5 research outputs found
Intrusive versus domiciliated triatomines and the challenge of adapting vector control practices against Chagas disease
- Author
- Abad-Franch F
- Abad-Franch F
- Abad-Franch F
- Abad-Franch F
- Abad-Franch F
- Aldana E
- Angulo VM
- Bacigalupo A
- Bar ME
- Bar ME
- Bar ME
- Barbu C
- Barbu C
- Barbu C
- Bargues MD
- Bargues MD
- Bermudez H
- Black CL
- Bremond P
- Brenière SF
- Brenière SF
- Brenière SF
- Brenière SF
- Brenière SF
- Brenière SF
- Buitrago R
- Buitrago R
- Bustamante DM
- Bustamante DM
- Cabrera R
- Calderon CI
- Calzada JE
- Campbell-Lendrum D
- Canale DM
- Carrasco HJ
- Caswell H
- Ceballos LA
- Ceballos LA
- Cedillos RA
- Chico HM
- Christensen HA
- Cominetti MC
- Costa J
- Cuba Cuba CA
- Cuba Cuba CA
- Cáceres AG
- Damborsky MP
- Depickère S
- Depickère S
- Dias JCP
- Dieckmann U
- Dorn PL
- Dorn PL
- Dorn PL
- Dujardin JP
- Dujardin JP
- Dumonteil E
- Dumonteil E
- Dumonteil E
- Dumonteil E
- Dumonteil E
- Eric Dumonteil
- Etienne Waleckx
- Falavigna-Guilherme AL
- Fe NF
- Feliciangeli MD
- Feliciangeli MD
- Ferral J
- Fitzpatrick S
- Forattini OP
- Gajate PP
- Gamboa-León R
- Garcia MN
- Gourbière S
- Gourbière S
- Gourbière S
- Gourbière S
- Grijalva MJ
- Grijalva MJ
- Grijalva MJ
- Grijalva MJ
- Gurtler RE
- Guzman-Bracho C
- Guzman-Tapia Y
- Hashimoto K
- Hashimoto K
- Herber O
- Herrera-Aguilar M
- Leite GR
- Lent H
- Lopez G
- Maeda MH
- Maestre-Serrano R
- Melgar S
- Menu F
- Meszena G
- Monroy C
- Monroy C
- Monroy MC
- Monteiro FA
- Naiff MF
- Nakagawa J
- Nakagawa J
- Nakagawa J
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Noireau F
- Nouvellet P
- Nouvellet P
- Pacheco-Tucuch FS
- Panzera F
- Payet V
- Paz-Bailey G
- Pellecer MJ
- Pelosse P
- Pineda V
- Pires HHR
- Polonio R
- Rabinovich JE
- Ramirez CJ
- Ramirez-Sierra MJ
- Ramos-Ligonio A
- Ramsey JM
- Rascalou G
- Reyes-Lugo M
- Reyes-Lugo M
- Rios JF
- RodrÃguez-Bonfante C
- Roff DA
- Rolón M
- Rosecrans K
- Roux E
- Sasaki H
- Schettino PMS
- Schofield CJ
- Schofield CJ
- Schofield CJ
- Serrano O
- Silva RA
- Slimi R
- Sosa-Estani S
- Suarez-Davalos V
- Sébastien Gourbière
- Torres DB
- Torres-Montero J
- Torrico RA
- Urioste-Stone SM
- Valente SAS
- Valente VC
- Valente VC
- Vasquez AM
- Vazquez-Prokopec GM
- Vega S
- Villacis AG
- Waleckx E
- Waleckx E
- Waleckx E
- Waleckx E
- Wisnivesky-Colli C
- Zeledón R
- Zeledón R
- Zeledón R
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hemi-Nested PCR and RFLP Methodologies for Identifying Blood Meals of the Chagas Disease Vector, Triatoma infestans
- Author
- A Lopez
- C Souza Rde
- C Wisnivesky-Colli
- Caryn Bern
- Daniel G. Mead
- Dawn M. Roellig
- G Ibanez-Cervantes
- HA Christensen
- J Mota
- J Pinto
- Jason Mulvenna
- JC Pizarro
- JC Pizarro
- Jenny Ancca-Juarez
- Jesus Pinto
- L H
- L Stevens
- LF Killmaster
- Luis A. Gomez-Puerta
- Maritza Calderon
- MF Bosseno
- MJ Pellecer
- MZ Levy
- NM Bowman
- NM Bowman
- Q Palacios
- R Giordano
- R Kent
- R Zeledon
- RE Gurtler
- Robert H. Gilman
- SF Altschul
- SF Breniere
- T Kitano
- TD Kocher
- Vitaliano A. Cama
- WR Mukabana
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Detailed ecological associations of triatomines revealed by metabarcoding and next-generation sequencing: implications for triatomine behavior and Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycles
- Author
- A Lopez
- A Martinez-Perez
- A Ramos-Ligonio
- AE Farfan-Garcia
- AR Templeton
- B Richards
- B Zingales
- B Zingales
- BL Weiss
- C Barbu
- CE Almeida
- CI Cura
- CI Espino
- CL Hill
- CP Herrera
- CS Vieira
- DM Roellig
- DR Moser
- DS Buarque
- E Dumonteil
- E Dumonteil
- E Novakova
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- FF Mota da
- G Crisante
- G Ibanez-Cervantes
- G Rascalou
- GC Baker
- H Devillers
- HA Christensen
- I Amelotti
- IA Quijano-Hernandez
- J Torres-Montero
- J Zavala-Velázquez
- JL Ramirez
- JR Cole
- JV Cruz-Chan
- KL Coon
- L Stevens
- M Gumiel
- M Herrera-Aguilar
- M Jimenez-Coello
- M Jimenez-Coello
- MA Basombrio
- MB Castanera
- MD Audsley
- MD Bargues
- MF Bosseno
- MG Risso
- MJ Pellecer
- MJ Ramirez-Sierra
- MJ Ramirez-Sierra
- ML Taracena
- MN Garcia
- MR David
- MS Llewellyn
- MS Llewellyn
- N Jupatanakul
- N Tomasini
- NL Gottdenker
- O O’Connor
- P Azambuja
- P Nouvellet
- P Nouvellet
- P Nouvellet
- PL Dorn
- PL Marcet
- PM Pennington
- Q Wang
- R Buitrago
- R Reithinger
- RA Goncalves Santana
- RC Edgar
- RE Gurtler
- RE Gurtler
- RE Gurtler
- RP Souto
- RV Durvasula
- S Diaz
- S Gourbière
- S Kautz
- S Zotzmann
- SA Klotz
- SF Breniere
- SM Urioste-Stone De
- V Monteon
- V Payet
- Y Guzman-Tapia
- YY Wong
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chagas disease vector blood meal sources identified by protein mass spectrometry
- Author
- A Boischio
- A Rassi
- AA Goloborodko
- AMd Vasquez
- AO Karlsson
- BA Ballif
- Bryan A. Ballif
- C Bern
- C Natarajan
- CMd Souza Rd
- D Campbell-Lendrum
- DA Benson
- DE Greenwalt
- DE Lucero
- DE Lucero
- DE Lucero
- E Dumonteil
- E Waleckx
- EW Sayers
- FJ Sánchez-Valdéz
- G Molaei
- H Sasaki
- H Steen
- H Yang
- J Mota
- J Pinto
- James J. Vincent
- JB Lian
- JC Pizarro
- JC Pizarro
- JD RamÃrez
- JE Calzada
- JE Cohen
- JE Elias
- JF Storz
- JR Coura
- Judith I. Keller
- KA Ngo
- L Stevens
- L Stevens
- Lori Stevens
- M Canals
- M. Carlota Monroy
- MF Bosseno
- MJ Pellecer
- NL Gottdenker
- NLR Buitrago
- PF Humair
- PJ Hotez
- R Buitrago
- R Buitrago
- R Gürtler
- R Gürtler
- R Mudhasani
- R Zeledon
- RE Gürtler
- RE Gürtler
- RE Gürtler
- Riley M. St. Clair
- RJ Kent
- RS Johnson
- S Niare
- S Wickramasekara
- SA Gerber
- SA Justi
- SA Kjos
- SA Klotz
- Sebastien Gourbiere
- SF Altschul
- SF Breniere
- SPC Freitas
- T Goswami
- T Kitano
- T Melton
- TCM Gonçalves
- V Pineda
- VH Peña
- Y Song
- Ö Önder
- ÃœA Laskay
- ÃœA Laskay
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Disentangling Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycle dynamics through the identification of blood meal sources of natural populations of Triatoma dimidiata in Yucatán, Mexico
- Author
- A Arnal
- A Flores-Ferrer
- Anette Hernandez-Andrade
- Audrey Arnal
- C Barbu
- CE Shannon
- DR Moser
- E Dumonteil
- E Dumonteil
- E Dumonteil
- E Dumonteil
- E Koyoc-Cardena
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- E Waleckx
- EA Rebollar-Tellez
- Eric Dumonteil
- ES Guzman-Marin
- Etienne Waleckx
- F Abad-Franch
- F Noireau
- F Noireau
- G Crisante
- GC Titcomb
- GF Enriquez
- I Amelotti
- IA Quijano-Hernandez
- J Zavala-Velazquez
- JA Panti-May
- JD Ramirez
- JD Thompson
- JE Cohen
- JK Peterson
- JM Ramsey
- Joel Israel Moo-Millan
- JV Cruz-Chan
- K Hutcheson
- L Stevens
- L Stevens
- LC Orantes
- M Jimenez-Coello
- M Jimenez-Coello
- M Jimenez-Coello
- M Jimenez-Coello
- MA Basombrio
- MarÃa-Jesús RamÃrez-Sierra
- Miguel Rosado-Vallado
- MJ Pellecer
- P Nouvellet
- PL Dorn
- R Buitrago
- R Buitrago
- R Gorchakov
- R Reithinger
- R Reithinger
- R Vidal-Zepeda
- RE Gurtler
- RE Gurtler
- RE Gurtler
- RE Quintal
- RG Newcombe
- S Gourbiere
- SA Lopez-Cancino
- Silvia Pérez-Carrillo
- SM De Urioste-Stone
- T Kitano
- TA Hall
- V Payet
- V Pineda
- Y Guzman-Tapia
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study