6 research outputs found
Az ágazati áralakulás heterogenitásának empirikus vizsgálata = Empirical analysis of the heterogeneity in sectoral price developments
A gazdasági szereplĹ‘k – fogyasztĂłk, vállalatok – viselkedĂ©se jellemzĹ‘iktĹ‘l fĂĽggĹ‘en változatos lehet. E heterogenitás a gazdaságpolitika vitelĂ©t is befolyásolhatja, pĂ©ldául az erĹ‘források allokáciĂłját befolyásolĂł döntĂ©sek kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ szektorokban eltĂ©rĹ‘ jĂłlĂ©ti hatásokkal járhatnak. A makroökonĂłmia főáramához tartozĂł modellek jelentĹ‘s rĂ©sze eltekint a mikroszintű heterogenitás elemzĂ©sĂ©tĹ‘l. Dolgozatomban három empirikus vizsgálaton keresztĂĽl világĂtok rá arra, hogy az ágazati heterogenitás figyelembevĂ©tele árnyalhatja Ă©s gazdagĂthatja a makrogazdaság működĂ©sĂ©rĹ‘l alkotott kĂ©pĂĽnket. A három elemzĂ©s az árak alakulásának termĂ©kcsoportok, illetve ágazatok közötti heterogenitását vizsgálja. (...
Impacts of fiscal adjustments in Western European countries on the Hungarian economy
In the wake of the Greek debt crisis, concerns about the sustainability of public debt have intensified. As a result, from the summer of 2010 several euro area member states announced fiscal austerity measures. These adjustments have a significant impact on the economic outlook of the euro area and, indirectly, Hungary. Over the short term, the spending cuts will reduce demand and restrain inflation in the euro area, resulting in restricted export opportunities for the Hungarian economy. Fiscal adjustments in Western Europe cutting public expenditures by a total of 1 percent of GDP for a period of two years could lower the growth rate of the Hungarian economy by 0.2 percentage points each year. In the context of declining import prices and a downturn in domestic demand, inflation is expected to moderate, albeit to a negligible extent. Somewhat stronger effects should be expected if the debt crisis of the euro area’s peripheral countries escalates further, and the increasing domestic debt burden driven by rising risk premia undermine domestic demand more markedly over the short term.forecasting, fiscal policy, inflation, growth
A monetáris politika hatása a magyar gazdaságra. Elemzés strukturális, dinamikus faktormodellel
A monetáris politika magyar gazdaságra gyakorolt hatásait vizsgálĂł strukturális, dinamikus faktormodell számos makrogazdasági Ă©s ágazati idĹ‘sor egyĂĽttes tanulmányozását teszi lehetĹ‘vĂ©, Ăgy az eddigi idĹ‘soros elemzĂ©seknĂ©l gazdagabb kĂ©pet nyĂşjt a monetáris transzmissziĂłrĂłl. A modell kvalitatĂv következtetĂ©sei általában összhangban állnak a korábbi, VAR modelleken alapulĂł elemzĂ©sekkel, ám erĹ‘sebbnek tűnnek a monetáris politika munkapiacra, illetve lakossági fogyasztásra gyakorolt hatásai. Az általunk vizsgált modell szerint a makrogazdasági folyamatokat 2000 Ăłta elsĹ‘sorban a kereslet ingadozásai határozták meg. A monetáris politika hosszabb távon szisztematikusan reagál a gazdaságot Ă©rt sokkokra, a meglepetĂ©sszerű monetáris politikai lĂ©pĂ©sek szerepe mĂ©rsĂ©kelt
Bank Competition and Firm Growth in the Enlarged European Union
We examine the impact of bank competition and institutional factors on net firm entry in a sample of European manufacturing industries over the 1995-2006 period. Taking into account industry differences in the need for external finance, we find that bank competition helps firm entry. In addition, better institutions - especially legal structure and property rights - also have a positive impact, particularly through a better functioning financial system.market structure, banks, market entry, manufacturing, financial development
The sectoral effects of monetary policy in Hungary: A structural factor analysis
This paper uses a structural factor model to analyze sectoral heterogeneity in the impact of monetary policy in Hungary. Monetary shocks are identified with sign restrictions. The impulse responses of aggregate variables are similar to the findings of previous VAR based studies. The sectoral responses reveal considerable heterogeneity. In particular, sectors more reliant on external finance show larger output responses, while healthier corporate balance sheets imply weaker price responses. These results suggest that the credit channel of monetary transmission is operating in Hungary as well. In addition, there appears some role for the interest sensitivity of demand and price rigidities in explaining the heterogeneity of sectoral responses