87 research outputs found

    Metabolitos secundarios no fenólicos en el follaje de árboles y arbustos. Efecto en la fisiología digestiva de rumiantes

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    Using the foliage of trees and shrubs in ruminant feeding is an important alternative for the development of sustainable animal production; however, foliage contains antinutritional secondary compounds which act as defense mechanisms against microorganisms, insects, and predators. Nevertheless, some of these compounds can be beneficial for animals. There are several thousands of these compounds grouped according to the chemical substances that constitute them. The most relevant for ruminant nutrition are phenolic compounds (mainly tannins), nitrogen toxins (alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, toxic aminoacids, lecithin, and protease inhibitors), and terpenoids (fundamentally saponins). Some considerations on the non-phenolic secondary metabolites in the foliage of trees and shrubs and their effects on ruminant digestion physiology are discussed in this research paper.El uso del follaje de árboles y arbustos en la alimentación de los rumiantes es una importante alternativa para el desarrollo de una producción animal sostenible; sin embargo, presentan compuestos secundarios con actividad antinutricional, que actúan como mecanismos de defensa contra microorganismos, insectos y depredadores. No obstante, algunos de ellos pueden ser beneficiosos para los animales. Existen varios miles de estos compuestos, los que se agrupan según las sustancias químicas que los constituyen; los más relevantes para la nutrición de rumiantes son los compuestos fenólicos (principalmente taninos), toxinas nitrogenadas (alcaloides, glicósidos cianogénicos, aminoácidos tóxicos, lectinas e inhibidores de las proteasas) y terpenos (fundamentalmente saponinas). En este trabajo se realizan algunas consideraciones acerca de los metabolitos secundarios no fenólicos del follaje de árboles y arbustos y de su efecto en la fisiología digestiva de los rumiantes

    Season and Enterprise Effects on Cow Milk Production Indicators in Ciego de Ávila.

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    The effects of season and enterprise on cow milk production indicators between 2008 and 2012 in the province of Ciego de Ávila,  Cuba, are presented. Official information of the productive, economic, and financial indicators from the Economic and Production Departments of the enterprises evaluated was used. The mean productivity and effi-ciency indicators were calculated from the basic information collected. Descriptive statistical  analysis and variable comparisons between seasons and enterprises were made.  The bio-economic indicators in the rainy season  produced the least unfavorable results. More than one milk kg/cow was produced in the rainy season, and yields per area had a mean of 8.2 and 12.9 kg of milk/ha/month in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively.  Different results were observed in annual  efficiency and production  indicators, both primary and secondary.  Ruta  Invasora  was  the enterprise with the best productive results; whereas Orlando González Enterprise had the highest overall yields

    Bagazo rico en proteína (Bagarip ). Alimento animal obtenido por fermentación en estado sólido (Artículo recapitulativo)1

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    The outcome of the most outstanding experiences in using Bagarip (protein-rich-bagasse) as a kind of food for animals is generally outlined. Bagarip (Cuban Patent A23k 1/22 337) manufacturing is based on a solid fermentation of a filter cake mud and final molasses mixture on bagasse, using a yield strain as inoculum. This kind of animal food reaches raw fiber values lower than 15%, and true-protein values between 5 and 11% concerning its dry matter. Bagarip can substitute traditional animal food without any harmful effect on production and animal health: up to 11% for broilers, 20% for layers and pre-fattening swines, and 60% for fattening rabbits. Concerning milk production during dry season, a 1,8 milk/cow/day increase was registered without any variation in quality. Bagarip can be used as food intake in fowl, swines, and rabbits, as a partial substitute of traditional animal food and as a dietary supplement for ruminants fed with forage.Se recoge de forma general los resultados de las principales experiencias del uso del Bagarip (bagazo rico en proteína) en la alimentación animal. El Bagarip (Patente cubana A23K 1/22 337) se basa en la fermentación en estado sólido de una mezcla de cachaza y miel final, soportada en bagazo; como inóculo se utiliza, fundamentalmente, una cepa de levadura. Este alimento alcanza valores de fibra bruta inferiores a 15% y entre 5 y11% de proteína verdadera en su materia seca. Permite sustituir, sin efectos negativos en la producción y la salud animal, los alimentos tradicionales: hasta el 11% en pollos de ceba, el 20% en gallinas ponedoras y cerdos en pre-ceba y el 60% en conejos en ceba. En producción de leche durante la época seca se logró un incremento de 1,8 L de leche/vaca/día, sin alteraciones en su calidad. El Bagarip puede ser utilizado en la ración de las aves, cerdos y conejos como sustituto parcial de los alimentos tradicionales y como suplemento en la dieta de rumiantes alimentados con forrajes

    Indicadores del valor nutritivo del follaje de leguminosas arbustivas tropicales para rumiantes y cerdos

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    Nutritional value indicators of Albisia lebbeck, Calliandra surinamensis, Erythrina variegata, Gliricidia sepium, and Leucaena leucocephala for ruminant and swine feeding were determined. Chemical test, in vitro gas production technique, and movable nylon bag technique were applied. Raw protein concentrations ranged between 12,7 % and 23,1 %. Significant differences concerning in vitro gas production among species and food digestibility in swines were detected. A diet based on E. variegata foliage was better accepted by swines. E. variegata, L. leucocephala, and G. sepium showed the highest nutritional value for ruminants, while E. variegata, L. leucocephala, and A. lebbeck exhibited the highest digestibility values for swines.Se determinaron algunos indicadores del valor nutritivo de Albizia lebbeck, Calliandra surinamensis, Erythrina variegata, Gliricidia sepium y Leucaena leucocephala para rumiantes y cerdos. Se emplearon análisis químicos, la técnica de producción de gas in vitro y la de la bolsa móvil de nailon. Las concentraciones de proteína bruta estuvieron entre 12,7 y 23,1 %. Existieron diferencias significativas en la producción de gases entre especies, así como en las digestibilidades en cerdos. El follaje de E. variegata fue el más aceptado por los cerdos. Los follajes de E. variegata, L. leucocephala y G. sepium tienen el mejor valor nutritivo para los rumiantes, mientras que los follajes de E. variegata, L. leucocephala y A. lebbeck tienen las mejores digestibilidades en cerdos

    Efecto de la época y la empresa en indicadores de producción de leche vacuna en Ciego de Ávila.

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    Se presenta el efecto de la época y la empresa en indicadores de producción  de leche vacuna en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba,  entre los años 2008 y 2012.  Se tomó la información institucional de indicadores productivos, económicos y financieros de los Departamentos Económicos y de Producción de cada una de las empresas evaluadas. A partir de la información primaria obtenida se calcularon indicadores de productividad media  y eficiencia. Se reali-zaron análisis de estadística descriptiva y comparaciones de variables entre épocas y empresas.  Los indicadores bio-económicos tienen los resultados menos desfavorables en la época de lluvia; por ejemplo, se obtiene más de un kg de leche/vaca en época de lluvia y la producción por área tuvo una mediana de 8,2 y 12,9 kg de leche/ha/mes en seca y lluvia, respectivamente. Las empresas mostraron resultados diferentes en indicadores primarios y secundarios anuales de eficiencia y productividad: se destaca con mejores resultados productivos la Empresa Ruta Invasora.  La Em-presa Orlando González tuvo, de manera general, los menores desempeños.Season and Enterprise Effects on Cow Milk Production Indicators in Ciego de Ávila.ABSTRACTThe effects of season and enterprise on cow milk production indicators between 2008 and 2012 in  the province of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, are presented. Official information of the productive, economic, and financial indicators from the Economic and Production Departments of the enterprises evaluated  was used. The mean productivity and effi-ciency indicators were calculated from the basic information collected . Descriptive statistics analysis and variable comparisons between seasons and enterprises were made. The bio -economic indicators showed the least unfavorable results in the rainy season. More than one milk kg/cow is produced in the rainy season, and yields per area had a mean of 8.2 and 12.9 kg of milk/ha/month in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Different results were observed in annual  efficiency and production  indicators, both  primary and secondary.  Ruta  Invasora was the enterprise with the best productive results; where as Orlando Gonzalez enterprise  had the highest overall yields

    Lactobacillus pentosus for Animal Nutrition. Review article.

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    The aim of this review was to assess the role of Lactobacillus pentosus in feeds.  Several journals  of  poultry pro-duction, and others associated with animal production in general, were consulted. The main indicator was Lactobacillus. It was found that L. pentosus is a versatile species found in a variety of  environmental niches; it plays a signif-icant  role during  preparation of many fermented foods, as well as  in  secreting  various antimicrobial  substances, and it  contributes  to reduce  environmental pollution. Little research has beed done on  L. pentosus  role  in agricultural production of meat and poultry

    Sustainability of Cow Milk Production Units in Marcos Espines Jurisdiction, Tungurahua-Ecuador.

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    Physical and productive indicators were assessed in 70 cattle dairies (CaDa), along with the technical, environ-mental, economic and social  sustainability indicators of 10 CaDa in Marcos Espinel jurisdiction, Píllaro Canton, Tungurahua-Ecuador, and the dynamic behavior of these indicators for 10 years in a case CaDa. The CaDas averaged 150 l of milk/day, with animal production of 15 l of milk/day, stocking rate over two animals/ha  and herd made of 20-25 animals. Chemical fertilizers were widely used in the pasture lands; commercial supplements were used as well. The labor  costs were high; everything was associated to cost increases in milk production and a decrease in farm cost-effect indicators. The technical, social, and economic sustainability indicators accounted for 100 % im-pairment in the units; the environmental indicators revealed  positive values. However, the rate of special sustainable cattle raising indicated unsustainability for all the case CaDas.  The dynamic behavior of sustainability in the case CaDa  showed positive values  for some indicators, such as energy efficiency; and impairment of others,  such as economic sustainability. The study concluded that the CaDa had a generally unsustainable behavior