5 research outputs found

    UPMSat-2 Micro-Satellite: In-orbit Technological Demonstration for Education and Science

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    The UPMSat-2 micro-satellite was launched on September the 3rd 2020 at 01:51:10 UTC from Kourou spaceport in French Guyana. The VV16 Vega Flight has been the first low Earth orbit rideshare commercial flight with a total of 53 satellites (7 of them micro-satellites) to be released by the launch vehicle, arranged in the modular SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) dispenser. UPMSat-2 is an educational, scientific and in-orbit technological demonstration microsatellite project led by the IDR/UPM research institute from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. This mission can be considered as a logical extension of the IDR/UPM Institute activities focused on designing small satellites to be used as educational platforms of first level. Thereby, UPMSat-2 (as well as its precursor, the UPMSat-1) has the main objective to give students the competences for designing, analyzing, manufacturing, integrating, testing and operating the platform. UPMSat-2 also includes a set of scientific payloads and equipment to be tested in space, provided by research institutions and private companies. The UPMSat-2 is a 50 kg-class microsatellite developed for a 2-year LEO mission with a geometrical envelope of 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.6 m. Since launch, the satellite is orbiting the Earth in a sun-synchronous orbit of 500 km of altitude, passing over the IDR/UPM ground station four times a day. The satellite operation is being carried out by students and professors of the Master in Space Systems (MUSE), an official Master’s program of UPM organized by IDR/UPM. This work describes the most relevant characteristics of UPMSat-2, its payloads, technological contributions, and the main activities performed up to the launch, including participation in the launch campaign in French Guyana. The lessons learned during the mission are also summarized. Finally, the importance and benefits of incorporating actual space systems design and development within academic programs is also emphasized, as it improves these programs with constant and direct feedback

    Determinación experimental de la transferencia de calor por convección en hilos finos en atmósferas enrarecidas

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    En los últimos años las misiones espaciales a Marte y a las capas altas de la atmósfera están en auge, lo que aumenta el interés en el ámbito de la transferencia de calor en gases enrarecidos. A estas bajas presiones, los problemas de transferencia de calor que implican pequeñas geometrías cuya longitud característica es del mismo orden que el camino libre medio molecular engloban nuevos obstáculos. Esto es especialmente perceptible en el caso de la convección natural o convección libre, donde la velocidad del fluido está fuertemente ligada al problema de la transferencia de calor. A este respecto se manifiesta un menor efecto de la convección en hilos muy delgados cuando estos interaccionan con la atmósfera que los rodea a bajas presiones. Esto implica que la transferencia de calor entre el hilo y la atmósfera es menor ya que el hilo puede encontrarse en régimen de transición (o incluso régimen molecular libre) o cercano a él y no en el régimen continuo donde el efecto de la convección es mayor. Para el régimen de transición existen muy escasos estudios realizados en este contexto y las correlaciones existentes válidas para régimen continuo no son aplicables en el régimen de transición ya que sus predicciones se desvían notablemente de los pocos resultados experimentales publicados para el régimen de transición. Por este motivo se ha visto necesario realizar una investigación experimental de la que se obtendrán resultados para este régimen de flujo y que serán contrastados con los ya publicados a fin de sintetizar una correlación para el cálculo de la transferencia de calor por convección natural en hilos delgados horizontales. Para este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo una investigación experimental en las instalaciones del Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR) perteneciente a la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. En esta investigación se han realizado experimentos con hilos horizontales y verticales de diámetros 12.7 y 25 μm en una cámara de vacío fabricada a tal efecto, con presiones interiores que varían desde 0.03 mbar hasta presión ambiente. Los hilos se calientan eléctricamente por efecto Joule alcanzando temperaturas de hasta 100 ºC. Los resultados experimentales abarcan valores de número de Rayleigh de 10‒13 a 10‒5 lo que cubre un amplio intervalo desde el flujo molecular libre hasta régimen continuo. Particularmente, se ha estudiado el régimen de transición, en el intervalo del número de Knudsen de 0.1 a 10, donde la dispersión de los resultados experimentales muestran que la transferencia de calor por convección natural no puede representarse únicamente como función del número de Rayleigh, sino que el efecto de la convección depende también del número de Knudsen. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo para valores del número de Rayleigh por debajo de 10‒8 muestran una clara separación respecto de las correlaciones disponibles en la literatura publicada. Por este motivo, para la correlación empírica propuesta para el cálculo del número de Nusselt para hilos delgados horizontales en convección natural válida desde el régimen de transición hasta el régimen continuo se han introducido tanto el número de Rayleigh como el número de Knudsen. El presente trabajo arroja luz sobre los actuales problemas térmicos en ingeniería que involucran hilos muy delgados en sus sistemas y que interaccionan con el fluido que les rodea con un significativo grado de rarefacción. Sistemas como los sensores de temperatura, de funcionamiento basado en hilos termopares, que pretenden medir la temperatura de la atmósfera de Marte se ven afectados por una baja transferencia de calor por convección natural. Estos sistemas pueden beneficiarse de esta investigación, mejorando su modelado térmico con una estimación de la transferencia de calor por convección natural más precisa. Además, no se han encontrado en la literatura publicada otros resultados en el rango de los valores de número de Rayleigh más bajos estudiados en este trabajo por lo que la publicación de los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación puede ayudar a este respecto. A lo largo de este documento se explicará en detalle la problemática de la transferencia de calor en hilos delgados en convección natural para atmósferas enrarecidas y se estudiarán otros trabajos publicados relacionados con esta temática. Se expondrá el modelo matemático que describe el problema térmico, también se detalla la instalación experimental y los procedimientos de medida utilizados y se realiza el correspondiente análisis de incertidumbre sobre las variables de interés. Los resultados obtenidos son discutidos y comparados con los de publicaciones anteriores a fin de sintetizar la correlación empírica para hilos horizontales. Por último se resumen las conclusiones extraídas de esta investigación y se proponen aplicaciones prácticas de la misma, así como posibles líneas de investigación futuras. ----------ABSTRACT---------- Mars and upper Earth atmosphere missions are booming in recent years increasing the interest in heat transfer in rarefied gases. At these low pressures, the heat transfer problems involving small geometries whose characteristic length is of the order of the mean free path of the gas molecules, raises new difficulties. This being especially severe in the case of free convection, where the velocity of the gas is closely linked to the heat transfer problem. In this regard is has been observed a lesser effect of convection over very thin wires which interact with the surrounding atmosphere at lower pressures. It implies that the heat transfer between wire and atmosphere is weaker since the wire could be immersed in the transition regime (or even in the free molecular regime) or close to it and no longer in continuum regime when the effect of convection is greater. There are very few studies related with this matter in the transition regime and the existing correlations valid for the continuum regime are not applicable in the transition regime since their predictions are significantly deviated from the few published results for the transition regime. For this reason it has been necessary to work in an experimental investigation in order to obtain results in this flow regime, compare them with the already published ones and finally synthetize a correlation for the heat transfer estimation over thin horizontal wires in free convection. An experimental investigation has been done in the facilities of the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR) which belongs to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Experiments with horizontal wires with diameters of 12.7 and 25 μm were conducted in a tailored vacuum chamber with pressures from 0.03 millibar to ambient pressure, reaching wire temperatures up to 100 ºC. Experimental data is comprised of Rayleigh numbers from 10−13 to 10−5 that cover a wide range from free molecular flow to continuum regime. Particularly for the transition regime, with Knudsen numbers ranging between 0.1 and 10, the scattering of the experimental data shows that the free convection heat transfer cannot be represented solely as a function of the Rayleigh number, but a dependence on Knudsen number must be introduced as well. The presented results for the Nusselt number below Rayleigh numbers of 10−8 exhibit a clear departure from the available correlations in the literature. Because of this, an empirical correlation for free convection from horizontal thin wires from the transition to continuum regime is presented, which accounts for the dependence on Rayleigh and Knudsen numbers. The present work sheds light on current thermal engineering problems which involves very thin wires in their systems which interact with a surrounding environment with a significant level of rarefaction. Systems such as temperature sensors based on thermocouple wires for Mars atmosphere whose measurements are affected by a low free convection heat transfer, could benefit from this study gaining a better performance in modelling with a more accurate estimation of free convection heat transfer. Moreover, results in the range of the lowest values of Rayleigh number studied in this work have not been found in the published literature, so the publishing of the results obtained in the present research can help in this regard. In this document it will be explained in detail the heat transfer problem over very thin wires in free convection for rarefied atmospheres and former published works relating to this matter will be analysed. The mathematical model describing the heat transfer problems is presented and the experimental set up and the corresponding measuring methods are explained, as well as the pertinent uncertainty analyses over the variables of interest. The results obtained from the experiments are discussed and compared with previous published works in order to synthetize the empirical correlation for horizontal wires. Finally, conclusions extracted from this investigation are summarized and practical applications of this work are proposed as well as potential research lines in the future

    TASEC-Lab: A COTS-based CubeSat-like university experiment for characterizing the convective heat transfer in stratospheric balloon missions

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    The Thermal Analysis Support and Environment Characterization Laboratory (TASEC-Lab) is an experiment designed, integrated, and tested in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid by bachelor's, master's and doctoral students. The aim of this project is to study the convection heat transfer, the thermal environment and the balloon dynamics during the ascent and float phases of a stratospheric balloon launched from the León (Spain) airfield on 16th, July 2021. TASEC-Lab has been designed following the CubeSat philosophy using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. It consists of an aluminium structure of 130 × 130 × 330 mm3 with three compartments where the Electrical Power Subsystem, the Electronics, and the Heat Transfer Laboratory, are located. In addition, it carries a cup anemometer to be tested at the low-pressure conditions at high altitude to provide the relative speed of the balloon-gondola system in order to characterize the dynamics and the forced convection heat transfer. In this paper, the TASEC-Lab design is detailed as well as the different development phases considered in a university environment where all tasks were carried out by students, with the technical support of the research staff of the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio da Riva” (IDR) and the group of Sistemas de Tiempo Real y Arquitectura de Servicios Telemáticos (STRAST)

    Small-size satellite mission analysis at the IDR/UPM Concurrent Design Facility (CDF): Past and future challenges

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    The IDR/UPM Institute established a Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) for space mission design in 2011 This facility was intended for both academic use and technical work on space projects It is based on the Open Concurrent Design Tool from ESA, and it is improved every year by means of new modules developed by the students and the professors, collaborations with partners, challenges, etc