189 research outputs found

    A swift approach for identifying vulnerable linear transport infrastructures in areas prone to floods and erosion

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    Linear transport infrastructures are essential for the socioeconomic development of industrialized countries. However, adverse meteorological and hydrogeological events can result in significant economic losses. Globally, floods have the most substantial socio-economic impact. Climate Change, due to the extent of transport infrastructures over flood -prone territories, is a very important factor in worsening flood risk. The main objective of this study is to identify the sections of the hydrographic network that are susceptible to flood and erosion hazards where road infrastructures are located. The Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) is selected as test site, due to the presence of several coastal watersheds and of a high population density. A swift methodological approach, based on already available datasets from public repositories and GIS analyses, is presented. This approach includes: i) geomorphological characterization of the hydrographic network; ii) census of stream tracts where bridges were damaged in past flood events; iii) identification of potentially critical tracts (PCT), based on similar geomorphological conditions; iv) multi -temporal satellite imagery analysis of PCT for the identification of flood -prone areas and, therefore, vulnerable road crossings. The adopted methodology has proved to be effective for the identification of vulnerable road crossings over wide portion of territories, identifying critical sites that need further investigation


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    The U.S. Geological Survey initiated a project in 2015 aimed at evaluating geochemical exploration methods for covered deposits in the northern Midcontintent Rift, employing both site-scale studies and regional geochemical databases. A first group of groundwater samples was collected from unconsolidated material overlying the Spruce Road, Wyman Creek, and Skibo deposits in the Duluth Complex to determine effective sampling methods, characterize the groundwater chemical signature of these deposits, and determine chemical evolution along flow paths. Twenty-seven samples were collected from mini-piezometers at depths <5 m and analyzed for major and trace element chemistry and stable isotopes of water. Ten samples were also analyzed for groundwater age tracers, including noble gases, 3H, He isotopes, and chlorofluorocarbons. Site conditions presented challenges for deriving well-constrained specific ages. However, samples could be sorted into the following age categories by employing multiple tracers: <0.5 yr; 0.5 to 2 yr; 2 to 10 yr; and 15 to 30 yr. Cu and Ni concentrations over the deposits range from <0.5 to 150 μg/L and from <1 to 348 μg/L, respectively, and are commonly elevated above background. Cu and Ni are negatively correlated with pH (range of 5.7 to 8.6), probably due to progressively more adsorption on negatively charged mineral surfaces at higher pH. The pH also increases with groundwater age, likely due to weathering of abundant mafic minerals. As a result, Cu and Ni concentrations generally decrease with increasing age. These results suggest that pH provides an important limit on Cu and Ni mobility in the groundwater system, which must be taken into account in designing geochemical exploration approaches. In addition to site-scale work, a regional groundwater chemical database was compiled from available USGS (NWIS) and state databases. Initial examination reveals both geogenic and anthropogenic metal anomalies, and spatial analyses are ongoing

    ”Itse asiassa haluaisin oppia kaikki maailman kielet, jos se olis mahdollista.”:2.-luokkalaisten näkemyksiä vieraiden kielten tarpeellisuudesta sekä luokanopettajan näkemyksiä varhennetusta kieltenopetuksesta

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    Tiivistelmä. Vieraiden kielten opetus varhentuu ensi syksystä 2019 alkaen, jolloin vieraan kielen opetus alkaa jatkossa ensimmäisellä luokalla. Ajankohtaisesta aiheesta kiinnostuneena tutkija halusi tuoda lasten kokemuksia esiin tutkimalla lasten näkemyksiä vieraiden kielten tarpeellisuudesta. Samalla tutkija halusi tuoda kentältä myös opettajan kokemuksia julki, minkä vuoksi hän tutki lapsille englantia opettaneen luokanopettajan näkemyksiä varhennetusta kieltenopetuksesta. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsitellään vieraan kielen oppimista ja opettamista. Tutkimuksessa avataan myös motivaation käsitettä, sillä se on olennainen osa oppimista. Teoria pohjautuu aiempiin tutkimuksiin ja muihin tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Empiirisessä osiossa kuvaillaan tutkimuksen toteuttamista, esitellään aineistosta saadut tulokset ja pohditaan niitä hankitun teorian valossa. Koska tällä tutkimuksella pyrittiin kuvailemaan ja ymmärtämään ilmiötä, tutkimus toteutettiin fenomenografisella tutkimusotteella. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella oppilaat kokivat kielenopiskelun tarpeelliseksi. Heillä oli omakohtaista kokemusta vieraista kielistä, minkä seurauksena vieraat kielet olivat heille tuttuja jo ennen vieraan kielen opetuksen alkamista. Englannin opetus tuki oppilaiden iloa ja innostusta, minkä seurauksena oppilaiden motivaatio kieltenopiskeluun oli erittäin korkea. Oppilaat halusivat opiskella kieliä myös jatkossa, sillä he kokivat tarvitsevansa niitä tulevaisuudessa muun muassa matkustellessa ja töitä tehdessä. Opettaja näki kieltenopetuksen varhentamisen pääosin positiivisena ja tarpeellisena. Leikillinen kielenopetus, oppivainen ikä ja korkea motivaatio olivat huomattavia etuja. Opettaja nosti esiin myös huolia. Kielenopiskelun alkamisajankohta koko kouluelämän alkamisen ohella teettää työtä oppilaalle. Lisäksi opettaja arveli lukemaan opettelun häiritsevän englannin kielen ääntämisen oppimista. Huolta herätti myös opettajan vähäiset vaikutusmahdollisuudet omaan työhön sekä kielenopetuksen vaikutus muiden oppiaineiden järjestämiseen

    An infrared thermography approach to evaluate the strength of a rock cliff

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    The mechanical strength is a fundamental characteristic of rock masses that can be empirically related to a number of properties and to the likelihood of instability phenomena. Direct field acquisition of mechanical information on tall cliffs, however, is challenging, particularly in coastal and alpine environments. Here, we propose a method to evaluate the compressive strength of rock blocks by monitoring their thermal behaviour over a 24-h period by infrared thermography. Using a drone-mounted thermal camera and a Schmidt (rebound) hammer, we surveyed granitoid and aphanitic blocks in a coastal cliff in south-east Sardinia, Italy. We observed a strong correlation between a simple cooling index, evaluated in the hours succeeding the temperature peak, and strength values estimated from rebound hammer test results. We also noticed different heatingcooling patterns in relation to the nature and structure of the rock blocks and to the size of the fractures. Although further validation is warranted in different morpho-lithological settings, we believe the proposed method may prove a valid tool for the characterisation of non-directly accessible rock faces, and may serve as a basis for the formulation, calibration, and validation of thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive models

    Using Large Databases of Groundwater Chemistry in the Northern Midwest USA: The Effects of Geologic and Anthropogenic Factors

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    Regional geochemical databases for the northern Midwest USA are being compiled to examine the various geogenic and anthropogenic factors that control the chemistry of groundwater. At the regional scale, variations are seen that are attributable to agricultural and urban effects, or to geologic factors. Examples of the former include enrichments of nitrate in groundwater, while examples of the latter mainly highlight geochemical differences between carbonate rocks and all other rock types in the region. This paper examines a few of these regional effects and the spatial scales at which they can be observe

    Exploring the aquifers shaping Italy's sub-urban landscape

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    This review paper examines the hydrogeological characteristics and challenges of urban groundwater management in ten major Italian cities: Torino, Milano, Padova, Bologna, Roma, Pescara, Napoli, Bari, Catania, and Cagliari. Urbanisation has placed significant pressure on groundwater systems, highlighting the need for sustainable management. The study categorises the cities based on their hydrogeological settings and groundwater uses, identifying key issues such as salinisation, industrial contamination, and land subsidence. The findings emphasise the importance of urban local aquifers (ULAs) not only for meeting the demand for both drinking and industrial water but also for providing ecological support. The paper advocates for integrated urban water management and governance to enhance resilience against potential future water shortages and climate change impacts


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    Purpose: to substantiate the goals, objectives, content of educational and professional programs for training bachelors and masters of public health. Materials and Methods. Bibliographic, information-analytical methods and content analysis were used. Results. Medical and social research revealed the imperfection of the modern system of training specialists for public health services. Insufficient compliance of the training system with modern strategies for the development of human resources for health care has been revealed. Analysis of strategic and programmatic documents at the global, regional and national levels, the provisions of the European Program of Key Competencies of Public Health Professionals, ASPHER, the experience of training public health professionals in leading universities in the world and Europe identified priority areas for the formation of human resources for public health, requirements for theoretical and practical training of specialists. Taking into account the provisions of educational standards and on the basis of data from our own research, educational and professional training programs for bachelors and masters of public health have been substantiated and developed. Conclusions. Educational and professional training programs for bachelors and masters of public health ensure the assimilation of a wide range of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and competencies for the implementation of the main operational functions of public health and the provision of relevant services within the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation and intersectoral interaction.Мета: обґрунтувати цілі, завдання, змістове наповнення освітньо-професійних програм підготовки бакалаврів та магістрів громадського здоров’я. Матеріали і методи. Використано бібліографічний, інформаційно-аналітичний методи та контент-аналізу. Результати. Медико-соціальним дослідженням встановлено недосконалість сучасної системи підготовки фахівців для служби громадського здоров’я, її недостатню відповідність сучасним стратегіям розвитку кадрових ресурсів охорони здоров’я. У результаті аналізу стратегічних та програмних документів глобального, регіонального та національного рівнів, положень Європейської програми ключових компетенцій фахівців громадського здоров’я ASPHER, досвіду підготовки фахівців громадського здоров’я в провідних університетах Європи і світу з урахуванням положень освітніх стандартів та на основі даних власних досліджень, виявлено пріоритетні напрями формування кадрових ресурсів громадського здоров’я, вимоги до теоретичної і практичної підготовки фахівців, обґрунтовано та розроблено освітньо-професійні програми підготовки бакалаврів та магістрів громадського здоров’я. Висновки. Освітньо-професійні програми підготовки бакалаврів та магістрів громадського здоров’я забезпечують засвоєння широкого переліку знань, набуття вмінь та компетентностей для реалізації основних оперативних функцій громадського здоров’я, надання відповідних послуг у рамках міждисциплінарної співпраці та міжгалузевої взаємодії

    A hybrid assessment of clinical mobility test items for evaluating individuals with mild traumatic brain injury

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    Background and Purpose: The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) and High Level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT) are clinical batteries used to assess people with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). However, neither assessment was specifically developed for people with mTBI; the FGA was developed to evaluate vestibular deficits, and the HiMAT was developed for individuals with more severe TBI. To maximize the sensitivity and reduce the time burden of these assessments, the purpose of this study was to determine the combination of FGA and HiMAT items that best discriminates persons with persistent symptoms from mTBI from healthy controls. Methods: Fifty-three symptomatic civilians with persistent symptoms from mTBI (21% male, age 31(9.5) years, 328 (267) days since concussion and 57 healthy adults (28% male, age 32(9.6) years) participated across three sites. The FGA and HiMAT were evaluated sequentially as part of a larger study. To determine the best combination of items, a lasso-based generalized linear model (glm) was fit to all data. Results: The area under the curve (AUC) for FGA and HiMAT total scores were 0.68 and 0.66, respectively. Lasso regression selected four items including FGA Gait with Horizontal Head Turns and with Pivot Turn, and HiMAT Fast Forward and Backward Walk, and yielded an AUC (95% CI) of 0.71 (0.61, 0.79) using standard scoring. Discussion and Conclusions: The results provide initial evidence supporting a reduced, hybrid assessment of mobility (HAM-4-mTBI) for monitoring individuals with mTBI. Future work should validate the HAM-4-mTBI and investigate its utility for tracking progression throughout rehabilitation

    Il lembo libero osteoperiosteo di Fibula come opzione ricostruttiva preprotesica nelle atrofie severe e nei difetti post oncologici dei mascellari

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    Il gold standard nella ricostruzione dei mascellari nelle atrofie severe, siano esse di natura idiopatica o iatrogena, come nei casi di chirurgia resettiva oncologica, deve essere incentrato verso tecniche di ricostruzione immediata che consentano un veloce recupero funzionale ed estetico. I pazienti considerati in questo studio sono stati trattati durante un periodo di 5 anni (2010-2014) con ricostruzione immediata del deficit dei mascellari, eseguito per mezzo di lembo libero di fibula osteo-periosteo. Sono stati pertanto selezionati 14 pazienti sottoposti a ricostruzione con tale tecnica, senza riportare complicanze a medio e lungo termine. Il principale vantaggio di questo tipo di ricostruzione va ricercato nella formazione di gengiva cheratinizzata sovrastante il lembo libero che consente la migliori condizione possibile per una ricostruzione implantoprotesica. L’unico svantaggio di questa tecnica è da imputare alla necessità di lasciare che la ferita chirurgica intraorale guarisca per seconda intenzione in modo da promuovere la formazione di gengiva cheratinizzata dai bordi della ferita stessa, per tale ragione però il pazente necessita di un rigido follow up per il primo mese dopo l’intervento. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è valutare l’efficacia di tale tecnica nelle ricostruzioni ossee dei mascellari