37,333 research outputs found

    The excitation operator approach to non-Markovian dynamics of quantum impurity models in the Kondo regime

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    We present a numerical method for studying the real time dynamics of a small interacting quantum system coupled to an infinite fermionic reservoir. By building an orthonormal basis in the operator space, we turn the Heisenberg equation of motion into a system of linear differential equations, which is then solved iteratively by constructing excitation operators. The application of our method depends on a layer structure in the operator space, which help us to turn an infinite linear system into a series of small systems. We apply the method to investigate the decoherence dynamics of quantum impurity models in the Kondo regime with a non-Markovian reservoir. Taking full account of environmental back-actions and electron-electron interactions, we find that the coexistence of the Kondo correlation and a non-Markovian reservoir induces coherence ringings, which will be suppressed by either driving the system away from the particle-hole symmetric point or changing the reservoir into a Markovian one.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on interdependent networks with Prisoner's Dilemma and Snowdrift Game

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    The world in which we are living is a huge network of networks and should be described by interdependent networks. The interdependence between networks significantly affects the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on them. Meanwhile, due to the diversity and complexity of social and biological systems, players on different networks may not interact with each other by the same way, which should be described by multiple models in evolutionary game theory, such as the Prisoner's Dilemma and Snowdrift Game. We therefore study the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on two interdependent networks playing different games respectively. We clearly evidence that, with the increment of network interdependence, the evolution of cooperation is dramatically promoted on the network playing Prisoner's Dilemma. The cooperation level of the network playing Snowdrift Game reduces correspondingly, although it is almost invisible. In particular, there exists an optimal intermediate region of network interdependence maximizing the growth rate of the evolution of cooperation on the network playing Prisoner's Dilemma. Remarkably, players contacting with other network have advantage in the evolution of cooperation than the others on the same network.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Density matrix of chaotic quantum systems

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    The nonequilibrium dynamics in chaotic quantum systems denies a fully understanding up to now, even if thermalization in the long-time asymptotic state has been explained by the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis which assumes a universal form of the observable matrix elements in the eigenbasis of Hamiltonian. It was recently proposed that the density matrix elements have also a universal form, which can be used to understand the nonequilibrium dynamics at the whole time scale, from the transient regime to the long-time steady limit. In this paper, we numerically test these assumptions for density matrix in the models of spins.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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