16 research outputs found

    Definition of the unique human extraocular muscle allotype by expression profiling.

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    The extraocular muscles (EOMs) are a unique group of specialized muscles that are anatomically and physiologically distinct from other skeletal muscles. Perhaps the most striking characteristic of the EOMs is their differential sensitivity to disease. EOMs are spared in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) despite widespread involvement of other skeletal muscles. Conversely, they are early and prominent targets in myasthenia gravis and mitochondrial myopathies. It is unclear how EOMs achieve such specialization or a differential response to diseases; however, this has been attributed to a unique, group-specific pattern of gene expression or "allotype." To begin to address these issues as well as define the human EOM allotype, we analyzed the human EOM transcriptome using oligonucleotide-based expression profiling. Three hundred thirty-eight genes were found to be differentially expressed in EOM compared with quadriceps femoris limb muscle, using a twofold cutoff. Functional characterization revealed expression patterns corresponding to known metabolic and structural properties of EOMs such as expression of EOM-specific myosin heavy chain (MYH13) and high neural, vascular, and mitochondrial content, suggesting that the profiling was sensitive and specific. Genes related to myogenesis, stem cells, and apoptosis were detected at high levels in normal human EOMs, suggesting that efficient and continuous regeneration and/or myogenesis may be a mechanism by which the EOMs remain clinically and pathologically spared in diseases such as DMD. Taken together, this study provides insight into how human EOMs achieve their unique structural, metabolic, and pathophysiological properties

    Expression profiling reveals metabolic and structural components of extraocular muscles

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    The extraocular muscles (EOM) are anatomically and physiologically distinct from other skeletal muscles. EOM are preferentially affected in mitochondrial myopathies, but spared in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. The anatomical and pathophysiological properties of EOM have been attributed to their unique molecular makeup: an allotype. We used expression profiling to define molecular features of the EOM allotype. We found 346 differentially expressed genes in rat EOM compared with tibialis anterior, based on a twofold difference cutoff. Genes required for efficient, fatigue-resistant, oxidative metabolism were increased in EOM, whereas genes for glycogen metabolism were decreased. EOM also showed increased expression of genes related to structural components of EOM such as vessels, nerves, mitochondria, and neuromuscular junctions. Additionally, genes related to specialized functional roles of EOM such as the embryonic and EOM-specific myosin heavy chains and genes for muscle growth, development, and/or regeneration were increased. The EOM expression profile was validated using biochemical, structural, and molecular methods. Characterization of the EOM expression profile begins to define gene transcription patterns associated with the unique anatomical, metabolic, and pathophysiological properties of EOM

    The GD1a glycan is a cellular receptor for adenoviruses causing epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.

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    Adenovirus type 37 (Ad37) is a leading cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), a severe and highly contagious ocular disease. Whereas most other adenoviruses infect cells by engaging CD46 or the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), Ad37 binds previously unknown sialic acid-containing cell surface molecules. By glycan array screening, we show here that the receptor-recognizing knob domain of the Ad37 fiber protein specifically binds a branched hexasaccharide that is present in the GD1a ganglioside and that features two terminal sialic acids. Soluble GD1a glycan and GD1a-binding antibodies efficiently prevented Ad37 virions from binding and infecting corneal cells. Unexpectedly, the receptor is constituted by one or more glycoproteins containing the GD1a glycan motif rather than the ganglioside itself, as shown by binding, infection and flow cytometry experiments. Molecular modeling, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography reveal that the two terminal sialic acids dock into two of three previously established sialic acid-binding sites in the trimeric Ad37 knob. Surface plasmon resonance analysis shows that the knob-GD1a glycan interaction has high affinity. Our findings therefore form a basis for the design and development of sialic acid-containing antiviral drugs for topical treatment of EKC

    Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Effects of Cross-innervation of Murine Thyroarytenoid and Sternohyoid Muscles

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    This work uses cross-innervation of respiratory muscles of different developmental origins to probe myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms regulating their fiber types. The thyroarytenoid (TA) originates from the sixth branchial arch, whereas the sternohyoid (SH) is derived from somitic mesoderm. Immunohistochemical analysis using highly specific monoclonal antibodies to myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms reveals that normal rat SH comprises slow, 2a, 2x, and 2b fibers, as in limb fast muscles, whereas the external division of the TA has only 2b/eo fibers coexpressing 2B and extraocular (EO) MyHCs. Twelve weeks after cross-innervation with the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the SH retained slow and 2a fibers, greatly increased the proportion of 2x fibers, and their 2b fibers failed to express EO MyHC. In the cross-innervated TA, the SH nerve failed to induce slow and 2A MyHC expression and failed to suppress EO MyHC expression in 2b/eo fibers. However, 2x fibers amounting to 4.2% appeared de novo in the external division of the TA. We conclude that although MyHC gene expression in these muscles can be modulated by neural activity, the patterns of response to altered innervation are largely myogenically determined, thus supporting the idea that SH and TA differ in muscle allotype. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:1057–1065, 2010