67 research outputs found

    Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on interdependent networks with Prisoner's Dilemma and Snowdrift Game

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    The world in which we are living is a huge network of networks and should be described by interdependent networks. The interdependence between networks significantly affects the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on them. Meanwhile, due to the diversity and complexity of social and biological systems, players on different networks may not interact with each other by the same way, which should be described by multiple models in evolutionary game theory, such as the Prisoner's Dilemma and Snowdrift Game. We therefore study the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation on two interdependent networks playing different games respectively. We clearly evidence that, with the increment of network interdependence, the evolution of cooperation is dramatically promoted on the network playing Prisoner's Dilemma. The cooperation level of the network playing Snowdrift Game reduces correspondingly, although it is almost invisible. In particular, there exists an optimal intermediate region of network interdependence maximizing the growth rate of the evolution of cooperation on the network playing Prisoner's Dilemma. Remarkably, players contacting with other network have advantage in the evolution of cooperation than the others on the same network.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Boosting Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Segmentation via Query-Guided Enhancement

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    Although extensive research has been conducted on 3D point cloud segmentation, effectively adapting generic models to novel categories remains a formidable challenge. This paper proposes a novel approach to improve point cloud few-shot segmentation (PC-FSS) models. Unlike existing PC-FSS methods that directly utilize categorical information from support prototypes to recognize novel classes in query samples, our method identifies two critical aspects that substantially enhance model performance by reducing contextual gaps between support prototypes and query features. Specifically, we (1) adapt support background prototypes to match query context while removing extraneous cues that may obscure foreground and background in query samples, and (2) holistically rectify support prototypes under the guidance of query features to emulate the latter having no semantic gap to the query targets. Our proposed designs are agnostic to the feature extractor, rendering them readily applicable to any prototype-based methods. The experimental results on S3DIS and ScanNet demonstrate notable practical benefits, as our approach achieves significant improvements while still maintaining high efficiency. The code for our approach is available at https://github.com/AaronNZH/Boosting-Few-shot-3D-Point-Cloud-Segmentation-via-Query-Guided-EnhancementComment: Accepted to ACM MM 202

    Social Media Promotion: Likers vs. Doubters?

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    The social media has emerged as an appealing new channel for firms to promote prod- ucts/services. A fundamental but largely unanswered question is how would the firm use social media to promote products. We address the question by focusing on the movie in- dustry and developing a dynamic game-theoretic model. We assume that: 1) firm intends to build its market reputation; 2) consumers always prefer to watch a high-quality movie. Our model suggests that, it can be optimal for a rational firm to underrate the movie. More specifically, we find that the movie distribution firm would have incentives to overrate the movie even if they observe that the movie quality is low. Furthermore, we show that as long as there is a properly designed uncertainty resolution mechanism, the adoption of social media could alleviate the “Lemon” problem in the movie market, which in turn, improves market efficiency

    Gold on graphene as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering study

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    In this paper, we report our study on gold (Au) films with different thicknesses deposited on single layer graphene (SLG) as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for the characterization of rhodamine (R6G) molecules. We find that an Au film with a thickness of ~7 nm deposited on SLG is an ideal substrate for SERS, giving the strongest Raman signals for the molecules and the weakest photoluminescence (PL) background. While Au films effectively enhance both the Raman and PL signals of molecules, SLG effectively quenches the PL signals from the Au film and molecules. The former is due to the electromagnetic mechanism involved while the latter is due to the strong resonance energy transfer from Au to SLG. Hence, the combination of Au films and SLG can be widely used in the characterization of low concentration molecules with relatively weak Raman signals.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Fatty acid analysis reveals the trophic interactions among organisms in the Zhelin Bay Marine Ranch

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    The fatty acid composition in organisms can reflect the trophic level, feeding habits, and utilization of local resources. In the present study, the living resources of different functional areas (artificial reef area, shellfish area, macroalgae area) in the Zhelin Bay Marine Ranch were investigated, and fatty acid analysis was used to elucidate the trophic relations across the food web. The results showed that 22:6ω3 FA (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA), 20:5ω3 FA (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA), 16:1ω7 FA, and 16:0 FA are fatty acid biomarkers that distinguish carnivorous, omnivorous, and herbivorous organisms. The ratios of DHA/EPA, polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids (PUFA/SFA), and sum of ω3 fatty acids/sum of ω6 fatty acids (Σω3/Σω6) can be used as an important basis to assess the trophic level and feeding habits of organisms. In the comparison of the food web structure of different functional areas, the DHA/EPA ratio of carnivorous organisms in the Artificial Reef area was higher than that in other functional areas due to the abundant living resources, indicating that the food web of the Artificial Reef area presents lower stability to cope with perturbations. Furthermore, MixSIAR was used to quantitatively estimate the diet composition of consumers in the Zhelin Bay Marine Ranch based on their fatty acids. The results of the present study are a valuable contribution to understanding the trophic relationships in the Zhelin Bay Marine Ranch and provide theoretical support for future planning and construction of marine ranches

    Overexpression of ZmIPT2 gene delays leaf senescence and improves grain yield in maize

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    Cytokinins (CTKs) are a major phytohormone group that are significant in the promotion of cellular division, growth, and divergence. Isopentenyl transferase (IPT) regulates a rate-limiting step in plant CTK synthesis, promotes the synthesis of isopentenyl adenonucleotides from 5-AMP and isopentenyl pyrophosphate, and then converts both these chemicals into various CTKs. Here, the full-length cDNA of ZmIPT2, which encodes 322 amino acids, was isolated and was introduced into a maize inbred line by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In both controlled environments and field experiments, the overexpression of ZmIPT2 gene in the transformed plants delayed leaf senescence. Compared to the receptor line, the transgenic maize lines retained higher chlorophyll levels, photosynthetic rates, and cytokinin content for an extended period of time, and produced significantly higher grain yield by a margin of 17.71–20.29% under normal field planting conditions. Subsequently, ten possible genes that interacted with ZmIPT2 were analyzed by qRT-PCR, showing that the expression pattern of GRMZM2G022904 was consistent with ZmIPT2 expression. Through comprehensive analysis, we screened for transgenic lines with stable inheritance of ZmIPT2 gene, clear functional efficiency, and significant yield improvement, in order to provide theoretical basis and material support for the breeding of new high-yield transgenic maize varieties

    Diagnostic Yields of Trio-WES Accompanied by CNVseq for Rare Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    ObjectiveThis study is to investigate the diagnostic yield of the combination of trio whole exome sequencing (Trio-WES) and copy number variation sequencing (CNVseq) for rare neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs).MethodsClinical data from consecutive pediatric patients who were diagnosed with rare NDDs that were suspected to be monogenic disorders, who were admitted to our hospital from April 2017 to March 2019, and who underwent next generation sequencing (NGS) were extracted from the medical records. Patients for whom Trio-WES and CNVseq data were available were enrolled in this study. Sanger sequencing was applied for the validation of the variants identified by Trio-WES. Sequence alignment and structural modeling were conducted for analyzing the possibility of the variants in the onset of the NDDs.ResultsIn total, 54 patients were enrolled in this study, with the median age of 15 (8–26) months. A total of 242 phenotypic abnormalities belonging to 20 different systems were identified in the cohort. Twenty-four patients were diagnosed by Trio-WES, eight patients were diagnosed by CNVseq, and one case was identified by both WES and CNVseq. Compared with Trio-WES, the diagnosis rate of Trio-WES accompanied by CNVseq was significantly higher (P = 0.016). Trio-WES identified 36 variants in 26 different genes, among which 27 variants were novel. CNVseq detected four duplications and eight deletions, ranging from 310 kb to 23.27 Mb. Our case examples demonstrated the high heterogeneity of NDDs and showed the challenges of rare NDDs for physicians.ConclusionThe significantly higher diagnosis rate of Trio-WES accompanied by CNVseq makes this strategy a potential alternative to the most widely used approaches for pediatric children with rare and undiagnosed NDDs