5 research outputs found

    Reversal of economic fortunes: institutions and the changing ascendancy of Barcelona and Madrid as economic hubs

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    This paper looks at the divergent economic trajectories of Barcelona and Madrid since Spain's transition to democracy. It highlights how Barcelona, the city that was better positioned four decades ago to emerge as the main Spanish economic hub, has lost out to Madrid. We argue that the contrasting trajectories of the two cities have less to do with the pull of Madrid as the capital of Spain, with the development of new infrastructure in the country, or with agglomeration economies, and more with institutional factors. A growing societal divide in Barcelona along economic, social, and identity lines has led to a greater breakdown of trust and to the development of strong groups with limited capacity to bridge with one another than in Madrid. This has entailed the emergence of negative externalities that have limited the economic potential for growth in Barcelona and facilitated the rise of Madrid as the main economic hub within Spain

    Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Growth: An Analysis of the Spanish Case

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    Bajo-Rubio O., Diaz-Mora C. and Diaz-Roldan C. Foreign direct investment and regional growth: an analysis of the Spanish case, Regional Studies. The massive increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows following the Spanish integration with the now European Union in 1986 has been one of the most important features shaping the behaviour of the Spanish economy in the last 20 years. This paper assesses the impact of foreign direct investment on regional economic growth following Spain's entry into the European Union, using data for the 17 Spanish regions. The results support the important role played by foreign direct investment in promoting productivity growth over the period analysed, which proves to be robust to several alternative specifications. [image omitted] Bajo-Rubio O., Diaz-Mora C. et Diaz-Roldan C. Investissement etranger direct et croissance regional: une analyse du cas espagnol, Regional Studies. Le massif accroissement des entrees d'investissement etranger direct (IED) apres l'integration espagnole dans l'actuelle Union Europeenne (UE) en 1986, a ete l'un des principaux traits configurant l'evolution de l'economie espagnole des vingt dernieres annees. Dans cet article, nous essayerons d'evaluer l'impact de l'IED sur la croissance economique regionale apres l'entree de l'Espagne dans l'UE, en utilisant des donnees des 17 regions espagnoles. Les resultats confirment l'important role joue par l'IED en favorisant la croissance de la productivite tout au long de la periode analysee, ces resultats etant robustes a diverses specifications alternatives. Croissance economique Investissement etranger direct Regions Bajo-Rubio O., Diaz-Mora C. und Diaz-Roldan C. Auslandische Direktinvestitionen und regionales Wachstum: eine Analyse des Falls von Spanien, Regional Studies. Der massive Anstieg auslandischer Direktinvestitionen in Spanien nach der Integration des Landes in die heutige Europaische Union im Jahr 1986 war eines der wichtigsten Merkmale, die das Verhalten der spanischen Wirtschaft in den letzten zwanzig Jahren pragten. In diesem Beitrag versuchen wir, die Auswirkung der auslandischen Direktinvestitionen auf das regionale Wirtschaftswachstum nach dem EU-Beitritt Spaniens anhand von Daten fur die 17 spanischen Regionen zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse bekraftigen die wichtige Rolle der auslandischen Direktinvestitionen bei der Forderung des Produktivitatswachstums uber den analysierten Zeitraum - ein Ergebnis, das sich auch in Verbindung mit mehreren alternativen Spezifikationen als robust erweist. Wirtschaftswachstum Auslandische Direktinvestitionen Regionen Bajo-Rubio O., Diaz-Mora C. y Diaz-Roldan C. Inversion extranjera directa y crecimiento regional: un analisis del caso espanol, Regional Studies. El masivo incremento de las entradas de inversion extranjera directa (IED) tras la integracion espanola en la actual Union Europea (UE) en 1986, ha sido uno de los rasgos mas importantes que configuran la evolucion de la economia espanola en los ultimos veinte anos. En este articulo trataremos de evaluar el impacto de la IED sobre el crecimiento economico regional tras la entrada de Espana en la UE, utilizando datos para las 17 regiones espanolas. Los resultados confirman el importante papel desempenado por la IED a la hora de favorecer el crecimiento de la productividad a lo largo del periodo analizado, siendo estos resultados robustos a diversas especificaciones alternativas. Crecimiento economico Inversion extranjera directa RegionesEconomic growth, Foreign direct investment (FDI), Regions,