7 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of "an American haboob"

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    A dust storm of fearful proportions hit Phoenix in the early evening hours of 5 July 2011. This storm, an American haboob, was predicted hours in advance because numerical, land-atmosphere modeling, computing power and remote sensing of dust events have improved greatly over the past decade. High-resolution numerical models are required for accurate simulation of the small scales of the haboob process, with high velocity surface winds produced by strong convection and severe downbursts. Dust productive areas in this region consist mainly of agricultural fields, with soil surfaces disturbed by plowing and tracks of land in the high Sonoran Desert laid barren by ongoing draught. Model simulation of the 5 July 2011 dust storm uses the coupled atmospheric-dust model NMME-DREAM (Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale Model on E grid, Janjic et al., 2001; Dust REgional Atmospheric Model, Nickovic et al., 2001; Perez et al., 2006) with 4 km horizontal resolution. A mask of the potentially dust productive regions is obtained from the land cover and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The scope of this paper is validation of the dust model performance, and not use of the model as a tool to investigate mechanisms related to the storm. Results demonstrate the potential technical capacity and availability of the relevant data to build an operational system for dust storm forecasting as a part of a warning system. Model results are compared with radar and other satellite-based images and surface meteorological and PM10 observations. The atmospheric model successfully hindcasted the position of the front in space and time, with about 1 h late arrival in Phoenix. The dust model predicted the rapid uptake of dust and high values of dust concentration in the ensuing storm. South of Phoenix, over the closest source regions (similar to 25 km), the model PM10 surface dust concentration reached similar to 2500 mu g m(-3), but underestimated the values measured by the PM10 stations within the city. Model results are also validated by the MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD), employing deep blue (DB) algorithms for aerosol loadings. Model validation included Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO), equipped with the lidar instrument, to disclose the vertical structure of dust aerosols as well as aerosol subtypes. Promising results encourage further research and application of high-resolution modeling and satellite-based remote sensing to warn of approaching severe dust events and reduce risks for safety and health

    Upravljanje kvalitetom u organskoj proizvodnji i preradi mleka

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    Organic production of milk and milk products with the mark of 'organic products' requires certain acquaintance of some rules that have been established through the organic production standards. Producers as well as the processors must completly and timely be informed about the necessary conditions and how to manage in accordance with organic production standards. Proper quality managing in farm milk production as well as in the milk processing generate some preconditions for manufacturing of milk products that are more healthy, high nutrition valued, with better flavor properties and which positively influence the sustainable development of the human society, environmental protection and better social quality.Organska poljoprivreda predstavlja sveukupan sistem upravljanja poljoprivredom i proizvodnjom hrane. Kombinovan sa zaštitom životne sredine uz očuvanje biodiverziteta i prirodnih resursa je osnova za kvalitetnu i bezbednu hranu, socijalnu sigurnost i održivi razvoj. U ovom radu istraživanje je skoncentrisano na specijalne teme, tačnije rečeno na bezbednost mleka na farmama koje rade po principima organske proizvodnje, zatim na kvalitet mleka i kontrolu kvaliteta. Sumirani su koraci uvođenja HACCP sistema na porodičnim farmama koje su specijalizovane za proizvodnju sirovog mleka. Kvalitet sirovog mleka je osnovni preduslov za proizvodnju kvalitetnih mlečnih proizvoda a kako je praksa u Srbiji malo drugačija od zahteva EU, njegova važnost će biti još veća posle ulaska u EU. Rezultati istraživanja na oglednim farmama i mlekari u Južnobačkom okrugu (Fruška gora) su dobijeni u okviru projekta BTN 20100. Okolnosti proizvodnje bile su dosta dobre, s obzirom da je područje Fruške gore dosta izolovano i izgleda kao prava prirodna oaza. Nema zagađenja iz okoline, stoka dosta vremena provodi na pašnjacima, rasni sastav je većinom domaće šareno goveče koje je otporno i zdravo, voda je dobrog kvaliteta i ima niz drugih predispozicija za organsku stočarsku proizvodnju. Ova istraživanja imala su nekoliko različitih koraka u upravljanju kvalitetom, od ispitivanja postojećih uslova, zatim ulazak u period konverzije i priprema za organsku proizvodnju

    A methodology for investigating dust model performance using synergistic EARLINET/AERONET dust concentration retrievals

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    Systematic measurements of dust concentration profiles at a continental scale were recently made possible by the development of synergistic retrieval algorithms using combined lidar and sun photometer data and the establishment of robust remote-sensing networks in the framework of Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infra-Structure Network (ACTRIS)/European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). We present a methodology for using these capabilities as a tool for examining the performance of dust transport models. The methodology includes considerations for the selection of a suitable data set and appropriate metrics for the exploration of the results. The approach is demonstrated for four regional dust transport models (BSC-DREAM8b v2, NMMB/BSC-DUST, DREAM-ABOL, DREAM8-NMME-MACC) using dust observations performed at 10 ACTRIS/EARLINET stations. The observations, which include coincident multi-wavelength lidar and sun photometer measurements, were processed with the Lidar-Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) to retrieve aerosol concentration profiles. The methodology proposed here shows advantages when compared to traditional evaluation techniques that utilize separately the available measurements such as separating the contribution of dust from other aerosol types on the lidar profiles and avoiding model assumptions related to the conversion of concentration fields to aerosol extinction values. When compared to LIRIC retrievals, the simulated dust vertical structures were found to be in good agreement for all models with correlation values between 0.5 and 0.7 in the 1-6 km range, where most dust is typically observed. The absolute dust concentration was typically underestimated with mean bias values of -40 to -20 mu g m(-3) at 2 km, the altitude of maximum mean concentration. The reported differences among the models found in this comparison indicate the benefit of the systematic use of the proposed approach in future dust model evaluation studies

    Ribavirin reduces clinical signs and pathological changes of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in dark Agouti rats

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    The effect of ribavirin on development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was investigated. The disease was induced in genetically susceptible Dark Agouti rats with syngeneic spinal cord homogenate in complete Freund's adjuvant (SCH-CFA). Depending on the amount of mycobacteria in CFA, the animals developed either moderate or severe EAE. Ribavirin (1-beta-Dribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide) was applied i.p. at a daily dosage of 30 mg/kg in two treatment protocols: from the start of immunization (preventive treatment) or from the onset of the first EAE signs after the induction (therapeutic treatment). Signs of EAE began between 7 and 9 days after induction and peaked at days 11-13. In moderate EAE (mean maximal severity score 3.33 +/- 0.21), the recovery was completed by days 23-26, whereas, in severe EAE (mean maximal severity score 4.5 +/- 0.23), obvious recovery was not detected. Preventive ribavirin treatment significantly decreased clinical signs after both moderate (score 1.75 +/- 0.25, P < 0.05) and severe (score 3.62 +/- 0.31, P < 0.015) immunization. Also, disease manifestations were reduced by therapeutic treatment of ribavirin (mean maximal severity score 2.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.33 +/- 0.21 in controls, P < 0.005) but less so in comparison with preventive treatment. Analysis of the effects of ribavirin on histopathologic changes in the spinal cord tissue revealed a reduction of mononuclear cell infiltrates, composed of T cells and macrophages/microglia, and the absence of demyelination, which were pronounced in control EAE animals. Beneficial effects of preventive and therapeutic treatment with ribavirin on development of EAE suggest this nucleoside analogue as a useful candidate for therapy in multiple sclerosis. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.nul

    Ribavirin reduces clinical signs and pathological changes of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in dark Agouti rats

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    The effect of ribavirin on development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was investigated. The disease was induced in genetically susceptible Dark Agouti rats with syngeneic spinal cord homogenate in complete Freund's adjuvant (SCH-CFA). Depending on the amount of mycobacteria in CFA, the animals developed either moderate or severe EAE. Ribavirin (1-beta-Dribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide) was applied i.p. at a daily dosage of 30 mg/kg in two treatment protocols: from the start of immunization (preventive treatment) or from the onset of the first EAE signs after the induction (therapeutic treatment). Signs of EAE began between 7 and 9 days after induction and peaked at days 11-13. In moderate EAE (mean maximal severity score 3.33 +/- 0.21), the recovery was completed by days 23-26, whereas, in severe EAE (mean maximal severity score 4.5 +/- 0.23), obvious recovery was not detected. Preventive ribavirin treatment significantly decreased clinical signs after both moderate (score 1.75 +/- 0.25, P < 0.05) and severe (score 3.62 +/- 0.31, P < 0.015) immunization. Also, disease manifestations were reduced by therapeutic treatment of ribavirin (mean maximal severity score 2.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.33 +/- 0.21 in controls, P < 0.005) but less so in comparison with preventive treatment. Analysis of the effects of ribavirin on histopathologic changes in the spinal cord tissue revealed a reduction of mononuclear cell infiltrates, composed of T cells and macrophages/microglia, and the absence of demyelination, which were pronounced in control EAE animals. Beneficial effects of preventive and therapeutic treatment with ribavirin on development of EAE suggest this nucleoside analogue as a useful candidate for therapy in multiple sclerosis. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.nul