7 research outputs found

    Numerical evaluation of the fidelity error threshold for the surface code

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    We study how the resilience of the surface code is affected by the coupling to a non-Markovian environment at zero temperature. The qubits in the surface code experience an effective dynamics due to the coupling to the environment that induces correlations among them. The range of the effective induced qubit-qubit interaction depends on parameters related to the environment and the duration of the quantum error correction cycle. We show numerically that different interaction ranges set different intrinsic bounds on the fidelity of the code. These bounds are unrelated to the error thresholds based on stochastic error models. We introduce a definition of stabilizers based on logical operators that allows us to efficiently implement a Metropolis algorithm to determine upper bounds to the fidelity error threshold

    Theoretical and Numerican Studies of Phase Transitions and Error Thresholds in Topological Quantum Memories

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    This dissertation is the collection of a progressive research on the topic of topological quantum computation and information with the focus on the error threshold of the well-known models such as the unpaired Majorana, the toric code, and the planar code. We study the basics of quantum computation and quantum information, and in particular quantum error correction. Quantum error correction provides a tool for enhancing the quantum computation fidelity in the noisy environment of a real world. We begin with a brief introduction to stabilizer codes. The stabilizer formalism of the theory of quantum error correction gives a well-defined description of quantum codes that is used throughout this dissertation. Then, we turn our attention to a quite new subject, namely, topological quantum codes. Topological quantum codes take advantage of the topological characteristics of a physical many-body system. The physical many-body systems studied in the context of topological quantum codes are of two essential natures: they either have intrinsic interaction that self-corrects errors, or are actively corrected to be maintained in a desired quantum state. Examples of the former are the toric code and the unpaired Majorana, while an example for the latter is the surface code. A brief introduction and history of topological phenomena in condensed matter is provided. The unpaired Majorana and the Kitaev toy model are briefly explained. Later we introduce a spin model that maps onto the Kitaev toy model through a sequence of transformations. We show how this model is robust and tolerates local perturbations. The research on this topic, at the time of writing this dissertation, is still incomplete and only preliminary results are represented. As another example of passive error correcting codes with intrinsic Hamiltonian, the toric code is introduced. We also analyze the dynamics of the errors in the toric code known as anyons. We show numerically how the addition of disorder to the physical system underlying the toric code slows down the dynamics of the anyons. We go further and numerically analyze the presence of time-dependent noise and the consequent delocalization of localized errors. The main portion of this dissertation is dedicated to the surface code. We study the surface code coupled to a non-interacting bosonic bath. We show how the interaction between the code and the bosonic bath can effectively induce correlated errors. These correlated errors may be corrected up to some extend. The extension beyond which quantum error correction seems impossible is the error threshold of the code. This threshold is analyzed by mapping the effective correlated error model onto a statistical model. We then study the phase transition in the statistical model. The analysis is in two parts. First, we carry out derivation of the effective correlated model, its mapping onto a statistical model, and perform an exact numerical analysis. Second, we employ a Monte Carlo method to extend the numerical analysis to large system size. We also tackle the problem of surface code with correlated and single-qubit errors by an exact mapping onto a two-dimensional Ising model with boundary fields. We show how the phase transition point in one model, the Ising model, coincides with the intrinsic error threshold of the other model, the surface code

    Fidelity threshold of the surface code beyond single-qubit error models

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    The surface code is a promising alternative for implementing fault-tolerant, large-scale quantum information processing. Its high threshold for single-qubit errors under stochastic noise is one of its most attractive features. We develop an exact formulation for the fidelity of the surface code that allows us to probe much further on this promise of strong protection. This formulation goes beyond the stochastic single-qubit error model approximation and can take into account both correlated errors and inhomogeneities in the coupling between physical qubits and the environment. For the case of a bit-flipping environment, we map the complete evolution after one quantum error correction cycle onto the problem of computing correlation functions of a two-dimensional Ising model with boundary fields. Exact results for the fidelity threshold of the surface code are then obtained for several relevant types of noise. Analytical predictions for a representative case are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations

    Hybrid Quantum-Classical Eigensolver without Variation or Parametric Gates

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    The use of near-term quantum devices that lack quantum error correction, for addressing quantum chemistry and physics problems, requires hybrid quantum-classical algorithms and techniques. Here, we present a process for obtaining the eigenenergy spectrum of electronic quantum systems. This is achieved by projecting the Hamiltonian of a quantum system onto a limited effective Hilbert space specified by a set of computational bases. From this projection, an effective Hamiltonian is obtained. Furthermore, a process for preparing short depth quantum circuits to measure the corresponding diagonal and off-diagonal terms of the effective Hamiltonian is given, whereby quantum entanglement and ancilla qubits are used. The effective Hamiltonian is then diagonalized on a classical computer using numerical algorithms to obtain the eigenvalues. The use case of this approach is demonstrated for ground state and excited states of BeH2 and LiH molecules, and the density of states, which agrees well with exact solutions. Additionally, hardware demonstration is presented using IBM quantum devices for H2 molecule

    Fidelity threshold of the surface code beyond single-qubit error models

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    The surface code is one the most promising alternatives for implementing fault-tolerant, large-scale quantum information processing. Its high threshold for single-qubit errors under stochastic noise is one of its most attrative features. We develop an exact formulation for the fidelity of the surface code that allows us to probe much further on this promise of strong protection. This formulation goes beyond the stochastic single-qubit error model approximation and can take into account both correlated errors and inhomogeneities in the coupling between physical qubits and the environment. For the case of a bit-flipping environment, we map the complete evolution after one quantum error correction cycle onto the problem of computing correlation functions of a two-dimensional Ising model with boundary fields. Exact results for the fidelity threshold of the surface code are then obtained for several relevant types of noise. Analytical predictions for a representative case are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; revised and extended versio