146 research outputs found

    More is simpler : effectively and efficiently assessing node-pair similarities based on hyperlinks

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    Similarity assessment is one of the core tasks in hyperlink analysis. Recently, with the proliferation of applications, e.g., web search and collaborative filtering, SimRank has been a well-studied measure of similarity between two nodes in a graph. It recursively follows the philosophy that "two nodes are similar if they are referenced (have incoming edges) from similar nodes", which can be viewed as an aggregation of similarities based on incoming paths. Despite its popularity, SimRank has an undesirable property, i.e., "zero-similarity": It only accommodates paths with equal length from a common "center" node. Thus, a large portion of other paths are fully ignored. This paper attempts to remedy this issue. (1) We propose and rigorously justify SimRank*, a revised version of SimRank, which resolves such counter-intuitive "zero-similarity" issues while inheriting merits of the basic SimRank philosophy. (2) We show that the series form of SimRank* can be reduced to a fairly succinct and elegant closed form, which looks even simpler than SimRank, yet enriches semantics without suffering from increased computational cost. This leads to a fixed-point iterative paradigm of SimRank* in O(Knm) time on a graph of n nodes and m edges for K iterations, which is comparable to SimRank. (3) To further optimize SimRank* computation, we leverage a novel clustering strategy via edge concentration. Due to its NP-hardness, we devise an efficient and effective heuristic to speed up SimRank* computation to O(Knm) time, where m is generally much smaller than m. (4) Using real and synthetic data, we empirically verify the rich semantics of SimRank*, and demonstrate its high computation efficiency

    Temporal Attention-Gated Model for Robust Sequence Classification

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    Typical techniques for sequence classification are designed for well-segmented sequences which have been edited to remove noisy or irrelevant parts. Therefore, such methods cannot be easily applied on noisy sequences expected in real-world applications. In this paper, we present the Temporal Attention-Gated Model (TAGM) which integrates ideas from attention models and gated recurrent networks to better deal with noisy or unsegmented sequences. Specifically, we extend the concept of attention model to measure the relevance of each observation (time step) of a sequence. We then use a novel gated recurrent network to learn the hidden representation for the final prediction. An important advantage of our approach is interpretability since the temporal attention weights provide a meaningful value for the salience of each time step in the sequence. We demonstrate the merits of our TAGM approach, both for prediction accuracy and interpretability, on three different tasks: spoken digit recognition, text-based sentiment analysis and visual event recognition.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 201

    Interacting Attention-gated Recurrent Networks for Recommendation

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    Capturing the temporal dynamics of user preferences over items is important for recommendation. Existing methods mainly assume that all time steps in user-item interaction history are equally relevant to recommendation, which however does not apply in real-world scenarios where user-item interactions can often happen accidentally. More importantly, they learn user and item dynamics separately, thus failing to capture their joint effects on user-item interactions. To better model user and item dynamics, we present the Interacting Attention-gated Recurrent Network (IARN) which adopts the attention model to measure the relevance of each time step. In particular, we propose a novel attention scheme to learn the attention scores of user and item history in an interacting way, thus to account for the dependencies between user and item dynamics in shaping user-item interactions. By doing so, IARN can selectively memorize different time steps of a user's history when predicting her preferences over different items. Our model can therefore provide meaningful interpretations for recommendation results, which could be further enhanced by auxiliary features. Extensive validation on real-world datasets shows that IARN consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted by ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 201

    Boosting Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Segmentation via Query-Guided Enhancement

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    Although extensive research has been conducted on 3D point cloud segmentation, effectively adapting generic models to novel categories remains a formidable challenge. This paper proposes a novel approach to improve point cloud few-shot segmentation (PC-FSS) models. Unlike existing PC-FSS methods that directly utilize categorical information from support prototypes to recognize novel classes in query samples, our method identifies two critical aspects that substantially enhance model performance by reducing contextual gaps between support prototypes and query features. Specifically, we (1) adapt support background prototypes to match query context while removing extraneous cues that may obscure foreground and background in query samples, and (2) holistically rectify support prototypes under the guidance of query features to emulate the latter having no semantic gap to the query targets. Our proposed designs are agnostic to the feature extractor, rendering them readily applicable to any prototype-based methods. The experimental results on S3DIS and ScanNet demonstrate notable practical benefits, as our approach achieves significant improvements while still maintaining high efficiency. The code for our approach is available at https://github.com/AaronNZH/Boosting-Few-shot-3D-Point-Cloud-Segmentation-via-Query-Guided-EnhancementComment: Accepted to ACM MM 202