38 research outputs found
Stres i percepcija zadovoljstva školom na uzorku osnovnoškolskih učenika iz Slovenije
The aim of our research was to determine the relationships between experiencing stress, coping strategies, coping self-efficacy and primary school students\u27 school satisfaction. We were also interested in the predictive power of these variables on school satisfaction. A total of 512 students from the seventh, eighth and ninth grades participated in this study and the results show that primary school students which are feeling stressed are less satisfied with school. There is a negative correlation between stress and coping self-efficacy and a positive correlation between coping self-efficacy and instrumental-interactive coping strategies. Palliative coping strategies are negatively correlated with coping self-efficacy and school satisfaction, while instrumentalinteractive coping strategies are positively correlated with school satisfaction. Results showed that instrumental-interactive and palliative coping strategies, as well as physical stressors, are very important predictors of school satisfaction. All the results have both theoretical and practical implications for coping with stress in primary school.El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre el estrés, las estrategias para su afrontamiento, la autoeficacia y la satisfacción escolar en el colegio. También estábamos interesados en la fuerza predictiva de estas variables para la satisfacción escolar. 512 alumnos de la 7ª, 8ª y 9ª clase participaron en esta investigación y los resultados demuestran que los alumnos de colegio que se sienten estresados están menos satisfechos con la escuela. Existe una correlación negativa entre el estrés y la autoeficacia, y una correlación positiva entre la autoeficacia y las estrategias de afrontamiento instrumental-interactivas. Estrategias de afrontamiento paliativas están correlacionadas negativamente con la autoeficacia y la satisfacción escolar, mientras que las estrategias de afrontamiento instrumental-interactivas están correlacionadas positivamente con la satisfacción escolar. Los resultados demostraron que las estrategias de afrontamiento instrumentalinteractivas y paliativas, tanto como los factores físicos de estrés, son predictores muy importantes de la satisfacción escolar. Todos los resultados tienen implicaciones teoréticas y prácticas para afrontar el estrés en colegio.Cilj je našeg istraživanja bio odrediti povezanost između doživljavanja stresa, strategija suočavanja, samoefikasnosti u suočavanju i zadovoljstva školom kod osnovnoškolskih učenika. Također, cilj je bio ispitati i u kojoj su mjeri navedene varijable prediktori zadovoljstva školom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 512 učenika sedmih, osmih i devetih razreda. Rezultati su pokazali da su učenici koji izvještavaju da su pod stresom manje zadovoljni školom. Dobivena je negativna povezanost između stresa i samoefikasnosti u suočavanju te pozitivna povezanost između samoefikasnosti u suočavanju i instrumentalno-interaktivnih strategija suočavanja. Palijativne su strategije suočavanja negativno povezane sa samoefikasnosti u suočavanju i sa zadovoljstvom školom, dok su instrumentalno-interaktivne strategije suočavanja pozitivno povezane sa zadovoljstvom školom. Rezultati su pokazali da su instrumentalno-interaktivne i palijativne strategije suočavanja te fizički stresori vrlo važni prediktori zadovoljstva školom. Svi rezultati imaju teorijske i praktične implikacije za suočavanje sa stresom u osnovnoj školi.</p
Motivation and development of competencies in educational psychology – a perspective of one generation of students of psychology
The research and evaluation of the study process are key conditions for its improvement and the provision of quality higher education in which students develop all those competencies needed for successful work in the field of education. The article presents a longitudinal study in which we followed the development of the competencies of future psychologists, as assessed by the students themselves. We used the EuroPsy model as a starting point to create a questionnaire for assessing the development of competencies. The study involved 43 students who completed the Psychological Competencies in Education Questionnaire, The Scale of Interest for Work in Education, The Scale of Importance of Educational Contents, and they answered the questions about their willingness to work as a psychologist in different fields of psychology. The students answered the questionnaires four times in three consecutive academic years (at the beginning and the end of the second year and at the end of the third year at the BA level, and at the end of the first year at the MA level). The results showed a gradual and significant improvement in students’ educational competencies during the course of their studies. In all the years, students assessed the highest the competence of communication, and the lowest the competence of intervention-help. Interest for work in the field of education remained stable during the course of the studies, as well as the perception of the importance of contents in pedagogical psychology and students’ satisfaction with the educational courses. Among all areas, work in the field of clinical psychology was assessed as the most desirable, while work in education was comparable to the desire to work in the field of work and organization
Students\u27 Social Behaviour in Relation to their Academic Achievement in Primary and Secondary School: Teacher’s Perspective
Social skills include different behaviours which help an individual enter and interact in interpersonal relations. On the other hand, these skills are also learnt through the very same experience. Social skills are an important factor of students\u27 acceptance and popularity among peers and also a factor of their academic achievement. In our research, we tried to establish how primary and secondary school teachers rate their students\u27 social skills; we explored gender differences in evaluated social skills and investigated relations between social skills and students\u27 academic achievement.
907 students participated in the study, of whom 470 were seventh-grade primary school students (231 boys and 239 girls), and 437 third-grade secondary school students (176 boys and 261 girls). Merrell\u27s School Social Behaviour Scales (1992) were used for the assessment of students\u27 social skills and homeroom teachers filled in the questionnaire for each participating student. Results showed that teachers assessed girls as socially more competent on all subscales regardless of their school level. Academic behaviour was the only subscale on which there were significant differences between primary and secondary school students, although girls scored higher again at both levels. Correlations between students’ social behaviours and their academic achievement were higher in boys and higher between socially desired behaviour and academic achievement compared to socially undesired behaviour. In the category of desired behaviour, self-management/compliance and academic behaviour were significant predictors of male and female students\u27 academic achievement. The strongest predictor of students\u27 academic achievement was their academic behaviour.
Further on, we also discuss pedagogical implications of the study
Uciteljeve kompetence skozi prizmo raziskav v izobrazevanju
The present article focuses on teacher competencies as a major factor that impacts student learning. Ultimately, all attempts to improve education converge in the teacher and the quality of his/her work with students. With their teaching methods, their communication and their classroom management, teachers can structure the kind of learning environment that will either promote or hinder learning. The purpose of the article is to analyse research on educational productivity in order to select the most important teacher competencies that are related to student achievement. A model of teacher competencies is developed that serves as a framework for understanding the synergetic effects of teacher competencies on achievement thorough promoting students\u27 cognitive, affective and social processes. The teacher competencies that impact each of the processes are described and their impact on student achievement is explained. (DIPF/Orig.
Cooperative activity and its potential for learning in tertiary education
A learning situation can be structured in different ways, as an individual, competitive, or cooperative activity. Each of these structures can be used for different purposes and can lead to different learning outcomes. This paper focuses on cooperative activity and its potential for learning in tertiary education. After defining cooperative activity (or, in a broader sense, learning in interaction) and introducing the CAMS theoretical framework to analyse cooperative activity, the main discussion focuses on the theoretical reasons for the usefulness of group learning and on the research of effects of cooperative learning on cognitive (metacognitive), affective-motivational and social processes in university students. The key elements that should be established for successful cooperation are also discussed. At the end, a new direction in using cooperative activity in learning—computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), which emerged with rapid technology development in the last two decades—is presented and discussed
Gender, abilities, cognitive style and students' achievement in cooperative learning
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning on achievement in mathematics and native language and to analyze students' achievement in cooperative learning according to their gender, abilities and cognitive style. Three hundred and seventy three (170 in the experimental and 203 in the control group) fifth grade students from nine different primary schools participated in the study. In experimental group, cooperative learning was introduced in one quarter of the hours dedicated to mathematics and Slovene language during the school year. Control group received the traditional way of teaching in both courses. The results were analyzed with ANOVA. Positive effects of cooperative learning were found in both courses. Results in cooperative learning group were further analyzed according to students' gender, abilities and cognitive style. No significant interaction between students' achievement and their gender or abilities were found. Statistically significant interactions between students' cognitive style and achievement were found in both courses. Field-dependent students benefited most from cooperative learning
Metacognitive, affective-motivational processes in self-regulated learning and students' achievement in native language
Recent theoretical and empirical research has focused on metacognitive and affective processes in learning and performance in diverse domains of inquiry. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between these processes and achievement in native language (Slovene). 369 pupils in fifth grade of primary school participated in the study. A 41-item questionnaire was constructed to measure pupils' metacognitive and affective processes in learning native language. Factor analysis of the items revealed four different factors that accounted for 38.4% of the explained variance: two metacognitive (strategies of learning and solving tasks in Slovenian, searching for meaning and understanding in Slovenian) and two affective (experiencing fear of Slovenian, feelings of success and interest in Slovenian). Further analysis showed negative correlations between achievement and these factors: searching for meaning and understanding in Slovenian, experiencing fear of Slovenian. Positive correlation was found between achievement and the factor feelings of success and interest in Slovenian. In conclusion, implications for educational practice are discussed
Stress and Perception of School Satisfaction on a Sample of Slovene Primary School Students
The aim of our research was to determine the relationships between experiencing stress, coping strategies, coping self-efficacy and primary school students' school satisfaction. We were also interested in the predictive power of these variables on school satisfaction. A total of 512 students from the seventh, eighth and ninth grades participated in this study and the results show that primary school students which are feeling stressed are less satisfied with school. There is a negative correlation between stress and coping self-efficacy and a positive correlation between coping self-efficacy and instrumental-interactive coping strategies. Palliative coping strategies are negatively correlated with coping self-efficacy and school satisfaction, while instrumentalinteractive coping strategies are positively correlated with school satisfaction. Results showed that instrumental-interactive and palliative coping strategies, as well as physical stressors, are very important predictors of school satisfaction. All the results have both theoretical and practical implications for coping with stress in primary school