynter and JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Decimating weed seed banks within non-crop phases for the benefit of subsequent crops, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Autumn cleaning yellow serradella pastures with broad spectrum herbicides – a novel weed control strategy that exploits delayed germination, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Emerging weeds in changing farming systems, Dr Abul Hashen, Department of Agriculture and Food More glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass populations within Western Australia, Dr Abul Hashem and Dr Catherine Borger, Department of Agriculture and Food Reasons to use only the full label herbicide rate, Stephen B. Powels, Qin Yu, Mechelle Owen, Roberto Busi, Sudheesh Manalil, University of Western Australia Flaxleaf fleabane – coming to a property near you! Sally Peltzer, Department of Agriculture and Food Glyphosate – the consequences of cutting rates! Sally Peltzer and David Minkey, Department of Agriculture and Food Benefits of crop rotations/break crops in managing soil moisture, soil health, weeds and disease – an overview, Raj Malik, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    Crop Updates 2000 - Weeds

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    This session covers thirty six papers from different authors: INTRODUCTION, Vanessa Stewart Agriculture Western Australia INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT Effect of seeding density, row spacing and Trifluralin on the competitive ability of Annual Ryegrass in a minimum tillage system, David Minkey, Abul Hashem, Glen Riethmuller and Martin Harries, Agriculture Western Australia High wheat seeding rates coupled with narrow row spacing increases yield and suppresses grass, Peter Newman1 and Cameron Weeks2,1Agronomist, Elders Limited 2Mingenew/Irwin Group Resistant ryegrass management in a wheat – lupin rotation, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Aik Cheam, David Bowran and Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia Integrated weed management – Will it work with my rotation? Alexandra Wallace, Agriculture Western Australia Long term herbicide resistance trial – Mingenew, Peter Newman Elders, Cameron Weeks Mingenew-Irwin Group Is two years enough? Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting and Research Services The fate of ryegrass seed when sheep graze chaff cart heaps, Keith L. Devenish1 and Lisa J. Leaver2 1 Agriculture Western Australia, 2Curtin University of Technology, Muresk Institute of Agriculture Can blanket wiping and crop topping prevent seed set of resistant wild radish and mustard? StAbul Hashem, Harmohinder Dhammu, Vanessa Stewart, Brad Rayner and Mike Collins, Agriculture Western Australia The value of green manuring in the integrated management of ryegrass, Marta Monjardino1,2, David Pannell2, Stephen Powles1 ,1Western Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative, 2Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia Some ways of increasing wheat competitiveness against ryegrass,, Mike Collins Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia WEED BIOLOGY Understanding and driving weed seed banks to very low levels, Sally Peltzer, Agriculture Western Australi HERBICIDE RESISTANCE Cross resistance of chlorsulfuron-resistant wild radish to imidazolinones, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder Dhammu and David Bowran, Agriculture Western Australia Investigation of suspected triazine resistant ryegrass populations for cross-resistance and multiple resistance to herbicides, Michael Walsh, Charles Boyle and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Genetics and fitness of glyphosate resistant ryegrass, S. Powles1, P. Neve1, D. Lorraine-Colwill2, C. Preston2 ,1WAHRI, University of Western Australia 2 CRC Weed Management Systems, University of Adelaide Managing herbicide resistance – the effect of local extinction of resistance genes, Art Diggle1, Paul B. Neve2, Stephen B. Powles2 ,1Agriculture Western Australia, 2WAHRI, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia The double knock - the best strategy for conserving glyphosate susceptibility? Paul B. Neve1, Art Diggle2, Stephen B. Powles1,1WAHRI, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, 2Agriculture Western Australia Wild radish had evolved resistance to triazines, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, David Bowran and Aik Cheam, Agriculture Western Australia Ryegrass resistance in Western Australia – where and how much? Rick Llewellyn and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia Wild radish herbicide resistance survey, Michael Walsh, Ryan Duane and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Knockdown resistance in the Western Australian wheatbelt – a proposed survey, Paul B. Neve1, Abul Hashem2, Stephen B. Powles1,1Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia, 2Agriculture Western Australia Diflufenican resistant wild radish, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, David Bowran, David Nicholson and Abul Hashem, Agriculture Western Australi Multiple resistance to triazines and diflufenican further complicates wild radish control, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, David Bowran, David Nicholson and Abul Hashem, Agriculture Western Australia HERBICIDE TOLERANCE 25. Herbicide tolerance of lupins, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia 26. Tanjil lupins will tolerate metribuzin under the right conditions, Peter Newman, Agronomist Elders Limited and Cameron Weeks, Mingenew/Irwin Group 27. Herbicide damage does not mean lower yield in Lupins, Peter Carlton, Trials Coordinator, Elders Limited 28. Herbicide tolerance of new pea varieties, Dr Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 29. Herbicide tolerance of (waterlogged) wheat, Dr Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 30. Wheat tolerance trials – Mingenew 1999, Peter Newman1, Cameron Weeks2 and Stewart Smith3,1Elders, Mingenew, 2Mingenew-Irwin Group,3Agriculture Western Australia ISSUES OF TRIFLURALIN USE 31. Trifluralin works better on ryegrass when no-tilling into thick wheat stubbles as granules, or mixed with limesand, Bill Crabtree, WANTFA Scientific Officer 32. Increasing trifluralin rate did not compensate for delaying incorporation, Bill Crabtree, WANTFA Scientific Officer 33. Poor emergence survey, 1999, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia HERBICIDES – ISSUES AND OPTIONS 34. AFFINITY 400DF – A new herbicide with a new mode of action (Group G) for Broadleaf Weed Control in Cereals, Gordon Cumming, Technical Officer, Crop Care Australasia 35 Herbicide screening for Marshmallow, David Minkey1 and David Cameron2,1Agriculture Western Australia, 2Elders Ltd, Merredin 36. The control of Capeweed in Clearfield Production System for Canola, Mike Jackson and Scott Paton, Cyanamid Agriculture Pty Ltd 37.Effect of herbicides Tordonä 75D and Lontrelä,used for eradication of Skeleton Weed, on production of Lupins I the following seasons, John R. Peirce and Brad J. Rayner, Agriculture Western Australia INDUSTRY PROTECTION 38. Graingaurd – Opportunities for agribusiness to help protect the West Australian grains industry, Greg Shea, Executive Officer, GrainGuard Agriculture Western Australi

    Crop Updates 2005 - Katanning

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    This session covers twenty five papers from different authors KEYNOTE How Farmers Can Work Together for a More Sustainable and Profitable Business, Brian McAlpine Farmer, Nuffield Scholar GENERAL 2005 Seasonal Outlook, David Stephens and Nicola Telcik, Department of Agriculture Essentials for cereal leaf disease management, K. Jayasena, R. Loughman, G. Thomas, C. Beard, and B. Paynter, Department of Agriculture Benefits to the grower of grain licensing, Colin Mann, Grain Licensing Authority SOIL & NUTRIENTS The effect of higher nitrogen fertiliser prices on rotation and fertiliser strategies in cropping systems, Ross Kingwell, Department of Agriculture Effect of stubble burning and seasonality on microbial processes and nutrient cycling, Francis Hoyle, University of Western Australia Soil Biology and Crop Production in Western Australian Farming Systems, D.V. Murphy, N. Milton, M. Osman, F.C. Hoyle, L.K Abbott, W.R. Cookson and S. Darmawanto, University of Western Australia Nutrient Management to get optimal production, Bill Bowden, Department of Agriculture OTHER CROPS Which malting barley variety and why? Blakely Paynter, Department of Agriculture KASPA AND OTHER NEW PULSE VARIETIES, 1. New Pulse varieties and where they fit in, K. Regan, P. White, Department of Agriculture & CLIMA, K. Siddique, CLIMA, K. Adhikari, Department of Agriculture & CLIMA, M. Harries, CLIMA Kaspa in the WA Grain Belt 2003-2004, Ian Pritchard, Department of Agriculture New annual pastures for Mediterranean farming systems, Angelo Loi, Phil Nichols, Clinton Revell & David Ferris, Department of Agriculture Challenging herbicide resistant ryegrass, Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting & Research Services Pty.Ltd WEED MANAGEMENT Ingest, incinerate or invert? The pro’s and con’s of 3 weed seed removal tactics, Sally Peltzer1, Dave Minkey1 and Michael Walsh2 Department of Agriculture 1 and Western Australian Herbicide Resistance lnitiative2 A good use guide for pre-emergent herbicides, Alexandra Douglas, Department of Agriculture OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION 17.Growing season outlook, Meredith Fairbanks, Ian Foster, Geraldine Pasqual, David Stephens, Nicola Telcik, David Tennant, Department of Agriculture 18. Status Of Department Of Agriculture Western Australia Crop Varieties 19. Seed Licensee Details 20. Gene technology for growers. What is it? How does it Work? Belinda Barr, Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, Dr Heather Bray, Molecular Plant Breeding Cooperative Research Centre. 21. Agronomic package for EGA Eagle Rock, Steve Penny, Department of Agriculture 22. Nutrient timing and requirements for increased crop yields in the high rainfall cropping zone, Narelle Hill, Ron McTaggart, Dr. Wal Anderson and Ray Tugwell Department of Agriculture 23. Insect contamination of cereal grain at harvest, Svetlana Micic and Phil Michael, Department of Agriculture 24. Crop leftovers: what’s in stubble for sheep? Roy Butler and Keith Croker, Department of Agriculture 25. Mandelup – Narrow-leafed lupi

    Crop Updates 2003 - Geraldton

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    This session covers twenty eight papers from different authors Seasonal Outlook: What is in store for 2003, David Stephens, Department of Agriculture Examining The Management Options For Wheat Crops In The Coming Season, James Fisher, Department of Agriculture GMO’s – what do they offer? Ian Edwards, Grain Bio Tech Australia Pty Ltd The Big Gamble – Wheat prices for 2003, Dennis Wise, Profarmer Market outlook for other grains, Andrew Young, General Manager Agricorp Stripe rust – where to now for the WA wheat industry? Robert Loughman, Ciara Beard and Greg Shea, Department of Agriculture Baudin and Hamlin – new generation of malting barley developed in Western Australia, Blakely Paynter, Roslyn Jettner and Kevin Young, Department of Agriculture DBM in Canola, Kevin Walden, Department of Agriculture The latest on Lupin diseases, Geoff Thomas, Department of Agriculture Wheat variety performance in 2002 compared to the long term, Robin Wilson, Iain Barclay, Robyn McLean, Robert Loughman, Jenny Garlinge, Bill Lambe, Neil Venn and Peter Clarke, Department of Agriculture Do wide rows drought proof lupins on red loam? Martin Harries, Bob French, Wayne Parker and Murray Blyth, Department of Agriculture Do wide rows drought proof lupins on a sandy loam? Martin Harries, Bob French, Wayne Parker and Murray Blyth, Department of Agriculture Profit Proving Precision Agriculture, Peter Norris, Agronomy For Profit, Greg Lyle, CSIRO Land and Water, Yuna Farm Improvement Group Annual ryegrass seedbanks: the good, the bad, and the ugly, Kathryn Steadman, University of Western Australia, Amander Ellery, CSIRO Plant Industry, Sally C Peltzer, Department of Agriculture Wheat management packages for low rainfall areas, Kari-Lee Falconer, Department of Agriculture Ground water 1. Atrazine, Russell Speed, Department of Agriculture Groundwater 2. Current Trends, Russell Speed, Department of Agriculture Herbicide tolerance of wheat, lupins and pastures, Terry Piper and Harmohinder Dhammu, Department of Agriculture Farming with Tramlines, Bindi Webb, Paul Blackwell, Department of Agriculture, Phil Logue, Binnu, Nigel Moffat, Geraldton, Rohan Ford, Binnu, Miles Obst, Mingenew, The role of green manure crops in renovating poor performing paddocks: What’s it worth? Frances Hoyle, Leanne Schulz and Judith Devenish Department of Agriculture The looming threat of wild radish, Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture Does one ‘size’ fit all? Grant Morrow, Syngenta Crop Protection Climate Forecasts on the Internet, Ian Foster and David Stephens, Department of Agriculture Moisture delving = more reliable lupin establishment, Paul Blackwell, and Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture Tramline Designs for better Weed control and Wheat value from non-spraying tramlines in a dry season, Paul Blackwell, Bindi Webb and Darshan Sharma, Department of Agriculture Biserrula Grazing Trial, Marnie Thomas, Department of Agriculture Performance of IT and TT canola varieties in the medium and high rainfall agzones of W.A., 2001-02, Graham Walton, Hasan Zaheer and Paul Carmody, Department of Agriculture Rapid Catchment Appraisal in Northern Agricultural Region, Mike Clarke, Paul Raper, Department of Agricultur

    Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection: Views and perceptions about swallowing nevirapine in rural Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Background In 2006 the World Health Organization described the status of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) service implementation as unacceptable, with an urgent need for a renewed public health approach to improve access. For PMTCT to be effective it needs to be accessible, acceptable and affordable; however research in Africa into accessibility, uptake and acceptability of PMTCT services has been predominately urban based and usually focusing on women who deliver in hospitals. The importance of involving other community members to strengthen both PMTCT uptake and adherence, and to support women emotionally, has been advocated. Urban men's and rural traditional birth attendants' (TBAs) involvement have improved uptake of HIV testing and of nevirapine. Methods A qualitative study was carried out in a rural district of Malawi's central region to explore the views about and perceptions of PMTCT antiretroviral treatment. Semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were held with antenatal and postnatal women, fathers, grandmothers, TBAs, community leaders and PMTCT health workers. Results Two broad themes of findings emerged: those that relate to the hospital PMTCT service, and those that relate to the community. Trust in the hospital was strong, but distance, transport costs and perceived harsh, threatening health worker attitudes were barriers to access. Grandmothers were perceived to have influence on the management of labour, unlike fathers, but both were suggested as key people to ensure that babies are brought to the hospital for nevirapine syrup. TBAs were seen as powerful, local, and important community members, but some as uneducated. Conclusion PMTCT was seen as a community issue in which more than the mother alone can be involved. To support access to PMTCT, especially for rural women, there is need for further innovation and implementation research on involving TBAs in some aspects of PMTCT services, and in negotiating with women which community members, if any, they would like to support them in ensuring that newborn babies receive nevirapine

    Crop Updates - 2009 Katanning

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    This session covers seventeen papers from different authors GM canola – How will it affect the way I farm? Murray Scholz, 2008 Nuffield scholar, Southern NSW Eight years of IWM smashes tyegrass seed banks by 98% over 31 focus paddocks, Peter Newman, Glenn Adam & Trevor Bell, Department of Agriculture and Food The global economic climate and impacts on agriculture, profile on Michael Whitehead Rabobank New York Lessons from five years of cropping systems research, W.K. Anderson, Department of Agriculture and Food Case study of a 17year old agricultural lime trial, C. Gazey, Department of Agriculture and Food, J. Andrew, Precision SoilTech and R. Pearce, ConsultAg Fertilising in a changing price environment, Bill Bowden, Wayne Pluske and Jeremy Lemon, Department of Agriculture and Food Fact or Fiction: Who is telling the truth and how to tell the difference? D.C. Edmeades, agKnowledge Ltd, Hamilton Forecast disease resistance profile for the Western Australian barley crop over the next three years, JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Malting barley varieties differ in their flowering date and their response to change in sowing date, BH Paynter and JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Decimating weed seed banks within non-crop phases for the benefit of subsequent crops, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Autumn cleaning yellow serradella pastures with broad spectrum herbicides – a novel weed control strategy that exploits delayed germination, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Emerging weeds in changing farming systems, Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture and Food More glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass populations within Western Australia, Dr Abul Hashem and Dr Catherine Borger, Department of Agriculture and Food Reasons to use only the full label herbicide rate, Stephen B. Powels, Qin Yu, Mechelle Owen, Roberto Busi, Sudheesh Manalil, University of Western Australia Flaxleaf fleabane – coming to a property near you! Sally Peltzer, Department of Agriculture and Food Glyphosate – the consequences of cutting rates! Sally Peltzer and David Minkey, Department of Agriculture and Food Benefits of crop rotations/break crops in managing soil moisture, soil health, weeds and disease – an overview, Raj Malik, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    Crop Updates 2000 - Weeds

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    This session covers thirty six papers from different authors: INTRODUCTION, Vanessa Stewart Agriculture Western Australia INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT Effect of seeding density, row spacing and Trifluralin on the competitive ability of Annual Ryegrass in a minimum tillage system, David Minkey, Abul Hashem, Glen Riethmuller and Martin Harries, Agriculture Western Australia High wheat seeding rates coupled with narrow row spacing increases yield and suppresses grass, Peter Newman1 and Cameron Weeks2,1Agronomist, Elders Limited 2Mingenew/Irwin Group Resistant ryegrass management in a wheat – lupin rotation, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Aik Cheam, David Bowran and Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia Integrated weed management – Will it work with my rotation? Alexandra Wallace, Agriculture Western Australia Long term herbicide resistance trial – Mingenew, Peter Newman Elders, Cameron Weeks Mingenew-Irwin Group Is two years enough? Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting and Research Services The fate of ryegrass seed when sheep graze chaff cart heaps, Keith L. Devenish1 and Lisa J. Leaver2 1 Agriculture Western Australia, 2Curtin University of Technology, Muresk Institute of Agriculture Can blanket wiping and crop topping prevent seed set of resistant wild radish and mustard? StAbul Hashem, Harmohinder Dhammu, Vanessa Stewart, Brad Rayner and Mike Collins, Agriculture Western Australia The value of green manuring in the integrated management of ryegrass, Marta Monjardino1,2, David Pannell2, Stephen Powles1 ,1Western Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative, 2Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia Some ways of increasing wheat competitiveness against ryegrass,, Mike Collins Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia WEED BIOLOGY Understanding and driving weed seed banks to very low levels, Sally Peltzer, Agriculture Western Australi HERBICIDE RESISTANCE Cross resistance of chlorsulfuron-resistant wild radish to imidazolinones, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder Dhammu and David Bowran, Agriculture Western Australia Investigation of suspected triazine resistant ryegrass populations for cross-resistance and multiple resistance to herbicides, Michael Walsh, Charles Boyle and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Genetics and fitness of glyphosate resistant ryegrass, S. Powles1, P. Neve1, D. Lorraine-Colwill2, C. Preston2 ,1WAHRI, University of Western Australia 2 CRC Weed Management Systems, University of Adelaide Managing herbicide resistance – the effect of local extinction of resistance genes, Art Diggle1, Paul B. Neve2, Stephen B. Powles2 ,1Agriculture Western Australia, 2WAHRI, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia The double knock - the best strategy for conserving glyphosate susceptibility? Paul B. Neve1, Art Diggle2, Stephen B. Powles1,1WAHRI, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, 2Agriculture Western Australia Wild radish had evolved resistance to triazines, Abul Hashem, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, David Bowran and Aik Cheam, Agriculture Western Australia Ryegrass resistance in Western Australia – where and how much? Rick Llewellyn and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia Wild radish herbicide resistance survey, Michael Walsh, Ryan Duane and Stephen Powles, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Knockdown resistance in the Western Australian wheatbelt – a proposed survey, Paul B. Neve1, Abul Hashem2, Stephen B. Powles1,1Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia, 2Agriculture Western Australia Diflufenican resistant wild radish, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, David Bowran, David Nicholson and Abul Hashem, Agriculture Western Australi Multiple resistance to triazines and diflufenican further complicates wild radish control, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, David Bowran, David Nicholson and Abul Hashem, Agriculture Western Australia HERBICIDE TOLERANCE 25. Herbicide tolerance of lupins, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia 26. Tanjil lupins will tolerate metribuzin under the right conditions, Peter Newman, Agronomist Elders Limited and Cameron Weeks, Mingenew/Irwin Group 27. Herbicide damage does not mean lower yield in Lupins, Peter Carlton, Trials Coordinator, Elders Limited 28. Herbicide tolerance of new pea varieties, Dr Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 29. Herbicide tolerance of (waterlogged) wheat, Dr Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia 30. Wheat tolerance trials – Mingenew 1999, Peter Newman1, Cameron Weeks2 and Stewart Smith3,1Elders, Mingenew, 2Mingenew-Irwin Group,3Agriculture Western Australia ISSUES OF TRIFLURALIN USE 31. Trifluralin works better on ryegrass when no-tilling into thick wheat stubbles as granules, or mixed with limesand, Bill Crabtree, WANTFA Scientific Officer 32. Increasing trifluralin rate did not compensate for delaying incorporation, Bill Crabtree, WANTFA Scientific Officer 33. Poor emergence survey, 1999, Terry Piper, Weed Science Group, Agriculture Western Australia HERBICIDES – ISSUES AND OPTIONS 34. AFFINITY 400DF – A new herbicide with a new mode of action (Group G) for Broadleaf Weed Control in Cereals, Gordon Cumming, Technical Officer, Crop Care Australasia 35 Herbicide screening for Marshmallow, David Minkey1 and David Cameron2,1Agriculture Western Australia, 2Elders Ltd, Merredin 36. The control of Capeweed in Clearfield Production System for Canola, Mike Jackson and Scott Paton, Cyanamid Agriculture Pty Ltd 37.Effect of herbicides Tordonä 75D and Lontrelä,used for eradication of Skeleton Weed, on production of Lupins I the following seasons, John R. Peirce and Brad J. Rayner, Agriculture Western Australia INDUSTRY PROTECTION 38. Graingaurd – Opportunities for agribusiness to help protect the West Australian grains industry, Greg Shea, Executive Officer, GrainGuard Agriculture Western Australi